Lista de exercícios Aluno (a):

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ALUNO(a): Antes de iniciar a lista de exercícios leia atentamente as seguintes orientações:


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Lista de exercícios Aluno (a): Turma: 9ºano Professor: Maria Luiza (Ensino fundamental) Disciplina: Inglês Antes de iniciar a lista de exercícios leia atentamente as seguintes orientações: No Anhanguera você é + Enem É fundamental a apresentação de uma lista legível, limpa e organizada. Rasuras podem invalidar a lista. Nas questões que exigem cálculos eles deverão ser apresentados na lista para que possam ser corrigidos. Questões discursivas deverão ser respondidas na própria lista. Não há necessidade de folhas em anexo, todas as respostas serão exclusivamente na lista. O não atendimento a algum desses itens faculta ao professor o direito de desconsiderar a lista. A lista deve ser feita a caneta, somente os cálculos podem ser a lápis. Data de entrega e prova: 02/05/2018.avaliação 11/05/2018 Read about natural disasters in Brazil. Rainy Season In January 2011, the states of São Paulo and Santa Catarina were affected by heavy rain while in the state of Rio de Janeiro there were landslides. The cities of Nova Friburgo, Teresópolis, and Petrópolis (less than 150 kilometers from Rio de Janeiro) were the most affected ones. There were over 800 people killed and 30,000 people had to leave their homes. Roads, electricity, and telecommunications were severely affected by the bad weather. On April 22 and 23, 2011, there were heavy rainstorms and landslides in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of Brazil. The landslides happened at Igrejinha (82 km from Porto Alegre, the capital) and Novo Hamburgo (42 km from Porto Alegre). Local authorities reported ten deaths in both cities. They estimated that 506 people had to abandon their houses because of the floods caused by the heavy rain. Based on <>. Accessed on August 17, 2011. 1) Which cities were affected by the landslides in + RJ +Rio Grande do Sul? 2 ) What do these numbers refer to? Match the columns. a 800 ( ) people had to abandon their houses in Rio Grande do Sul. b 30,000 ( ) people killed in Rio de Janeiro. c 506 ( ) people were forced out of their homes in RJ 1

3)When did the rain cause tragedies in: a São Paulo? b Rio Grande do Sul? 4. Change the sentences below into the negative form.(passe as frases para a forma negative.) a. You should talk with your mouth full.. b. You should burp at the table.. 5. Change the sentences below into the affirmative form. (Passe as frases para a forma afirmativa.) a. You shouldn t behave well in class.. b. You shouldn t avoid resting your elbows on the table.. 6). Complete with should or shouldn t. a) You polluted the air. b) You fight with rour brother or sister. c) You respect your parents. d) They be polite. e) I watch violent movies. 7) Escolha a opção com a 'tag question' mais adequada para as sentenças abaixo. 1.He was studying English,...? a. Was he? b. Wasn't he? c. Is he? 2. The movie is fun,...? a. Is it? b. Isn't it? c. Was it? 2

3. I am intelligent,...? a. Aren't I b. Isn't I? c. Am I? 4. He can drive,...? a. Can he? b. Can't he? c. Could he? 5. You're married,...? a. Aren't you? b. Are you? c. Will you? 8-Write the correct natural disaster. ----------------------------------------- 3

9-Complete the dialogues: A: That s Paul s sister,? B: Yes,. A: She s in your class,? A: No,. She s in class 4B. A: You like thrillers,? B: Yes,. Jude Law is in this film,? A: Yes, he is. B: You don t like drama,? A: No, I. 10)Complete the sentences with should or shouldn t. TOMEK I think we re lost! We (1) have come this way. GABI Oh no! What (2) we do? TOMEK Well, we (3) worry. LAURA I think we (4) ask someone for directions. GABI That s a good idea. Who(5) we ask? LAURA Tomek! TOMEK What? LAURA You (6) go off on your own. TOMEK Don t worry. LAURA We (7) stay together. 11)Complete com QUESTION-TAGS 1. You are a primary school student,? 2. You are not ready,? 3. She is at home now,? 4. Amy isn't in the garden,? 5. I am not interested in maths,? 4

6. I am good at English,? 7. They go online every day,? 8. She wants a new car,? 9. I read a lot,? 10. She came late last night,? 11. They didn't show up,? 12. You don't know the answer,? 13. Patrick doesn't see well,? 14. He was in New York,? 15. They weren't successful,? 16. Sit down,? 17. He's just broken the window,? 18. I haven't done that,? 19. They haven't been waiting long,? 20. He will tell her all about that,? 21. I am a student,? 22. I am not talking to you,? 23. You are my best friend,? 24. You are not on the list,? 25. You told nobody,? 12)Circle should or shouldn t In an earthquake you should / shouldn t go upstairs. you should / shouldn t stand in a doorway. you should / shouldn t get under a table. you should / shouldn t stand near the window. 13)Write the name of each disaster next to its definition. 1 This happens when it doesn t rain for a long time. 5

2 This happens when the wind is very strong. 3 This happens when it rains too much. 4 This happens when the Earth shakes. 5 This happens when there are earthquakes in the ocean. 14)What would you say to someone in your class who wants to be a teacher, an athlete or a doctor? Write the advice for each job. You should pay attention in class. You should study biology. You should practice helping people. You shouldn t eat junk food. You should exercise every day. You should help your classmates with their problems. doctor teacher athlete _ 15) Complete the crossword. 6

As questões 16 e 17 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto que segue. The Red Cross 7

The Red Cross is an international organization which cares for people who are in need of help.a man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake,and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red Cross.The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Lion.All these agencies share the common goal of trying to help people in need.the idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Henri Dunant. 16ª Questão: Pelo texto, podemos afirmar que a organização Red Cross: a) Custa muito pouco dinheiro. b) Funciona em muitos países. c) Tem o mesmo nome em todos os lugares. d) É uma organização que não existe mais. e) Funciona apenas em tempos de paz. 17ª Questão: A pessoa que lançou a idéia da organização foi: a) Cross b) Dunant c) Barton d) Mogen e) Crescent 8