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1 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DO CEARÁ Comissão Executiva do Vestibular VESTIBULAR REDAÇÃO/LÍNGUA INGLESA 2 a FASE-1 o DIA: 08 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2013 DURAÇÃO: 04 HORAS INÍCIO: 09 horas TÉRMINO: 13 horas Após receber o seu cartão-resposta, copie nos locais apropriados, uma vez com letra cursiva e outra com letra de forma, a seguinte frase: A boa vontade tudo sana. ATENÇÃO! Este caderno de provas contém: Prova I Redação; Prova II Língua Inglesa, com 20 questões; Folha Definitiva de Redação (encartada). Ao sair definitivamente da sala, o candidato deverá assinar a folha de presença e entregar ao fiscal de mesa: o CARTÃO-RESPOSTA preenchido e assinado; a FOLHA DEFINITIVA DE REDAÇÃO; o CADERNO DE PROVAS. NÚMERO DO GABARITO Marque, no local apropriado do seu cartão-resposta, o número 2, que é o número do gabarito deste caderno de provas e que se encontra indicado no rodapé de cada página. Será atribuída nota zero, na prova correspondente, ao candidato que não entregar seu cartão-resposta ou sua folha definitiva de redação. OUTRAS INFORMAÇÕES PARA A REALIZAÇÃO DAS PROVAS ENCONTRAM-SE NA FOLHA DE INSTRUÇÕES QUE VOCÊ RECEBEU AO INGRESSAR NA SALA DE PROVA.

2 RASCUNHO DA REDAÇÃO Se desejar, utilize esta página para o rascunho de sua redação. Não se esqueça de transcrever o seu trabalho para a folha específica da Prova de Redação. Esta página não será objeto de correção. GABARITO 2 NÃO ESCREVA NAS COLUNAS T e F T F TOTAL O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 2

3 Prezado(a) vestibulando(a), PROVA I: REDAÇÃO De acordo com Rui Tavares, O ideal universitário é as ideias. As ideias sobre como são as coisas, sobre como funcionam, sobre como deveriam funcionar, ideias sobre ideias. Como candidato a uma vaga na Universidade Estadual do Ceará, você deve saber tratar de ideias, deve ser capaz de refletir sobre problemas que dizem respeito ao funcionamento das coisas na sociedade. Nesta prova, seu desafio é refletir sobre uma das questões que mais têm preocupado estudiosos do clima, cientistas sociais e governantes neste início de século: os efeitos da crescente urbanização. A. Considere, para essa reflexão, as ideias apresentadas nos textos I, II, e III. Lá vem a cidade Lenine TEXTO I Eu vim plantar meu castelo Naquela serra de lá, Onde daqui a cem anos Vai ser uma beira-mar... Vi a cidade passando, Rugindo, através de mim... Cada vida Era uma batida Dum imenso tamborim. Eu era o lugar, ela era a viagem Cada um era real, cada outro era miragem. Eu era transparente, era gigante Eu era a cruza entre o sempre e o instante. Letras misturadas com metal E a cidade crescia como um animal, Em estruturas postiças, Sobre areias movediças, Sobre ossadas e carniças, Sobre o pântano que cobre o sambaqui... Sobre o país ancestral Sobre a folha do jornal Sobre a cama de casal onde eu venci. Eu vim plantar meu castelo Naquela serra de lá, Onde daqui a cem anos Vai ser uma beira-mar... A cidade Passou me lavrando todo... A cidade Chegou me passou no rodo... Passou como um caminhão Passa através de um segundo Quando desce a ladeira na banguela... Veio com luzes e sons. Com sonhos maus, sonhos bons. Falava como um camões, Gemia feito pantera. Ela era... Bela... fera. TEXTO II Poema de Circunstância Onde estão os meus verdes? Os meus azuis? O arranha-céu comeu! E ainda falam nos mastodontes, nos [brontossauros, nos tiranossauros, Que mais sei eu... Os verdadeiros monstros, os papões, são eles, os [arranha-céus! Daqui Do fundo Das suas goelas, Só vemos o céu, estreitamente, através de suas Empinadas gargantas ressecas. Para que lhes serviu beberem tanta luz? De fronte À janela aonde trabalho... Há uma grande árvore... Mas já estão gestando um monstro de permeio! Sim, uma grande árvore muito verde... Ah, Todos os meus olhares são de adeus Como o último olhar de um condenado! QUINTANA, Mário. Prosa & Verso. p. 96. TEXTO III Problemas Ambientais Decorrentes da Urbanização A urbanização traz importantes impactos ao meio ambiente, especialmente nas grandes cidades, onde a flora, a fauna, o relevo, as fontes de água e o clima sofrem alterações significativas, resultando na poluição e na degradação ambiental, além de outros problemas como a poluição sonora, a poluição visual, a poluição das águas, do solo e da atmosfera, os esgotos, os resíduos industriais e a produção de grandes volumes de lixo. O impacto ambiental causado pela urbanização é um dos maiores desafios das autoridades mundiais deste século. O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 3

