Research Methods for Customer Satisfaction: a Bibliometric Study. Métodos de Pesquisa de Satisfação de Clientes: um Estudo Bibliométrico

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PMKT Revista Brasileira de Pesquisas de Marketing, Opinião e Mídia ISSN: 1983-9456 (Impressa) ISSN: 2317-0123 (On-line) Editor: Fauze Najib Mattar Sistema de avaliação: Triple Blind Review Idiomas: Português e Inglês Publicação: ABEP Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa Research Methods for Customer Satisfaction: a Bibliometric Study Métodos de Pesquisa de Satisfação de Clientes: um Estudo Bibliométrico Submission: Apr./12/2014 - Approval: Oct./12/2014 Janaína Aparecida Pavani Albanez Graduation in Business Administrator from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Small Business Management. E-mail: Endereço profissional: Rua Marques de Pombal, nº 2160 Campos Elíseos, Ribeirão Preto/SP Brazil. Sheila Farias Alves Garcia Doctorate in Business Administration from Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Master Degree in Business Administration from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Graduation in Social Comunication from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-SP). Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). More than twenty-five years of experience in the corporate world. She worked as executive or consulting member of relevant management teams in the following organizations: Ibope, A. C. Nielsen, FUNDACE/FEA/USP, FAAP, Jornal Folha de S. Paulo, Unilever, Bombril, Sadia, Nestlé, Warner Lambert, Quaker, Colgate-Palmolive, 3M e Perdigão. E-mail: Lesley Carina do Lago Attadia Galli Doctorate in Business Administration from Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Master Degree in Production Engineering from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Graduation in Business Administration from Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-RP- USP). Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Researches's areas: Strategic Management, Organizational Management, Strategic Management e Consumer Behavior. E-mail:

ABSTRACT This work had as its central theme the research methods of customer satisfaction. The motivation for choosing this theme was the growing importance of the subject, which has dominated the practice of business management in recent years. In this environment, customer satisfaction has been recognized unanimously as one of the main goals of the organizations. It s important to investigate how the subject has been explored in academy. In order to produce an overview of recent scientific output on satisfaction survey, carried out a descriptive and quantitative research, which was built bibliometric indicators capable of representing the scientific research on models of consumer satisfaction, developed in Brazil and published by Brazilian Academy of Management - ANPAD. The observation period was from 2007 to 2012. It was analyzed 38 articles published in the period. The results suggest that despite the great importance of the subject in the practice of management, the same interest has not been observed in major scientific events held in Brazil, in the period studied. KEYWORDS: Research customer satisfaction, loyalty, perceived quality. RESUMO Este artigo teve como tema central, os métodos de pesquisa de satisfação de clientes. A motivação para a escolha deste tema foi a crescente relevância do assunto que vem dominando a prática da gestão empresarial nos últimos anos. Nesse ambiente, a satisfação do consumidor tem sido reconhecida, com unanimidade, como um dos principais objetivos das organizações. Isso leva a investigar como o assunto está sendo explorado na academia. Com o objetivo de produzir um panorama da produção científica recente sobre pesquisa de satisfação, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de natureza quantitativa, que resultou na construção de indicadores bibliométricos capazes de representar a produção científica sobre os modelos de pesquisa de satisfação do consumidor, desenvolvidos na academia brasileira. Definiu-se como universo, os diversos eventos produzidos pela Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração ANPAD, em função de sua importância e representatividade na promoção do conhecimento no campo das ciências administrativas, contábeis e afins no Brasil. O período investigado foi de 2007 a 2012. Foram analisados 38 artigos publicados no período. Os resultados sugeriram que, apesar da grande importância do tema na prática da gestão, o mesmo interesse não tem sido observado nos principais eventos científicos realizados no Brasil, no período estudado. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pesquisa de satisfação de cliente, lealdade, qualidade percebida. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 2

