Possessive Adjectives. Personal Pronouns. Object pronouns. Possessive Pronouns. Aula 01 Pronouns

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1 Aula 01 Pronouns Personal Pronouns São os pronomes pessoais, os sujeitos da frase. São eles: I, you, he, she, it (singular), we, you, they (plural). Possessive Adjectives Pronomes que ocupam o lugar dos adjetivos na língua inglesa, embora não os substituam, podem ser usados com outros adjetivos. Exemplo: That is a fancy car. That is my fancy car. Object pronouns São os pronomes usados na posição de complemento: Me, you, him, her, it (singular), us, you, them (plural). Exemplo: I love you. Nessa frase temos I, subject pronound, o verbo love e you, o subject pronoun. Possessive Pronouns São os pronomes possessivos. Também indicam posse, assim como os possessive adjectives, porém são usados depois do objeto ou quando este está subentendido. Exemplos:

2 Relative Pronouns

3 Exercícios: 1.( UFRGS 2010) Baby boomers won't let go of the Woodstock Festival. Why woud we? It's one of the few defining events of the late 60's that had a clear happy ending. The pronoun we refers to: (A) the author and his critics (B) the readers and other journalists (C)the author and the other baby boomers (D) the author and the newspaper's editor (E) the readers and the critics 2. (UFRGS 2006) Considere o uso do pronome what. Em quais das frases abaixo ele é usado corretamente? I What impresses the visitor about Seattle is its wateriness. II- What time does the ferry boat leave for Bainbridge Island? III- Seattle offered plentiful resourses, what attracted Arthur Denny's clan. A palavra which tem a mesma função no trecho acima e na frase: (A) I didn't know which sweater to buy. (B) Which flavor of ice cream do you prefer? (C) I have different CDs which I listen to when traveling by car. (D) She still can't remenber which key opens the door to her apartment. (E) My aunt is never sure which road to take when going to the beach. 4. (PUCRS 2008) -...The things themselves had existed from the beginning of the world... The pronoun themselves is used: (A) as the complement to the verb had existed (B) to emphasize the subject of the verb had existed (C) in relation to people taken in general (D) to specify which things are arranged (E) as a personal pronoun 5. (PUCRS 2002) -... he told the Philadelphia Inquirer, which ran a photo of the couple...in its Sunday edtion. (A) Apenas em I (B) Apenas em II (C) Apenas em II (D) Apenas em I e II (E) Apenas em II e III 3.(UFRGS 2008 ) But every time she took a step she might have fallen over her shoelaces, which dragged from her unlaced shoes. The word which can be substituted by (A) that (B) who (C) whose (D) where (E) when Gabarito 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

4 Aula 02 Simple Past X Present Perfect Simple Past Finished action Yesterday, last week, last night, a year ago, etc. I went to London last year. When? > Last Year I have already been to London. When? > We don't know! (o que importa é a experiência) Past Perfect Past before the past! Present Perfect Recent past actions (which haven't changed) Past experiences which have a result at present. Just, since, never, ever, how long

5 Present Perfect Continuous (A) were, went and stood (B) was, is gone and standed (C)were, is gone and standed (D)were, was gone and stood (E) was, went and stood 2. (UFRGS 2008) Consider the sentence it seemed like all the problems had magically vanished. Rewrite it in the present tense by completing the blanks with the correct alternative: Past Perfect Continuous It like all the problems...magically.... (A) seems will vanish (B) would seem have vanished (C) seems have vanished (D) will seem would vanish (E) seems would vanish Exercícios 1. (UFRGS 2009) Considere o trecho abaixo Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her armns and legs. Suponha que a autora quisesse expressar como Maggie ficou depois da partida da irmã. Nesse caso, em seu texto, as formas verbais sublinhadas no trecho acima deveriam ser substituídas respectivamente por: 3. (UFRGS 2006) Consider the verb form in the sentence below: Britain has invested very little in Chinese studies. The same verb form is used correctly in the sentence

6 (A) I haven't met my Chinese friends since July (B) The children have read a Chinese story yesterday. (C) Have you learned Mandarim when you were in school. (D) They have seen many Chinese films last year. (E) His parents have live in China in the 1960's. In the past, English cavaliers...swords while...on the left. (A) drew riding (B) draw would ride (C) were drawing riding (D) drew have ridden (E) had drawn rode 4. (UFRGS 2005) The word that could be placed between had and met in the sentence: I had met her by chance only a shor time before is: (A) still (B) ever Gabarito 1. E 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. A * Confira abaixo a tabela de verbos irregulares. (C) yet (D) though (E) already 5. (UFRGS 2005) Complete the sentencebelow with the best alternative.