4 B. Componha seu texto desenvolvendo uma das sugestões a seguir. Sugestão 1 Escreva um texto argumentativo tratando de um problema ambiental que, na sua opinião, afeta mais intensamente a vida dos moradores das grandes cidades. Discuta sobre os desafios que se colocam para resolver esse problema. Sugestão 2 Imagine como será o futuro de sua cidade. Escreva uma história de ficção que seja ambientada nesse lugar e cuja trama se desenvolva entre personagens do século XXII. O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 4

5 PROVA II - LÍNGUA INGLESA TEXT BRASÍLIA Brazil s highest court has long viewed itself as a bastion of manners and formality. Justices call one another Your Excellency, dress in billowing robes and wrap each utterance in grandiloquence, as if little had changed from the era when marquises and dukes held sway from their vast plantations. In one televised feud, Mr. Barbosa questioned another justice about whether he would even be on the court had he not been appointed by his cousin, a former president impeached in With another justice, Mr. Barbosa rebuked him over what the chief justice considered his condescending tone, telling him he was not his capanga, a term describing a hired thug. In one of his most scathing comments, Mr. Barbosa, the high court s first and only black justice, took on the entire legal system of Brazil where it is still remarkably rare for politicians to ever spend time in prison, even after being convicted of crimes contending that the mentality of judges was conservative, pro-status-quo and pro-impunity. I have a temperament that doesn t adapt well to politics, Mr. Barbosa, 58, said in a recent interview in his quarters here in the Supreme Federal Tribunal, a modernist landmark designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer. It s because I speak my mind so much. His acknowledged lack of tact notwithstanding, he is the driving force behind a series of socially liberal and establishment-shaking rulings, turning Brazil s highest court and him in particular into a newfound political power and the subject of popular fascination. The court s recent rulings include a unanimous decision upholding the University of Brasília s admissions policies aimed at increasing the number of black and indigenous students, opening the way for one of the Western Hemisphere s most sweeping affirmative action laws for higher education. In another move, Mr. Barbosa used his sway as chief justice and president of the panel overseeing Brazil s judiciary to effectively legalize same-sex marriage across the country. And in an anticorruption crusade, he is overseeing the precedent-setting trial of senior political figures in the governing Workers Party for their roles in a vast vote-buying scheme. Ascending to Brazil s high court, much less pushing the institution to assert its independence, long seemed out of reach for Mr. Barbosa, the eldest of eight children raised in Paracatu, an impoverished city in Minas Gerais State, where his father worked as a bricklayer. But his prominence not just on the court, but in the streets as well is so well established that masks with his face were sold for Carnival, amateur musicians have composed songs about his handling of the corruption trial and posted them on YouTube, and demonstrators during the huge street protests that shook the nation this year told pollsters that Mr. Barbosa was one of their top choices for president in next year s elections. While the protests have subsided since their height in June, the political tumult they set off persists. The race for president, once considered a shoo-in for the incumbent, Dilma Rousseff, is now up in the air, with Mr. Barbosa who is now so much in the public eye that gossip columnists are following his romance with a woman in her 20s repeatedly saying he will not run. I m not a candidate for anything, he says. But the same public glare that has turned him into a celebrity has singed him as well. While he has won widespread admiration for his guidance of the high court, Mr. Barbosa, like almost every other prominent political figure in Brazil, has recently come under scrutiny. And for someone accustomed to criticizing the so-called supersalaries awarded to some members of Brazil s legal system, the revelations have put Mr. Barbosa on the defensive. One report in the Brazilian news media described how he received about $180,000 in payments for untaken leaves of absence during his 19 years as a public prosecutor. (Such payments are common in some areas of Brazil s large public bureaucracy.) Another noted that he bought an apartment in Miami through a limited liability company, suggesting an effort to pay less taxes on the property. In statements, Mr. Barbosa contends that he has done nothing wrong. In a country where a majority of people now define themselves as black or of mixed race but where blacks remain remarkably rare in the highest echelons of political institutions and corporations Mr. Barbosa s trajectory and abrupt manner have elicited both widespread admiration and a fair amount of resistance. As a teenager, Mr. Barbosa moved to the capital, Brasília, finding work as a janitor in a courtroom. Against the odds, he got into the University of Brasília, the only black student in its law program at the time. Wanting to see the world, he later won admission into Brazil s diplomatic service, which promptly sent him to Helsinki, the Finnish capital on the shore of the Baltic Sea. Sensing that he would not advance much in the diplomatic service, which he has called one of the most discriminatory institutions of Brazil, Mr. Barbosa opted for a career as a prosecutor. He alternated between legal investigations in Brazil and studies abroad, gaining fluency in English, French and German, and earning a doctorate in law at Pantheon-Assas University in Paris. Fascinated by the legal systems of other countries, Mr. Barbosa wrote a book on affirmative action in the United States. He still voices his admiration for figures like Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice in the United States, and William J. Brennan Jr., who for years embodied the court s liberal vision, clearly drawing inspiration from them as he pushed Brazil s high court toward socially liberal rulings. O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 5

