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1 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 1 of 17 Concursos de Projectos de I&D Calls for R&D Projects Voltar à descrição do projecto Back to project description Imprimir esta página Print this page Visão global da candidatura Application overview Ocultar todos as secções desta candidatura Hide all sections for this application Referência do projecto Project reference PTDC/SAU-ESA/103755/ Identificação do projecto 1. Project description Área científica principal Main Area Ciências da Saúde - Epidemiologia, Saúde Pública e Ambiente Área científica Secundária Secondary area Engenharia Informática - Engenharia Informática Título do projecto (em português) Project title (in portuguese) VirtualECare - Um Ambiente de Vida Assistida Título do projecto (em inglês) Project title (in english) VirtualECare - An Ambient Assisted Living Financiamento solicitado Requested funding ,00 Palavra-chave 1 Keyword 1 e-saúde e-health Palavra-chave 2 Keyword 2 Ambientes de Vida Assistida Ambient Assisted Living Palavra-chave 3 Keyword 3 Monotorização remota Remote Monitoring Palavra-chave 4 Keyword 4 Pro-Actividade Proactive Data de início do projecto Duração do projecto em meses Starting date Duration in months Instituições envolvidas 2. Institutions and their roles

2 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 2 of 17 Instituição Proponente Principal Contractor Universidade do Minho (UM) Largo do Paço Braga Instituição Participante Participating Institution Instituto Politécnico do Porto (IPP) Rua Dr. Roberto Frias Porto Unidade de Investigação Research Unit Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias de Computação (CCTC/UM) Dep. Informática, Campus de Gualtar Braga Unidade de Investigação Adicional Additional Research Unit Centro de Inovação e Investigação em Ciências Empresariais e Sistemas de Informação (CIICESI/ESTGF/IPP) Casa do Curral, Rua do Curral, Apt Felgueiras Instituição de Acolhimento Host Institution Universidade do Minho (UM) Largo do Paço Braga 3. Componente Científica 3. Scientific Component 3.1. Sumário 3.1 Summary 3.1.a Sumário Executivo (em português) 3.1.a Executive Summary (in Portuguese) De acordo com as Nações Unidas [1], o envelhecimento da população mundial foi uma das características marcantes do século vinte, prevendo-se o agravamento desta tendência durante o século vinte e um. Começou por ser uma questão associada aos países mais desenvolvidos, transformando-se num problema mesmo nas sociedades menos desenvolvidas [2], obrigando a repensar a política de saúde em todas as latitudes. De facto, a motivação principal para este projecto de investigação é a percepção de que existe uma escalada de custos que tornará insustentável o financiamento dos serviços de saúde, com a estrutura actual e para o contexto atrás referido [3, 4]. As consequências previsíveis são a diminuição da qualidade de serviço e a insuficiente ou, nalgumas regiões, mesmo inexistente oferta de cuidados especializados. Com toda a certeza, são necessárias alterações neste sector de serviços, e a resposta poderá estar na concretização de um novo paradigma nos cuidados de saúde, com recurso às novas tecnologias, adoptando novas metodologias na resolução de problemas, com o objectivo último de colocar no receptor o controlo da situação, para que possa almejar uma vida melhor. Os cuidados de saúde deixarão de estar concentrados nas instituições e serão centrados nos pacientes, ou em quaisquer outros tipos de utilizadores dos serviços, onde quer que eles estejam, resultando num serviço melhor e mais barato, quer para o receptor quer para o fornecedor [5, 6, 7]. Está já a surgir um conjunto de projectos na área da saúde, segundo esta nova abordagem, que procura responder ao desafio proposto [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. O nosso objectivo é levar estes sistemas mais além, reforçando-os com mecanismos cognitivos e de aprendizagem, para que possam adaptar-se ao perfil dos seus utilizadores e permitam uma assistência, na prática, nas suas próprias casas [13]. A equipa de investigação é multidisciplinar (inclui elementos das Ciências da Computação, da Medicina e do Direito) e possui experiência prévia em investigação nos domínios base do projecto, obtida nomeadamente num projecto de investigação que decorreu no Hospital de Santo António, na cidade do Porto, na área dos sistemas de informação aplicados à medicina e à saúde pública, e mais recentemente num projecto em Ambientes Inteligentes aplicados à esaúde [14, 16, 17]. O projecto VirtualECare [14] tem como objectivo uma arquitectura baseada em tecnologia de agentes, suportando ambientes computacionais que permitam monitorizar e prover cuidados de saúde personalizados àqueles que deles necessitem. Pretende reproduzir os aspectos fundamentais deste tipo de cuidados na própria residência dos utentes, cuidando de proporcionar um ambiente adequado, adaptado às preferência e necessidades pessoais, e dando acesso ao consumidor a um conjunto alargado de serviços domésticos. A arquitectura do VirtualECare é distribuída, desempenhando cada um dos seus nodos um papel diferente, com tarefas específicas, em diversos níveis de granularidade, desde o call center, o sistema de apoio à decisão em grupo até aos dispositivos de monitorização. Por outro lado, temos consciência de que, ao mesmo tempo que se desenvolvem as tecnologias da informação com impacto nos serviços de saúde, a competição entre fornecedores de serviços é cada vez mais agressiva. Para garantir a excelência na qualidade de serviço e obter uma vantagem competitiva, é necessário possuir a tecnologia mais avançada, para cativar o suporte dos pacientes e conseguir as parcerias adequadas. Finalmente, é importante referir que a utilização desta tecnologia permitirá integrar produtos e tecnologias de outros parceiros para fornecer uma solução integrada, baseada numa estratégia centrada no paciente, orientada ao serviço e suportada pela tecnologia. 3.1.b Sumário Executivo (em inglês) 3.1.b Executive Summary (in English)