7 Tabela de verbos irregulares Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução abide abode abode obedecer a lei; permanecer; sobreviver awake awoke awoke awaken acordar; despertar-se be was been ser; estar; existir bear bore borne born dar a luz; sustentar; tolerar; sofrer; produzir; usar beat beat beaten bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar become became become se tornar; se transformar; ser digno de; assentar begin began begun começar bend bent bent curvar; entortar; franzir; dirigir; desistir bet bet bet apostar bid bade bidden oferecer; convidar; ordenar; desejar; leiloar bind bound bound atar; amarrar; obrigar bite bit bit bitten morder; engolir a isca bleed bled bled sangrar, perder sangue; destilar; tirar dinheiro de alguém blow blew blown soprar, encher; ventar; assobiar; estourar; fazer soar break broke broken quebrar; romper; violar; interromper; cancelar; falir breed bred bred procriar; gerar; fazer criação; educar; ensinar bring brought brought trazer; servir; causar; executar; induzir build built built construir, edificar; fabricar burn burnt burnt queimar; incendiar; carbonizar burst burst burst arrebentar; explodir; brotar; exclamar buy bought bought comprar cast cast cast arremessar, jogar; derrubar; sobrepujar; espalhar; computar; calcular; moldar; imaginar; (no teatro:) distribuir os papéis

8 catch caught caught pegar; capturar; entender; adquirir (uma doença); surpreender; complicar-se choose chose chosen escolher, selecionar, preferir cling clung clung pegar-se; unir-se; aderir clothe clad clad vestir, cobrir come came come vir; chegar; consentir; suceder; atingir o orgasmo cost cost cost custar; importar em creep crept crept engatinhar; arrastar-se no chão; andar de rasto crow crew crowed cacarejar; vociferar; emitir som característico de prazer cut cut cut cortar; partir; reduzir; recortar; castrar deal dealt dealt dar; distribuir; repartir; dividir; espalhar; negociar dig dug dug cavar; escavar; gostar; entender; começar; perceber do did done fazer; funcionar; cuidar de ; parar; mostrar; jogar; enganar draw drew drawn puxar; tirar; extrair; desenhar; descrever; traçar; adiantar-se; atrair dream dreamt dreamt sonhar drink drank drunk drunken beber drive drove driven dirigir; viajar; levar; conduzir; guiar; compelir; excitar dwell dwelt dwelt residir; ficar por um tempo; enfatizar, insistir em eat ate eaten comer; destruir; devorar; mastigar fall fell fallen cair; descer; abaixar-se; diminuir; ceder; morrer; abandonar feed fed fed alimentar; nutrir; abastecer; satisfazer; manter feel felt felt sentir; perceber; experimentar; apalpar fight fought fought lutar, disputar; batalhar, combater, guerrear find found found achar; encontrar; descobrir; julgar; prover, fornecer, abastecer; perceber, notar; resolver flee fled fled fugir, escapar; evitar; correr

9 fling flung flung lançar; arremessar; atirar; invadir; saltar; dedicar-se à- fly flew flown voar; viajar (aérea); fazer voar; fugir; correr; pilotar; flutuar; saltar; lançar-se forbear forbore forborne abster-se, deixar de-, conter-se; evitar forbid forbade forbidden proibir; impedir; evitar; vetar forget forgot forgotten esquecer forgive forgave forgiven perdoar; desculpar, absolver; abrir mão forsake forsook forsaken abandonar, desertar, largar; abrir mão de freeze froze frozen congelar; refrigerar; gelar get got got receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doença); entender; chegar; causar; induzir; decorar; procriar; buscar give gave given dar; entregar, conceder; render-se; premiar; pagar; enfraquecer-se; preparar (festas, etc) go went gone ir; viajar; chegar; partir; caminhar; marchar; mover-se grind ground ground triturar; pulverizar; afiar; amolar; ralar; esfregar; ranger os dentes; persistir (nos estudos) grow grew grown crescer; vegetar; cultivar; brotar; desenvolver-se; progredir; tornar-se hang hung hung enforcar; ser enforcado; (informática) travar, parar de funcionar have had had ter; possuir; receber; pegar; necessitar; causar hear heard heard escutar, ouvir heave hove hove levantar, puxar; elevar; tirar; empurrar; arremessar hew hewed hewn reduzir; cortar (com machado); talhar hide hid hidden hid esconder-se; esconder, ocultar hit hit hit bater, ferir; atingir, alcançar hold held held segurar; alimentar; guardar; pensar; acreditar; organizar; preparar; presidir hurt hurt hurt ferir; doer; magoar; estragar; danificar keep kept kept guardar; ficar; cumprir; sustentar; deixar; continuar; dirigir; criar; possuir