6 Still, no decision has thrust Mr. Barbosa into Brazil s public imagination as much as his handling of the trial of political operatives, legislators and bankers found guilty in a labyrinthine corruption scandal called the mensalão, or big monthly allowance, after the regular payments made to lawmakers in exchange for their votes. Last November, at Mr. Barbosa s urging, the high court sentenced some of the most powerful figures in the governing Workers Party to years in prison for their crimes in the scheme, including bribery and unlawful conspiracy, jolting a political system in which impunity for politicians has been the norm. Now the mensalão trial is entering what could be its final phases, and Mr. Barbosa has at times been visibly exasperated that defendants who have already been found guilty and sentenced have managed to avoid hard jail time. He has clashed with other justices over their consideration of a rare legal procedure in which appeals over close votes at the high court are examined. Losing his patience with one prominent justice, Ricardo Lewandowski, who tried to absolve some defendants of certain crimes, Mr. Barbosa publicly accused him this month of chicanery by using legalese to prop up certain positions. An outcry ensued among some who could not stomach Mr. Barbosa s talking to a fellow justice like that. Who does Justice Joaquim Barbosa think he is? asked Ricardo Noblat, a columnist for the newspaper O Globo, questioning whether Mr. Barbosa was qualified to preside over the court. What powers does he think he has just because he s sitting in the chair of the chief justice of the Supreme Federal Tribunal? Mr. Barbosa did not apologize. In the interview, he said some tension was necessary for the court to function properly. It was always like this, he said, contending that arguments are now just easier to see because the court s proceedings are televised. Linking the court s work to the recent wave of protests, he explained that he strongly disagreed with the violence of some demonstrators, but he also said he believed that the street movements were a sign of democracy s exuberance. People don t want to passively stand by and observe these arrangements of the elite, which were always the Brazilian tradition, he said. 02. According to the text, Mr. Barbosa s eminence could truly be seen when A) he was interviewed by CNN International. B) he appeared in the middle of street protests in Brasília. C) the media spread his affair with a young woman. D) his face appeared in Carnival masks. 03. One of the Chief Justice s positive actions the text mentions was A) helping to legalize same-sex marriage all over Brazil. B) allowing amateur musicians to join an orchestra in Minas Gerais. C) pushing the country s high court to assert its independence. D) building a public school in the impoverished city of Paracatu. 04. One criticism made by Mr. Barbosa was that judges mentality in Brazil, besides being prostatus quo, was also A) old-fashioned and in favor of impunity. B) against some rulings that could benefit indigenous people. C) not in favor of allowing the admission of black students in Brasília s colleges. D) in favor of capital punishment. 05. Speaking with journalists recently, the Chief Justice explained the reason why A) justices must dress in billowing robes. B) he couldn t fit into politics. C) he is uncomfortable with the media attention. D) impunity should no longer exist in the country. QUESTIONS 01. When Mr. Barbosa was a teenager, he was employed as a A) legislator in Salvador. B) bricklayer in Brasília. C) janitor in a courtroom. D) public prosecutor. 06. One of the reasons Mr. Barbosa got very irritated was the fact that some of the mensalão defendants A) accused him of chicanery. B) have never paid taxes. C) were able to shun long time in prison. D) still receive their huge salaries. O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 6

