Orientação para o Professor Inglês 9 ọ Ano do Ensino Fundamental

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1 Orientação para o Professor Inglês 9 ọ Ano do Ensino Fundamental CHAPTER 16: Review Relative Pronouns Pré-requisito: Conhecimento dos Pronomes Relativos estudados no caderno 2. Objetivos: Fazer uma revisão dos pronomes relativos e suas funções básicas. Praticar interpretação de texto. Procedimento-destaque: Professor retoma os pronomes relativos. Alunos fazem os exercícios junto com o professor. Professor sugere que a leitura seja feita pelos alunos. Discute o vocabulário e as questões. Os exercícios serão feitos e corrigidos em sala. CHAPTER 17: Anomalous Verbs (Modal Verbs) Pré-requisito: Conhecimento de todo conteúdo estudado anteriormente. Objetivos: Explicar os Anomalous Verbs no Simple Present e seus si nô - ni mos, nas formas afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa. Procedimento-destaque: Professor explica o uso dos Anomalous Verbs. Mostra todos os sinônimos possíveis e apresenta as formas afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa. CHAPTER 18: Anomalous Verbs (Modal Verbs) Pré-requisito: Conhecimento de todo conteúdo estudado na aula 17. Objetivos: Explicar o passado e o futuro dos Anomalous Verbs. Procedimento-destaque: Professor relembra o Presente e apresenta Passado e Futuro. CHAPTER 19: Poem: She Pré-requisito: Conhecimento dos Relative Pronouns e Anomalous Verbs. Objetivos: Praticar interpretação de texto, vocabulário e até gramática através de um poema que posteriormente se transformou em música. Procedimento-destaque: Professor lê o poema. Alunos fazem os exercícios junto com o professor. Professor retoma a teoria de pronomes e verbos à medida que ela se faz necessária para a execução dos exercícios. Os exercícios serão feitos e corrigidos em sala. Caso o professor tenha a música pode apresentá-la como complementação da aula. CHAPTER 20: Flash Back: Plural Forms Pré-requisito: Conhecimento de algumas regras de plural estudadas no 6 ọ ano. Objetivos: Rever essas regras e aprender novas. Procedimento-destaque: Professor explica as regras. Alunos fazem os exercícios. Correção na lousa. I CHAPTER 21: Special Cases Review Pré-requisito: Conhecimento de todo conteúdo estudado anteriormente. Objetivos: Fixar o conteúdo gramatical aprendido. Ampliar o vocabulário. Procedimento-destaque: Professor revê com os alunos as principais regras da formação do plural aprendidas na aula anterior. Explica os exercícios (revê os possessivos). Os alunos fazem em classe. Correção na lousa. CHAPTER 22: Text: The Naked Truth (Part II) Pré-requisito: Conhecimento de todo conteúdo estudado anteriormente. Objetivos: Desenvolver e praticar a interpretação do texto. Procedimento-destaque: Professor lê o texto, comenta o vocabulário e resolve os exercí - cios juntamente com os alunos. GABARITO CHAPTER 16 REVIEW RELATIVE PRONOUNS IMAGENS: He s the man whom I dreamed about... que Give them to whom you feel head over heels. por quem (objeto indireto ele/ela) That s the angel whose wings are hidden! cujas EXERCISES 1. who / whom 2. which 3. whose 4. who 5. whose 6. which 7. who 8. who / whom 9. whose 10. which VOCABULARY 1. cabeludo, peludo 2. cauda 3. fornecer 4. observadores 5. visões 6. comprimentos 7. registro 8. incandescentes 9. aparecer 10. prever 11. A cauda de um cometa pode ter mais de 250 milhões de quilômetros de comprimento e fornece aos observadores um espetáculo à noite. 12. Edmond Halley previu que o cometa apareceria em 1758, que corresponde a 16 anos depois da sua morte. 13. Ele achava que os cometas surgiam como gases incandes cen - tes na superfície da atmosfera.

