1ª série EM - Lista de Questões para a RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL - INGLÊS

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1 1ª série EM - Lista de Questões para a RECUPERAÇÃO FINAL - INGLÊS Leiam o texto abaixo e em seguida façam os exercícios relativos ao mesmo. The FIFA World Cup was founded in It was designed by Silvio Gazzanigi of Italy. Made of 18-carat gold and malachite, the cup is 36,5 cm tall and weighs 6,2 kg. The sculpture depicts two triumphant football players holding a globe in their raised hands. The trophy is passed on to each winning team that gets to keep an identical (but goldplated) replica. The making of the statue cost about $50,000, today its value is estimated to over $10,000,000. After each tournament the name of the winning country and the year of their World Cup victory are engraved in the bottom side of the trophy. Space on the base will run out in 2038 at the earliest..reading comprehension 01.How long ago was the FIFA World Cup founded? 02.Who designed the FIFA World Cup? 03.What does the sculpture depict? 04.What is the value of the FIFA World Cup today? Mark true or false according to the text. a) "Winning" means "vencendo".(...) b) The Fifa World Cup is made of 18-carat gold.(...) c) The name of the winning country and the year of their World Cup victory are engraved in the bottom side of the trophy.(...) d) The Fifa World Cup was designed by an American.(...) A Leiam o texto abaixo e em seguida respondam as perguntas. Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. December 25--Christmas Day--has been a federal holiday in the United States since What is the definition of Christmas according to the text? 06. When did Christmas start? 07. Who is Jesus of Nazareth?. 08. What do popular customs include? B. Mark True or False. a) Christmas is a only commercial phenomenon. (...) b) Waiting for Santa Claus to arrive is a part of Christmas celebrations. (...) c) Chistmas day is on December 25th. (...) d) Jesus of Nazareth was a spiritual leader. (...) To obtain a man s opinion of you, make him mad. ( Oliver Holmes ) HAVE A NICE TEST GUYS!!!!!!!! According to archeologists and anthropologists, the earliest clothing probably consisted of fur, leather, leaves or grass, draped, wrapped or tied about the body for protection from the elements. Knowledge of such clothing remains inferential, since clothing materials deteriorate quickly compared to stone, bone, shell and metal artifacts. Archeologists have identified very early sewing needles of bone and ivory from about 30,000 BC, found near Kostenki, Russia, in 1998.

2 09. Consider the following information: 1. The different materials that clothes were probably made of in the far past. 2. The process of making woven fabrics used in clothing. 3. The reason why people wore clothes. 4. The year when some ancient sewing needles were found. Which pieces of information are in the text? a) Only 1 and 2 are. b) Only 3 and 4 are. c) Only 1, 3 and 4 are. d) Only 2 and 4 are. e) Only 1, 2 and 3 are. 10. Consider the following information: 1. The history of clothing from its beginning until recent years. 2. The reason it is difficult to learn about earliest clothing. 3. The materials in artifacts that made clothes deteriorate. 4. The place where archeologists found ancient sewing needles. 5. The different ways our ancestors used to put on their garments. Which pieces of information are in the text? a) Only 1 and 3 are in the text. b) Only 2 and 4 are in the text. c) Only 1, 4 and 5 are in the text. d) Only 2, 4 and 5 are in the text. e) Only 1, 2 and 3 are in the text. 11. Which expression can replace the word since in the text without changing the meaning of the sentence a) After some time b) Because c) When d) From now on e) Long ago There s no need ever to get up A chair should ultimately be functional, inviting and comfortable. But it can also be a beautiful work of art. At the latest SaloneInternazionale del Mobile in Milan, Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka unveiled for Moroso his simple yet stunning Bouquet Chair, which blooms on a slim chrome stem with petals made of individually sewn fabric squares (prices unavailable; moroso.it). To take a seat in the Fantasy Chair by New Zealand designer PhillCuttance is to be transported into a world of mythical creatures and fantastical human forms. The large, boxy piece is covered with fabric illustrated by artist Jared Kahi, who created the images using an inkjet textile printer ($ 1,590; phillcuttance.com).the Lathe Chair V by Sebastian Brajkovie features a hand embroidered, rainbow-shaped backrest, which gives the impression of a chair in motion, on the verge of tipping over ($29,160; cwgdesign.com). It s best to take it sitting down. 12. Qual a melhor tradução para onthevergeoftipping over? a) Por trazer estampas com desenhos circulares. b) Para ser usada apenas como peça decorativa. c) Causando tontura ao sentar. d) Prestes a estourar. e) Pois possui pés giratórios. 13. O texto afirma que: a) Os designers TokujinYoshioka e PhillCuttance são os atuais responsáveis pelo Salão Internacional de Móveis de Milão. b) Existem várias técnicas para decorar cadeiras atualmente, mas nenhuma novidade foi apresentada no Salão Internacional de Móveis de Milão. c) O artista JaredKahi optou por não utilizar cadeiras dentro do espaço que decorou no Salão Internacional Móveis de Milão. d) Sebastian Brajkovic dedica-se exclusivamente ao trabalho de decorar cadeiras. e) As cadeiras também podem ser obras de arte. Lohan judge says she won t consider alcohol report A judge at Lindsay Lohan s probation revocation hearing says she will not consider whether the actress consumed alcohol last month after attending the MTV Movie Awards. Prosecutors had hoped to introduce reports from an ankle alcohol monitor to show the Mean Girls actress had violated a court order against drinking.