7 07. Despite his rude manner, Mr. Barbosa is praised for some important rulings, like helping to A) oversee former trials of political figures in Democratic Party. B) establish strong rulings against child labor. C) organize street movements. D) augment the number of black and indigenous students in universities. 08. The Brazilian tradition, according to Mr. Barbosa, refers to a period of time in Brazil when A) vote-buying schemes did not occur in our political system. B) politicians did spend time in jail. C) people stood by in a passive way and watched the elite s arrangements. D) admission policies increased the number of black students in colleges. 09. Besides being the subject of public fascination for his crusade against corruption, the Chief Justice is also known for A) participating in the recent wave of protests. B) promoting socially liberal rulings. C) keeping his cool with his fellow justices. D) helping to impeach a former president. 10. The sentences he explained that he strongly disagreed with the violence of some demonstrators, In one of his most scathing comments, Mr. Barbosa, the high court s first and only black justice, took on the entire legal system of Brazil [ ] contending that the mentality of judges was conservative, pro-status-quo and pro-impunity, and In the interview, he said some tension was necessary for the court to function properly contain, respectively, a/an A) noun clause, a noun clause, and an adjective clause. B) adjective clause, a noun clause, and an adverb clause. C) noun clause, a noun clause, and a noun clause. D) adverb clause, an adjective clause, and a noun clause. 11. The sentences Last November, at Mr. Barbosa s urging, the high court sentenced some of the most powerful figures in the governing Workers Party to years in prison for their crimes in the scheme and Mr. Barbosa wrote a book on affirmative action in the United States contain, respectively, a/an A) direct object and a direct object. B) direct object and an indirect object. C) object noun clause and a direct object. D) direct object and an object noun clause. 12. In the sentences He still voices his admiration for figures like Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice in the United States, and William J. Brennan Jr., who for years embodied the court s liberal vision, he later won admission into Brazil s diplomatic service, which promptly sent him to Helsinki, and But the same public glare that has turned him into a celebrity has singed him as well, the relative clauses in each one are, respectively, classified as A) defining, non-defining, and defining. B) non-defining, defining, and non-defining. C) non-defining, non-defining, and defining. D) defining, non-defining, and non-defining. 13. The sentences he is the driving force behind a series of socially liberal and establishmentshaking rulings and Mr. Barbosa was one of their top choices for president in next year s elections contain, respectively, a/an A) subject noun clause and a subject complement. B) subject complement and a subject complement. C) object complement and an object complement. D) subject complement and subject noun clause. 14. The sentences I have a temperament that doesn t adapt well to politics and I m not a candidate for anything are, respectively, A) simple and compound. B) complex and simple. C) compound and simple. D) simple and simple. O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 7

8 15. The sentence They are televising the court s proceedings in the passive becomes A) The court s proceedings can be televised. B) The court s proceedings are been televised. C) The court s proceedings are to be televised. D) The court s proceedings are being televised. 20. In the sentence A political system in which impunity in politics has been the norm, the verb phrase in the future perfect tense becomes A) will have been. B) would have been. C) will have being. D) will been being. 16. In the sentences Mr. Barbosa took on the entire legal system, he is overseeing the precedent-setting trial, and Mr. Barbosa has at times been exasperated, the verbs are, respectively, in the A) simple present, present perfect, and present continuous. B) simple past, present continuous, and present perfect. C) past perfect, simple present, and present perfect. D) simple past, present perfect, and present continuous. 17. In the phrases his condescending tone, contending that arguments, and the court s proceedings, the ING words function, respectively, as: A) adjective, verb, noun. B) verb, verb, verb. C) verb, noun, adjective. D) adjective, noun, noun. 18. The expression Not just on the court, but in the streets as well can be correctly rewritten as A) not only on the court, but also in the streets. B) not just on the court, but so in the streets. C) not just on the court, too in the streets. D) not only on the court, but too in the streets. 19. In the sentence Wanting to see the world, he later won admission into Brazil s diplomatic service, the underlined phrase can be correctly rewritten as A) want to seeing the world. B) because he wanted to see the world. C) wanted to see the world. D) because he wanted seeing the world. O número do gabarito deste caderno de provas é 2. Página 8

Welcome to Lesson A of Story Time for Portuguese

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01-A GRAMMAR / VERB CLASSIFICATION / VERB FORMS 01-A GRAMMAR / VERB CLASSIFICATION / VERB FORMS OBS1: Adaptação didática (TRADUÇÃO PARA PORTUGUÊS) realizada pelo Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rosa dos Santos. OBS2: Textos extraídos do site:

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Inglês 11 The Present Perfect.