1 INTRODUCTION The customer satisfaction research is the central theme of this article. The choice of this theme was motivated by the importance of the subject that has been dominating the practice of business management in recent years. In this context, customer satisfaction has become the main strategy for companies interested in obtain competitive advantage. In recent years, the consumer satisfaction research have been increasingly emphasized by marketing professionals, because the customer satisfaction could influence buying decisions and retaining large part of consumers, generating profit for the company (LOVELOCK; WRIGHT, 2001; MARCHETTI; PRADO, 2004). In the marketing context, a strategy to be successful it needs to establish lasting and effective relationships with external or internal clients, suppliers or distributors, shareholders and/or society in General. Relationships, according to Gordon (1998), are the only real assets of the company, because they provide long-term yields and low risk (MAGALHÃES et al., 2009). The study of consumer satisfaction has been recognized by marketing professionals as one of the main objectives of the organizations. There is an awareness that the monitoring tends to offer valuable information to allow for the development of marketing strategies which, in turn, promise to increase of long-term relationships (HEPP, 2008). According to the author, on the importance of the study of satisfaction, it becomes obvious the importance of the study of factors that can influence it. The importance of the topic in the business community is clear. We are interested in how the subject is being exploited at the Academy. It's important to know the Academy's interest in the subject and the panorama of recent scientific production on satisfaction survey. The events held by the National Association of Post-Graduate and Research of Business Administration - ANPAD - was defined to be the study object, because of its importance and representativeness in the promotion of teaching, research and production of knowledge within the field of Administrative Sciences in Brazil. The Association performs the main scientific events of the administration area in Brazil. Among the various events held by ANPAD, one of the most traditional is EnANPAD, that is split into 11 academic divisions according to the topics of interest to members and aim to stimulate the scientific production in certain lines of research. The Marketing Division (EMA) consolidates marketing studies. The Meeting of Strategy Studies (3Es) aims assist in the development of the area of study in strategy. The ENEO represents the consolidation, the advance and the fecundity of the studies in organizations. The Technological Innovation Management Symposium opens opportunities for academics in that area to disclose and discuss articles more specifically. The ENAPG focuses on the administration of public organizations. The overall objective of the ENGPR is to foster the development of the area of study in personnel management and labor relations. The ENADI aims to assist in the development of the general field of study in Management Information Systems. The overall objective of the ENEPQ is to encourage the development of the area of study in teaching and research in business administration and accounting. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 3

For this study, it was used the period of 2007-2012 of publications on the subject, in order to analyze the material published recently. The information has been obtained on the portal ANPAD (2012). In the Methodology section, the criteria used for the selection of scientific articles will be detailed. The research problem was defined like: what is the panorama of scientific production published in the annals of the events promoted by ANPAD, in the period 2007-2012, about the models of consumer satisfaction survey? Thus, the overall objective of this article was to produce bibliometric indicators able to represent the scientific production about models of consumer satisfaction research developed in Brazilian Academy and published over the period 2007-2012, in the annals of the events promoted by ANPAD. In order to understand clearly the concepts studied, it was conducted a literature research for the topics: satisfaction, loyalty and customer retention. The results were used for the correct definition of terms for searching in the database of the events produced by ANPAD. All articles containing the words defined in the title, the keywords or subject, were selected. After the analysis of the selected articles, scientific output indicators were prepared, during the period in question, from the perspective of the bibliometric studies. 2 JUSTIFICATION Today the relevance of the customer satisfaction research is undoubted. The loyalty of customers is today one of the most important assets of enterprises. But this was not always like that. During most of the 20TH century, the satisfaction of customers was not a priority for organizations. Companies were not interested in know if the clients had returned often or had complained of any product/service after purchase. What consumers would do after purchase it would be irrelevant. Just in the end of the Decade of 1980, the companies started to be concerned with the study of the loyalty of their customers, prioritizing the measurement of consumer satisfaction indices as a prerequisite to fidelize them (ROMÁN, 2007). Due to fierce competition in the current markets and more critical consumer, the research on the points that lead to loyalty have become essential, whether in academy, whether in the business world. We can say today that, maintain and retain profitable customers in organizations is a priority with regard to attracting new customers, mainly by the costs involved in their uptake (ENGEL; BLACKWELL; MINIARD, 2000). Rossi and Slongo (1998) said that the current information on the levels of customer satisfaction, are one of the top priorities of management in companies committed to the quality of its products and services and, therefore, on the results achieved by your customers. It is important to analyze the role that the Academy takes in relation to the development of this area and the production of new knowledge. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 4