3 Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel said Tuesday she was going to honor what she said in a closed session to lawyers for both sides, and not allow the negative report to be used at the hearing that could end with Lohan being sent to jail. Instead, Revel will only consider whether the actress violated her probation by failing to complete the required number of alcohol education courses on time. 14. Mean Girls is probably a) a movie b) a sentence c) a description of Lindsay Lohan d) a song e) a book 15. Traduza hearing: a) ouvindo b) audiência c) ouvir d) audição e) ouvido 16. A pergunta que está na mente de Revel: a) Lohan frequentou os grupo de apoio para alcoólicos? b) Como justificar a prisão de Lohan? c) O dispositivo no tornozelo de Lohan foi violado? d) Lohan bebeu durante a condicional? e) Por que razão os promotores não gostam de Lohan? 17. They have received prizes for their work. a) Much b) One c) So d) Very e) Many 18. A palavra que forma o plural pelo simples acréscimo de s é: a) Man b) Woman c) Crisis d) Night 19. O que o motorista do carro disse ao menino? AM I ALL RIGHT? While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbert s operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. No, the patient answered, I am Mr. John Gilbert. ALEXANDER, L. G. Practice and progress.longman.london, According to the text above 1. Mr. Gilbert is patiently waiting to know about his operation news. 2. the doctor talked about Mr. Gilbert s situation immediately. 3. Mr. Gilbert was a very smart person. 4. Mr. Gilbert went home just after the operation. 5. a relative called the doctor to ask about Mr. Gilbert. The CORRECT option is just a) 1 and 5. b) 2. c) 3. d) 3 and 4. e) 4 and A synonym for the word whether (in the first line) can be a) what. b) weather. c) wherever. d) if. e) infer. A Cop s Nightmare I served six years as a police officer. During our training, we were given a plastic gun and shown a "shoot/not shoot" video. In it a white man walked rapidly toward the recruits, reaching for his back pocket. We yelled, "Stop! Police! Show your hands!" He kept coming. Almost everyone in class