10 kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar-se knit knit knit tricotar; atar; enlaçar; unir; ligar; fazer renda ou meia; trabalhar a ponto de malha know knew known saber; conhecer; entender; perceber; ter conhecimento lay laid laid deitar; descansar; estar deitado; encostar-se; repousar; estar situado lead led led conduzir, guiar, comandar, pilotar, levar, dirigir; governar; dominar-se; capitanear lean leant leant inclinar, reclinar, apoiar, recurvar; amparar; firmar; apoiar-se, recurvar-se, inclinar-se; abaixar; desviar leap leapt leapt saltar, pular, transportar; cobrir (os animais) learn learnt learnt estudar; aprender; descobrir; informar-se; decorar leave left left deixar; largar; sair; separar-se; abandonar; cessar; desistir de; renunciar a lend lent lent emprestar, conceder, dar, proporcionar, outorgar; doar; combinar com; acrescentar let let let deixar; permitir; dar; alugar; fretar; conceder; descobrir lie lay lain mentir; enganar light lit lit clarear; acender; queimar; descer (do carro, etc); cair (escolha); pousar; acontecer lose lost lost perder; desperdiçar; arruinar; gastar; sofrer perdas; escapar de-; não entender make made made fazer; criar; causar; tornar mean meant meant pensar; significar; ter em vista; tencionar; pretender; querer dizer meet met met encontrar; encontrar-se; reunir-se; receber; conhecer; abastecer melt melted molten derreter; fundir; gastar; evaporar; dissolver; enternecer; consumir pay paid paid pagar; saldar; satisfazer put put put colocar; pôr; enfiar; sinalizar; situar; propor; oferecer read read read ler; aprender; aconselhar; avisar; estudar; interpretar rend rent rent rasgar; arrancar

11 rid rid rid libertar; resgatar; livrar (-se) ride rode ridden cavalgar; montar; passear ring rang rung tocar (sino, campainha); telefonar; envolver rise rose risen levantar; subir; elevar-se; erguer-se run ran run correr; fugir; executar; executar um programa (informática); ativar; administrar; fazer; calcular; comprir; continuar; vazar; despir-se; saw sawed sawn serrar say said said dizer; contar; recitar; pensar; alegar; afirmar see saw seen ver; entender; preocupar-se; verificar; experimentar; acompanhar; encontrar-se; observar seek sought sought procurar, pedir; liberar; exigir; perseguir atrás; tentar sell sold sold vender; comerciar; negociar; liquidar; trapacear (gíria); atrair fregueses; trair (gíria) send sent sent mandar; remeter; despachar; enviar; produzir; emitir; derramar; espalhar; dar prazer (gíria) set set set pôr, colocar; preparar; usar; arrumar; causar; marcar; servir; ajustar sew sewed sewn costurar; juntar, pregar shake shook shaken sacudir; agitar; tremer; chocar; apertar (mãos) shed shed shed derramar; vazar; deixar cair; tirar, tirar roupa ; fazer sangrar; projetar shine shone shone brilhar, luzir, cintilar, resplandecer; lustrar (sapato); distinguir shoe shod shod calçar; recobrir com finalidade de proteção ou reforço shoot shot shot atirar; caçar; lançar; mandar; fotografar; voar; disparar; mandar; impor; arremessar show showed shown mostrar; descobrir; testemunhar; provar; apresentar; mostrar-se; aparecer; ensinar; exibir shred shred shred cortar em pedaços; picar; retalhar; rasgar shrink shrank shrunk shrunken contrair-se; encolher-se; contrair, encolher; recuar shut shut shut fechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-se

12 sing sang sung cantar; murmurar; rugir; zumbir; uivar; alcagüetar; avisar; cortejar (gíria, como cantar) sink sank sunk afundar; afogar; regar; mergulhar; descer, cair, descer; morrer, falecer; penetrar slay slew slain matar, assassinar; destruir, arruinar sleep slept slept dormir; descansar; deitar (com alguém) slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar; chupar sling slung slung atirar na funda; elevar, erguer; atar; atirar, arremessar; pendurar, colocar na presilha smell smelt smelt cheirar; feder; perfurmar; sentir cheiro; farejar; perceber; suspeitar smite smote smitten golpear; ferir; matar; bater; castigar; mover; excitar; destruir; bater-se; chocar-se sow sowed sown semear; espalhar, disseminar speak spoke spoken falar; dizer; contar; expressar; discursar; lembrar a-; afirmar speed sped sped apressar-se; mover com velocidade; dirigir muito rápido; ser feliz; ser bem sucedido; adiantar; aviar; despachar spell spelt spelt soletrar; escrever de forma certa; ser algo que significa spend spent spent gastar, tirar; perceber; divertir-se, passar (tempo) spill spilt spilt entornar; derramar; escorregar; deixar cair; alcagüetar, contar spin span spun protelar; dilatar; prolongar, adiar; fiar; fazer girar; virar-se spit spat spit cuspir; escarrar; vomitar; emitir o som do cuspe; expelir; pingar (chuva) spoil spoilt spoiled estragar; corromper; mimar (de mais); estragar-se; roubar, saquear, furtar spread spread spread dilatar-se, estender-se; espalhar, esparramar; disseminar, difundir, propagar; arrumar (mesa); achatar spring sprang sprung saltar, lançar-se; libertar-se; aparecer, mostrar-se; brotar, nascer; deixar cair; "cair" sobre- stand stood stood pôr de pé; suster; sustentar; colocar; aguentar; honrar; manter-se; permanecer