2 14. Um registro que data de 1770 antes de Cristo. 15. Porque eles acham que tais informações ajudarão a explicar a origem do sistema solar. 16. recent 17. comets 18. origin 19. information 20. planets 21. spectacular 22. hairy ( 26 ) como 23. lengths ( 30 ) sistema 24. death ( 29 ) visões 25. growing ( 32 ) recente 26. as ( 22 ) cabeludo/a 27. interested ( 28 ) espectadores 28. viewers ( 24 ) morte 29. sights ( 25 ) crescente 30. system ( 23 ) comprimentos 31. formed ( 31 ) formado(a) 32. recent ( 27 ) interessado(a) 33. careful ( 33 ) cuidadoso(a) 34. The most famous comet of history is called Halley s comet which appears every 75 1/2 years. 35. O mais famoso cometa da história é chamado cometa Halley o qual aparece a cada 75 anos e 1/ The most famous comet of history is called Halley s comet. Halley s comet appears every 75 1/2 years. 37. Resposta: B 38. Resposta: D 39. Resposta: B 40. Resposta: A 41. Resposta: E CHAPTER 17 ANOMALOUS VERBS (MODAL VERBS) IMAGENS: Can a toothpaste change your smile? pode You must take care of it. deve Even nature may get confused. pode 1. can 2. may 3. may 4. may 5. may 6. may 7. may 8. can 9. can 10. can I can finish We may drink students may come They may finish Susan may arrive You may not smoke here. 17. Can children sleep anywhere? 18. Can Luciana dance very well? 19. Women cannot (can t) change tyres by themselves. 20. May they close their books now? 21. Resposta: B 22. Resposta: B 23. Resposta: C 24. Resposta: A 25. Resposta: C 26. may ( 28) não poder (permission) 27. must ( 30) não poder (capacity) 28. may not ( 26) poder (possibility) 29. can ( 27) dever (obligation) 30. cannot ( 29) poder (ability) 31. She can speak five languages. 32. I must study for the test. 33. We may arrive after midnight at home. 34. People must not smoke in closed places. 35. He can t understand Japanese. CHAPTER 18 ANOMALOUS VERBS (MODAL VERBS) IMAGENS: Could you share your secrets with him? poderia How blondes should look. deveria If you wanted, you could look like them too. poderia... are a volunteer, giving your time so that others might have more. poderiam You should feel him closer. deveria So comfortable that you will be able to reach the stars. seria capaz de / poderá 1. They could not (couldn t) You ought not (oughtn t) to He may not Might I call...? 5. Must you talk...? 6. Ought she to Affirmative: Yes, they could. Negative: No, they couldn t. 8. Affirmative: Yes, you should. Negative: No, you shouldn t. 9. Affirmative: Yes, I can. Negative: No, I can t. 10. Affirmative: Yes, you may. Negative: No, you may not. 11. Past: Peter could drive a truck. Future: Peter will be able to drive a truck. 12. Past: You might be wrong. Future: It will be possible that you are wrong. 13. Past: She had to take care of her son. Future: She will have to take care of her son. 14. Você não deveria se preocupar tanto. Ela vai ficar bem. 15. Eles deveriam confiar em seus pais. (16) to date ( 21 ) amigo, companheiro, colega (17) once ( 24 ) estranheza (18) awkward ( 20 ) sentir falta (19) to break up ( 17 ) uma vez (20) to miss ( 23 ) quebra, rachadura (21) bud ( 16 ) namorar (22) ever ( 18 ) estranho, esquisito (23) rift ( 25 ) ex (24) weirdness ( 19 ) desmanchar (25) former ( 22 ) já II

3 26. Yes, they were. 27. No, he didn t. 28. Yes, she was. 29. No, they couldn t. 30. Yes, she should. 31. What should I do? I could tell him anything. 33. Int.: Could you tell him anything? 34. Neg.: I could not tell him anything. 35. O que eu deveria fazer? CHAPTER 19 POEM: SHE ( 1) to forget ( 9) correnteza ( 2) trace ( 3) arrependimento ( 3) regret (18) difíceis ( 4) chill (12) multidão ( 5) within (16) preocupar-se ( 6) beast (17) através ( 7) feast (13) ter permissão ( 8) heaven (14) sombras ( 9) stream ( 6) animal feroz (10) shell ( 4) frio (11) to seem (15) motivo, causa (12) crowd ( 5) dentro de (13) to be allowed (20) significado (14) shadows ( 2) traço, resquício (15) wherefore (11) parecer (16) to care for ( 1) esquecer (17) through ( 7) abundância (18) rough ( 8) paraíso (19) souvenirs (19) lembranças, recordações (20) meaning (10) concha 21. She who always seems so happy She may be the face I can t forget. 23. Past: She might be the face I couldn t forget. Future: It s possible that she will be the face I ll not be able to forget. 24. Ela pode ser o rosto que eu não consigo esquecer. 25. Porque ele lamentava não haver um prêmio Nobel de Mate - mática. 26. Matemáticos com menos de 40 anos. 27. A cada quatro anos. 28. pesquisa 29. achar, descobrir 30. casais 31. compartilhado 32. mais tempo 33. aqueles 34. sem CHAPTER 20 FLASHBACK: PLURAL FORMS IMAGENS: All mammals need lots of bottles of milk. mamíferos / garrafas Ralph Lauren romance men homens For women who got style. mulheres TEORIA 1. chairs tables girls televisions pencils 2. kisses boxes buses brushes matches 3. babies days cities keys industries 4. videos studios 5. tomatoes heroes echoes buffaloes//buffalos cargoes//buffalos commandoes//commandos mosquitoes//mosquitos tornadoes//tornados volcanoes//volcanos 6. wives lives knives calves halves selves shelves sheaves leaves thieves loaves wolves elves scarves 7. men women children feet teeth geese lice mice oxen dice sheep 8. boyfriends matchboxes flower shops policewomen brothers-in-law courts-martial EXERCÍCIOS 1. box = caixa 2. housewife = esposa 3. ox = boi 4. volcano = vulcão 5. thief ladrão 6. toy brinquedo 7. painter = pintor 8. hero = herói 9. child = criança 10. loss = perda 11. story = estória 12. research = pesquisa 13. bamboo = bambu 14. sister-in-law = cunhada 15. piano = piano 16. manservant = empregado 17. policewoman = policial 18. court-martial = corte marcial 19. life = vida 20. table = mesa 21. Resposta: C 22. Resposta: E 23. Resposta: D 24. Resposta: E 25. Resposta: D 26. Resposta: D 27. feet = pé 28. grandmothers = avó 29. calves = bezerro 30. monarchs = monarca 31. dishes = prato 32. roofs = telhado 33. donkeys = burro 34. musicians = músico 35. policewomen = policial (mulher) 36. difficulties = dificuldade 37. womenservants = empregada 38. sisters-in-law = cunhada 39. wives = esposa 40. teeth = dentes III

