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Novos desafios para o Futuro Este foi o título do X Forum da Portuguese American Postgraduate Society (PAPS). O Fórum PAPS 2009 foi realizado na Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles nos passados dias 18 e 19 de Abril, contando com a participação de uma centena de participantes vindos de diversos pontos dos Estados Unidos da America, Canadá e Portugal. Tal como em anos anteriores, o X Forum PAPS contou com a presença de ilustres oradores de diversas áreas profissionais tais como as Neurociências, Gestão, Consultadoria e Artes. O Professor António Damásio abriu a ordem de trabalhos com uma intervenção que apaixonou a audiência. Fez uma retrospectiva histórica das Neurociências, de onde levou depois os presentes a uma viagem pelos mecanismos da memória e a percepção de emoções no cérebro. Esta apresentação baseou-se também no seu último paper, que foi publicado no dia seguinte na Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). A nossa cultura são os nossos genes Não podemos entender onde estamos se não soubermos de onde vimos O conhecimento do cérebro permaneceu o mesmo desde o século XIX até 1960. A mudança deveu-se à biologia molecular. O conhecimento do DNA conduziu a novas ideias, teorias e hipóteses. As técnicas de imaging do cérebro abriram novas portas É possível ver o cérebro a sentir uma emoção A complexidade da Humanidade advém do desenvolvimento conjunto da cultura e da genética António Damásio A sessão seguinte foi moderada pelo jornalista Vitor Gonçalves correspondente em Washington da RTP e teve como intervenientes o Professor Francisco Veloso, coordenador do programa CMU-Portugal, Paulo Tabuada, Professor na UCLA, Rui Grilo coordenador do Plano Tecnológico Português, e Torben Rankine, Country Manager da Leadership Business Consulting nos EUA. Francisco Veloso abordou questões relacionadas com o empreendorismo e fez um paralelo com as origens do Silicon Valley. Como surge Silicon Valley? E de onde vêm as outras indústrias de sucesso Através de uma análise empírica de Silicon Valley e da indústria de lasers nos EUA, ou da indústria de vestuário do Bangladesh, ou mesmo da indústria de moldes de plásticos em Portugal, é possível encontrar padrões. O aparecimento da primeira empresa deve-se normalmente a um só empreendedor e dessa empresa-mãe surgem os novos empreendedores. Apesar da compatibilidade com a região ser importante, o sucesso não parece estar especialmente ligado ao contexto ou às condições locais. Claro que são necessárias condições básicas, mas não terão de ser extraordinariamente propícias ao projecto. O que pode Portugal aprender a partir do desenvolvimento de Silicon Valley?" Francisco Veloso. Paulo Tabuada fez uma descrição extremamente informativa e detalhada sobre o percurso de um

estudante de doutoramento até à "tenure" numa universidade americana. Em particular, caracteriza o professor como o homem dos 7 instrumentos. O professor tem de montar laboratórios, recrutar e orientar alunos, fazer investigação, dar aulas, apresentar conferências e gerir relações interpessoais, essenciais para a sua carreira. "Academic career in a nutshell: work, work, work, network, network, network... :)" Paulo Tabuada Torben Rankine fez uma análise das tendências globais mais importantes, entre elas a transformação dos mercados, o estabelecimento da democracia liberal, mas com regulação, os fenómenos migratórios, a sustentabilidade ambiental e energética e as rupturas que daí advêm. O corolário é que as empresas que se conseguirem adaptar a estas tendências alcançarão sucesso. Rui Grilo realçou que com a globalização todas as barreiras estão a desaparecer, e cada vez dependemos mais uns dos outros. Tudo muda, mas as mudanças são diferentes a níveis diferentes. Existem três pilares em torno dos quais assenta o plano tecnológico: conhecimento, tecnologia e inovação. Em particular os efeitos do plano tecnológico vêem-se ao nível do crescimento do acesso à internet, do interesse por cursos tecnológicos, e, claro, no Magalhães. "A globalização aumenta a interacção" Rui Grilo O Professor José Pinto dos Santos abriu a sessão da tarde com uma intervenção acerca dos desafios da globalização onde realçou que o saber isolado tem pouco valor e há que ter uma visão integradora na economia global. Falou do processo de globalização e das peças necessárias para uma empresa ser verdadeiramente global. Realçou a importância das competências individuais mas a capacidade de organizar essas competências irá ser o factor crítico no futuro. A globalização é um processo de interdepedência das nações, uma união de diferenças. Inovações e descobertas importantes acontecem quando se tem de enfrentar o imprevisível e o desconhecido. O próximo nível de integração global será melhorar o desempenho usando a diversidade global como fonte de inovação. O valor da cultura é enorme "O vosso maior valor é o de serem Portugueses" José Pinto dos Santos A segunda sessão da tarde foi apresentada pela artista plástica Joana Vasconcelos, confirmando o interesse da PAPS na área de Artes e Humanidades. Joana Vasconcelos apresentou várias peças do seu vasto portfolio analisando a sua concepção e o seu significado. A artista falou também sobre a sua experiência em tentar ser uma artista internacional a partir de Portugal, descrevendo a sua experiência de criadora de arte contemporânea inspirada na sua identidade portuguesa. Foi uma sessão extremamente animada, que tocou também em aspectos de empreendorismo e iniciativa directamente relacionados com a história da artista, bem como aspectos favoráveis e desfavoráveis de uma artista portuguesa com reputação internacional. Joana Vasconcelos é uma oradora fenomenal e ficou bem claro que arte, cultura, e ciência, estão de facto fortemente relacionados.

