IPPE Increase Personal and Professional Effectiveness uma introdução ao coaching profissional

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Uma entrada singular no mundo do coaching profissional... 17 a 20 JUNHO 2014 PROPÓSITO GERAL Este programa de introdução ao coaching profissional (segundo a visão da ICF), dotará os seus destinatários de importantes competências de coaching que, no seu dia-a-dia, lhes permitirá aumentar a eficácia das suas relações profissionais e desenvolver a sua própria auto-realização. Permitir-lhes-á, ainda, uma maior compreensão acerca do que é o coaching, quer enquanto profissão, quer enquanto ferramenta de desenvolvimento humano complementar a outras profissões, processos ou abordagens neste domínio. DESTINATÁRIOS Profissionais que pretendam iniciar a sua formação de coach profissional, de acordo com os mais elevados padrões mundiais estabelecidos pela ICF (ACTP) Coaches profissionais que, tendo realizado a sua formação de coaching com padrões não-icf, pretendam investir na sua formação de modo a cumprirem os requisitos formativos para obtenção de uma certificação ICF Profissionais na área do desenvolvimento humano que pretendam complementar as suas competências com ferramentas de coaching Líderes que pretendam melhorar a eficácia das suas relações através das competências de coaching Consultores na área da liderança que pretendam introduzir competências de coaching nas suas metodologias de intervenção OS MÓDULOS Module 1 STARTING THE JOURNEY Module 2 LEARNING THE HUMAN BEING Module 3 ACKNOWLEDGE AND DISCOVER NEW TERRITORIES Module 4 PUT ON YOUR COACH S CAP Module 5 ENJOYING THE JOURNEY ABORDAGEM METODOLÓGICA Modelo de fácil aprendizagem, três E s: EXPLORE, EXPERIENCE, EVALUATE Each day of the program will address one or more key coaching competencies and principles for effective coaching. During the program participants will learn, through presentation, conversation and practice in pairs or in small groups 8 key coaching competencies and 3 SUN principles for effective coaching. DURAÇÃO horas (reconhecidas pela ICF) Quatro dias de formação e treino, de 17 a 20 de junho de 2014, em Lisboa, das 9-18h. Facilitado em português. NOTA MUITO IMPORTANTE: Estas h de treino podem ser aplicadas para frequência do curso ICF - ACTP, de 125h, SUN Coach Training and Certification Program que possibilita a certificação Certified Success Coach e cumpre os requisitos formativos da candidatura a PCC-ICF. Inscrições através de: 91 662 7070 paulo.martins@pm4coach.pt - Inscrições limitadas -