13 steal stole stolen roubar; furtar; infiltrar-se stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar, meter, enterrar; pregar; aderir, prender; afixar; vacilar; parar; enganar; lograr sting stung stung picar, ferroar, ferretoar, aguilhoar; doer, atormentar; trapacear stink stank stunk feder; enojar strew strewed strewn espalhar, polvilhar, aspergir stride strode stridden caminhar; cavalgar strike struck struck stricken golpear; ferir; bater; surpreender; descobrir string strung strung amarrar; pendurar; enfiar; esticar strive strove striven aspirar; tentar, esforçar-se swear swore sworn jurar; prestar juramento; xingar sweat sweat sweat suar sweep swept swept varrer; lavar; pentear; arrastar swell swelled swelled swollen inchar (-se); crescer; encher (os pneus) swim swam swum nadar; flutuar; boiar swing swung swung balançar take took taken pegar; tirar; tomar; segurar; agarrar; receber; capturar; aprisionar; aceitar; fotografar; empregar; adotar; entender; guiar; conseguir teach taught taught ensinar; educar tear tore torn chorar, lacrimejar; rasgar, rachar tell told told contar; saber; perceber; descobrir; ordenar think thought thought pensar; acreditar thrive throve thriven ter sucesso throw threw thrown jogar; parir; impressionar thrust thrust thrust empurrar tread trod trodden pisar, andar, pôr os pés wake woke waked acordar; despertar; acordar-se wear wore worn vestir; trancar; experimentar (roupas, jóias, etc);

14 colocar (óculos); exibir; mostrar; gastar; cansar; esgotar; durar weave wove woven tecer, entrelaçar, trançar; contorcer-se (entre obstáculos); bordar; criar (trama); tramar weep wept wept chorar; verter lágrimas; gotejar, deixar escapar; exudar, vazar wet wet wet umedecer; sujar; molhar; fazer xixi na cama, molharse (à noite); urinar win won won vencer; ganhar; conseguir; obter; conseguir; alugar; convencer; ganhar o coração de- wind wound wound girar, rodar; enrolar-se; enroscar-se; recobrir, encobrir, encapar; recobrir-se, revestir-se; modificar a direção wring wrung wrung arrancar; obrigar, forçar; tirar a força; entortar; pressionar; segurar com força; espremer write wrote written escrever; anotar; compor; inscrever

15 Aula 03 Past Perfect They had cancelled the game. The game had been cancelled. Had + been + past participle

16 Infinitive You must do something. Something must be done. be + past participle Going to They are going to build a new mall. A new mall is going to be built. Modal Verbs Can, could, should, may, might.. + to be + p.p. John should fix his computer. His computer should be fixed ALWAYS PASSIVE! I have my nails done. I have my car repaired. I have my hair cut. I was born in Brazil. Where were you born?

17 Exercícios D) had enjoyed E) was being enjoyed 1. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do enunciado abaixo. A oração sublinhada na frase do texto It's important to make sure that your symptoms are not caused by other health problems poderia ser passada para a voz ativa correspondente. Nesse caso ela assumiria a seguinte forma: that other health problems. your symptoms. A) do not cause B) would not cause C) did not cause D) would not have caused E) will not cause 3. The Duke and Dutchess of Windsor, whose possessions were sold over a nine-day period at Sotheby's New York. A forma ativa de were sold é: A) sell B) will sell C) have sold D) sold E) are sold Tess Durbeyfield, who is led by her foolish parents into thinking she comes from an ancient noble family... The active form of is led by her foolish parents is Her foolish parents some critics wondered if it would give Newcastle a taste of the stardom that was enjoyed by Sheffield after The Full Monty. The active form of the passive was enjoyed is: A) has been enjoyed B) enjoyed A) are lead B) have led C) lead D) leads E) led C) is enjoyed

18 5. Choose the correct passive form for:... no one has made any attempt to tackle the issue. A) no attempt has been made to tackle the issue. B) no attempt is made by anybody to tackle the issue. C) it could not be made any attempt to tackle the issue. D) it is not made any attempt to tackle the issue. E) no attempt was made by anybody to tackle the issue. Gabarito 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A

19 Aula 04 As conjunctions (conjunções) ou connectors são de extrema importância para a compreensão da língua inglesa. Exercícios 1. Notwithstanding their personality, their dress and their ideas, they were and they are the most courteous, considerate and well-behaved group of kids I have ever been in contact with.. The word notwithstanding can be replaced, without any change in meaning, by: (A) In spite of (B) As a result (C) Because of (D) In any case (E) In addition to 2. Complete the blanks in the following sentence with the appropriate sequence:.the late structural works, all the problems were solved. time the games. (A) Although with for (B) In spite of in for (C) Because of in for