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Aula 03 Passado do to be e past continuous

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Inglês 17 Past Perfect

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PROVA COMENTADA E RESOLVIDA PELOS PROFESSORES DO CURSO POSITIVO COMENTÁRIO GERAL DOS PROFESSORES DO CURSO POSITIVO Uma prova, para avaliar tantos candidatos deve ser sempre bem dosada como foi a deste ano. Houve tanto questões de interpretação (6) como de gramática

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Guião M. Descrição das actividades

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Dependent Clauses ( Orações Subordinadas)

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GUIÃO A. What about school? What s it like to be there/here? Have you got any foreign friends? How did you get to know them?

GUIÃO A. What about school? What s it like to be there/here? Have you got any foreign friends? How did you get to know them? GUIÃO A Prova construída pelos formandos e validada pelo GAVE, 1/7 Grupo: Chocolate Disciplina: Inglês, Nível de Continuação 11.º ano Domínio de Referência: Um Mundo de Muitas Culturas 1º Momento Intervenientes

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To Be. Present Simple. You are (você é / está) He / she / it is (Ele ela é / está)(*) We were (Nos éramos / estávamos) You are (Voces são / estão)

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WORKING CHILDREN. a) How many children in Britain have part-time jobs?. b) What do many Asian children do to make money in Britain?.

WORKING CHILDREN. a) How many children in Britain have part-time jobs?. b) What do many Asian children do to make money in Britain?. Part A I. TEXT. WORKING CHILDREN Over a million school children in Britain have part-time Jobs. The number is growing, too. More and more teenagers are working before school, after school or on weekends.

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Preposições em Inglês:

Preposições em Inglês: Preposições na língua inglesa geralmente vem antes de substantivos (algumas vezes também na frente de verbos no gerúndio). Algumas vezes é algo difícil de se entender para os alunos de Inglês pois a tradução

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São eles: SOME (Algum, alguma, alguns,algumas). É utilizado em frases afirmativas,antes de um substantivo. Ex.:

São eles: SOME (Algum, alguma, alguns,algumas). É utilizado em frases afirmativas,antes de um substantivo. Ex.: Pronomes Indefinidos Indefinite Pronouns Esses pronomes são utilizados para falar de pessoas, objetos ou lugares indefinidos Referem a pessoas ou coisas, de modo vago ou impreciso São eles: SOME (Algum,

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Equivalência da estrutura de uma frase em inglês e português

Equivalência da estrutura de uma frase em inglês e português 1 Equivalência da estrutura de uma frase em inglês e português A partir do momento que você souber de cor a função de cada peça do nosso jogo de dominó, você não terá mais problemas para formular frases,

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Inglês 12 Present perfect continuous

Inglês 12 Present perfect continuous Inglês 12 Present perfect continuous Este tempo é ligeiramente diferente do Present Perfect. Nele, notamos a presença do TO BE na forma BEEN, ou seja, no particípio. Conseqüentemente, nota-se também a

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Lesson 6 Notes. Eu tenho um irmão e uma irmã Talking about your job. Language Notes

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Câmbio MONEY CHANGER. I d like to exchange some money. Gostaria de cambiar um pouco de dinheiro. Where can I find a money changer?

Câmbio MONEY CHANGER. I d like to exchange some money. Gostaria de cambiar um pouco de dinheiro. Where can I find a money changer? MONEY CHANGER Câmbio I d like to exchange some money. Where can I find a money changer? Gostaria de cambiar um pouco de dinheiro. Onde posso encontrar um câmbio? I d like to exchange (I would) Where can

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Lição 40: deve, não deve, não deveria

Lição 40: deve, não deve, não deveria Lesson 40: must, must not, should not Lição 40: deve, não deve, não deveria Reading (Leituras) You must answer all the questions. ( Você deve responder a todas as We must obey the law. ( Nós devemos obedecer

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MASTER S DEGREE IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ADMISSION EXAM CADERNO DE QUESTÕES NOTA FINAL MASTER S DEGREE IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ADMISSION EXAM Before reading the text, pay attention to these important and essential remarks. All the answers must be written in

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WWW.ADINOEL.COM Adinoél Sebastião /// Inglês Tradução Livre 70/2013

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Prova Oral de Inglês Duração da Prova: 20 a 25 minutos 2013/2014. 1.º Momento. 4 (A), are you a health-conscious person?