3 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 3 of 17 According to the United Nations [1] human aging is one of the most distinctive demographic events of the twentieth century, and will surely remain paramount throughout the twenty-first century. Being initially a problem associated with the developed world, it turned into a nightmare of the undeveloped one [2], i.e., health care reform has become the leading policy issue in all latitudes. Indeed, the major thrust of all this research is on the perception that escalating costs make the current structure and financing of health care unsustainable [3, 4]. The consequences are on the dropping of the quality of service and the lack or inexistence of specialized care, i.e., there is no doubt that changes are needed in this sector, and the answer may well be on the introduction of new paradigms for the healthcare provision act, returning to new technologies, subscribing new methodologies for problem solving, with the primary objective of empowering the consumer, so that he/she can expect to have a better life. The health care services will no more be institution centred but, instead, will shift to the patient or consumer, resulting in a better and cheaper service for both the consumer and the supplier [5, 6, 7]. On the other hand, and under this new approach, there is an upcoming of healthcare projects that try to answer to this challenge [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. Our goal is to take these systems a step ahead, empowering them with creativeness and learning mechanisms, so that they may be able to adapt to its consumers profiles and provide assistance on a practical base in their living [13]. The research team is very multidisciplinary (people from Computer Science, Health and the Law field) and have previous work in the field, e.g., a research project in the Oporto Santo António Hospital gave the team experience in the field of information system applied to medicine and public health, and lately, a project in Ambient Intelligence applied to ehealth [14,16,17]. Indeed, the VirtualECare project [14] aims at a Multi-agent based architecture in support of any computational environment that seeks to monitor and provide personalized health care services to the ones in need. It reproduces all the fundamentals at a home setting, ranging from the owner himself/herself, with their proper behaviour or preferences, to the accessible utilities, i.e., the VirtualECare architecture will stand for a distributed one, with its different nodes answering for a different role, either in terms of a call center, a group decision support system or a monitoring device. On the other hand we are aware that, while the information technology is developing and inducing impact on healthcare provision, the competition among service suppliers is increasingly fierce, i.e., in order to keep an outstanding quality of care and industrial advantage, prominent technology and perfect service are needed to gain patient support and cooperation partners. Finally, it may be said that making use of this technology, we may be able to integrate products and technology of industry partners to provide core business, including system integrations and technical capital construction solutions, i.e., based on an operational strategy of patientoriented, service-focused, quality-first, and technology-depended, it will be possible to provide patients with an excellent sustaining added value and one-stop solution and service that can enhance their quality-of-living Técnica 3.2 Technical Revisão da Literatura Literature Review In this work we will attend to the functionalities provided by a batch of IT healthcare projects, namely to those that are listed below, trying to take them a step ahead, throughout the introduction of proactive non-invasive techniques into the monitoring process. Amigo Ambient Intelligence for the networked home environment This project was a consortium of fifteen European companies who joined efforts to exploit the potential of the common home networks and communication capabilities of devices and improve people s lives. Indeed, it is common that a house has several networks such as the electrical, Ethernet or wireless. The Amigo project [8] interconnects these networks enabling communication between all the intervenient devices. Over this Hardware, Amigo implements services in order to allow the empowerment of such environments and its users. This project constitutes a good starting point for an architecture which allows the deployment of high level services and applications that can provide comfort and security inside walls. Oxygen This project from MIT [9] has as main objective to make technology as available everywhere as the air we breathe. MIT vision is that in the future, computers are available everywhere, so that everyone can use them and we do not need to carry our own devices. They will also be very generic, configurable to fit all our needs in every moment. In order to do that, this project wants to make interactions between person and computer as natural as possible, using people s natural language or gestures. Several modules necessary for such a project to work have been developed. The Intelligent Room has a speech recognition system which receives and executes orders from people in the room. The Cricket/INS is a personal location system inside a building that uses a badge carried by the people being traced. It allows for services in the environment to follow the person as he/she moves from a room to another, adapting that room to the preferences or medical needs. I.L.S.A. The Independent Lifestyle Assistant This initiative from University of Minnesota [10] has as main objective to study the response of elderly to a monitoring computer system inside their houses and determine how such systems can help this people. They not only determined which are the main problems of elder people living alone, but they also implemented parts of a monitoring system in some test houses in real conditions. A group of sensors was placed in each house according to what was being monitored. The information from the sensors was read and sent to a central where it was studied. From this central, alerts where emitted if unusual behaviours were observed. Clients had a portable device from where they could check their agenda, change some system parameters and even communicate with caregivers. This is a project that directly interacted with a specific public: elder people living alone. It is however a purely reactive monitoring project. ReachMedia This project from MIT [11] consists of an RFID equipped wristband to provide us with on-the-move interaction with everyday objects. The wristband contains an RFID reader that will read the information from RFID tags in objects close to our hands. After this, important information is fetched and presented to the user in some interface. At this moment a phone is being used to fetch the information and the user listens to what is found. It is possible to identify persons according to the wristband, it is possible for a doctor to acquire information about a patient wearing one or listen to the information of a medical chart while walking instead of standing still and reading it. These applications, when used in AAL, may be of importance because they greatly increase the possibilities of the interactions with everyday objects.