4 CHAPTER 21 REVIEW SPECIAL CASES IMAGENS: Make it sexy with black atraente These pants will fit everyone. calças TEORIA 9. I) sheep salmon fish deer trout plaice hundred thousand million dozen Two hundred men are here Four hundred women Two dozen eggs Hundreds Thousands Portuguese Swiss Japanese Chinese Vietnamese II) mercadoria(s) calças tesoura conteúdo óculos pijama escadas salário agradecimentos roupas III) pessoas, povo público gado polícia IV) Ética Fonética Matemática Física Política V) notícia, novidade mobília informação progresso conselho conhecimento EXERCÍCIOS 1. These are heavy objects. 2. Those men are good policemen. 3. Wolves are wild animals. 4. They are excellent housewives. 5. The old heroes received golden medals from their commanders-in-chief. 6. is 7. are 8. them 9. These are them 10. isn t it 11. goods 12. boxes 13. passersby 14. leaves 15. lice 16. is 17. comes 18. have 19. spend 20. itch 21. that ( 31 ) women 22. Japanese ( 27 ) are 23. child ( 23 ) children 24. hero ( 24 ) heroes 25. this ( 21 ) those 26. watch ( 30 ) wolves 27. is ( 37 ) shelves 28. I ( 39 ) dentists 29. He/She/It ( 22 ) Japanese 30. wolf ( 32 ) oxen 31. woman ( 35 ) mice 32. ox ( 34 ) Englishmen 33. commander-in-chief ( 25 ) these 34. Englishman ( 40 ) safes 35. mouse ( 38 ) researches 36. leaf ( 33 ) commanders-in-chief 37. shelf ( 26 ) watches IV 38. research ( 28 ) we 39. dentist ( 36 ) leaves 40. safe ( 29 ) They CHAPTER 22 TEXT THE NAKED TRUTH (PART II) 1. though (11) baile de formatura 2. harmless ( 2) inofensiva 3. stunt ( 7) estranhos 4. summoned ( 3) ímpeto 5. denied ( 5) neguei 6. eventually (10) medidas disciplinares 7. weird ( 1) embora 8. minors ( 8) menores 9. sort of ( 9) tipo de 10. disciplinary measures ( 4) intimada 11. prom ( 6) finalmente 12. Because she might be in trouble for her stunt. 13. After a week. Because some of the boys who had showered with her had been questioned. 14. She denied the whole thing to keep herself out of trouble. 15. She ended up telling the truth. 16. uma ofensa e culpada por exposição indecente 17. mandada para a sala de aula 18. sua mãe 19. atividades extracurriculares, baile, jantar e baile de forma - tura 20. cruzeiro para o México, $ that I might get in They told me I could be that some of the boys who d showered I went to lunch nobody had come after me... (há outras sentenças) I wasn t totally sure I wasn t taking this nobody had come after me to figure(d) (há outros) 30. to have (há outros) Vocabulário 31. versões mais antigas 32. ser enganado por 33. má, malvada 34. dedos do pé 35. através 36. No século IX. 37. Ela cortou os dedos do pé de sua filha feia. 38. Ele criou os sapatinhos de cristal. 39. Resposta: B 40. Resposta: B 41. a) fool ( b ) bad b) wicked ( a ) trick c) so that ( e ) adapt d) prevent ( c ) in order to e) fit ( d ) impede 42. a) ugly ( d ) destroy b) wicked ( a ) beautiful c) complicated ( b ) good d) create ( c ) simple e) about ( e ) approximately 43. earlier made was by 44. Century 45. Tale 46. Stepmother

5 CHAPTER 16 Review Relative Pronouns whom: To whom: whose: RELATIVE PRONOUNS QUICK REVIEW!! PRONOME TRADUÇÃO FUNÇÃO USO Who que, quem sujeito ou objeto refere-se a pessoas. Whom que, quem objeto refere-se a pessoas. Which que, o(a) qual sujeito ou objeto refere-se a substantivos neutros Whose cujo(a)(s) indica posse aparece entre dois substantivos 275

6 EXERCISES Fill in the blanks with a Relative Pronoun (from 1 to 10): 1. Josie is the teacher I like best. 2. The books he lost are mine. 3. All the kids _ parents are too nice become spoiled. 4. Maggie and Pauline, travelled last night, were my neighbors. 5. We had bought a house rooms were huge but we had to move. 6. Marina has sold her dog s puppies were born last month. 7. Never trust a man or a woman doesn t care about you. 8. The President we elected has not been doing a good job. 9. Shakespeare, _ plays are very famous, was born in England. 10. The chair on you are sitting is broken. Be careful!!! Text: Comets In recent years, scientific investigation of comets has increased because of a growing interest in the origin of the sun and planets. Scientists want to learn how comets are formed. The word comet comes from Greek and means hairy object. The tail of comets provide viewers with spectacular sights at night. Comet tails are millions of kilometres long. The tails frequently reach lengths of 250 million kilometres and more. There is a written record of a comet as early as 1770 B.C. The Chinese kept careful records and so did the Babylonian. Aristotle was interested in comets. He thought that they began as burning gases in the earth s atmosphere. The most famous comet of history is called Halley s comet which appears every 75 1/2 years. It was named for Edmond Halley, an English scientist. He predicted the appearance of the comet in 1758, sixteen years after his death. Halley s comet is extremely bright and has two tails. It returned in (VUNESP-SP) 276 Vocabulary: 1. hairy: 2. tail: _ 3. to provide: 4. viewers: 5. sights: 6. lenghts: 7. record: 8. burning: 9. to appear: 10. predict: Answer the questions in Portuguese according to the text Comets (from 11 to 15): Reading Comprehension: 11. How does the text describe the tail of the comet? 12. Who predicted the appearance of a comet in 1758? When? 13. What did Aristotle think about comets? 14. Qual foi o registro mais antigo sobre cometas men - cio nado no texto? 15. Por que os cientistas querem aprender mais sobre a formação dos cometas? Read the text Comets again and find 6 cognates (from 16 to 21): Answer the following questions based on the text Comets. Match the columns (from 22 to 33): 22. hairy ( ) como 23. lengths ( ) sistema 24. death ( ) visões 25. growing ( ) recente 26. as ( ) cabeludo/a 27. interested ( ) espectadores 28. viewers ( ) morte 29. sights ( ) crescente 30. system ( ) comprimentos 31. formed ( ) formado/a 32. recent ( ) interessado/a 33. careful ( ) cuidadoso(a)