20 (D) In spite of on to (E) Because of on to 3. Consider the sentences below and mark the alternative that completes them correctly. 5. The second phenomenon is the advent of the personal computer. It has been a great equalizer in offices among other things, getting executives to type! Moreover, Pcs and telecommunications technologies have enabled more women and men to work at home the news irritated Gerald Middleton, the newspaper presented it in an optimistic tone. No trecho acima, a palavra moreover pode ser substituída por: 2- The news irritated Gerald Middleton;., the news paper presented it in an optimistic tone. (A) However hence (B) Although however (C) Hence although (D) Despite however (E) Although despite 4. But today despite the film's merits, Newcastle no longer needs a movie to boost its reputation. (A) however (B) such as (C) in addition to that (D) provided that (E) notwithstanding Gabarito 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C The word despite could be correctly replaced by : (A) although (B) in spite of (C) nevertheless (D) any how (E) at any rate

21 Aula 05 Conditional Clauses It's used to talk about a past possibility, something that was possible in the past but it is no longer possible. If you had arrived on time, we wouldn't have missed the train. It's used to talk about events or situations that can occur at any time. General conditions. If you drink very much, you are not supposed to drive. *p.p. = past participle > Não podem ser conjugados (não tem tempo verbal, apenas expressam tempo) It's used to talk about something that is likely to happen. A real possibility at an specific moment. If it rains tomorrow, I will not go out. > Seguidos de verbo no infinitivo Can indica habilidade/possibilidade/pedido informal I can speak English. I can't (cannot) find my keys. It's used to talk about a hypothesis, something which is unlikely to happen at this moment. If I had more money, I would buy a new car. Can you help me? Could passado de can When I was a child I could draw very well.

22 Também usado em pedidos formais. Could you lend me your pen, please? May indica uma forte possibilidade/ pedido muito formal It may rain tomorrow. May I help you? Might indica uma pequena possibilidade You have to behave in class, the director might show up at any time. Should indica conselho ou obrigação If you want to graduate, you should study. It's ten o'clock, he should be home already. Must Indica uma forte obrigação ou uma dedução You must pay all your bills every month. She was crying, something must be wrong. Exercícios 01 - But if you book something, don't you necessarily do it pre? A forma condicional da frase acima expressa uma situação que (A) é possível no futuro (B) é im possível de ocorrer (C) jamais ocorreu (D) pode ocorrer a qualquer momento (E) ocorreu no passado 02 - Select the best alternative to complete the sentences correctly: I If they money, they will buy a new house. II - If you more, you can lose weight faster. III If he that much money, he would have been able to travel with us. IV I to New York, if I could travel now. V If she a car, she wouldn't be late everyday. (A) have exercise hadn't spent would go had (B) had exercise didn't spend would go has (C) have exercised didn't spend went had (D) have - exercise didnt spend would go had (E) has exercised - spent go has Ought to indica uma obrigação ou conselho You ought to study everyday. 3 - A alternativa que completa corretamente a frase If I you, I accept his offer é (A) was would (B) am could (C) were will (D) was could (E) were would

23 4 - Qual alternativa que melhor completa a frase? If my ex-boyfriend calls me,. Gabarito 1 D 2 A 3 E 4 B 5 D (A) I would not answer. (B) I will not answer. (C) I didn't answer. (D) I would have answered. (E) I should have answered 05 - The sentence I have to be at work at 8 o'clock everyday can be substituted without a change in meaning by I be at work at 8 o'clock everyday. I - may II- might III must IV ought to V shall (A) apenas I (B) apenas II e III (C) apenas III e V (D) apenas III e IV (E) apenas V

24 Aula 06 Mary said: I am a make up artist. Mary said that she was a make up artist. Reported Speech (ou Indirect Speech), é usado para reproduzir algo que foi falado em uma situação anterior, quando fazemos fofoca ou passamos alguma informação que ouvimos antes,a diante. Já o Direct Speech é usado quando falamos diretamente com alguém, em um diálogo por exemplo. Para transformar uma frase do discurso direto para o indireto corretamente é preciso entender a diferença entre os verbos to say and to to tell. Obs.: Quando a frase proferida no simple present ainda for considerada como uma verdade ou seja, se sabemos que a situação não mudou, não há necessidade de alterar o tempo verbal. Dessa forma poderíamos ter: Mary said that she is a make up artist. To say the listener is NOT mandatory She said that the party was good. or She said to me that the party was good. I traveled to Acapulco last summer Paul told me Paul told me that he had traveled to Acapulco the summer before. To tell the listener is MANDATORY She told me that she had been to London. NEVER: She told she had been to London. I am watching TV now Jane said Jane said that she was wathing TV then. Or She said me the party was good. As frases usadas no Reported Speech sempre voltam um tempo verbal (por isso é importante saber identificá-los): I have already seen this movie John said John said he had already seen that movie