4 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 4 of 17 Telecare The Telecare [12] project intends to develop a configurable framework for assisting elder people, based on the integration of federated data using a multi-agent based approach. A virtual network is therefore created, which connects their homes, the care or leisure centres, or even a virtual shop. It is throughout this virtual community that the elderly will communicate with the surrounding world, and will get tele-supervision and tele-assistance based services. However, all the projects referred to above suffer from the same symptom, i.e., tend to be simple remote monitoring systems, with none or very limited proactive capabilities, which is what we propose to introduce with the VirtualECare project [13]. Indeed, the main objective of this work is to present an intelligent multi-agent system able to monitor, interact and provide its customers with health care services of the utmost quality. In order to achieve this goal we will start to idealise and develop an architecture for an Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environment, where our work will be centred on the monitoring module, a module that will encompass some reactive behaviour, i.e., it will respond with standard actions when some predetermined events occur. Its behaviour will be driven by IF-THEN rules, rules that are not static and will adapt to the users profiles. It is here that we intend to innovate with the introduction of creativeness, namely in the form of Group Decision Support Systems for long term health care planning. This creativeness will be non-invasive, ensuring the patient s privacy through security policies, being also as transparent as possible, allowing the patient to be informed at all times on his/her call state, thus increasing the acceptance of the system Plano e Métodos Plan and Methods Quality on the welfare services in caring, and the trend to minimize the economical and social-political costs that come with such practice, due to the population aging are paramount nowadays, i.e., health care reform has become the leading policy issue in all latitudes [1,2]. Indeed, the major thrust of all this research is the perception that escalating costs make the current structure and financing of health care unsustainable. As a new reality, it has to be dealt with by the health sector, and namely by the public one. Hence, new findings and cost effective ways for health care delivery are of particular relevance, especially when one wants them (i.e., the patients) not to be removed from their habitat. Being these advantages a legitimate ones, we are trying to take it a step further, being proactive, looking at decision making techniques, idea generation, argumentation and data quality, not only when applied to the in transit information, but also to the service provided. We are looking at a new approach for knowledge representation and reasoning, even at a new approach for problem solving. In order to carry out with these goals we idealized the VirtualECare project, of which we are going to present its sustaining infrastructure in terms of its architecture, and how it may be used to simulate a virtual Assisted Living Environment and to monitor the real ones, attending to the needs of the supported users [14]. We also decided to look to the problem from the user perspective, i.e., the system not only will provide different services, but will be able to trace the ones more frequently used and to learn about the context in which they happen. As a result, we will have a system that will act and learn according to the preferences and habits of its users, and, simultaneously, will adapt to the environment with the objective of reducing the cost of its practices. The VirtualECare Architecture (Anexo1) is a distributed one, with their different modules interconnected through a network (e.g., LAN, MAN, WAN), each one with a different role. A top-level description of the architecture machinery is given below: SupportedUser elderly people with special health care needs, whose clinical data is sent to the CallCareCenter and redirected to the Group Decision Support System. The supported user should be continuously monitored, inside and outside its natural environment, so that the collected data is provided in real time to all the interested parts; Environment the elderly natural environment, fitted with sensors, with the clinical data being sent to the Group Decision Support System through the CallCareCenter, and the remaining one being redirected to the CallServiceCenter. The environment may be an user home, a hospital room or a day centre; Group Decision This module is in charge of the long term planning tasks, regarding the patients healthcare. It should be populated of specialized staff like nurses and doctors, as well as Recommendation Systems and tools for videoconferences; CallServiceCenter Entity with all the necessary computational and qualified personal resources, able to receive and analyze the diverse data and take the necessary actions according to it; CallCareCenter Entity in charge of computational and qualified personal resources (i.e., healthcare professionals and auxiliary personnel), capable of receiving and analyze the clinical data, and take the necessary actions according to it. The user may make voice calls to this service and request assistance or advises, to which the service should answer and, if necessary, contact other modules like the Group Decision; Relatives individuals that may have an active role in the supervising task of their love ones, being able to offer precious information, and to intervene in certain crises (e.g., loneliness). Being an important part of the equation, the relatives should also have access to the health status of the patient, so that they may be aware of its situation. In order to the Group Decision Support System to make its work, it has to collect the opinion of specialized staff (e.g., nurses, paediatrics, cardiologists). There is also the need to have a digital profile of the SupportedUser, allowing a better understanding of his/her special needs. In this profile we can have several different kinds of relevant information, ranging from the patient Electronic Clinic Process to their own personal preferences (e.g., musical, gastronomic) passing by their own personal experiences, which can be used to better understand and satisfy their needs and expectatives. This solution will help healthcare providers to integrate, analyze, and manage complex and disparate clinical, research and administrative data. It will provide tools and methodologies for creating an information-on-demand environment that can improve quality-of-living, safety, and quality of patient care. There is the need to find new solutions that ensure that all this ageing populations will have the deserved care. However, as healthcare costs are raising, it is obvious that social security systems will be unable to succeed in their obligations, so that new solutions are required, namely the ones that propose that specialized care must be provided at their premises. This may bring great advantages, since the elderly will be kept in their natural environments. But there is a problem; how to deliver such care? In order to answer to this question, we plan to develop a platform such that it will be possible to monitor both the elderly and their environments. It will be based on a digital framework that is sensitive and responsive to the presence of people, on an Ambient Intelligence one, or being more specific, on an Ambient Assisted Living one. This platform should be able to watch over the elder by taking care of its home, adjusting it to its needs or preferences, monitor its vital signs, assisting it in every possible way. But, by addressing just a part of the problem, one cannot solve the whole one. However, once it is service based, the platform may be seen as an independent monitoring module of a more complex system, like the VirtualECare one. By doing so, more services can be provided to the persons in need, and value may be added to the work already done. Therefore, and from the public health sector point of view, the main goals may be listed as follows:

5 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 5 of 17 To improve the quality of life; To increase the privacy and well being of its users; To lower economical costs; To establish simple contacts with other persons; and To have a quick response in case of need. The VirtualECare puts its users as it centerpieces, so that it must be emotionally and socially aware of its surroundings. Indeed, it needs to know: The user preferences, namely the water temperature in the shower, the TV programs, or the wake up time; The user needs, namely their medication or dietary restrictions, or if he/she is bored or tired; and The location and the surrounding circumstances (e.g., temperature, humidity, luminosity). The system also needs to understand the social relations that may develop inside a group, namely: Who is who and how they relate among themselves? Have their previous relations changed (e.g., A is angry with B)? Is this caller a threat or a friend?; or What to do when their preferences are in conflict? This information should be obtained through sensors in order to attain a minimal intervention from the consumer. However, it must be not forgotten that sensibility should play a major role in this work. The VirtualECare framework will continue to be enhanced. A more advanced aware module is being idealized and developed, which will rely on the relational model to computing, and will use extended logic programming as the vehicle to knowledge representation and reasoning. The raw data will be obtained from sensors, being later on structured in terms of the extensions of the predicates that make the universe of discourse [15]. To accomplish the objectives enumerated before we intend to follow the Action-Research methodology. This methodology starts by identifying the problem so that a hypothesis can be formulated on which the development will be based. Subsequently, the information is recompiled, organized and analyzed, continuously building a proposal for solving the identified problem. Finally, one can make its conclusions based on the results obtained during the investigation. For this research model to be followed, 6 (six) complementary stages have been defined, which will allow us to achieve the planned objectives. These points are described below, in the form: Specification of the problem and its characteristics; Constant and incremental update and review of the state of the art; Idealization and gradual and interactive development of the proposal model; Experimentation and implementation of the solution throughout the development of a prototype; Result analysis and formulation of conclusions; and Constant diffusion of knowledge, results obtained and experiences with the scientific community Tarefas Tasks Lista de tarefas (6) Task list (6) Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months State of the art ,6 da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results State of the art: o Other projects: Identify all the similar projects in the area, make a swot analysis of each one and learn from their weakness and strong s; Identify the several used technologies. o Technologic: Searching for new approaches for AmI implementation and deployment (e.g., sensors, frameworks, development languages). o Health Care: Identify the implemented solutions, in the health care sector, that, although insufficient, are being used to postpone the inevitable problem (e.g., basic alarm systems, health care centers, leisure centers) Expected results We expect to identify the main problems in the healthcare sector derivate from population aging and the technologies that we can use to address them. The results of this task are a very important contribution to the correct execution of the following tasks. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; Cesar Analide de Freitas e Silva da Costa Rodrigues; Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de Andrade; José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves; LUIS DA COSTA LIMA; Mário Nelson Morais Freitas; Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novais; Ricardo André Fernandes Costa; Designação da tarefa Data de início Data de fim Duração Pessoas * mês

6 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 6 of 17 Task denomination Start date End date Duration Person * months Definition of the VirtualECare archet ,4 da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results The VirtualECare Architecture is a distributed one with their different modules interconnected through a network, each one with a different role (Anexo1). A top-level description of the architecture is given below: SupportedUser elderly people with special health care needs, whose clinical data is sent to the CallCareCenter and redirected to the Group Decision Support System. This user should be constantly monitored, outside and outside its environment so the data must be provided in real time to the interested parts. It is the central component of the architecture and all the other components must work together to ensure its safety and well being; Environment the elderly natural environment, provided with sensors, with the clinical data being sent to the Group Decision Support System through the CallCareCenter, with the remaining ones being redirected to the CallServiceCenter. The data provided by this module must also be constantly available and analyzed. The environment can be the user home, a hospital room, a day centre, just to name a few. The main actions of the other components towards the environment are to maintain the comfort and security parameters; Group Decision This module is responsible for the long term planning regarding the health care of the patients. It should be composed of specialized staff like nurses and doctors as well as Recommendation Systems and tools for time and space distant meetings. In the overall this module should be able of planning all the issues related to visits to doctors, tests, automatically scheduling all this according to the user agenda; CallServiceCenter Entity with all the necessary computational and qualified personal resources, capable of receiving and analyze the diverse data and take the necessary actions according to it; CallCareCenter Entity in charge of computational and qualified personal resources (i.e. healthcare professionals and auxiliary), capable of receiving and analyze the clinical data, and take the necessary actions according to it. The user may make voice calls to this service and request assistance or advises and the service should respond and, if necessary, contact other modules like the Group Decision; Relatives individuals that may have an active role in the supervising task of their love ones, being able to give precious complementary information about them and being able to intervene, in a complementary way, in specific crises (e.g., loneliness). By being an important part of the equation, the relatives should also have access to the health status of the patient. The architecture obtained must interconnect all these distinct components providing a common communication mechanism. In addition, the architecture also needs a wide range of services (e.g. security, addressing, authentication). Therefore an infrastructure able of providing an extensive number of services will be developed (Anexo2). These services must, and will be, developed as Web Services, thus allowing the coexistence of several, different software systems interacting with each other through the use of common messages under standard protocols. The fundamental components of the proposed infrastructure are depicted below: Secure Communications in order to have all the components to interact, a secure communication infrastructure is mandatory; Management it is in charge of the configuration and monitoring of the processes (or parts) involved; Resources it responds for every component registration and the managing of the resources catalogue; Authentication every component must authenticate by itself in order to be able to interact with the others; Recommendation it provides problem solving recommendations; Monitoring it is concerned with all the sensors, reporting its status and data collected to the GDSS; HL7 communication module provide interaction with HL7 compliant medical devices. Expected Results We hope to achieve an architecture with the following characteristics: Distributed, Modular, Dynamic, Expansible, Flexible, Scalable, Heterogeneous, Standard compliant. On top of this architecture we expect to build a platform-independent infrastructure of communications that can support and interconnect all the previously defined components and, at the same time, provide the underlying security services. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 1; (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 2; (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; Cesar Analide de Freitas e Silva da Costa Rodrigues; Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de Andrade; José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves; LUIS DA COSTA LIMA; Mário Nelson Morais Freitas; Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novais; Ricardo André Fernandes Costa; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months VirtualECare development ,7 da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results Task description The VirtualECare architecture is a distributed one, made on a series of different elements, and eventually geographically distributed. It is also a dynamic one, since its building blocks may enter or leave at any time, or the services they provide may change. The main components of the architecture are: End User and his/her Premise; Ambient Assisted Living Environment; Group Decision Support System (GDSS); Expected results We expect to obtain the most adequate implementation of the modules defined in the architecture task using the most suitable technologies identified in the state of the art. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 1; (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 2; (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação

7 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 7 of 17 (Mestre) 1; (BIC) Bolseiro de Iniciação Científica 1; Cesar Analide de Freitas e Silva da Costa Rodrigues; José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves; LUIS DA COSTA LIMA; Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novais; Ricardo André Fernandes Costa; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months VirtualECare: Ambient Assisted Living ,4 da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results Task description Before the deployment such architecture it is advisable to create a simulation environment that will allow the system to be tested and its performance assessed. In our case, we clearly need to study the behaviour of the system when specific cases occur, ranging from the reactive cases (e.g. react to an abnormal temperature change) to the more complex ones (e.g. there is no movement in the room where the person is for a long period of time). This is in fact one of the main advantages of simulation: it enables us to study specific scenarios that can hardly occur but are possible, without having to face the consequences or challenges of creating them. Expected results We hope to achieve a true simulation environment able to validate our already defined and developed architecture, detect some incongruence s, thus allowing its corrections before the deployment in the physical simulated real life environment. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; (BIC) Bolseiro de Iniciação Científica 2; Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de Andrade; José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves; José Manuel Ferreira Machado; LUIS DA COSTA LIMA; Mário Nelson Morais Freitas; Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novais; Ricardo André Fernandes Costa; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months VirtualECare deployment ,3 da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results Task description Deploy the developed solution in a physical simulated real life environment. Expected results A real physical environment able to simulate a real life Ambient Assisted Living smart home and able to adequate monitor its users and intervene in case of need. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; (BIC) Bolseiro de Iniciação Científica 2; Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de Andrade; José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves; José Manuel Ferreira Machado; LUIS DA COSTA LIMA; Mário Nelson Morais Freitas; Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novais; Ricardo André Fernandes Costa; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Diffusion and analysis of results ,8 da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results Task description The results, functional prototypes and the physical simulated environment will be analysed and validated by the consultants in order to ensure that the project main objectives were accomplished, i.e., the promotion of new technologies for problem solving in the health care sector and the benefits users may take from it. Expected results It is expected to promote the results of this work not only at the academic level, but also take them to the commercial one. Special attention will be drawn to public and industrial players, especially those having already manifested some kind of interest in these new approaches. We will present the final version of the project site, and the final report with the results of the project. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; Cesar Analide de Freitas e Silva da Costa Rodrigues; Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de Andrade; José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves; LUIS DA COSTA LIMA; Mário Nelson Morais Freitas; Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novais; Ricardo André Fernandes Costa; Calendarização e Gestão do Projecto Project Timeline and Management

8 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 8 of a da Estrutura de Gestão a of the Management Structure Paulo Novais has a significant experience in Ambient Intelligence domain. He has been involved in several R&D projects (national & international). He has several publications in scientific journals and in conferences. Most of VirtualECare team members worked previously with Paulo Novais, one of them was his PhD supervisor and the rest of the team was involved in several works under his coordination. VirtualECare has a motivated, articulated and balanced research team, with some researchers more oriented for AI (Paulo Novais, Cesar Analide, Luís Lima), for AI applied to Health sector (José Neves and Ricardo Costa), and other more oriented for Health area (Mario Freitas) and also for Legal Field (Francisco Andrade). Paulo Novais, will assume the coordination of tasks T1, T2, T5 and T6. Task T3 and T4 will be coordinated by Ricardo Costa. José Neves will help also in this coordination, his team has a large experience with conception and development of multiagent systems (e.g. in medical area they have conceived and developed agent based applications that are running in several Portuguese hospitals). All Tasks will be divided into subtasks that will be coordinated by different researchers. Subtask coordinators report directly to the Task Coordinator and to the Principal Investigator. Meetings between participants in each task are organized at least every two months. The Redmine project management web application will be used for : issue tracking; Gantt chart and calendar; News, documents & files management; Feeds & notifications; wiki; project forum. This application will enable a tight web interconnection between the whole team and documentation management b Lista de Milestones b Milestone List Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination Survey on ehealth and Ambient Intelligence Technologies In this milestone we expect to have accomplished a detailed review of the ehealth sector and on the technologies used in Ambient Intelligent. Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination VirtualECare Multi-agent Architecture and Infrastructure In this milestone we expect to have accomplished the definiton of the multi-agent architecture and infrastructure to support the VirtualEcare enviornment. Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination Simulation Enviornment We hope to have achived a simulation enviornment able to validateand test the developed architecture and infrastructure. Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination Deployment We expect to be able to deploy the already validated architecture and infrascture in a simulated physical real life enviornment. Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination VirtualECare Ambient Assited Living Enviornment This milestone represent the conclusion of the project. We will present the final version of the project site and the final report validated by the project consultants c Cronograma c Timeline Ficheiro com a designação "timeline.pdf", no 9. Ficheiros Anexos, desta Visão Global (caso exista). File with the name "timeline.pdf" at 9. Attachments (if exists) Referências Bibliográficas 3.3. Bibliographic References Referência Reference Ano Year Publicação Publication United Nations. World Population Ageing: UN, Statistics Portugal. Estatísticas Demográficas INE, World Health Organization. Active Ageing a Policy Framework. WHO, Ford, E.S., Capewell, S.: Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Among Young Adults in the U.S. From 1980 Through 2002: Concealed Leveling of Mortality Rates. JACC (2007)