7 34. Find in the text a sentence with a Relative Pronoun: 35. Translate the sentence number Transforme o período composto do exercício 34 em duas orações simples: Choose the correct alternative (from 37 to 41): 37. The boy you called the attention was innocent. a) which b) whom c) whose d) what e) when 38. We know the couple son got a golden medal for the swimming competition. a) that b) what c) where d) whose e) which 39. The new book I was reading is a best-seller all over the world. a) where b) which c) who d) when e) whom 40. Penelope used to be a famous star is nowadays living in the countryside. a) who b) whom c) which d) whose e) what 41. My neighbor, I told you, bought another imported car. a) of who b) about whose c) about which d) of whom e) about whom CHAPTER 17 Anomalous Verbs (Modal Verbs) CARACTERÍSTICAS DOS ANOMALOUS VERBS 1. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS não têm to na forma do Infinitive. 2. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS não têm s nas 3 ạs pessoas do sin gular; eles apresentam a mesma forma para qualquer sujeito, em qualquer tempo verbal. Ex.: I can speak French. { Eu posso falar francês. She can speak French. { Ela pode falar francês. Can: 3. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS não são seguidos de to quando an te cedem outros verbos na infinitive form, apesar da tradução des tes ser feita na forma de infini tivo; Ex.: I can speak French very well. (e não: to speak) Eu posso falar inglês muito bem. 4. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS não possuem ing form; 5. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS não possuem as três formas principais dos verbos comuns (Infinitive, Simple Past and Past Participle). Por este mo tivo não podem ser con ju ga dos em todos os tempos ver bais. 6. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS recebem o NOT depois deles para fazermos a Negative form. Ex.: I may not leave after ten. Eu não posso sair depois das dez. 7. Os ANOMALOUS VERBS vão para a frente do sujeito na Interrogative form. Ex.: May you finish this right now? Você pode terminar isto agora mesmo? 277

8 VERBOS CAN MAY TRADUÇÃO poder poder USOS capacidade habilidade permissão possibilidade EXEMPLOS I can swim She can sing You may leave It may rain SINÔNIMO to be able to to be able to to be allowed to to be possible that EXEMPLO I am able to swim She is able to sing You are allowed to leave It is possible that it rains INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS Examples Aff.: She can ride a horse Int.: Can she ride a horse? Neg.: She cannot ride a horse. (can t) Aff.: She may go now. Int.: May she go now? Neg.: She may not go now. Aff.: She must speak very low. Int.: Must she speak very low? Neg.: She must not speak very low. (mustn t) may: must: _ No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o POR TAL OBJETIVO ( e, em localizar, digite ING9F

9 EXERCISES Fill in the blanks with CAN or MAY (from 1 to 10): 1. Peter drive very well. (capacity) 2. Mary drive her mom s car. (permission) 3. You be wrong. (possibility) 4. People leave whenever they feel like doing (it)? (permission) 5. If you are hungry, you eat something now. (permission) 6. It s dark outside. It rain late. (possibility) 7. They smoke outside. (permission) 8. Susan cook wonderfully. (ability) 9. He speak five languages. (capacity) 10. We understand Spanish pretty well because it s also a Latin language. (capacity) Rewrite the following sentences using an Anomalous Verb (from 11 to 15): 11. Do you think I am able to finish this work? 12. We are allowed to drink two cups of coffee, only. 13. In some schools, students are allowed to come and go as they please. 14. They have to finish their homework before going to the club. 15. It s possible that Susan arrives late for the class. Change the following sentences into (A) Interrogative (B) Negative forms (from 16 to 20): 16. You may smoke here. B. 17. Children can sleep anywhere. A. 18. Luciana can dance very well. A Women can change tyres by themselves. B. 20. They may close their books now. A. Choose one correct answer (from 21 to 25): 21. You must go to school. The underlined verb indicates: a) impossibilidade b) dever c) capacidade d) probabilidade 22. She study to pass the exams. a) must to b) has to c) may d) both a and b are correct 23. He is very strong. He carry heavy bags. a) must b) may c) can d) cannot 24. Susan play the piano beautifully. a) can b) may c) must d) have to 25. It is really cold. We have snow this year. a) must b) have to c) may d) may not Match the columns (from 26 to 30): 26. may ( ) não poder (permission) 27. must ( ) não poder (capacity) 28. may not ( ) poder (possibility) 29. can ( ) dever (obligation) 30. cannot ( ) poder (ability) Write in English (from 31 to 35): 31. Ela pode falar cinco línguas. 32. Eu devo estudar para o teste. 33. Nós podemos chegar depois da meia-noite em casa. 34. As pessoas não podem fumar em lugares fechados. 35. Ele não pode entender japonês.