Podia ter saído do país, mas decidi ficar e construir a minha carreira em Portugal. Esta obra (A Joia do Tejo) é feita com materiais de países diferentes, um exemplo da economia global. Joana Vasconcelos Finalmente Tiago Carvalho (Fundador do Papaformigas), Rossana Henriques (Vice-Presidente da PAPS), Raquel Oliveira (Presidente da PARSUK) e Ângela Simões (Comissão Executiva da PALCUS) debateram questões relacionadas com networking, e apresentaram uma breve história e objectivos de cada uma das suas organizações. Este painel foi moderado pela jornalista da RTP, Bárbara de Oliveira Pinto. Tiago Carvalho descreveu o seu trabalho com o Papaformigas, uma rede global de cientistas portugueses. Rossana Henriques mostrou como a PAPS tem usado networking para agregar os estudantes Portugueses de Pós-graduação nos EUA. Raquel Oliveira partilhou a sua experiência na criação da PARSUK, uma associação de investigadores Portugueses no Reino Unido. Ângela Simões, uma descendente portuguesa, descreveu o seu trabalho na PALCUS, PortugueseAmerican Leadership Council of the US. Existem presentemente cerca de um milhão de portugueses nas comunidades portuguesas dos EUA e a PALCUS trabalha na defesa dos direitos desta comunidade junto ao Congresso dos EUA. O Forum PAPS culminou com um cocktail seguido de jantar onde António Murta, vice-presidente da Wipro Retail, foi o orador convidado. O estado da Economia em Portugal foi o tema escolhido para esta intervenção onde foram apresentados vários casos de sucesso ao nível do empreendorismo económico. António Murta delineou os pontos a favor e contra o estabelecimento de novas empresas em Portugal, bem como estratégias de expansão internacional das mesmas. António Murta fascinou todos com a descrição do seu percurso até hoje. "A Enabler, que hoje faz parte da Wipro, criou um valor de 90 milhões com práticamente 0 investimento." A dívida pública irá tornar-se num grave problema para Portugal, especialmente quando os alemães se cansarem de pagar as nossas contas. Não se devem procurar desculpas mas olhar para exemplos com o Skype, Inditex ou a Dra. Elvira Fortunato. O sucesso acontece onde menos se espera. Não podemos ter medo de ser (José Gil), temos de ultrapassar as barreiras que construímos nas nossas mentes e tentar alcançar o máximo possível. Empresas baseadas em propriedade intelectual crescem mais rapidamente do que as ligadas ao mundo físico.

António Murta Com cerca de 500 membros distribuídos entre alunos de mestrado, doutoramento, investigadores e outros profissionais portugueses espalhados pelos EUA, a PAPS organiza este evento anual de modo a juntar numa mesma cidade todos os seus associados e debater temas e questões da actualidade desta comunidade. Sendo uma organização sem receitas próprias, o sucesso da PAPS e a quantidade de actividades desenvolvidas ao longo dos últimos onze anos têm sido possíveis apenas graças ao espírito voluntário dos seus membros e ao apoio financeiro concedido por várias empresas, organizações e organismos estatais. A organização deste fórum foi liderada pelo actual Presidente da PAPS, João Cruz, que contou com a colaboração da sua equipa: Rossana Henriques, Sérgio Duarte, Tiago Freire, Pedro Castelo Branco, Luis Pedro Coelho, Sérgio Figueiredo, Pedro Gardete, Anabela Maia, Inês de Matos, Andreia Rosa, e Margarida Soares. No próximo ano a PAPS será liderada por Anabela Maia. Pela Comissão Executiva 2008-2009, João Cruz Rossana Henriques Sérgio Duarte www.papsonline.org/forum2009 Cobertura fotográfica por Marcus Darhem 2009 António Damásio