9 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENTO... Page 9 of Riva, G. Ambient Intelligence in Health Care. In Cyberpsychology & Behavior, vol. 6, , 2003 IST Advisory Group. Scenarios for ambient intelligence in 2010 Final Report. Compiled by K. Ducatel, et al. Feb EC. Brussels, ISBN Abascal J. Ambient Intelligence for people with disabilities and elderly people. SIGCHI Workshop on Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery (AISD) Vienna The Amigo Project. Amigo Ambient Intelligence for the networked home environment. Short project description MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Oxygen Pervasive, Human-Centered Computing, 2001 Haigh K., Kiff L., Myers J., Guralnik V., Krichbaum K., Phelps J., Plocher T., Toms D. The Independent LifeStyle AssistantTM (I.L.S.A.):Lessons Learned. Honeywell Laboratories, Feldman A., Tapia E., Sadi S., Maes P., Schmandt C. ReachMedia: On-the-move interaction with everyday object. In Wearable Computers. Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Symposium. Ambient Intelligence Group, MIT Media Laboratory, 2005 Camarinha-Matos L., Afsarmanesh H. Virtual Communities and Elderly Support.In Advances in Automation, Multimedia and Video Systems, and Modern Computer Science, pp Augusto J., McCullagh P., Ambient Intelligence: Concepts and Applications. Computer Science Inf. Syst. 4(1): 1-27, Novais P., Costa R., Carneiro D., Machado J., Lima L., Neves J., Group Support in Collaborative Networks Organizations for Ambient Assisted Living, in Towards Sustainable Society on Ubiquitous Networks, Makoto Oya, Ryuya Uda, Chizuko Yasunobu (eds), Springer-Verlag, Series: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, ISBN , pp , (Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Conference on e-business, e-services, and e-society (I3E 2008), Tokyo, Japan, September 2008), Neves J., Machado J., Analide C., Novais P., Abelha A., Extended Logic Programming applied to the Specification of Multi-agent Systems and their Computing Environments, Proceedings of the ICIPS 97 - IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, special session on Intelligent Agent System, Pequim, China, P. Gago, M.F. Santos, A.Silva, P. Cortez, J. Neves and L. Gomes. INTCare: A Knowledge Discovery based Intelligent Decision Support System for Intensive Care Medicine. In Journal of Decision Systems, Special issue on Design, Building and Evaluation of Intelligent DMSS, Lavoisier, 14 (3): , 2005, ISSN: Machado J., Abelha A., Novais P., Neves J., Neves J., Quality of Services in Healthcare Units, in Proceedings of the ESM The 22nd annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Le Havre, France, October, ISBN , pp , Publicações Anteriores 3.4. Past Publications Referência Reference Ano Year N N N N Publicação Publication Costa R., Neves J., Novais P., Machado J., Lima L. and Alberto C., Intelligent Mixed Reality for the Creation of Ambient Assisted Living, in Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Neves J., Santos M. and Machado J. (eds), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4874, Springer-Verlag, ISBN , (Proceedings of the Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial - EPIA 2007, Guimarães, Portugal), 2007 Costa R., Novais P., Lima L., Carneiro D., Samico D., Oliveira J., Machado J. and Neves J., VirtualECare: Intelligent Assisted Living, The 1st International Conference on Electronic Healthcare in The 21st Century, City University, London, England, in September 8-9, Novais P., Costa R., Carneiro D., Machado J., Lima L., Neves J., Group Support in Collaborative Networks Organizations for Ambient Assisted Living, in Towards Sustainable Society on Ubiquitous Networks, Makoto Oya, Ryuya Uda, Chizuko Yasunobu (eds), Springer-Verlag, Series: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, ISBN , pp , (Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Conference on e-business, e-services, and e-society (I3E 2008), Tokyo, Japan, September 2008), Costa R., Novais P., Neves J., Marreiros G., Ramos C., Neves J., VirtualECare: Group Decision Supported by Idea Generation and Argumentation, in Pervasive Collaborative Networks, Luís Camarinha-Matos and Willy Picard (eds), Springer- Verlag, Series: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, ISBN , pp , (Proceedings of the 9th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2008), Poznan, Poland, 8-10 September 2008),

10 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 10 of 17 N Costa R., Carneiro D., Novais P., Lima L., Machado J., Marques A., Neves J., Ambient Assisted Living, in Advances in Soft Computing, Vol. 51, Springer- Verlag, ISBN , pp , (Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2008 (UCAMI 2008),Salamanca, Spain, October 2008), Equipa de investigação 4. Research team 4.1 Lista de membros 4.1. Members list Nome Name Função Role Grau académico Academic degree %tempo %time CV nuclear Core CV Paulo Jorge Freitas de Oliveira Novai... Inv. Responsável DOUTORAMENTO 25 Cesar Analide de Freitas e Silva da C... Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 20 Francisco António Carneiro Pacheco de... Investigador MESTRADO 10 José Carlos Ferreira Maia Neves Investigador AGREGAÇÃO 10 José Manuel Ferreira Machado Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 20 LUIS DA COSTA LIMA Investigador LICENCIATURA 30 Mário Nelson Morais Freitas Investigador LICENCIATURA 10 Ricardo André Fernandes Costa Investigador MESTRADO 35 (O curriculum vitae de cada membro da equipa está disponível clicando no nome correspondente) (Curriculum vitae for each research team member is available by clicking on the corresponding name) Total: Lista de membros a contratar durante a execução do projecto 4.2. Members list to hire during project"s execution Membro da equipa Team member Função Role Duração Duration %tempo %time (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 1 Bolseiro (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 2 Bolseiro (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1 Bolseiro (BIC) Bolseiro de Iniciação Científica 1 Bolseiro (BIC) Bolseiro de Iniciação Científica 2 Bolseiro Total: 5 5. Projectos financiados 5. Funded projects Lista de projectos financiados Funded projects list Referência Reference Título Title Estado Status POCI/JUR/57221/2004 Agentes Inteligentes e Relaçõe... Em curso PTDC/JUR/71354/2006 TIARAC: Telemática e Inteligên... Em curso (Os detalhes de cada projectos estão disponíveis clicando na referência correspondente) (Details for each project are available by clicking on the corresponding reference) Total: 2 6. Indicadores previstos 6. Expected indicators Indicadores de realização previstos para o projecto Expected output indicators A - Publicações Publications Livros Books Artigos em revistas internacionais Papers in international journals Artigos em revistas nacionais Papers in national journals B - Comunicações Communications Comunicações em encontros científicos internacionais Communications in international meetings Comunicações em encontros científicos nacionais Total

11 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 11 of 17 Communications in national meetings C - Relatórios Reports D - Organização de seminários e conferências Organization of seminars and conferences E - Formação avançada Advanced training Teses de Doutoramento PhD theses Teses de Mestrado Master theses Outras Others F - Modelos Models G - Aplicações computacionais Software H - Instalações piloto Pilot plants I - Protótipos laboratoriais Prototypes J - Patentes Patents L - Outros Other Acções de divulgação da actividade científica Scientific activity spreading actions We believe that our area of work and research is of great interest to both the scientific and the general public communities, either in terms of An Ambient Assisted Living developments or in terms of the Artificial Intelligence applications. To bring these ideas to the visibility of the general public, we will organize annual meetings during the project to promote our (and others) results, propose prototypes, and, in the end of the project, produce a compilation document accessible for the untrained reader. The results will be internationally disseminated mainly through the publication of papers in scientific meetings and journals. It wil be provided an internet site where not only the project will be availble to the general public, through wich the general public will may interact with the research team. 7. Orçamento 7. Budget Instituição Proponente Principal Contractor Universidade do Minho Recursos Humanos Human resources Missões Missions Consultores Consultants Aquisição de bens e serviços Service procurement and acquisitions Registo de patentes Patent registration Adaptação de edifícios e instalações Adaptation of buildings and facilities Gastos gerais Overheads TOTAL DESPESAS CORRENTES TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES Equipamento Equipment Total 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , ,00 0,00 0, ,00 Total 0, , , ,00 0, ,00