10 CHAPTER 18 Anomalous Verbs (Modal Verbs) Could: should: could: _ PRESENT CAN MAY MUST _ ANOMALOUS VERBS PAST COULD MIGHT HAD TO SHOULD OUGHT TO FUTURE WILL BE ABLE TO WILL BE ALLOWED TO WILL BE POSSIBLE THAT WILL HAVE TO _ Observações Nas formas Interrogativa e Negativa, os verbos anô ma los no Passado seguem a mes ma regra do Presente (aula 17). Os verbos SHOULD e OUGHT TO são sinônimos e só aparecem na forma de Simple Past. Eles não têm nem Simple Present e nem Simple Future. Ambos indi cam sugestão e/ou conselho. Ex.: You look tired. You should go to bed. (ought to) 280

11 might: _ should: _ will be able to: 281

12 EXERCISES Change into NEGATIVE form (from 1 to 3): 1. They could bring all their books. Negative: 2. You ought to run one mile every morning. Negative: 3. He may think I m a stupid woman. Negative: Change into INTERROGATIVE form (4 to 6): 4. I might call you tonight. Interrogative: 5. You must talk so loud. Interrogative: 6. She ought to stop and have a drink. Interrogative: Answer using Short Answers (from 7 to 10): 7. Could they help me? Affirmative: Negative: 8. Should I finish my work now? Affirmative: Negative: 9. Can you read Japanese? Affirmative: Negative: 10. May I help you? Affirmative: Negative: Transform the following sentences into Simple Past and Simple Future (from 11 to 13): 11. Peter can drive a truck. Past: Future: 12. You may be wrong. Past: Future: 13. She must take care of her son. Past: Future: Translate (14 and 15): 14. You shouldn t worry so much. She will be fine. _ 15. They should trust their parents. _ Q. Before I started dating my close friend, I could tell him anything. But once he was my boyfriend, it felt awkward, and we didn t talk as much anymore. So I broke up with him. Now I miss having a best bud. What should I do? A.I think you should do two things: Ask yourself why you started feeling uncomfortable. Was kissing him like smooching your brother? That s a conversation stopper if there ever was one. Talk to this guy and explain what went wrong. Maybe he feels as desappointed as you do about the rift in your friendship. It s a mistake to run from an important relationship because of a bit of weirdness. You owe your former best bud a chat. (Seventeen, June 2001) Match the columns (from 16 to 25): (16) to date ( ) amigo, companheiro, colega (17) once ( ) estranheza (18) awkward ( ) sentir falta (19) to break up ( ) uma vez (20) to miss ( ) quebra, rachadura (21) bud ( ) namorar (22) ever ( ) estranho, esquisito (23) rift ( ) ex (24) weirdness ( ) desmanchar (25) former ( ) já Answer using Short Answer according to the text (from 26 to 30): 26. Were the boy and the girl already friends before they started dating? 27. Did the boy decide to break up? 28. Was the girl feeling weird about her new boyfriend? 29. Could they talk as friends after dating? 30. Should she talk to her former boyfriend about being friends again? 282

13 Find in the text (31 and 35): 31. a sentence with the verb deveria : 32. a sentence with the verb podia : 33. Transform sentence number 32 into Interrogative form: Int.: 34. Transform sentence number 32 into Negative form: Neg.: 35. Translate sentence number 31: CHAPTER 19 Text poem: She Vocabulary: S H E She may be the face I can t forget A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song the Summer sings May be the chill the Autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of the day She may be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast. May turn each day into a heaven or a hell She may be the mirror of my dream. A smile reflected in a stream. She may not be what she may seem Inside her shell She who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud No one is allowed to see them when they cry She may be the love that cannot hope to last May come to me from shadows of the past That I remember till the day I die She may be the reason I survive. The way and wherefore I m alive The one I ll care for through the rough and ready years Me, I ll take her laughter and her tears And make them all my souvenirs. For where she goes I ve got to be The meaning of my life is She (Elvis Costello) Match the columns (from 1 to 20): ( 1) to forget ( ) correnteza ( 2) trace ( ) arrependimento ( 3) regret ( ) difíceis ( 4) chill ( ) multidão ( 5) within ( ) preocupar-se ( 6) beast ( ) através ( 7) feast ( ) ter permissão ( 8) heaven ( ) sombras ( 9) stream ( ) animal feroz (10) shell ( ) frio (11) to seem ( ) motivo, causa (12) crowd ( ) dentro de (13) to be allowed ( ) significado (14) shadows ( ) traço, resquício (15) wherefore ( ) parecer (16) to care for ( ) esquecer (17) through ( ) abundância (18) rough ( ) paraíso (19) souvenirs ( ) lembranças, recordações (20) meaning ( ) concha 21. Retire do texto uma oração com um Relative Pronoun: 22. Retire do texto uma frase com dois Anomalous Verbs diferentes e grife-os: 283

14 23. Passe a frase do exercício 22 para as formas de Passado e Futuro: Past: _ 26. Quem pode receber o Fields Medal? Future: _ 27. Quando acontece a premiação? 24. Traduza a oração do exercício 22: Text I Three mathematicians, including a Briton, won the world s top prize in Mathematics on Sunday at a ceremony in California. The prize, called the Fields Medal, is awarded every four years at a meeting of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Recipients must be under the age of 40. The medal is named after John Charles Fields, a Canadian mathematician who lamented back in 1932 that there was no Nobel prize in Mathematics. Text II Psychologist Bernard Murstein and research assistant Patricia Brust found that couples with a shared sense of humor had been together longer than those without (from 4 to 10): Translate the following words from text II (from 28 to 34): 28. research: 29. to find: Answer the following questions in Portuguese according to the text I (from 25 to 27): 25. Por que John Charles resolveu criar o Fields Medal? 30. couples: 31. shared: 32. longer: 33. those: 34. without: 284