25 (A) My mother told me don't climb the tree because I can hurt myself. I will study English next year Mark told his brother Mark told his brother he would study English the following year. (B) My mother said that if I don't climb the tree I could hurt myself. (C) My mother told me not to climb the tree because I can hurt myself. (D) My mother said to us that we can't climb the tree because I can hurt yourself. (E) My mother said do not climb the tree to not hurt myself. I can speak five languages He said. He said he could speak five languages. Come here! Mom said Mom said to go there. Don't speak Portuguese in class! The teacher told us. The teacher told us not to speak Portuguese in class. Exercícios 1. Complete the paragraph with the correct alternative: John was playing in the yard with his friends. Then they decided to climb the tree. His mother looked through the window, saw what they were doing and yelled: Don't climb the tree, John! You can hurt yourself! John was a good boy, he decided to obey and told his friends. 2. When I was a teenager I studied at Columbia High School in California, but after I graduated I moved to Ohio and never saw my friends anymore. As luck would have it, these days I was in New York on business and met my best friend from school, Joe. We talked a lot and he told me: I am working as a math teacher. I just couldn't believe that because when we were at school he was really bad at math! When I got back home I told my wife: Can you believe Joe said that... I - he is working as a math teacher. II he worked as a math teacher. III he was working as a math teacher. IV he's been working as a math teacher. A opção que melhor completa o parágrafo é; (A) I e II (B) I e III (C) II e III

26 (D) apenas I (E) apenas III (E) The company director asked me how long I had been working on that project. 3. Qual a opção representa a seguinte frase no discurso indireto: The teacher asked me: Can you speak English? (A) The teacher asked me to speak English. (B) The teacher told me whether I knew English or not. (C) The teacher asked me if I could speak English. (D) The teacher asked me if I knew I coud speak English. (E) The teacher told me I could speak English. 5. A forma de linguagem indireta da frase: They said to me Do you know which is the party she went yesterday? correponde a They me if I which the party she to the day before. A alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços é: (A) told knew were gone (B) told had known was have been (C) asked knew was had been (D) asked knew was had gone (E) asked have know was had gone 4. Change the following sentence into Reported Speech: The company director asked me: How long have you been working on this project? (A) The company director asked me if I had been working on that project for log. Gabarito 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 C (B) The company director asked me how long had I been working on that project. (C) The company director asked me how long I worked on this project. (D) The company director asked me how long I was working on that project.


VERBOS IRREGULARES DO INGLÊS Guia Englishtown: VERBOS IRREGULARES DO INGLÊS I DROVE all night! I m tired. But I don t DRIVE in the rain, sweetie! O QUE SÃO VERBOS IRREGULARES? Essa pergunta acima está no top 10 das dúvidas de quem

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AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE INGLÊS CENTRO EDUCACIONAL CHARLES DARWIN AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE INGLÊS Primeira Avaliação 1ª Série EM Terceiro Período - 2017 Assinale com um X se estiver fazendo Progressão Parcial: Aluno(a): Série e Turma:

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bater, espancar, superar, vibrar, palpitar to become became become tornar-se to begin began begun começar, iniciar

bater, espancar, superar, vibrar, palpitar to become became become tornar-se to begin began begun começar, iniciar Infinitivo Passado simples Particípio passado Significado to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar to bear bore borne suportar,

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NOTA DE AULA. Profa.: Lívia Maria Disciplina: Inglês Data: / / 2019 Aluno(a): Turma: 901 Conteúdo: TABELA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES. Particípio passado

NOTA DE AULA. Profa.: Lívia Maria Disciplina: Inglês Data: / / 2019 Aluno(a): Turma: 901 Conteúdo: TABELA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES. Particípio passado 2002 COLÉGIO ALMIRANTE TAMANDARÉ Credenc. e autorização de funcionamento do Ens. Fundamental. Deliberação CEE/MS Nº 11.179, de 05 de dezembro de 2017. Educ. Infantil Aut. Del. CEE/MS Nº 1.872, de 04 de

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Irregular Verbs INFINITIVO PASSADO SIMPLES PARTICÍPIO P Verbos Irregulares Irregular Verbs INFINITIVO PASSADO SIMPLES PARTICÍPIO P to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar-se to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar to

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Past Simple Tense. I lived in São Paulo im [Eu morei em São Paulo em 1999.]

Past Simple Tense. I lived in São Paulo im [Eu morei em São Paulo em 1999.] Past Simple Tense Usamos o Past Simple para falar de fatos ocorridos no passado e, na maioria das vezes, ele vem acompanhado de expressões que indicam o tempo da ação: yesterday (ontem), two hours ago

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LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Translation be was been ser; estar; existir beat beat beaten bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar become became become se tornar; se

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cofrinhocheio.com Curso de Inglês Grátis Online

cofrinhocheio.com Curso de Inglês Grátis Online Base Form Past Tense Past Participe Portuguese Translation Forma Base Passado Simples Particípio Passado Tradução Português arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se awake awoke awoken despertar be was, were

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APRENDA OS VERBOS IRREGULARES DE UMA VEZ POR TODAS. Adir Ferreira APRENDA OS VERBOS IRREGULARES DE UMA VEZ POR TODAS Adir Ferreira 1. A letra D vira T. bend bent bent (curvar-se) build build built (construir) lend lent lent (emprestar) send sent sent (enviar, mandar)

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Verbos Irregulares - O que são verbos irregulares