TRAINERS MARIA COSTA, PCC Especializada em desenvolvimento de pessoas através do coaching, facilitação e formação nas áreas da comunicação, liderança e de equipas. Lançou projetos inovadores como a Escola Europeia de Coaching em Portugal e criou a sua própria empresa Maria Costa Coaching em Janeiro de 2011. Colaboradora regular em projetos de dimensão global com as empresas Mannaz, AMCI - Ford Consumer Experience Movement e Korn/ Ferry International. Em Portugal, é docente convidada da Porto Business School, nas Pós Graduações de Gestão de Vendas, Marketing Management e Gestão de Pessoas, Coach e Professora convidada no ACTP (ICF) da Escola Europeia de Coaching. É membro da SUN Success Unlimited Network Community e da EEE Experiential Educators Europe e acreditada pelas seguintes entidades: MBTI Step I & II, por CAPT, New York, PCC - Professional Certified Coach, pela ICF, Presentation Skills Training por Communication Training, Inc., Coaching Executivo pela Escuela Europea de Coaching de Madrid e Licenciatura em Gestão e Administração Publica, especialização em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, ISCSP, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. PAULO MARTINS, PCC Licenciado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Psicologia do Trabalho e especializou-se nas áreas de Executive Coaching, Formação em Liderança e Desenvolvimento de Equipas de Trabalho, predominantemente em ambientes corporate, multinacionais e multiculturais. Professional Certified Coach pela International Coach Federation (ICF), detém diversas certificações internacionais como Associate Coach Trainer for SUN (Success Unlimited Network), Coaching Intercultural (COF), Experiential Learning Metodologies CL e Situational Leadership Trainer - CLS e conta, neste momento, com mais de 8.000 horas de intervenção, realizadas nas suas áreas de especialização. Formador, supervisor e mentor em diversos programas de formação para líderes e coaches profissionais reconhecidos pela ICF. Com o apoio de MARGARET MAN, J.D., M.S.A., Master Certified Coach and Board Certified Coach Meg is an executive coach, coach trainer and international leadership facilitator. Based in Europe since 1994, Meg delivers leadership development programs and coaching to the executives of multinational companies all over the world. She is also a coach trainer and mentor. Meg received her undergraduate degree from Florida State University, her Juris Doctorate was from Stetson University College of Law, and she obtained a Masters of Science in Administration from Boston University, Brussels. She worked for more than 15 years as an attorney, before transitioning into the field of leadership and personal development. Meg is active in the International Coach Federation, is a Certified Coach Trainer with the Success Unlimited Network, a European leader of the Strategic Executive Coach Alliance and a Mentor at University of Texas at Dallas. A native of the US, Meg has also lived in Guatemala, Italy, Slovakia, and Belgium. She is now based in Portugal. PRINCIPAIS RESULTADOS 1. Os participantes distinguirão claramente o coaching ao nível macro, enquanto processo de acompanhamento, e ao nível micro, cada sessão ou conversação. 2. Os participantes ficarão a conhecer o significado geral de 8 competências centrais da ICF International Coach Federation. 3. Os participantes terão oportunidade de experienciar estas 8 competências centrais da ICF. 4. Os participantes irão praticar, em coaching, estas 8 competências e receber feedback. 5. Os participantes compreenderão os princípios de criação de ambiente, de ciclos e ritmos e de curiosidade e de como eles se podem aplicar em coaching. 6. Os participantes irão interiorizar os aspetos fundamentais de uma sessão de coaching: definir o resultado desejado, criar consciência, estabelecer um plano de ação no contexto do objetivo e da pessoa. 7. Os participantes compreenderão claramente como se gere uma conversação de coaching mantendo a concentração na aprendizagem e nos resultados, simultaneamente. INVESTIMENTO 1.900 + IVA por participante Early Bird - 1.600, em inscrições efetuadas até 23 de maio de 2014 Inscrições para empresas ou entidades com 3 ou mais participantes - 1.0 Inscrições através de: 91 662 7070 paulo.martins@pm4coach.pt - Inscrições limitadas -

Module 1 STARTING THE JOURNEY What is coaching? How does it work? Why is it so effective? When and where is appropriate to use it? How to recognize when other professions are more useful? During the first day of this training, students will clearly understand what coaching is, according with ICF definition and philosophy of coaching, and will clearly learn how to establish an agreement for the entire coaching program and for each meeting. There are so many different levels of results that can be addressed. When coaching starts, the client has her own dreams or desires. Through the coaching conversation she transforms dreams and desires into achievable and coachable results. It can seem so obvious, but how many times people set goals saying what they do NOT want anymore in their life? And how many times, in business, is difficult to say whether a goal is reached or not? Results are something that you can recognize from an objective perspective. If you ask someone who set a result whether she reached it or no, the answer is yes or no; if the answer is maybe or a percentage, probably it was not a well-formed result. Through the coaching conversation students will learn how to determine what are the coaching results for the entire coaching program, as well as what are the result/s for the specific meeting that moves clients towards the program results. And this is only one level. What happens when there is a defined goal from a company? During the first day a new mindset will appear, useful for everyone: managers who often work with general goals, people who want to obtain results in their life. Key competencies and principles addressed: What is the coaching process, what falls under the umbrella of coaching and what does not, and establishing the coaching agreement including how to recognize and formulate coachable results. Understand the macro elements of the coaching process Learn how to set results for the entire coaching program Learn how to set results for a specific meeting Experience setting results for the entire coaching program Experience setting results for a specific coaching meeting Understand what kind of agreement is appropriate to use FACILITATORS