15 CHAPTER 20 Flashback: Plural Forms Rules: 1. Regra Geral: acrescenta-se S ao singular. Example: book books = livro Singular Plural Tradução chair = cadeira = mesa table girl = garota television = televisão pencil = lápis 2. Substantivos terminados em -s -ss -x -ch -sh : acrescenta-se -es ao singular. Example: watch watches = relógio Singular Plural Tradução kiss = beijo box = caixa = ônibus brush = escova match = partida EXCEPTIONS: ox oxen = boi { palavras que terminam em -ch, mas têm som de K : apenas acres centase -s. Example: stomach stomachs = [k] estômago mammals: _ bottles: Example: boy boys = menino 3. Substantivos terminados em -y precedido de CONSOANTE: muda-se o -y para -i e acres cen - ta-se -es. Example: baby babies = bebê Obs.: substantivos terminados em -y precedido de VOGAL: apenas acrescenta-se -s. Singular Plural Tradução baby = bebê day = dia city = cidades key = chave industry = indústria 285

16 4. Substantivos terminados em -o precedido de VOGAL: acrescenta-se -s. Example: radio radios = rádio Singular Plural Tradução video studio = vídeo = estúdio 5. Substantivos terminados em -o precedido de CONSOANTE: acrescenta-se -es, mas algumas formas seguem as regras 4 e 5. Example: potato potatoes = Singular Plural Tradução tomato hero echo buffalo cargo commando mosquito tornado volcano batata = tomate = herói = eco = búfalo = cargo = comando = mosquito = tornado = vulcão EXCEPTIONS: piano pianos = piano solo solos = solo dynamo dynamos = dínamo photo photos = foto 6. Substantivos terminados em -F ou -FE recebem 7. SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO wife = esposa life = vida knife = faca calf = bezerro half = metade self = si mesmo shelf = prateleira sheaf = feixe leaf = folha thief = ladrão loaf = filão de pão wolf = lobo elf = gnomos scarf = echarpes Plurais Irregulares SINGULAR PLURAL TRADUÇÃO man = homem woman = mulher child = criança foot = pé tooth = dente goose = ganso louse = piolho mouse = camundongo ox = boi die = dado sheep = ovelha -s no plural. Example: roof roofs = EXCEÇÃO: Há substantivos terminados em -FE telhado que mudam esse final para -ves. São eles: -F ou 8. Substantivos Compostos na maioria das vezes fazem o plural seguindo a regra da última palavra. Example: classrooom classroooms = sala de aula 286

17 mailman mailmen = carteiro boyfriend matchbox flower shop = namorado = caixa de fósforo = loja de flores policewoman = policial quando num substantivo composto aparece MAN ou WOMAN como PREFIXO, os dois subs - tan tivos vão para o plural. men: Example: manservant menservants = empregado Substantivos compostos formados com prepo - sição ou adjetivo fazem o plural apenas na pri - meira palavra. Example: mother-in-law mothers-in-law = sogra brother-in-law = cunhado court-martial = corte marcial No Portal Objetivo women: Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em localizar, digite ING9F 302 EXERCISES Give the singular form and the translation (from 1 to 20): 12. researches 1. boxes 2. housewives 3. oxen 4. volcanoes/volcanos 5. thieves 6. toys 7. painters 8. heroes 9. children 10. losses 11. stories bamboos 14. sisters-in-law 15. pianos 16. menservants 17. policewomen 18. courts-martial 19. lives 20. tables Choose one correct alternative (from 21 to 26): 21. In some... of the Middle East... can have four... a) country men wife b) countries man wifes

18 c) countries men wives d) countries man s wives e) countrys men s wives are animals. a) Sheeps, deers, ox, geese. b) Sheep, deer, oxes, goose. c) Sheeps, deers, oxes, geese. d) Sheep, deer, oxen, goose. e) Sheep, deer, oxen, geese. 23. A única palavra em cujo plural o y não é subs - tituído por IES é: a) lady b) baby c) family d) cowboy e) fancy 24. Dadas as sentenças: 1) The Brazilian people are very friendly. 2) No news is good news. 3) Your cattle are not allowed to graze here. Constatamos que está(estão) correta(s): a) apenas a sentença n ọ 1. b) apenas a sentença n ọ 2. c) apenas a sentença n ọ 3. d) apenas as sentenças n ọs 1 e 2. e) todas as sentenças. 25. Choose the correct alternative:... are found in cats and dogs. a) goose b) geese c) louses d) lice e) mice 26. Dadas as informações de que o plural de 1) OX é OXEN 2) CHIEF é CHIEFS 3) ROOF é ROOVES constatamos que está(ão) correta(s): a) apenas a afirmação n ọ 1. b) apenas a afirmação n ọ 2. c) apenas a afirmação n ọ 3. d) apenas as afirmações n ọs 1 e 2. e) todas as afirmações. Give the correct plural form and translation (from 27 to 40): 27. foot = = _ 28. grandmother = = 29. calf = = 30. monarch = = 31. dish = = 32. roof = = 33. donkey = = 34. musician = = 35. policewoman = = 36. difficulty = = 37. womanservant = = 38. sister-in-law = = 39. wife = = 40. tooth = = CHAPTER 21 Review Special Cases make it sexy with back sexy: _ pants: _ 288