4 fired as the man pulled out an object. It was a card that said he was deaf. It could just as easily have been a wallet. We all prayed we would never be in a real-life situation like this. A scene like that is every officer s nightmare. (Bryan A. Brassell Spring, Texas) Responda em português: 22. Por que a polícia não deveria ter atirado no homem que se aproximou? Responda em Ingles : 23. Why did the police shoot? 24. This event was described as a nightmare by the author. What would be your nightmare? A Surprise Hitch THE FOUNDER OF MS. MAGAZINE is now a Mrs. at least technically. Feminist icon Gloria Steinem, 66, who once declared marriage legalized oppression, has made what seems like the most radical statement possible for her: I do. The bride, who is keeping her name, married David Bale, 61, an animal-rights activist and father of American Psycho star Christian Bale, last week. (From NEWSWEEK, Sept. 18, 2000: 57) 25. Qual é o evento mencionado no texto? 26. Por que ele causou surpresa? Asthma is a difficulty in breathing. Allergic, or bronchial, asthma is caused by an abnormal sensitivity to certain substances or irritations. It may result from an allergy to substances that are inhaled (such as pollen and dust) eaten (such as milk, wheat, and chocolate), or injected (such as drugs and insect stings), or which come in contact with the skin. The individual may also be sensitive to organisms that infect the respiratory system. Asthma may appear at any age. Often several members of the same family are affected. Answer the questions according to the text above 27. Asthma may not be caused by substances which are a) In contact with the skin b) Eaten c) Abnormal d) Inhaled e) Injected 28. The chief characteristic of asthma is that a) it is always bronchial b) it is caused by wheat c) it causes a difficult in breathing d) it may be healed at any age e) it always affects people of the same family 29. Asthma may be caused by organisms that infect a) Milk and chocolate b) The skin c) Pollen and dust d) The respiratory system e) People of the same family 30. Sensitivity to certain substances causing asthma is said to be a) Bronchial b) Allergic c) Difficult d) Abnormal e) Injected The other day I asked my grandma how the clouds get into the sky and why they are sometimes there and sometimes not. Grandma told me: The sun is what makes it happen. It warms up the earth. The warm air rises up. The air is full of tiny little drops of water that we call water vapour, and these make the clouds. Then the clouds rise up higher and get colder. When it is cold, the water vapour turns back into drops of water. When the drops are heavy enough they fall back down to earth as rain. The plants in the forest get wet and then they suck up the water with their roots. The water that is left over flows to the sea in streams and rivers. On the way, some of the water is turned into water vapour by the sun s rays. That s called evaporation. Water can evaporate from anywhere. It evaporates from the sea and the lakes just the same as the water in the earth. Thirsty plants suck up the water from the earth. But later on they put the water back into the air again. Water comes from animals and people too, when they breathe.

5 And when the sun warms up the air and the water vapour, the air rises up and when the air is full of little drops of water, that makes clouds. You know the rest. Answer the question about the text above The grandson asked a question to his grandmother. What was the question and how can you explain the same in a few words? THREE WEEKS TO SUMMER SHORT PLAN Let s face it, unless you have the body of Halle Berry or Jennifer Lopez, the thought of stripping off the layers and revealing bare flesh is enough to bring anyone out in a hot sweat. Fortunately, that s where WLR comes to the rescue with this easy-to-follow three-week eating plan that s designed to help you lose up to half a stone. Better still, it s suitable for most people. Whether you ve come to WLR to lose weight for your summer holiday or want to kick start a longer-term eating plan to help you shift several stone, this diet is guaranteed to suit you. It s also great if you are already on the road to losing weight, but feel your motivation beginning to slip this eating plan will help you get back on track and leave you feeling inspired, as well as half a stone lighter! So forget about hiding those bulges under layers of dark, baggy clothing. Instead, start following our plan today and in just three weeks we promise you ll feel cool, comfortable and confident in shorts, T-shirts ad swim-suits 31 Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que esta é uma dieta que: I- É adequada a artistas de cinema II- Pode ser facilmente seguida III- Se encaixa para a maioria das pessoas IV- Apenas funciona a longo prazo Assinale a alternativa que contem todas as afirmações corretas. a) I e II b) II e III c) III e IV d) I, II e IV e) I, III e IV 32. Uma das vantagens da dieta anunciada é... a) Possibilitar o uso de roupas claras b) Permitir a perda de peso sem seguir um planp c) Ajudar a esconder as gordurinhas d) Recuperar a motivação para perder peso e) Tornar o corpo como o de Helle Berry ou Jeniffer Lopez. O trecho abaixo, adaptado de Henry V, de Sheakspeare, mostra um diálogo entre Henry, rei da Inglaterra, e Katherine, filha do rei da França. Henry aproveita o fato de Katherine não dominar o Inglês para lhe fazer um galanteio baseado em um jogo de palavras. Leia o texto e responda as questões que seguem. Katherine: Your majesty shall mock at me; I cannot speak your Englkish. King Henry: O fair Katherine, if you will love me soundly with your French heart, I will be glad to hear you confess it brokenly with your English tongue. Do you like me Kate? Katherine: Pardonnez-moi, I cannot tell you what is like me. King Henry: An angel is like you, Kate, and you are like an angel. 33. Por que o jogo de palavras presente no texto é possível? 34. Katherine receia que Henry zombe dela por causa de seu pouco conhecimento da língua inglesa. Que argumento ele usa para tranquiliza-la? 35. Aproveitando-se de seu status social e da possível influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos love, power e peace para justificar sua opinião de que: a) a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor entre os homens. b) o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que o poder do amor. c) o poder deve ser compartilhado entre aqueles que se amam. d) o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir cada vez mais as pessoas. e) a paz será alcançada quando a busca pelo poder deixar de existir.