3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 CONSUMER SATISFACTION This issue began to be more detailed and researched in early 1980, being constituted to date with different definitions that together make up the meaning of customer satisfaction (OLIVER, 1980; LARÁN DISTRICT; ESPINOZA, 2004). One of these definitions is characterized as the consumer response to an overall comparative analysis between expectations and performance of a product/service after its consumption, i.e. an assessment carried out by the consumer on the difference between your expectation prior to purchase and the result of the experience with the product/service. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction were analyzed by Oliver (1993) and represented as causal agents of positive and negative feelings in relation to the Organization and their products/services. The consumer creates expectations before they consume and, subsequently, observes the performance of this product to your feeling, represented by thoughts that form particular pattern, placed as a reference so that you can exercise the right of judgment, which may be positive or negative, that generates satisfaction or dissatisfaction, respectively (LARÁN; ESPINOZA, 2004). Oliver (1997) stated that there is an direct relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability of companies. There is evidence that satisfaction is one of the factors, alongside the financial and accounting factors capable of affecting the result of companies. This relationship manifests itself in a sequence of four phases, as shown in Figure 1 (SPARTEL; SAMPAIO; PERIN, 2008). Quality Satisfaction Loyalty Profitability Source: ESPARTEL, L. B.; SAMPAIO, C. H; PERIN, M. G. Avaliação do impacto da satisfação de clientes e da intenção de recompra no market share. Um estudo em uma empresa fabricante de implementos agrícolas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DA ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DOS PROGRAMAS DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO. Anais... São Paulo: ANPAD, 2008:5. FIGURE 1 Stages of profitability. It is observed that the quality would lead to customer satisfaction, which in turn would be the way to loyalty, culminating in higher profitability. There is no guarantee of satisfaction in this sequence, but shows consistent. For example, the satisfaction is frequently used to evaluate the quality of national and international companies. It is also cited as one of the antecedents of customer loyalty (OLIVER, 1997; 1999; OLIVER; RUST; VARKI, 1997). The customer satisfaction result from the practice of purchase is characterized by Kotler (2000) as a dependent of the offer in relation to their expectations, which leads to a narrower concept, based on the feeling of pleasure or disappointment from the comparison of the perceived outcome of a given product to buyer's expectations: If performance does not meet expectations, the customer will be dissatisfied. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 5

If performance achieves the expectations, the customer will be pleased. If performance is beyond expectations, the customer will be highly pleased or delighted. (KOTLER, 2000: 58). The degree of customer satisfaction can be measured by the ratio between his expectation before enjoy certain product/service and the awareness created from experience with the consumption. Consumers whose expectations have not been met, will be possibly unsatisfied customers, while those whose expectations have been overcome and even exceeded are classified as satisfied and super satisfied, respectively (CORRÊA; CANON, 2008). According to the authors, the operations manager of services of a particular undertaking meets two main variables to manage the degree of customer satisfaction. The first corresponds to the expectation of the client; the second refers to his perception in relation of the service received. Another concept related to this theme comes from research conducted by Hoffman et al. (2010), in which this feeling can be represented by means of comparisons of client's expectations with their perception regarding the moment of service, based on expectation break models. The satisfaction can also be characterized with meet the expressed or implied consumer needs, by a set of the services characteristics or attributes (TONTINI; SAMIR, 2008). According to Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2011), the reason more incisive for companies worrying about consumer satisfaction is related to the future decision factor of the customer based on the prior acquisition of goods or services from the same company. Post-purchase assessments are extremely important in maintaining customer loyalty and, the ones that have not had their expectations met, hardly will hold new acquisition at the same company. 3.2 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INDICES With the satisfaction research, businesses generate an internal indicator corresponding to the client satisfaction index-isc, which is the combination of measurements of satisfaction and quality collected by the company. The output generated by indicators must be used by the companies in an effective way, turning into action, considering deadlines, indicating specifications and with credibility (ZEITHAML, 2003). The American Customer Satisfaction Index - ACSI is a performance measure, produced in the North American market, with national economies and economic sectors, businesses and industries, based on three foundations: perceived performance, perceived value and customer expectation (FORNELL et al., 1996). The ACSI measures customer satisfaction and its increase points to the reduction of complaints and increased customer loyalty. The authors have proposed and have applied the model of customer satisfaction index American - ISCN, illustrated in Figure 2, which offers a uniform measurement and comparative base for overall customer satisfaction and points of relations with its major antecedents and consequents. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 6

Source: FORNELL, C. et al. The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose, and Findings. Journal of Marketing, v. 60, n. 4, out.-dez., 1996:7-18. FIGURE 2 Model of customer satisfaction index of North American. Contained in the ACSI model is the recognition that the general customer satisfaction cannot be measured directly because it is a latent variable that requires some indicators to her measurement. This variable is the immediate result of the operationalization of the ACSI model, which would be enough to compare suppliers, organizations, Nations, sectors and branches of activity. The general customer satisfaction is linked to their antecedents as expectations, perceived quality and perceived value; and consequences life complaints and loyalty (URDAN; RODRIGUES, 1999). The model presents the customer loyalty as an indicator of profitability, what increase the interest in the model (REICHHELD; SASSER, 1990). In the American Customer Satisfaction Index-ACSI, the perceived quality is among the determinants of overall satisfaction of the client, thus, it is assumed that the perceived quality has direct and positive effect on overall satisfaction. The operationalization of the perceived quality involves two basic components: (1) customization, as the degree to which the supplier's offer is suitable for heterogeneous needs of clients; (2) reliability, as the degree to which it can rely on the supplier's offer, free of faults and shortcomings. Another determinant of overall satisfaction is the perceived value, which is the perceived level of product quality in relation to price paid. The price factor is incorporated in the perceived value, which enhances the comparability of results between suppliers, branches of activities and sectors. It looks like to have a positive association between perceived value and overall satisfaction. Expectations make up the final determinant of overall customer satisfaction and expresses both the prior experience of customer consumption with the offer of the supplier (including experiential information sources such as advertising and word-of-mouth communication), as a prediction of the supplier's ability to deliver quality in the future. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 7