Prova Oral de Inglês Duração da Prova: 20 a 25 minutos 2013/2014. 1.º Momento. 4 (A), are you a health-conscious person? Prova Oral de Inglês Duração da Prova: 20 a 25 minutos 2013/2014 GUIÃO A Disciplina: Inglês, Nível de Continuação 11.º ano Domínio de Referência: O Mundo do Trabalho 1.º Momento Intervenientes e Tempos

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IF-CLAUSES Módulo 14, pág. 19 e 20 3º ano Atenas Tânia Castro English Teacher

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Active / Passive voice Teacher Liana Mara

Active / Passive voice Teacher Liana Mara Active / Passive voice Teacher Liana Mara Frases na active voice (voz ativa) são aquelas em que o sujeito que pratica a ação está em evidência, já em frases na passive voice (voz passiva), o objeto que

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Andrew is an engineer and he works in a big company. Sujeito Predicado (e) Suj. Predicado

Andrew is an engineer and he works in a big company. Sujeito Predicado (e) Suj. Predicado Inglês Aula 01 Título - Frases básicas em Inglês As orações em Inglês também se dividem em Sujeito e Predicado. Ao montarmos uma oração com um sujeito e um predicado, montamos um período simples. Estas

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Present Simple Exercises

Present Simple Exercises Present Simple Exercises Antes de fazer as atividades, você pode querer ler as dicas dos links abaixo. Nelas você encontra explicações sobre os usos e as conjugações dos verbos no Present Simple. Ø

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Atividade Final de Recuperação para 2ºs anos técnicos INGLÊS

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Comportamento Organizacional: O Comportamento Humano no Trabalho (Portuguese Edition)

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Descrição das actividades

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Units 3 and 4. 3rd Bimester Content. Future Predictions. Life events. Personality adjectives. English - Leonardo Bérenger and Aline Martins

Units 3 and 4. 3rd Bimester Content. Future Predictions. Life events. Personality adjectives. English - Leonardo Bérenger and Aline Martins 3rd Bimester Content Life events Be going to Future Predictions Be going to x Will Units 3 and 4 First Conditional Personality adjectives EVALUATION CRITERIA CONTENT TOPICS EVALUATION CRITERIA 3rd Bimester

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Passive Voice. One of the seven wonders

Passive Voice. One of the seven wonders Passive Voice One of the seven wonders All the ancient wonders were destroyed by battles, earthquakes or time, except one: Cheops. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is the largest of all the wonders.

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What is Bullying? Bullying is the intimidation or mistreating of weaker people. This definition includes three important components:1.

What is Bullying? Bullying is the intimidation or mistreating of weaker people. This definition includes three important components:1. weaker people. This definition includes three important components:1. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. 2. Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over

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Relatório completo de proficiência da língua inglesa

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Visitor, is this is very important contact with you. WATH DO WE HERE?

Visitor, is this is very important contact with you. WATH DO WE HERE? Visitor, is this is very important contact with you. I m Gilberto Martins Loureiro, Piraí s Senior Age Council President, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Our city have 26.600 habitants we have 3.458 senior

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daily activity into three 10-minute segments if you re having difficulty finding time to exercise.

daily activity into three 10-minute segments if you re having difficulty finding time to exercise. Atividade extra Questão 01 Get more physical activity. Within two months of starting, frequent aerobic exercise can increase HDL cholesterol by about 5 percent

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Phrasal Verbs, What for?