Verbos Irregulares - O que são verbos irregulares Verbos Irregulares - O que são verbos irregulares Embora os verbos irregulares se constituam numa pequena minoria em relação a todos os verbos existentes na lí ngua, a freqí¼ência com que ocorrem é muito

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:: IREEGULAR VERBS :: [VERBOS IRREGULARES] :: Irregular Verbs :: :: Irregular Verbs :: Embora os verbos irregulares se constituam numa pequena minoria em relação a todos os verbos existentes na língua, a frequência com que ocorrem é muito alta, o que lhes dá uma importância

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abide abode abode obedecer a lei; permanecer; sobreviver acordar; despertar se beat beat beaten bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar

abide abode abode obedecer a lei; permanecer; sobreviver acordar; despertar se beat beat beaten bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES DO INGLÊS PROF. NEWTON ROCHA prof.newtonrocha@gmail.com Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução abide abode abode obedecer a lei; permanecer; sobreviver awake awoke

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LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES AULAS DE INGLÊS VIA SKYPE PROFS.NEWTON E ÉRIKA phone: (31) acordar; despertar se LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES AULAS DE INGLÊS VIA SKYPE PROFS.NEWTON E ÉRIKA prof.newtonrocha@gmail.com phone: (31) 9143 7388 Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução abide abode abode obedecer

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AULAS 17 e 18 REPORTED SPEECH AULAS 17 e 18 REPORTED SPEECH Reported Speech é à repetição de algo que foi dito por alguém; algo que foi relatado a outra(s) pessoa(s) com nossas próprias palavras. He said, I study hard." (direct speech)

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Verbos irregulares em Inglês: lista de verbos irregulares

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Núcleo de Educação a Distância NEAD/AEDB

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IRREGULAR VERBS. São todos de origem anglo-saxônica e se referem predominantemente a ações comuns.

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Uso O passado simples é usado para descrever ações que ocorreram num tempo determinado do passado.

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Teacher: Marcelo Pereira de Leão SIMPLE PAST TENSE. Yesterday I watched a horror movie on TV. It started at 9pm and finished at 11.30pm.

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Verbos Irregulares da Língua Inglesa

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Aulas 9 a 12 EaD Inglês Profª Carolina Silva 3º Ano. Modal verbs: CAN, COULD, SHOULD, MUST

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MODAL VERBS. must should ought to will

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Recursos para Estudo / Atividades

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Retire do diálogo a frase que contenha um REFLEXIVE PRONOUN.

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Atividade Final de Recuperação para 2ºs anos técnicos INGLÊS

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AVALIAÇÃO OBJETIVA DE L. PORTUGUESA E INGLÊS CENTRO EDUCACIONAL CHARLES DARWIN AVALIAÇÃO OBJETIVA DE L. PORTUGUESA E INGLÊS Segunda Avaliação 2ª Série Ensino Médio Primeiro Período 2017 Assinale com um X se estiver fazendo Progressão Parcial: Aluno(a):

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Passive Voice. One of the seven wonders

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Lesson 63: Reported speech. Lição 63: Discurso indireto

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8 Anos Finais LIÇÃO DE CASA SEMANA 3 Da matéria dada de 18/02 à 22/02/19.

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Língua Estrangeira Inglês 3º Ano. Present Perfect Just Ever Already Never Yet Since For

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I HAVE DONE ( Present Perfect ) or I DID ( Past Simple ).

I HAVE DONE ( Present Perfect ) or I DID ( Past Simple ). I HAVE DONE ( Present Perfect ) or I DID ( Past Simple ). O tempo verbal Inglês Present Perfect refere-se a algo iniciado no passado e que continua até hoje, tendo portanto um tempo indefinido. Veja só:

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Present Perfect: aprenda como e quando usar para não errar mais

Present Perfect: aprenda como e quando usar para não errar mais INGLÊS Present Perfect: aprenda como e quando usar para não errar mais Usamos o Present Perfect para expressar ações ou situações que ocorreram em um tempo não conhecido ou não mencionado, para expressar

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PHRASAL VERBS verbos acompanhados de preposições ou de partículas adverbiais. Prepositional verbs: o significado pode ser

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If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite William Blake

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9 Anos Finais LIÇÃO DE CASA SEMANA 4 Da matéria dada de 25/02 à 01/03/19.

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Review Verb Tenses 2. Relative Pronouns 3. Possessive Case 4. Degrees of Adjectives 5. Text Comprehension

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9 Anos Finais LIÇÃO DE CASA SEMANA 3 Da matéria dada de 18/02 à 22/02/19.

9 Anos Finais LIÇÃO DE CASA SEMANA 3 Da matéria dada de 18/02 à 22/02/19. 9 Anos Finais LIÇÃO DE CASA SEMANA 3 Da matéria dada de 18/02 à 22/02/19. GRAMÁTICA 1- Escreva com suas palavras o que é a locução prepositiva? 2- Crie uma oração para cada uma das seguintes locuções prepositivas:

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ESCOLA DATA: / / NOME: ESCOLA DATA: / / PROF: TURMA: NOME: O significado desse verbo corresponde a PODER ou SABER, em português. Portanto para indicar capacidade, possibilidade, habilidade e permissão. Observe abaixo como usar

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Simple Future. Will and Shall. Atenção! (Pay Attention!)