The expectations have positive effect on overall satisfaction, because of their predictive capability of future quality. In addition, the expectations are positively related to perceived quality and the perceived value, because the knowledge of the client interferes in his expectations like a mirror the quality chain. Being customer expectations largely rational should reflect his ability to learn from experience and to predict the levels of quality and value that will receive (HOWARD, 1977). 3.3 LOYALTY In competitive markets where ease of replacing suppliers, products and services are great, the efforts of companies in an attempt to keep long-term relationships are growing, and yet they are not always sufficient. Understanding the various aspects that involve loyalty becomes a key point to promote the retention of customers. Hence the need of creation of products and services arises. And products and services created have to meet the needs and the aspirations of value, desired by customers. About creating value for the customer, Engel, Blackwell and Miniard (2000) argue that the consumers' values, i.e. their beliefs about life and the acceptable behavior, can explain the reason why consumers vary in their decision-making. The lasting mark of personal and social values is part of the personality structure and it is applied in situations of purchase and in the choices of products, brands and market segmentation. Personal values influence the choices that individuals make of their social values or value systems which they are exposed (SILVA et al., 2011). Currently, marketing and strategy professionals of large organizations have increasingly been concerned with understanding the loyalty of consumers. Consumer loyalty is directly linked to your behavioral intention, in respect of a product/company (MARIN; PAJARES, 2009). Blackwell, Miniard, Engel (2005), argue that the loyalty based on gradual satisfaction is still one of the greatest assets of the organizations. For Oliver (1999: 34), loyalty is: A deep commitment to buy or use a product/service consistently in the future, causing therefore repeated purchases of the same brand or set of brands, even if there are situational influences and marketing efforts capable of causing change behavior. Oliver (1999, p. 35) suggested that the true loyalty is formed by attitudinal phases, which represent increasing levels of consumer engagement and commitment with the brand: cognitive (belief), affective (appreciation), conative (purchase intent) and action (act of purchase). Loyalty based on satisfaction is an immeasurable asset to large organizations, so the loss of customers is more prejudicial that obtaining new ones. Actions for consumer retention have lower cost than the search for new (MARIN; PAJARES, 2009). However, companies face problems with fickle consumers front of promotions and differentiated services that competitors use to capture new customers. The decline of client fidelity can be caused because the consumers feel entitled to try new options, i.e. consumers not feel effectively rewarded (BLACKWELL; MINIARD; ENGEL, 2005; MARIN; V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 8

PAJARES, 2009). To solve these problems of desertion, companies have invested a lot in customer loyalty actions. Marketing professionals are starting to look at the changes in these transaction standards as a basis for identifying possible deserters and put into practice the promotions and other incentives exclusively for this audience. The total satisfaction is the best way to gain customer loyalty, which carries a superior long-term performance (JONES; SASSER, 1995; REICHHELD, 1996). Thus, the higher the satisfaction, the higher will be his loyalty and lower will be his price elasticity, decreasing transaction costs and increasing the company's reputation on the market, translating into positive financial results for the Organization (FORNELL et al., 1996). About the process of consumer decision related to intention or repurchase behavior, it can be stated that the attitudinal and behavioral components are not always considered with the same intensity. The combination of these factors leads to four situations like presented in Figure 3. Fonte: Adapted from DICK, A. S.; BASU, K. Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, v. 22, n. 2, 1994:82. FIGURE 3 Types of loyalty. In true loyalty, the repurchase is consistent and favorable. In this way the repurchase behavior is considered the attitudinal antecedent that leads to the consumer involvement. In fake loyalty, the purchase client (strong behavior), but has weak attitude (no preferences). Means that other factors influence his purchase, for example, lower price, special service. These customers that fall into the false loyalty are predisposed to change supplier in search of better opportunities, for example: price, brand, convenience. In the latent loyalty level, the client has strong attitude, but demonstrates a low level of repurchases, possibly due to price or the convenience of purchase. Already the clients who do not present one loyalty behavior are individuals who demonstrate low attitude and low behavior (buying is not regular) (LARÁN DISTRICT; ESPINOZA, 2004). V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 9