19 9. Casos Especiais I) Alguns substantivos mantêm o SINGULAR e o PLURAL IGUAIS. Nomes de certos animais: Example: Singular Plural Tradução sheep = ovelha salmon = salmão fish = peixe deer = veado trout = truta plaice = tipo de linguado Palavras que indicam número, quantidade: Example: Singular Plural Tradução hundred = centena thousand = milhar million = milhão dozen = dúzia Example: Two hundred men are here.. Four hundred women.. Two dozen eggs.. Observação: Quando estas palavras NÃO estiverem precedidas de NUMERAL, então, elas receberão -S. Example: Hundreds of men are here. of people (hundred) of pounds (thousand) Substantivos terminados em -S ou -SE que indicam NACIONALIADE: Example: Singular Plural Tradução Portuguese = portuguesa Swiss = suíça Japanese = japonesa Chinese = chinesa Vietnamese = vietnamita II)Alguns substantivos são usados apenas no PLURAL (com o verbo também no plural). Examples goods trousers (pants) scissors contents spectacles (glasses) pyjamas stairs wages thanks clothes III) Os nomes coletivos são considerados plurais (com o verbo também no PLURAL): Examples people public cattle police IV) Nomes de algumas ciências terminadas em -ICS são singulares (com o verbo também no SIN GULAR) Examples Ethics Phonetics Mathematics (Maths) Physics Politics Translation Translation Translation 289

20 V)Alguns nomes em inglês só são usados no SINGULAR (com o verbo também no SIN GU - LAR). Examples news furniture information progress advice knowledge Translation REVIEW THE (o, a, os, as) mantém a mesma forma no singular e plural. A (um, uma) usado antes de palavras que começam por consoante ou têm som de consoante e AN (um, uma) usado antes de palavras que começam por vogal ou por h não pronunciado são usados apenas no singular. Os ADJETIVOS em inglês mantêm a mesma forma para o singular e o plural. O plural de THIS (este, esta, isto) é THESE. O plural de THAT (aquele, aquela, aquilo) é THOSE. O plural de I é We e de He, She ou It é They. EXERCISES Change these sentences to plural form. Make whatever changes are necessary (from 1 to 5): 1. This is a heavy object. 2. That man is a good policeman. 3. A wolf is a wild animal. 4. She is an excellent housewife. 5. The old hero received a golden medal from his commander-in-chief. Circle the correct word from those in brackets (from 6 to 10): 6. Politics (is, are) interesting. 7. My scissors (is, are) lying on the table. 8. She has mislaid her glasses again. Have you seen (it/them) anywhere? 9. (This, These) pants (is, are) too dirty. Would you please take (it / them) to the laundry for me? 10. We are afraid the news (isn t, aren t) good; shall we tell you (it, them) anyway? Circle the correct answer from the words in brackets (from 11 to 15): 11. You can buy all kinds of (horses, oxen, news, goods) in a department store. 12. Matches are sold in (safes, boxes, glasses, brushes). 13. Walking down the street we may meet other (witches, forks, knives, passersby). 14. A tree is full of (leaves, loaves, selves, shelves). 15. (Teeth, dice, feet, lice) must be killed with insecticide. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets (from 16 to 20): 16. Physics a very complex subject. (to be) 17. The news _ from everywhere every day. (to come) 18. The trousers I m wearing legs with different lengths. (to have) 19. People, in general, more money than they should. (to spend) 20. Lice _ terribly. (to itch) 290

21 Match the columns (from 21 to 40): 21. that ( ) women 22. Japanese ( ) are 23. child ( ) children 24. hero ( ) heroes 25. this ( ) those 26. watch ( ) wolves 27. is ( ) shelves 28. I ( ) dentists 29. He/She/It ( ) Japanese 30. wolf ( ) oxen 31. woman ( ) mice 32. ox ( ) Englishmen 33. commander-in-chief ( ) these 34. Englishman ( ) safes 35. mouse ( ) researches 36. leaf ( ) commanders- -in-chief 37. shelf ( ) watches 38. research ( ) we 39. dentist ( ) leaves 40. safe ( ) They CHAPTER 22 The Naked Truth (Part II) Text Though it was harmless fun, I was a little worried that I might get in trouble for my stunt. But by the end of the day, nobody had come after me, so I figured I was in the clear. A week later, I was called down to the school office. I wasn t totally sure why I was summoned, until I heard in the hallways that some of the boys who d showered with me had been questioned already. The principal, superintendent, counselor and secretary asked if the rumors were true. At first I denied the whole thing to keep myself out of trouble, but eventually I ended up telling the truth. At this point, I just wanted to take my punishment and continue with life as usual. They were totally weird about it, and acted shocked by what I had done. It was like they d never heard of skinny-dipping before. They told me I could be considered a sex offender, guilty of indecent exposure in front of minors. Obviously, I wasn t taking this as seriously as they were, because I thought they were crazy. After telling me they needed to decide what sort of disciplinary measures to take, the administrators sent me back to class. I went to lunch, and afterward, I was called back into the office. This time my mom was there, too. The principal told me I was suspended from extracurricular activities including the junior-senior prom, junior-senior banquet and my senior class trip (a cruise to Mexico, for which I d already put down a $100 deposit). 291