Rui Grilo, Paulo Tabuada, Torben Rankine, Francisco Veloso, Vitor Gonçalves Fotografia de Grupo

José Pinto dos Santos Joana Vasconcelos

Tiago Carvalho, Raquel Oliveira, Ângela Simões Ângela Simões, Rossana Henriques, Bárbara de Oliveira Pinto

João Cruz João Cruz, Rossana Henriques, Anabela Maia, Sérgio Figueiredo, Pedro Gardete, Margarida Soares

Cocktail António Murta

Fotografia gentilmente cedida por Raquel Oliveira João Cruz, Sérgio Duarte

Speakers António Damásio is a David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute at University of Southern California. His research has helped to elucidate the neural basis for the emotions and has shown that emotions play a central role in social cognition and decision-making. His work has also had a major influence on current understanding of the neural systems, which underlie memory, language and consciousness. He got his MD from University of Lisbon Medical School in 1969 and his PhD from University of Lisbon in 1974. António Murta is the Vice-President of Retail Services at Wipro. He was the founder and CEO of Enabler, a leading consultancy for retailers and wholesalers that was sold to Wipro in 2007. He was previously CIO of Sonae Retailing (a division of Sonae Group), the largest Portuguese retail group. He was also involved in the transaction of Mobicomp to Microsoft in 2008. He has recently created a venture capital entitled Pathena. António graduated as a systems engineer from the Minho University and holds an MBA from Escola de Gestão do Porto (EGP) / Porto University and is known for his contagious energy and speeches. José F. P. dos Santos was born in Porto, Portugal. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering by the University of Porto and an MSc, with Distinction, in Management Science by the University of London. José was Managing Director of an Italian multinational corporation until 1994. Since 1995, Professor Santos has been pursuing an academic life as Visiting Professor of International Management at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, but he also lectures as Guest or Visiting Professor in Portugal at Universidade Católica do Porto, Italy, and Slovenia. His major research area is in the multinational organization, and he has focused on innovation, knowledge management, global customer management, and the impact of e-business. Joana Vasconcelos was born in Paris in 1971. Joana studied Visual Arts at the Ar.Co Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual between 1989 and 1996. She is a renowned plastic artist that lives in Lisbon but shows her art around the world. In 2006, won the award The winner takes it all from Berardo s Foundation to create the work Néctar for the Berardo Collection Museum. She has also won the Tabaqueira Prize, Largo da Academia das Belas Artes, Lisbon (2003), Fundação Marquês de Pombal Plastic Arts / Young Artists Artes Plásticas/ Arte Contemporânea Jovens Artistas (2003), 1st prize for the 45ème Salon de Montrouge, Montrouge, France (2001) and New Artist, EDP, Electricidade de Portugal, Lisbon (2000). Most of her work can be found at http://www.joanavasconcelos.com/.

Tiago P. Carvalho is currently a Research Associate of the Department of Neurobiology at UCLA, where he has been for the past 5 years. He recently completed his PhD. in Computational Neuroscience through the Gulbenkian PhD. Program in Biomedicine. In 2005 Tiago started Papaformigas.com, the search engine of Portuguese scientists. He is the 2009 recipient of the Eva Kavan Prize for Excellence in Research on the Brain. Vitor Gonçalves is a journalist at Radio Televisão Portuguesa (RTP) since 1992. He was the national politics editor between 2001 and 2007 and is the RTP correspondent in Washington since August 2007. He also presents and coordinates the program Choque Ideológico broadcasted by RTP N. He has a Licenciatura in Social Communications and a Masters in Political Science from Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Technical University of Lisbon. He held a professorship at the same institute between 1998 and 2007. He is the author of the following titles: A Agenda de Cavaco Silva (Cavaco Silva s Agenda), Edição Oficina do Livro, 2005; and Nos Bastidores do Jogo Político (Behind the Scenes of the Political Game), Edição Minerva, 2005. Rui Grilo is currently the Deputy Coordinator of the Portuguese Technological Plan. He has occupied several political relevant positions with the Portuguese Government as advisor to the Prime Minister and the President. He holds a Licenciatura in Management from University of Évora and doctoral degree in Management from University of Hertfordshire, where he specialized in Organizational Change. His area of interest and expertise is in complexity, management, emerging technologies, telecommunications and internet-related areas and psychology. Bárbara de Oliveira Pinto was born in Portugal in 1982. She is an RTP journalist since 2003 specialized in cinema coverage and events. She was a Foundation member of the North Contemporary Ballet in Portugal (1995). In 2002 she graduated in Communications and Audio Visual Production Studies from London Guildhall University with First Class Honors. In 2001 she became a member of the EUR'OPERA company in Paris. In 2004 she finished her Master in Opera Studies from Sheffield University. She was a diplomatic intern in the Permanent Portuguese Mission to the United Nations during the 63rd General Assembly (2008). In 2009 she became General Manager of Roadmedia - a TV production company currently responsible for Hollywood.pt a program that broadcasts weekly in RTPN. Since 2009, she is also an MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America member.