Loyalty can be positively influenced by consumer confidence because it offers guarantees in relation to the company, its performance, ensuring future negotiations with the same supplier. The trust assists in the continuity of the relationship and creates feelings of loyalty, reducing the risk in trading. The higher the consumer confidence, greater will be expectations of doing future business in a long-term relationship (SAINTS; FERNANDES, 2007). 4 METHODOLOGY 4.1 METHODS OF APPROACH This work analyzed the Brazilian academic publication about the models of consumer satisfaction survey by means of bibliographical research. This study is characterized as descriptive and quantitative research with technical procedures categorized as bibliographical research and bibliometric. A bibliographic survey preliminary was done to deepen knowledge of the theories studied (GIL, 2002). According to Fonseca (1986) the Bibliometrics is a quantitative and statistical technique of measuring indexes of production and dissemination of scientific knowledge. It emerged at the beginning of the century as a answer of the necessity of study and evaluation of the activities of scientific production and communication. The goal of Bibliometrics is to offer an idea of the State of the Art and the evolution of science, technology and knowledge (Hayashi, 2007). In this sense, it is more than a list of references of papers used by providing a framework of research themes that excite the researchers and give idea of the content and structure of the research, in addition to the possible gaps. Quantitative analysis brings the use of quantification both in data collection and in the treatment of them by means of statistical techniques, from the most simple as percentages and averages, to the most complex (Richardson, 2004). That was the approach done to this research. 4.2 SEARCH PROCEDURES For this study, were analyzed the articles published in the annals of events organized by ANPAD. The choice of the ANPAD occurred due to its representativeness in relation to scientific events and articles published in Brazil. The scientific articles on the subject were selected in the ANPAD site, on the basis of the following criteria: Search by title, keyword, or subject, of the following terms: satisfaction, loyalty, consumer behavior, customer loyalty, customer retention, satisfaction index and satisfaction research. Selection of articles published in the analyzed period (2007-2012). Analysis and categorization of articles selected. In the search were found 48 articles. Subsequently, each article selected was evaluated to confirm the central focus on satisfaction survey. At this stage, ten articles were discarded by they don't treat V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 10

the research topic, resulting 38 articles to be reviewed. For the 38 remaining articles, was drafted a form adapted from Barker and Macera (2001), whose variables analyzed are listed at Chart 1. CHART 1 Search variables and indicators. INDICATOR VARIABLES 1. 1. Event ENANPAD; EMA; 3 Es; Symposium; RAC-E 2. 2. Year of publication 2007-2012 3. 3. Amount of authors 1-5 ou mais 4. 4. Study kind Empirical; Theoretical 5. 5. Search approach Qualitative; Quantitative 6. 6. Data collection Primary; Secondary; Primary-Secondary 7. 7. Research nature Exploratory-Descriptive; Exploratory; Descriptive; Explanatory/experimental/mental Causal; Descriptive-Explanatory 8. 8. Research methodology Survey; Case study; Bibliometric/Meta-analysis; Literature review 9. 9. Data collection instrument Questionnaire/Structured; Script/Semistructured 10. 10. Study method Longitudinal; Transverse 11. 11. Data collect method On-line; Mail and telephone; Phone; Interview (Personal) 12. 12. Central themes of the articles analyzed Satisfaction, loyalty and retention, and customers; Consumer behavior; Relationship Marketing; Purchase/consumption environments; Emotions; Communication and advertising; E-commerce 5 PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RESULTS In this section the results obtained through the survey conducted on 38 selected articles, in periodicals ANPAD, for the period 2007-2012, will be presented. The Graph 1 shows that most articles on the topic was published in the EnANPAD (23 articles), followed by the EMA, which is a specific event of marketing (11 articles). 25 20 15 10 61% 5 29% 0 5% 3% 3% EnANPAD EMA SIMPÓSIO 3Es RAC-e GRAPH 1 Percentage of articles published per event. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 11

The big difference in the number of articles published in the ENANPAD and EMA, can be explained by the fact that the first is held annually and the second is held every two years, thereby reducing the number of publications in the period analyzed. The analysis of the last six years showed that, from 2008, the interest in the topic has decreased. The year 2008 presented the production peak of 11 articles published and the year 2012 finished with only four publications on the subject. The Graph 2 presents this tendency. The average publication studied period is six articles per year. Excluding the first two years, the average drops to three articles per year, which reinforces a trend of decline in recent years. The results suggest that, despite the great importance of the subject in the practice of management, not the same interest has been noted in major scientific events in the area of administration, held in Brazil, in the period studied. GRAPH 2 Percentage of articles published per year. In relation to the number of authors per publication, co-authoring (presence of two or more authors) is more common in relation to individual authorship. With three authors obtained a production percentage of 39% and with an author, 13%. The Graph 3 shows these results. The growing trend of co-authoring observed on relation to satisfaction research does not differ from other areas of the Administration and even other areas of scientific knowledge. The way the scientific production is being evaluated today, both by international as by nationals organizations, might be a influence factor of this behavior. Today, the quantitative aspects are being privileged, requiring big amount of articles. To meet the challenge imposed by quantitative evaluations many researchers may be establishing partnerships in order to multiply their production. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 12