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01-A GRAMMAR / VERB CLASSIFICATION / VERB FORMS 01-A GRAMMAR / VERB CLASSIFICATION / VERB FORMS OBS1: Adaptação didática (TRADUÇÃO PARA PORTUGUÊS) realizada pelo Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rosa dos Santos. OBS2: Textos extraídos do site: http://www.englishclub.com

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LESSON 7 STRUCTURE X VERBS LESSON 7 STRUCTURE X VERBS Lesson 7 Present Continuous= To be + Verb+ing Afirmative Negative Interrogative am not + v+ing am + pronoun + v+ing to be + v+ing isn t + v+ing is + pronoun + v+ing aren t +

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Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lição 28: Outras preposições. Como usar outras preposições.

Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lição 28: Outras preposições. Como usar outras preposições. Lesson 28: Other Prepositions (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lição 28: Outras preposições Como usar outras preposições. Reading (Leituras) I go to school by bus. (Eu vou à escola de ônibus.) We came

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Como testar componentes eletrônicos - volume 1 (Portuguese Edition)

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Present Perfect. Again.

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Aulas 13 a 16 EaD Inglês Profª Carolina Silva 3º Ano MODAL VERBS - SHOULD

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Língua Inglesa Aulas 1 a 4 Ead Profª Carolina MODAL VERBS COULD

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Lesson 65: Causative verbs: let/make/have/get Lição 65: Verbos causativos: Deixar/fazer/ter/conseguir

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8 Anos Finais LIÇÃO DE CASA SEMANA 4 Da matéria dada de 25/02 à 01/03/19.

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Colégio de Aplicação UFRGS. Name: Group:

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Aula 10 Present Perfect Simple

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ESCOLA DATA: / / NOME: ESCOLA DATA: / / PROF: TURMA: NOME: O significado desse verbo corresponde a PODER ou SABER, em português. Portanto para indicar capacidade, possibilidade, habilidade e permissão. Observe abaixo como usar

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PRESENT SIMPLE - ATIVIDADES Cortesia do site Inglês na Ponta da Língua

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Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos.

Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos. Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos. Estes pronomes são freqüentemente usados para formação de perguntas e também podem ser usados na conexão de sentenças. Vejame aprendam a série de exemplos selecionados.

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Do you have a good memory

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a) My brother has gone to New York several times. Neg:

a) My brother has gone to New York several times. Neg: GOIÂNIA, 06/09 / 2017 PROFESSOR: MARIA LUIZA DISCIPLINA:INGLÊS SÉRIE:9º ALUNO(a): No Anhanguera você é + Enem Antes de iniciar a lista de exercícios leia atentamente as seguintes orientações: - É fundamental

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TAG QUESTIONS & ADVERBS. Módulo 12 3º ano Atenas Tânia Castro English Teacher

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Gestão da comunicação - Epistemologia e pesquisa teórica (Portuguese Edition)

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Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Lição 31: Forma interrogativa de Will

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Lesson 64: Modal verbs Lição 64: Verbos modais

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Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Lição 24: Preposições de tempo. Como usar preposições de tempo.

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Lição 24: Preposições de tempo. Como usar preposições de tempo. Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Lição 24: Preposições de tempo Como usar preposições de tempo. Reading (Leituras) I was born in 2000. (Eu nasci em 2000.) We always

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1. A lot of / lots of / plenty of são expressões que significam muito / muita / muitos / muitas.

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Inglês. Pronomes Interrogativos. Professor Eduardo Folks.

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Semana 4 Quarta Feira L.E. To Have IV. Auxiliary HAVE

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Recursos para Estudo / Atividades

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Como escrever para o Enem: roteiro para uma redação nota (Portuguese Edition)

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Simple Past. O Usado para indicar uma ação realizada e totalmente acabada no passado (começou e terminou em um momento específico no passado),

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ACTIVE VOICE X PASSIVE VOICE www.blogpensandoemingles.com www.facebook.com/pensandoeminglesblog O que é? ACTIVE VOICE X PASSIVE VOICE Active Voice ( Voz Ativa): Ocorre quando o sujeito pratica a ação, e é chamado de agente. Ex: Robert

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STUDENT: Lista de Exercícios Língua Inglesa 2º ano P1 1º Bimestre. Present Perfect Tense and Adverbs of Frequency

STUDENT: Lista de Exercícios Língua Inglesa 2º ano P1 1º Bimestre. Present Perfect Tense and Adverbs of Frequency GOIÂNIA, March th 2017. TEACHER: Thaís Cruvinel SUBJECT: English SERIES/GROUP: 2 nd STUDENT: No Anhanguera você é + Enem Lista de Exercícios Língua Inglesa 2º ano P1 1º Bimestre Present Perfect Tense and

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3º ano Atenas Tânia Castro English Teacher

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Brasileiros: Como se viram nos EUA

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