Phrasal Verbs, What for? Phrasal Verbs, What for? Um dos maiores problemas que o estudante da língua inglesa enfrenta para entender conversas cotidianas, filmes ou músicas em inglês é o uso dos chamados Phrasal Verbs, que tornam

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COLÉGIO XIX DE MARÇO excelência em educação 1ª PROVA SUBSTITUTIVA DE INGLÊS COLÉGIO XIX DE MARÇO excelência em educação 2012 1ª PROVA SUBSTITUTIVA DE INGLÊS Aluno(a): Nº Ano: 6º Turma: Data: Nota: Professor(a): Débora Toledo Valor da Prova: 65 pontos Orientações gerais: 1) Número

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Searching for Employees Precisa-se de Empregados

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3 o ANO ENSINO MÉDIO. Prof. a Christiane Mourão Prof. a Cláudia Borges

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Inglês com Inglesar Jota Filho

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Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own

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INGLÊS COMENTÁRIO DA PROVA COMENTÁRIO DA PROVA A prova de inglês do vestibular do ITA deste ano foi mais abrangente e equilibrada em relação aos anos anteriores. Observamos que, tanto as questões de interpretação quanto aquelas

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WELCOME Entrevista Au Pair Care

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COLÉGIO SHALOM Ensino Fundamental 7º Ano Profª: Ludmilla Vilas Boas Disciplina: Inglês. Estudante:. No. "Foco, Força e Fé

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ANO LETIVO 2013-2014 CONTEÚDOS CURRICULARES Ano de escolaridade: 5º LÉXICO O Reino Unido Saudações Identidade Nomes ingleses O alfabeto A sala de aula Objectos escolares As cores Os dias da semana Países Nacionalidades Numerais cardinais (de 1 a

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Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous. 3º ano Atenas Tânia Castro English Teacher

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Letra da música Gypsy da Lady Gaga em Português

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Present, Past and Future

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COMANDO DA AERONÁUTICA ESCOLA DE ESPECIALISTAS DE AERONÁUTICA SUBDIVISÃO DE ADMISSÃO E DE SELEÇÃO Questão: 26 30 41 A questão 26 do código 02, que corresponde à questão 30 do código 04 e à questão 41 do código 06 Nº de Inscrição: 2033285 2041257 2030195 2033529 2032517 2080361 2120179 2120586 2037160

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Um olhar que cura: Terapia das doenças espirituais (Portuguese Edition)

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Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos.

Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos. Inglês 8 Pronomes Interrogativos. Estes pronomes são freqüentemente usados para formação de perguntas e também podem ser usados na conexão de sentenças. Vejame aprendam a série de exemplos selecionados.

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Como testar componentes eletrônicos - volume 1 (Portuguese Edition)

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8º ANO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL PORTUGUÊS GABARITO 8º ANO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL PORTUGUÊS GABARITO 1. A alternativa que melhor completa a frase abaixo é: Até agora, você queria conhecer os das coisas existentes. Daqui para a frente, acrescente outra pergunta:

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Aposentadoria e INSS: Entenda como funcionam e defenda-se (Coleção Seus Direitos) (Portuguese Edition)

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Recursos para Estudo / Atividades

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CLIPPING: Participatory Social Study of the Homeless Population of Florianópolis

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QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS INGLÊS Aula 1 Questions in English Todo diálogo necessita de perguntas e respostas. You speak English? Você falar inglês? Está certa essa colocação? Question: (Pergunta:) DO You speak English? (verbo auxiliar)

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Educação Vocacional e Técnica nos Estados Unidos. Érica Amorim Simon Schwartzman IETS

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ESCOLA DATA: / / NOME: ESCOLA DATA: / / PROF: TURMA: NOME: O significado desse verbo corresponde a PODER ou SABER, em português. Portanto para indicar capacidade, possibilidade, habilidade e permissão. Observe abaixo como usar

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WWW.ADINOEL.COM Adinoél Sebastião /// Inglês Tradução Livre 75/2013

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Título Present Continuous e Pronomes Objeto.

Título Present Continuous e Pronomes Objeto. Inglês Aula 02 Título Present Continuous e Pronomes Objeto. O present continuous é basicamente um tempo verbal que descreve uma ação que está se processando no momento. Alex is talking to his sister and

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Vaporpunk - A fazenda-relógio (Portuguese Edition)

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TAG QUESTIONS & ADVERBS. Módulo 12 3º ano Atenas Tânia Castro English Teacher

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Descrição das actividades

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(Eu) sempre escrito em letra maiúscula, em qualquer posição na frase. (Tu, você)

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Your Time is Precious BOOK ONE.

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Prova Escrita de Inglês

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3º ano Atenas Tânia Castro English Teacher

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