3% 13% 13% 39% 32% 1 AUTHOR 2 AUTHORS 3 AUTHORS 4 AUTHORS MORE GRAPH 3 Number of authors per article (in %). It can be observed a concentration in relation to the type of study: 76% of articles are empirical studies, that in this study must be understood like studies that are based on a framework of theoretical references and data collect to confirm it or refute it, in whole or in part (Machado da Silva, Cunha and Amboni, 1990). The Graph 4 presents this proportion. Theoretical and empirical 3% Theoretical 21% Empirical 76% GRAPH 4 Classification in relation to the type of study (in %). On research methodology the highest incidence was for the quantitative nature studies, 21 articles, a percentage of 55%. This kind of study does use intensive statistical techniques, correlating the variables and checking the impact and validity of the experiment. The Graph 5 points out the results. One can infer that such an outcome is associated with the nature of the phenomenon studied, customer satisfaction, which requires the use of statistical tools. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 13

GRAPH 5 Research approach (in %). In relation to the type of data collected, the primary data are predominant (65%of articles). Infers that, once again, is the nature of the studied phenomenon that explains the predominance of primary data collection (Graph 6). 3% 33% 65% Primary Data Desk Reaserch Data Both GRAPH 6 Type of data collected (in %). The data presented in the Graph 7 shows a predominance of descriptive studies: 66% (25 articles), aim to describe the behavior of the data, while only 3% (1 article) was descriptive-explanatory. GRAPH 7 Nature of the research (in %). V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 14

The Graph 8 presents the research methodologies used in the articles analyzed with their respective percentages. How it can be seen in Graph 6, the survey research was the most used methodology with 18 articles (47%), followed by literature review technique with 13 articles (34%). 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 47% 34% 4 2 8% 11% 0 SURVEY CASE STUDY BIBLIOMETRIC / META ANALYSIS LITERATURE REVIEW GRAPH 8 Research methodology (in %). The Graph 9 represents the instruments used for data collection. There is the emphasis on structured questionnaires 61% (23 articles). Infer that the preference is due to the ease of application and is also related to the predominance of studies with quantitative approach, which require structured questionnaires. GRAPH 9 Data collection instrument (in %). By analyzing the 38 articles, were found 32 (84 percent) cross-sectional studies, as can be seen from Graph 10. Thus, it is an opportunity for longitudinal studies. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 15

16% LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSAL 84% GRAPH 10 Method of study (in %). For data collection, in 15 articles (60%), authors opted for a personal interview. Such results can be checked on the Graph 11. GRAPH 11 Data collection method (in %). As explained in the introduction to this work, the selection of the articles took into account the search by title, keyword, or subject that contained at least one of the following words: satisfaction, loyalty, consumer behavior, customer loyalty, customer retention, and satisfaction index satisfaction survey. Although all articles containing the words expressed previously, there are evidence that their central theme has tabled amendments. Thus, 61% of 38 articles examined presented words like satisfaction, loyalty and customer retention as a central theme. In the other, the central themes varied, as can be observed in Table 1. This fact suggests that the interest in the topic, assessed here by the number of articles published in specific area, is even smaller than imagined initially. Were published 23 articles on satisfaction, loyalty and customer retention for the past six years, considering the scientific events organized by ANPAD, i.e. on average 3.8 articles per year. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 16

TABLE 1 Central themes of the articles analyzed. CENTRAL THEME N OF ITEMS % Satisfaction, loyalty, customer retention 23 61 Consumer behavior 6 16 Relationship marketing 3 8 Purchase/consumption environments 2 5 Emotions 2 5 Communication and publicity 1 3 E-commerce 1 3 TOTAL 38 100 Satisfaction research models used in 27 of the 38 articles examined are listed in Table 2. Several theoretical models were used, but the ones that stood out due to its use in more than one article were: Satisfaction Research Model of Fornell et al. (1996) Three articles; Garbino and Johnson (1999) - Three articles; Morgan and Hunt (1994) - Three articles; Oliver Satisfaction Scale (1997) - Two articles, Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) - Two articles. In the other articles were used different models, sometimes new models proposed by the authors, to answer the question-problem. Articles that were not cited in Chart 2 have not made use of any method of satisfaction survey to obtain data, i.e. were exclusively theoretical studies. Os artigos que não foram citados no Quadro 2 não fizeram uso de nenhum método de pesquisa de satisfação para obtenção de dados, foram estudos exclusivamente teóricos. It can be observed the use of scales of measurement in various articles, especially in articles related to services. Of the 27 articles that used research methods, 70% are studies in relation to services and 30% in relation to products. The indices of satisfaction of papers published as the work of Nannetti and Mosque (2010), were made based on American models, because at the time of publication up to the present date there is no model for calculation of the index of satisfaction built from the Brazilian reality. The validity of applying a model built from the perspective of American consumer behavior to analyze the behavior of the Brazilian consumer must be questioned. In other hand, this research highlighted an important gap that should be faced by the Brazilian Academy of Administration, in order to propose a model to measure the satisfaction of the Brazilian consumer or deny, scientifically, the need for development of such a model, confirming the possibility to use American model. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 17