22 Match the columns (from 1 to 11): Vocabulary: 1. though ( ) baile de formatura 2. harmless ( ) inofensiva 3. stunt ( ) estranhos 4. summoned ( ) ímpeto 5. denied ( ) neguei 6. eventually ( ) medidas disciplinares 7. weird ( ) embora 8. minors ( ) menores 9. sort of ( ) tipo de 10. disciplinary measures ( ) intimada 11. prom ( ) finalmente According to the text, complete the sentences in Portuguese (from 16 to 20): 16. De acordo com a direção, ela poderia ser considerada e em frente a menores. 17. Depois dos diretores terem dito que eles precisavam decidir quais as providências necessárias, ela foi. 18. Nesse interim, ela foi almoçar e depois chamada de volta para a diretoria. Neste momento, estava lá, também. 19. A menina foi avisada de que ficaria fora das, incluindo o o e a. Reading Comprehension: Answer in Portuguese according to the text (from 12 to 15): 12. Por que a garota estava preocupada? _ 13. Depois de quanto tempo ela foi chamada para esclarecer o acontecido? Por quê? _ 20. Quanto à viagem, ela faria um e já teria pago de depósito. Find in the text The Naked Truth (from 21 to 30): 21. a sentence with an Anomalous Verb which means poder (possibility) in the Past: 22. a sentence with an Anomalous Verb which means poder (capacity) in the Past: 14. A princípio qual foi a reação dela com relação ao episódio? 23. a sentence with a Relative Pronoun which means que and refers to somebody: 15. Num segundo momento, o que ela decidiu fazer? 24. the sentence that means Eu fui almoçar

23 25. a sentence in the Past Perfect: 28. a sentence with an Indefinite Pronoun (ninguém): 26. a sentence with the verb to be in the Simple Past (negative): 27. a sentence in the Past Continuous (negative): 29. a regular verb 30. an irregular verb Why did Cinderella Wear Glass Slippers? There are about 500 versions of the story of Cinderella, some of them going back to the 9th century. In the earlier versions the slippers were not made of glass and the prince was fooled by the wicked stepmother. She cut off the toes of one of her daughters to make the daughter s feet fit into the slipper. When the prince discovered the trick, he returned the ugly girl to her mother and married Cinderella. In 1729, French writer Charles Perrault published a version of Cinderella in his book Tales of Mother Goose. He thought the earlier versions were too complicated and changed them a little. He made the slippers glass so that the prince could see through them. This way, Perrault prevented the prince from being fooled by the wicked stepmother. Based on Aquarius 293

24 Vocabulary: 31. earlier version: 32. to be fooled by: 33. wicked: 34. toes: 35. through: What s the meaning? Check the alternative that best explains the meaning of the words in italics (39 and 40): 39. She cut off the toes of one of her daughters to make the daughter s feet fit into the slippers. She cut off the toes of one of her daughters means a) She cut off the toes of her only daughter. b) She cut off the toes of one daughter only. 40. Perrault prevented the prince from being fooled by the wicked stepmother. Prevented the prince from being fooled indicates that a) the prince was fooled. b) the prince wasn t fooled. Match the columns (from 41 and 43): 41. Find the synonyms. a) fool ( ) bad b) wicked ( ) trick c) so that ( ) adapt d) prevent ( ) in order to e) fit ( ) impede Answer the questions in English (from 36 to 38): 36. When did the earlier versions of the story of Cinderella first appear? 37. What did the wicked stepmother do to fool the prince? 38. How did Perrault prevent the prince from being fooled? Find the opposites. a) ugly ( ) destroy b) wicked ( ) beautiful c) complicated ( ) good d) create ( ) simple e) about ( ) approximately Choose the correct word. Try not to look back at the story. soon make 43. In the versions, the slippers were not earlier made of glass and the prince were for fooled was by the wicked stepmother. What s the word in English? (from 44 to 46): 44. A period of one hundred years. 45. A narrative of real or imaginary events. 46. The wife of one s father by a later marriage, not one s natural mother.


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Recurso Didáctico. Dossier Técnico Pedagógico Projecto: 5742/2008/22 Acção: 5742/2008/ A. ASKING AND ANSWERING ABOUT NAME

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Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos.

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Do you have a good memory

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Atividade Final de Recuperação para 2ºs anos técnicos INGLÊS

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LÍNGUA INGLESA INTERATIVIDADE FINAL CONTEÚDO E HABILIDADES DINÂMICA LOCAL INTERATIVA AULA. Conteúdo: Simple Present - Negative and Interrogative forms Conteúdo: Simple Present - Negative and Interrogative forms Habilidades: Formar orações na forma negativa e interrogativa utilizando a estrutura do Simple Present. Vídeo - Socorro meu filho come mal Unhealthy

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Basic English Grammar

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Ano: 8º Turma: 81 / 82

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Present, Past and Future

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Lesson 21: Who. Lição 21: Quem

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Lesson 21: Who. Lição 21: Quem

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Colégio XIX de Março Educação do jeito que deve ser

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Revisão de conteúdo 7º ano - fundamental 2 2º bim.

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- Causative verbs: have and get something done - Future in the past

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Roteiro de Recuperação Língua Inglesa 7º ano

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Guião N. Descrição das actividades

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Past Simple Tense. I lived in São Paulo im [Eu morei em São Paulo em 1999.]

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Colégio XIX de Março Educação do jeito que deve ser

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Vocabulário. Processo de formação e uso das palavras em Inglês

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INGLÊS MÓDULO 4. Pronomes Pessoais, Objetos, Reflexivos, Possessivos, Adjetivos Possessivos. Professor Antonio Donizeti

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Usamos o Simple present para expressar algo que está acontecendo no presente, ações rotineiras, por exemplo.

Usamos o Simple present para expressar algo que está acontecendo no presente, ações rotineiras, por exemplo. Língua Inglesa Aulas 1 a 4 Ead Profª Carolina Simple present Usamos o Simple present para expressar algo que está acontecendo no presente, ações rotineiras, por exemplo. Assim como todos os tempos verbais,

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If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite William Blake

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