6 Old Sarum Old Sarum is where Salisbury used to be situated till about 1,500 years ago when the locals moved from this dry hilltop spot to its present spectacular site by the river. At Old Sarum you can visit the ruins of a prehistoric hill fort, a medieval castle, a cathedral, and a town. The site is set out with information panels explaining the history of this unusual and atmospheric place. It s best to pick a clear sunny day for your visit, when you ll have a great walk with superb views across many miles of the surrounding area, so it s a good idea to take a pair of binoculars and a warm jacket as it can be quite windy on the hilltop. Responda as Seguintes Perguntas 36. Por que os moradores de Old Sarum mudaram a cidade de local? 37. Quanto tempo atrás aconteceu essa mudança? 38. Quais os locais que você pode visitar em Old Sarum? 39. A área de visita em Old Sarum é organizada com que tipos de informações? 40. De acordo com o texto que é o melhor dia para visitar Old Sarum?


ESCOLA ESTADUAL DR. JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA ANO 2015 1º Nome Nº Turma ESCOLA ESTADUAL DR. JOSÉ MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA ANO 2015 1º Nome Nº Turma Data Nota 10,11,12,14 Disciplina Língua Inglesa Prof. Geisla e Sirlem Valor Trabalho para os Estudos Independentes: 40 questões (0,75

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SIMPLE PRESENTE AFIRMATIVE / NEGATIVE / INTERROGATIVE FORM. ( ) O acréscimo do ES só acontece nos verbos terminados em: s, ss, sh, ch, z, o, x.

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To Be. Present Simple. You are (você é / está) He / she / it is (Ele ela é / está)(*) We were (Nos éramos / estávamos) You are (Voces são / estão)

To Be. Present Simple. You are (você é / está) He / she / it is (Ele ela é / está)(*) We were (Nos éramos / estávamos) You are (Voces são / estão) To Be Um dos mais famosos verbos do Inglês. Quem já fez colegial e não ouviu falar dele? Mas você realmente conhece o verbo To Be? Você sabe de todos os tempos compostos que ele ajuda a formar? Você sabe

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3 o ANO ENSINO MÉDIO. Prof. a Christiane Mourão Prof. a Cláudia Borges

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THE INFINITIVE. O infinitivo éa forma original do verbo e pode aparecer com ou sema partícula to.

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PRESENT PERFECT. ASPECTOS A SEREM CONSIDERADOS: 1. Não existe este tempo verbal na Língua Portuguesa;

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ESCOLA DATA: / / NOME: ESCOLA DATA: / / PROF: TURMA: NOME: O significado desse verbo corresponde a PODER ou SABER, em português. Portanto para indicar capacidade, possibilidade, habilidade e permissão. Observe abaixo como usar

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RELATIVE PRONOUNS. Quando o antecedente for pessoa e o pronome relativo exercer a função de sujeito, usa-se who ou that.

RELATIVE PRONOUNS. Quando o antecedente for pessoa e o pronome relativo exercer a função de sujeito, usa-se who ou that. Observe as frases e responda às questões. a) The girl who played the guitar was a dancer. 1. Qual é a oração principal? _ 2. Qual é a oração subordinada? _ 3. Qual é sujeito da oração principal? _ 4. Qual

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Descrição das actividades

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São eles: SOME (Algum, alguma, alguns,algumas). É utilizado em frases afirmativas,antes de um substantivo. Ex.:

São eles: SOME (Algum, alguma, alguns,algumas). É utilizado em frases afirmativas,antes de um substantivo. Ex.: Pronomes Indefinidos Indefinite Pronouns Esses pronomes são utilizados para falar de pessoas, objetos ou lugares indefinidos Referem a pessoas ou coisas, de modo vago ou impreciso São eles: SOME (Algum,

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