Raquel Oliveira concluded her undergraduate studies in Biochemistry by Faculdade de Ciências, Porto University in 2002. She completed her PhD in 2007, attending the first Doctoral Program in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine from Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular de Coimbra with a project at Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC), Porto University in Dr. Claudio Sunkel s lab and Bayreuth University, Germany on cell cycle and chromosome condensation. After concluding her PhD in 2007, she started a post-doctoral position in the area of cell cycle regulation at Professor Kim Nasmyth lab in the Biochemical Department, University of Oxford. In 2008 she was involved in the creation of PARSUK Portuguese Association of Researchers and Students in the United Kigndom and in July 2008 she was elected President of this association. Torben Rankine is currently the Country Manager for Leadership Business Consulting, an international management consulting firm of Portuguese origin with offices in San Francisco. Torben was born in Lisbon of Scottish and Dutch parentage. He was educated in England and gained a Business Studies Degree from Edinburgh University. He also holds a Marketing post-graduate from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the United Kingdom and the Series 65 in the US. He has worked in the financial services and consulting sectors in Europe, South America and the US. While working in Madrid he formed part of the board of the Forum dos Portugueses whose mission is to assist in the cultural and social interaction between Spaniards and Portuguese. Angela Simões completed her BA in Communication and English from University of San Francisco in 1998. She is currently hi-tech PR for Autodesk. She has spent the past 8 years doing hi-tech PR, with clients in enterprise software, semiconductor and electronic design automation, and venture capital. She is very involved in the Portuguese community, working with various organizations such as the Portuguese Historical Museum and PALCUS The Portuguese-American Leadership Council of the U.S for which she serves in the executive committee. Paulo Tabuada was born in Lisbon, Portugal, one year after the Carnation Revolution. He received his "Licenciatura" degree in Aerospace Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal in 1998 and his PhD. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2002 from the Institute for Systems and Robotics, a private research institute associated with Instituto Superior Técnico. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania and an Assistant Professor at University of Notre Dame for thre years. He then joined the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of California at Los Angeles, where he directs the Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory. Paulo received numerous distinctions such as the Portuguese Science Foundation Francisco de Holanda prize in 1998 for the best research project with an artistic or aesthetic component, the NSF CAREER award in 2005, and the 2009 Donald P. Eckman Award from the American Automatic Control Council. He is an IEEE Senior Member and co-edited the volume Networked Embedded Sensing and Control published by Springer, co-chaired the International Conference Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2009 (HSCC'09). His research interests include modeling, analysis, and control of real-time, embedded, networked, and distributed systems; geometric control theory and mathematical systems theory.

Francisco Veloso is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He also has an appointment with the Business School at the Portuguese Catholic University. Since 2007, Francisco is the Educational Director for the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program. Francisco's scholarly work focuses on how firms and regions develop and leverage scientific and technical capabilities for economic growth. He has published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of Operation Management, or Research Policy and worked with a variety of international firms and organizations, including McKinsey & Co., Alcoa Inc., the Mexican Science and Technology Foundation, or the European DG of Enterprise and Industry. He has won several awards including the best paper published in the area of Operations Management and the Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellowship. Francisco has a PhD in Technology, Management and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an M.S. in Technology Management from ISEG and a Diploma in Physics Engineering from IST, both part of the Technical University of Lisbon.

