Formulário Relatório de Progresso - Componente Científica

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Formulário Relatório de Progresso - Componente Científica Relatório de Progresso nº 1 Período a que o relatório diz respeito: Data de início: 17-06-2013 30-09-2014 Data de fim: 1. Identificação do Projecto Referência do Projecto: EXCL/MHC-LIN/0688/2012 Investigador Responsável: Marina Cláudia Pereira Verga e Afonso Vigário Instituição Proponente: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FL/UL) Data de Início: 17-06-2013 Data de Fim: 16-06-2016 Financiamento Concedido: 173.917,00

2. Resumo dos Trabalhos Desenvolvidos e Desvios à Proposta aprovada Resumo dos trabalhos Descreva de forma breve as actividades desenvolvidas no período em apreço e os resultados alcançados. Referia-se em concreto às tarefas que tiveram execução no período a que o relatório respeita. The activities developed between June 2013 and September 2014 were distributed among the first 4 tasks, as planned. The beginning of the project s activities was couched by a meeting with the project consultants Prof. Friederici and Prof. Alter to examine and discuss in detail the goals, methods and procedures to follow. The project organized and sponsored the Keynote talk of Prof. Friederici in the Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia Conference, entitled Syntax and prosody in the human brain. The focus of the first year of activities was on recruitment of participants and all the networking of collaborations related to this task (task 1), and the design and testing of the experimental paradigms (tasks 2 and 3). Besides the pilot testing, the actual data collection for the four eye-tracking experiments was initiated (task 2), and the longitudinal assessment of later language abilities of the infants tested (task 4) was implemented. The adaptation of the screening tool CSBS-DP to European Portuguese was concluded. Three job positions for research were opened within the project, and a beginner research assistant (BIC grant), a research assistant (BI grant) and a post-doc (BPD grant) were hired. The project website was set up as a platform for knowledge dissemination, both for the scientific community and the general public, and is available at The research conducted in the Lisbon Baby Lab, and within the EBELa project was featured on the news (Sábado Magazine, and CMTV report available at A summary of the activities developed by task follows. Task 1: Recruitment and selection of participants Infant participants were recruited from the Lisbon Baby Lab participants database, and from the information provided by the network of public and private institutions collaborating with EBELa. The project together with a request for collaboration in recruitment was submitted to the Hospital de Santa Maria (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte) ethics commission and the Administração Regional de Saúde de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo ethics commission. Following approval, several health centers were visited. Other contacts were made with nurseries, private associations, and pre and post-birth activity centers. Presently, 86 infants were selected to be included in the EBELa database (matching the criteria for inclusion), and recruitment is ongoing. Adult subjects from the adult subject database of the Lisbon Baby Lab were recruited to perform a ABX discrimination task to test adult perception of the non-native phonetic contrast included as one of the infant experiments in tasks 2 and 3. Results of the adult experiment were reported in the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, together with preliminary infant data. Finally, the AOSI screening tool mentioned in the application was replaced by the CSBS-DP checklist, a tool for the early identification of children with communicative disabilities (including ASD and SLI), and a Portuguese version of the CSBS-DP was constructed and applied (to date, 50 forms have been collected). Task 2: Eye-tracking experiments The paradigms of the four eye-tracking experiments planned in the application were designed and underwent pilot testing and revision. The final versions included an anticipatory looking paradigm, a visual habituation paradigm, and a visual choice paradigm. The four experiments are currently running and 43 children have been tested so far. Prior to the eye-tracking experiment, an attention task is run. The attention experiment is a visual orientation task implemented with the baby lab testing booth s central and lateral lights to test attention performance. This experiment was added to the overall procedure as an independent (non-linguistic) test to infant gaze behavior. Prior to the design and testing of the experiments, a number of related studies were conducted on the development of typical and impaired prosody on the one hand, and on adult perception on the other. Results from these studies were presented in several conferences and publications. Task 3: ERP experiments The paradigms of the two discrimination experiments (native / non-native contrast and stress) were designed, using the well-known oddball method common in mismatch negativity studies. The design of the experiments was supported by a number of related studies on the development of prosody on the one

hand, and on adult perception of segmental and stress contrasts on the other. Results from these studies were presented in several conferences and publications. Pilot testing will start this October. Task 4: Assessment of later language abilities According to plan, the language abilities of the infants tested for the four language domains in the eyetracking experiments is being measured in intervals of 6 months, using the Portuguese Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) short form infant and toddler European Portuguese versions. Of the infants already tested, 18 short forms were collected corresponding to the first point in time of the measurement of later language abilities. The assessment of later language abilities database was set up and pre-processing of the data proceeds on a regular basis upon receipt of the CDI forms. Importantly, the CDI Portuguese version and the respective norming study were concluded during this period (with the participation of more than 90 institutions). Desvios à Proposta Aprovada Se tiver havido desvios à proposta aprovada, quer do ponto de vista científico como financeiro, aponte os desvios e justifique-os. Se teve dificuldades na execução do plano de trabalhos aprovado, identifique-os e indique de que modo pretende ultrapassá-los. Se no período em apreço tiver informado a FCT sobre alteração orçamental inter-rubricas (necessitem ou não de autorização por parte da FCT), indique aqui o motivo. The human resources rationale was adjusted to meet the revised budget recommended by the evaluation panel, and FCT has authorized the new list of members to hire during the project s execution (July, 2013). Furthermore, the acquisition of complementary EEG equipment and of the CSBS-DP original English version were also authorized, with no impact on the initial budget. The starting of task 3 was delayed given that the post-doc researcher could only be hired in January 2014. The pilot testing of the ERP paradigms was further delayed due to the impossibility of using the LaPSo ISCTE EEG system, that was unavailable between April and September. The EBELa co-coordinator for task 3, together with the direction of LaPSo and ISCTE, made all the efforts to resolve the situation and it is expected that the equipment will be fully operational from October 2014.