12 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 12 of 17 Instituições Participantes Participating Institutions Instituto Politécnico do Porto Total Recursos Humanos Human resources 0, , ,00 0,00 0, ,00 Missões Missions 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Consultores Consultants Aquisição de bens e serviços Service procurement and acquisitions 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Registo de patentes Patent registration Adaptação de edifícios e instalações Adaptation of buildings and facilities Gastos gerais Overheads 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 TOTAL DESPESAS CORRENTES TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Equipamento Equipment 0, , ,00 0,00 0, ,00 Total 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Orçamento Global Global budget Total Recursos Humanos Human resources 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Missões Missions 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Consultores Consultants 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Aquisição de bens e serviços Service procurement and acquisitions 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Registo de patentes Patent registration Adaptação de edifícios e instalações Adaptation of buildings and facilities Gastos gerais Overheads 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 TOTAL DESPESAS CORRENTES TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Equipamento Equipment 0, , ,00 0,00 0, ,00 Total 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 Plano de financiamento Finance plan Financiamento solicitado à FCT Requested funding Financiamento próprio Own funding Outro financiamento público Other public-sector funding Outro financiamento privado Other private funding Total do Projecto Total of the project Total 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 0, , , ,00 0, ,00 8. Justificação do orçamento 8. Budget rationale

13 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 13 of Justificação dos recursos humanos 8.1. Human resources rationale (BI) Bolsa de Investigação (Mestre) 1 Duração (em meses) Duration (in months) Custo envolvido ( ) (calculado) Total cost ( ) (estimated) Nº de pessoas No. of persons Outros custos ( ) Other costs ( ) , ,00 The work planned for this researcher is described in document timeline.pdf. His research will be conducted in the context of postgraduation work, leading to the PhD degree. The amount involved includes the personal accident insurance (100 EUR for each period of 12 months) and the voluntary social insurance (81.48EUR per month), which sums the total of: (100EUR EUR x 12 months) x 3 annual grants = 38513,28EUR. (BI) Bolsa de Investigação (Lic. ou Bacharel) 2 Duração (em meses) Duration (in months) Custo envolvido ( ) (calculado) Total cost ( ) (estimated) Nº de pessoas No. of persons Outros custos ( ) Other costs ( ) , ,00 The work planned for these two researchers is described in document timeline.pdf. Their research will be conducted in the context of postgraduation work, leading to the master degree. The amount involved includes the personal accident insurance (100EUR for each period of 6 months) and the voluntary social insurance (81.84EUR per month), which sums the total of: (100EUR EUR x 6 months) x 2 grants = 5.058,88*2 (BIC) Bolsa de Iniciação Científica 2 Duração (em meses) Duration (in months) Custo envolvido ( ) (calculado) Total cost ( ) (estimated) Nº de pessoas No. of persons Outros custos ( ) Other costs ( ) , ,00 The work planned for these researchers is described in document timeline.pdf. Their research will be conducted in the context of postgraduation work, leading to the graduate degree. The amount involved includes the personal accident insurance (100EUR for each period of 6 months) and the voluntary social insurance (81.84EUR per month), which sums the total of: (100EUR EUR x 6 months) x 2 grants of 6 month = 5798EUR Justificação de missões 8.2. Missions rationale Participação em congressos 3 Local Venue Nº de deslocações No. of participations Custo envolvido ( ) Portugal 3.750,00 To present papers written in the context of the project in scientific meetings (conferences, workshops, etc., We budget 1 missions in the first year, 1 in the second and 1 in the third. For that purpose we budget an average of 500EUR for registration and 750EUR for travel and accommodation expenses, with a total of 1250EUR per mission, which gives a grand total of 3.750EUR in the three years of the project. Participação em congressos 3 Local Venue Nº de deslocações No. of participations Custo envolvido ( ) Outside European Union ,00 To present papers written in the context of the project in scientific meetings (international conferences, workshops, etc., Always with previous paper refereeing). We budget in the first year 1 1 in the second and 1 in the third

14 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 14 of 17 For that purpose we budget an average of 500EUR for registration, 1250EUR for travel expenses and 1750EUR for accommodation, with a total of 3.500EUR per mission, which gives a grand total of EUR in the three years of the project Participação em congressos 9 Local Venue Nº de deslocações No. of participations Custo envolvido ( ) European Union ,00 To present papers written in the context of the project in scientific meetings (international conferences, workshops, etc., Always with previous paper refereeing). We budget 3 missions in the first year, 3 in the second and 3 in the third. For that purpose we budget an average of 500EUR for registration, 1000EUR for travel expenses and 1000EUR for accommodation, with a total of 2.500EUR per mission, which gives a grand total of EUR in the three years of the project. Outro (other) 18 Local Venue Nº de deslocações No. of participations Custo envolvido ( ) Felgueiras - Braga 2.700,00 As part of the research team is based in Felgueiras, we need to finance trips from Felgueiras to Braga or Braga to Felgueiras, for the team members to meet Justificação de consultores 8.3. Consultants rationale Nome completo Full name José Alberto Cardoso Marques Instituição Institution Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa Fase do projecto Project phase In the 3 year of the project in different phases 1.500,00 José Alberto Cardoso Marques (Graduate). President of the Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculdade de Medicina Universidade do Porto. With is expertise, he will help us to find new ways of thinking from his clinical point of view, thus valuate the project. We considered the amount of 1500 Euros to cater for several missions to be distributed along the project. Página na Internet onde pode ser consultado o CV do consultor Web page where the consultant s CV can be accessed Nome completo Full name António Fonseca Oliveira Instituição Institution Centro Hospitalar do Porto EPE / Hospital de Santo António Fase do projecto Project phase In the 3 year of the project in different phases 1.500,00 António Fonseca Oliveira (PhD). Director of the orthopedic service in Centro Hospitalar do Porto EPE / Hospital de Santo António. Received a PhD in Medical Sciences from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar Universidade do Porto. At present he is also Associate Professor at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar Universidade do Porto. With is expertise, he will help us to find new ways of thinking from his clinical point of view, thus valuate the project. We considered the amount of 1500 Euros to cater for several missions to be distributed along the project. Página na Internet onde pode ser consultado o CV do consultor Web page where the consultant s CV can be accessed Nome completo Full name JUAN MANUEL CORCHADO RODRÍGUEZ