CHART 2 Satisfaction survey templates used/or cited in the articles. Title Autor/year Theoretical Aprouch Theoretical Grounding Proposta para um modelo de mensuração de confiança entre canais de Marketing Ações de responsabilidade social e os reflexos de Lealdade e Atitude no consumidor de Supermercados na cidade de São Paulo Satisfação, Lealdade e Retenção: Um pré-experimento aplicado á telefonia móvel Um estudo dos determinantes ao comportamento de compra próambiental de professores universitários As relações entre satisfação, confiança, lealdade atitudinal e rentabilidade de correntistas de um banco de varejo Os efeitos direto, mediador e moderador do custo de mudança na satisfação e lealdade do consumidor Santos, C.C.; Hernandez, J.M.C. 2007 Marin, E. R.; Pajares, F. M. R 2009 Lopes,J.E.F.; Moriguchi,S.N.; Fagundes, A.F.A. 2008 Velter,A.N.; Battistella, L.F.; Mello, C.I. 2011 Santos,P.M.F.; Porto, R.B. 2012 Matos, C.A.; Henrique,J.L.; Rosa,F. 2007 Multidimensional Trust Scale Social Responsability Scale Satisfaction Scale Loyalty Scale New Ecological Paradigma (NEP) Enoki Scale Satisfaction Scale Loyalty Scale Proposition and test of theoretical model (rivals models: satisfaction, loyalty and cost of changing) Lewicki; Bunker,1995 Bearden e Netemeyer, 1999 Burnham, Frels e Mahajan, 2003 McMullan e Gilmore, 2003 Dunlap e Van Liere, 1978 Enoki et al, 2008 Fornell et al, 1996 Marcos et al. 2007 Lee; Cunnigham, 2001;Lam et al, 2004 Holmbeck, 1997 Holmbeck, 1997 Jones; Mothersbaugh; Beatty, 2000 Grau de satisfação dos estudantes do curso de ciências contábeis: estudo em uma faculdade do sudoeste do Paraná Satisfação, Lealdade e Envolvimento do Consumidor: um estudo no varejo de vestuário Comportamento do consumidor sob a ótica da Teoria Meios-Fim: Um estudo sobre os valores pessoais dos discentes do curso de especialização em gestão Pública Avaliação do Impacto da satisfação de clientes e da intenção de recompra no Market Share: um estudo em uma empresa fabricante de implementos agrícolas Antecedentes da Retenção de clientes: um estudo aplicado a Usuários de serviços bancários A influência do valor para o cliente e da satisfação no comportamento de boca a boca: uma análise no setor de academias de ginástica Satisfação ou confiança: Quem determina as intenções futuras no contexto de comércio eletrônico? Gomes, G.; Dagostini, L.; Cunha, P.R. 2012 Hepp, C.P.T. 2008 Vilas Boas,L.H.B.;Bueno,J.M; Oliveira,L.A.S.; Siqueira W.R. 2012 Espartel,L.B.;Sampaio,C.H.; Perin.GM.G. 2008 Milan,G.S.; Toni,D.; Milan,J.M.M. 2008 Soares,A.A.C.; Barroso,J.A.; Ramos,R.R. 2010 Hernandez, J.M.C.; Ambrosina,C.A.; Groh,C.A. 2009 Student Instructional Rating System (SIRS) Paswan e Young, 2002 P II Scale (Personal Involvement Inventory) Zaichkowsy, 1994 Personal Values (Schwartz Scale) Means end Chain Theory (Laddering) Proposition and test of theoretical model (Satisfaction Scale, Repurchase Intention Scale) Gutman, 1982 Ikeda e Veludo-de-Oliveira, 2008 Hoyle, 1995 Theoretical Milan Model (2006) Jöreskog; Sörbom, 1993 Effects of Quality, Value and Custumer Satisfaction On Consumer Behavioral Intentions The Relationships Among Satisfaction, Trust, Attitude and Behavioral Intention Zeithaml, 1988 Dill ET AL., 2006 Harrison-Walker, 2001 Cronin Jr.,Brady e Hult, 2000 Morgan; Hunt, 1994 Dwyer, Schurr, Oh, 1987 Garbarino; Jonhson, 1999 V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 18