Executive Committee João Cruz is a MBA graduate from the University of Rhode Island and is currently involved with a biotech startup in the Boston area. João also holds a Licenciatura in Applied Mathematics and a Masters in Computer Science from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal. After a brief period at EDP, João worked as a researcher in the Software Engineering group at INESC, before being invited to move to the US to work in the software industry. João has been actively involved with the Portuguese American Post-Graduate Society (PAPS) since 2007, integrating the Executive Committee in 2007-2008, and becoming President in 2008-2009. Rossana Henriques is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Rockefeller University. Her research in Plant Molecular Biology aims at the understanding of the mechanisms of protein post-translational modifications and their importance for signal transduction under different environmental stimuli. Rossana earned her PhD at the University of Lisbon in collaboration with the Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne, Germany. She then moved to London where she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Royal Holloway College, University of London. Currently Rossana is PAPS Vice-President and responsible for the PAPS Newsletter. Sérgio Duarte is a PhD student in Transplant Immunobiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine of the University of California Los Angeles. Under the supervision of Dr. Ana J. Coito he currently focuses on understanding the mechanisms that promote leukocyte recruitment and migration to the graft in ischemia/reperfusion injury, a prominent injury in Organ Transplantation. Sérgio got his degree in Biochemistry from the University of Porto and before coming to UCLA he did his internship at the Biological Research Center of the University of Szeged, Hungary. He also worked for a year at the Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto. Tiago Freire is an Economics PhD student at Brown University (Providence, RI), currently working on two projects: the impact on urban wages from internal migration in Brazil, and corruption in the distribution of aid in post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia (where he did field work). Before going to Brown University, Tiago did a MSc in Economics at the University of Birmingham, UK after working for a year as a Junior Financial Analyst at Fincor S.A.. Pedro Castelo-Branco did his undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of Aveiro and his graduate studies in Molecular Biology at Oxford University. Pedro moved to the US in 2006 and joined the Neurosurgery department as a Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School working on viral therapies for brain tumors. Pedro is currently a Research Fellow at the Brain Tumor Research Center at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto where he develops combinational cancer therapies for pediatric brain tumors. Pedro joined PAPS in 2006 and is now responsible for the Toronto regional chapter.

Luís Pedro Coelho is a PhD. student in computational biology at Carnegie Mellon University. He is interested in furthering the intersection of theoretical and applied machine learning and is currently working on a proteome-wide computer supported study of protein subcellular localization in mammalian cells. Luís has a BS and MS in computer science from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon (Portugal). Outside academia, Luís produced and starred in theatrical productions in college. He is currently in the planning phase for a profession show he will direct with his partner Rita Reis. Sérgio Miguel Figueiredo is a trained architect and urbanist, a graduate of Lisbon s Technical University School of Architecture and Amsterdam Academy of Architecture with international academic research experience also in Italy and Japan. After practicing in several high profile offices in Portugal and the Netherlands, he became a Fulbright scholar and is currently a Doctoral student at UCLA s Architecture and Urban Design Department in Los Angeles. His current research analyses and theorizes the super-modern phenomenon of 'Architectural Tourism,' or how tourism consumption affects architectural production. Pedro Gardete is a 4th year PhD student in Business Administration at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. He specializes in Marketing, more specifically around the credibility of advertising strategies and retail marketing strategies. Pedro holds a MA in Economics and a Bachelor's degree in Business from the Catholic University of Portugal. Anabela Maia is a PhD student of Biological Sciences at University of Rhode Island (URI). She is conducting research on the functional morphology of shark dorsal fins under the supervision of Dr. Cheryl Wilga. She holds a Licenciatura in Applied Biology to Marine Animal Resources from University of Lisbon. For two years, she held a research assistant position at Lisbon Oceanographic Institute, working on fish nursery connectivity. She did two internships on several aspects of shark biology for National Marine Fisheries Service in Panama City, FL and at Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL. She is currently responsible for the Rhode Island PAPS Chapter. Inês de Matos is since 2007 a Visiting PhD student at the Rockefeller University, NY. Her professional interests are mainly in Immunology and Cell Biology. She is currently studying the mechanisms employed by dendritic cells (pivotal cells of the immune system) to regulate lymphocyte function in tolerance and resistance, as well as the use of dendritic cells to design new therapies and vaccines. Inês joined PAPS when she arrived in the US in 2007, and since October 2008 is the responsible for the New York regional chapter of this association.

Andreia Rosa has an undergraduate degree in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She worked for Cifial Brass Works in Atlanta, USA and returned to Portugal to work as Treasurer for 3 years at the multinational Banco Cetelem. She is currently pursuing a MBA at Boston University. She is currently responsible for the Boston PAPS Chapter. Margarida Soares is an Economics PhD student at the University of Chicago. She is currently in the third year of the program and does research in the fields of Industrial Organization and Labor Economics, in particular Margarida is interested in in the impact of the internet in the way the firms relate with each other and with consumers and the several dimensions of family life that shape the formation of Human Capital. Previously she did an Economics BA at New University in Lisbon.