Module 2 LEARNING THE HUMAN BEING Who is, today, the person I am working with? What are her values? What rules does she follow for acting and obtaining results? How is she taking care of her well-being? How does she evaluate her results? How does she think? How does she learn? What I can learn from her? Active listening is the way to continue the journey. During the second day of the program students will learn how to truly listen to their clients on many levels, to learn who they are and how to create a map of the actual causes that make the effect the client is experiencing and how she wants to change. Active listening requires a deep learning: waiting, trusting and accepting that the client has the answer, not the coach. Practicing use of silence and pauses, patience, and the pleasure of discovery will be the focus of this day. Key competencies and principles addressed: Active listening, encompassment, curiosity, cycles and rhythms. Understand the purpose of listening Understand the levels of listening Understand the principle of encompassment Learn to listen to words, values, beliefs, emotions Learn to listen for the being beyond the content/words Learn how to map information from active listening Experience how to listen to different levels Experience to listen actively inviting the client to offer more information Experience a way to map information from listening in depth FACILITATORS

Module 3 ACKNOWLEDGE AND DISCOVER NEW TERRITORIES What are client s strengths? What are client s actual limits to reaching dreams? What resources do clients need and seek to support progress and success? During this day students will learn how to make the client aware of talents and strengths, how to ask questions that clarify the effectiveness of thinking strategies and /or open new possibilities of thinking, learning, acting. Sometimes, personal greatness and talents are something people consider normal. In coaching it is truly important for clients to become aware of talents and strengths, to build on them and to take the responsibility to use them. Obviously, people need to reach their results using innate talents and other resources. Through curiosity and using what was discovered through active listening, it is possible to create questions that open new possibilities and hold clients accountable to use talents and to become aware of new thinking strategies that allow success. The coach is accountable to be aware of the client s preferred way of learning and to adapt to the client s preferred way(s). Key competencies and principles addressed: Creating awareness, powerful questioning at the beginners level, direct communication, curiosity, cycles and rhythms of the coaching and learning process. Understand what is awareness and why it is so useful in a coaching process Understand what are cycles and rhythms of managing change and learning Learn how to create awareness using multiple sources Learn what is a true question and how it can challenge, create awareness, opening new perspectives Learn to communicate in a direct way Understand and practice curiosity to create questions and open new perspectives and possibilities Experience how to create awareness, ask questions and communicate directly using all levels of listening Experience the power of awareness, questioning and direct communication FACILITATORS

Module 4 PUT ON YOUR COACH S CAP In a journey it is important to be aware of where we are, our current reality and status quo. Coaching ethics is a compass that helps the coach to maintain the right direction in a professional way. Sometimes, we need a brief stop to recognize where we are and what is most important to us based upon our values and coaching ethics and standards, to learn from previous experiences and to define what is the best way to move on. The fourth day of the seminar will allow students to understand deeply how to be more effective with clients, what risks exist in the process and how to manage them, learning from the experience of other coaches as delineated in ICF ethical standards. Practicing what students have already learned and receiving feedback from experienced masterful coach trainer(s) will allow them to refine the route, before moving to the next step. Key competencies and principles addressed: Ethics, review of first three days and practice with feedback Understand the difference between ethical and legal processes Understand the essence of the ICF code of ethics Increase awareness of ethical issues Practice the competencies already explored in modules 1-3 Improve the use of the competencies through feedback from masterful coaches and trainers FACILITATORS

Module 5 ENJOYING THE JOURNEY What have we learned? How does the client want to use awareness? What experiments are useful now to apply in the next period? What well-being states are useful to engage in new experiences? How can talents be used to move towards desired results? During the fifth day of training students will learn how to use what was learned about resources, about the coaching process and the coaching conversation to create new possibilities and a short-term and long-term action plan with clients. They will also learn how to complete a coaching program, offering support and leaving responsibility with the client to take action. A great learning for the coach will be how to self-manage internal states to be completely accountable for the process and, in the meantime, not feeling responsible about clients choices and actions. It will be a new beginning: the entrance in the area of total trust, in the client and in the coach. Key competencies and principles addressed: Establishing actions, Planning and goal setting, Managing progress and accountability, managing a coaching program and meeting. Understand the difference between possibilities and choices Understand how to integrate learning Understand the importance of completing and feeling complete with each coaching meeting and with the entire coaching program Understand what is the responsibility of the coach and what is the responsibility of the client Learn how to move from awareness to action Learn how to apply learning short-term Learn how to apply learning to long-term planning Experience the process of creating action possibilities Experience how to invite the client to make choices and become accountable for them Experience how to give effective feedback to the client FACILITATORS