15 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 15 of 17 Instituição Institution Universidade de Salamanca Fase do projecto Project phase In the 3 year of the project in different phases 6.000,00 Juan M. Corchado (PhD.) Dean of the Faculty of Science of the University of Salamanca. At present he is Associate Professor, Director of the Biomedicine, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology Group ( of the University of Salamanca (Spain). He has published several articles on international conferences, as well as in journals. With his great experience and expertise in Ambient Intelligence and Hybrid Systems, it is a great asset for the research project. It were considered 3 visits. Página na Internet onde pode ser consultado o CV do consultor Web page where the consultant s CV can be accessed Justificação de aquisição de bens e serviços 8.4. Service procurement and acquisitions (Vazio) (Void) Discriminação do equipamento a adquirir New equipment requested Administrative costs 3.000,00 During the three years of the project, 1.000EUR per year, to cover administrative costs related with photocopies, phone, fax and others. The small amount involved is explained by the fact that our Research Centers will, partially, cover these expenses. Bibliography 6.000,00 During the three years of the project, 2.000EUR per year, for the acquisition of bibliography and the subscription of scientific journals. Maintenance 1.500,00 The amount included in this item must cover possible proactive and reactive repairs in the sensor and others equipments acquired and maintained in the project. We plan a minor amount of 500EUR per year (500EUR). The total amount is, therefore, 1.500EUR. The small amount included is justified by our expectation to be able to do most of the repairs needed Justificação do Equipamento 8.6. Equipment rationale Equipamento já disponível para a execução do projecto Available equipment de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Notebooks unknow unknow ,00 4 (four) notebooks at an average of 2500 Euros each, will be used by the research team for project management and its budgets and reports, presentations, analysis and software development and testing (the prototype). They will be also used by the external consultants during their stay. de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Workstation Unknow Unknow 6.000,00 These 4 (four) Desktop Computers are due to support the work of the four researchers throughout the 3 years of the project They

16 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 16 of 17 will be acquired in the 1st and 2sd year of the project at a estimated cost of 1500 Euros per piece. de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Server Computers Unknow Unknow ,00 3 PC based servers (at an estimated cost of 4000 Euros per piece) will work as a servers. These equipments will be used by the research team to run tests, simulations and the final prototype. The project website will be published on one of these servers. The equipment will be acquired along the project: two on the 1st year, the remaining on the 2nd year of the project. They will be placed at the AI Lab at CCTC/DI/EE/UMinho. de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model PDA Unknow Unknow 4.000,00 The use of PDA devices have 3 main purposes: - Mobile computational and communication hardware; - Provide to the Supported User, at all the place and at all the time, the interface to interact with the system; - Act as a communication bridge between the system and the wearable computing devices (e.g., clothes with embedded sensors). de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Sensors Unknow Unknow 3.500,00 The sensors will be mainly used to monitor the environment around the user. Therefore, we will acquire environmental sensors (e.g. temperature, luminosity, humidity), security sensors (e.g. smoke detector, flood detector) and other sensors for implementing complex tasks such as detecting open doors or windows and intuitive user interfaces (e.g. rotation sensor, touch sensor, contact sensor). We estimate to spend around 3500 in all the sensors. This amount is justified by the importance sensors have in these types of environment. The sensors will be connected to some of the computers acquired so that their functionalities are exploited by the developed applications. The tests and initial implementation will take place at the AI Lab at CCTC/DI/EE/UMinho. de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model RFID Unknow Unknow 6.500,00 The RFID equipment will be composed of several active readers and several different active tags. The readers will be used to detect the presence of a person near a door or an object and therefore have simultaneous multiple-tag read capability adjustable tag read range. As for the tags, we will acquire different ones so that they can be used in different situations: wristbands with embedded tags to be worn by patients and badges to be carried by medical personal or others. We estimate to spend 6500 in RFID equipment which will be connected to the computers acquired so that the applications developed by the research team can use them. The initial deployment environment will therefore be the AI Lab at CCTC/DI/EE/UMinho. de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Actuators X10 Unknow Unknow 3.200,00 The main use of the X10 equipments will be to control domestic appliances and for surveillance. We will therefore acquire external and DIN rail X10 modules for controlling lights and electric devices that allow turning them on or off. To handle the security we will acquire surveillance cameras, sensors like intrusion detectors and a wrist transmitter that can be activated by the user in case of need. For interconnecting these modules with the computer systems and the persons involved transceiver modules and remote controls will also be acquired. We estimate to spend around 3200 in X Justificação de registo de patentes 8.7. Patent registration (Vazio) (Void) 8.8. Justificação de adaptação de edifícios e instalações 8.8. Adaptation of buildings and facilities (Vazio) (Void) 9. Ficheiros Anexos 9. Attachments

17 FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... Page 17 of 17 Nome Name Anexo1.JPG Anexo2.JPG timeline.pdf Tamanho Size 50Kb 27Kb 52Kb 9:16:18 Financiado por fundos estruturais da UE e fundos nacionais do MCTES

Project Management Activities

Project Management Activities Id Name Duração Início Término Predecessoras 1 Project Management Activities 36 dias Sex 05/10/12 Sex 23/11/12 2 Plan the Project 36 dias Sex 05/10/12 Sex 23/11/12 3 Define the work 15 dias Sex 05/10/12

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