Table 2 presents a summary of the main results of this study for each of the indicators analyzed. Detected an opportunity to develop longitudinal studies and new models for the measurement of the Brazilian Consumer Satisfaction. TABLE 2 Summary of results of 38 articles. INDICATORS RESULTS Greater quantity of articles published 23 articles ENANAPD; 11 articles - EMA Year of publication of articles 11 articles - 2008 Number of authors per article 39% - 3 authors; 32% - 2 authors Classification in relation to the type of study 76% - empirical Research methods 55% - Quantitative Types of data collected 65% - Primary Nature of research 66% - Descriptive Research methodology 47% - Survey; 34% - Literature review Data collection instrument 61% - Structured questionnaire Method of study 84% - Transverse Data collection method 60% - Interview (personal) Central themes of the articles analyzed 61% - Satisfaction, loyalty, customer retention 6 CONCLUSION In this section are presented the most relevant conclusions, drawn from the analysis of the results. This study sought to produce Bibliometric indicators to represent the scientific literature on methods for consumer satisfaction survey being developed in academia brazilian published in the last five years (2007-2012), considering the events conducted by ANPAD. Thirty-oight articles were analyzed on the basis of ANPAD. In the analyzed period, were produced about six articles per year on consumer satisfaction survey, consumer behavior and relationship marketing. The average decrease to 3.8 articles per year in the consumer satisfaction research. The results suggest that, despite the great importance of the subject in the practice of management, not the same interest has been noted in major scientific events held in Brazil, in the period studied. A qualitative analysis, which was not the objective of this work, could investigate why this observation. The analysis about the places of publication sought to verify in which event if obtained greater participation on the topic. It can be observed that the organizational dynamics event was attended by 23 articles, 61% of publications on the topic, and the EMA, with articles 11, 29% publications. The analysis on the number of authors for publication revealed that the articles published on the topic of consumer satisfaction survey are mostly collaborative authorship (more than one author), 71% of articles are with two and three authors. Already in relation to the type of study, 76% of articles are empirical studies quantitative in nature (articles 21 or 55%) and with the use of primary data (65%) or articles 21 primarily descriptive (25 V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 19

articles or 66 percent). The survey (survey data) was the most widely used search method (47 percent) or articles 18 followed by a review of the literature (13 articles or 34 percent). In relation to data collection, the majority (61%) used structured questionnaires applied through personal interviews (15 items or 39%), in cross-sectional studies (articles 32 or 84 percent). All selected articles contain the searched words as its central theme, though some have changed in the central theme as well, 61% of 38 articles presented as central theme satisfaction, loyalty and customer retention; and in 16% of 38 articles the main theme was about consumer behavior. The research methods of satisfaction that stood out were: Satisfaction Research Model of Fornell et al., 1996 (3 articles); Garbino and Johnson, 1999 (3 articles); Morgan and Hunt, 1994 (3 articles); Oliver Satisfaction Scale, 1997 (2 articles) and Ajzen, Fishbein, 1980 (2 articles). But there were a big variation in the used models. Of the 27 articles that used research methods, 70% are service-related studies and 30% related to products, so there is a growing increase in satisfaction studies in the area of services. 7 LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES It is worth mentioning that this study brought as a contribution, an overview about the most satisfaction survey methods used in Brazilian Academy in the period 2007-2012. However, the conclusions of the study are restricted to the events researched and to the analysis period (2007-2012). The database used in this study, although significant, is not the entirety of articles published in Brazil, so the results cannot be generalized. The fall of consumer satisfaction studies observed in the sample could be studied in further work. First an extension of the sample, both in terms of the periodicals studied (inclusion of magazines), as in the case of the analysis period (from 1990), would lead to a broader conclusion. It is suggested to conduct longitudinal studies, with periods of more than 20 years, to check the trends of research methods in satisfaction. If the findings of this study were be confirmed, would be good investigate the source of the problem, seeking to answer why the satisfaction research has run out, i.e.,if there is lack of interest in the topic or if the fall was due to the difficulty of developing new models. A qualitative research could fill the gaps raised by this study. 8 REFERENCES ANDERSON, E. W.; FORNELL, C.; LEHMANN, D. R. A satisfação do cliente, participação de mercado e lucratividade: resultados da Suécia. Journal of Marketing, v. 58, n. 3, p. 53-66, 1994. ALFINITO, S. A influência de valores humanos e axiomas sociais na escolha do consumidor: uma análise comparativa aplicada à educação superior. 2009. 146 f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia). Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2009. V. 16, p. 1-27, abril, 2015 - 20

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