3. Publicações Apenas para o período a que respeita o Relatório de Progresso, indique trabalhos apresentadas ou aceites para publicação ou apresentação, e trabalhos submetidos no período a que o relatório respeita. URL disponíveis em Accepted M. Filipe, S. Frota, A. Villagomez, S. Vicente, Prosody in Portuguese children with high-functioning autism" (accepted January 2014). In N. Henriksen, M. E. Armstrong & M. M. Vanrell (eds.), Interdisciplinary approaches to intonational grammar in Ibero-Romance, series Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, John Benjamins. S. Correia, J. Butler, M. Vigário, S. Frota, A stress "deafness" effect in European Portuguese (accepted July, 2014). Language and Speech (Special Issue on Experimental approaches to the production and perception of prosody, edited by Joseph Butler, Marisa Cruz & Marina Vigário). S. Frota, M. Vigário, N. Matos, M. Cruz, Early Prosodic Development: Emerging intonation and phrasing in European Portuguese (accepted January 2014). In N. Henriksen, M. E. Armstrong & M. M. Vanrell (eds.), Interdisciplinary approaches to intonational grammar in Ibero-Romance, series Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, John Benjamins. Submitted J. Butler, M. Vigário, S. Frota, Infants perception of the intonation of broad and narrow focus. Language Learning and Development. Presented C. Severino, Effects of Prosody in Ambiguity Resolution by European Portuguese Children. Talk given at the International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014 (ICLAYR 2014), Lisboa, Portugal, 27 de Junho de 2014. E. Uysal, Influence of linguistic prosody on acoustic perception: Turkish versus Italian. Talk given at Falas no LabFon, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 12th December, 2013. L. Almeida, S. Correia, Relato Phonbank - A ferramenta Phon. Invited talk given at the Fórum CHILDES Brasil, Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil, 29-30 September 2014. M. Filipe, Competências prosódicas em crianças e jovens com e sem alterações de desenvolvimento. Talk given at Falas no LabFon, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 12th December, 2013. M. Filipe, S. Frota, S. L. Castro, S. Vicente, Prosody in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Talk given at the IX National Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Covilhã: University of Beira Interior, 2014. N. Matos, Measuring tempo: a descriptive analysis of the development pattern in EP. Talk given at the International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014 (ICLAYR 2014), Lisboa, Portugal, 27 de Junho de 2014. S. Correia, S. Frota, J. Butler, M. Vigário, A stress deafness effect in European Portuguese. Talk given at the Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia conference, Lisbon, June 2013. S. Cortês, Contrastive stress in typically developing children and adults. Possible therapeutic applications for children in the Autism spectrum. Talk given at Falas no LabFon, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 12th December, 2013. S. Frota, Prosody in Early Language Development. Invited talk given at the 22nd Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE XXII), Lisbon: University of Lisbon, 8th January, 2014. S. Frota, Infants perception of pitch-based prosodic contrasts. Invited talk given at the 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (TIE), Netherlands: University of Utrecht, 10-12th September, 2014.

S. Frota, C. Severino, J. Butler, C. Bandeira, M. Vigário, The eyes follow the sound: Measuring speech perception with eye-tracking. Poster presented at the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, Lund, August 2013. S. Frota, C. Severino, J. Butler, S. Correia, M. Vigário, Adaptação dos questionários MacArthur-Bates (CDI) ao Português Europeu: formas reduzidas para o Nível I (8-18 meses) e Nível II (16-30 meses). Talk given at the XXIX Encontro Nacional Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, 23-25th October 2013. S. Lu, Effects of production training and perception training on tone perception A behavioral and ERP study. Talk given at Falas no LabFon, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 28th March, 2014. In progress C. Bandeira de Lima, Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo - Contributos para a Caracterização do Desenvolvimento da Comunicação e da Linguagem, PhD thesis, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (started in July 2011) (Co-supervisor: M. Vigário). C. Severino, Segmentação e desambiguação no desenvolvimento do Português: o papel da estrutura prosódica, PhD Thesis, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, Individual Doctoral granted by FCT, reference SFRH/BD/80991/2011 (Supervisors: S. Frota, M. Vigário & A. Chistophe). E. Uysal, Prosodic features as early markers of language development, PhD Research within the EBELA project Early markers of Language development (Laboratório de Fonética e BabyLab - FLUL/CLUL) (Supervisors: Sónia Frota & Kai Alter). N. Matos, Medir o tempo: os padrões duracionais em fala infantil e fala adulta, PhD Thesis, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, FCT Grant SFRH/BD/82710/2011 (Supervisor: S. Frota). S. Correia, "Interaction between perception and production. A naturalistic and experimental approach, from babble to words", Post-Doc Research (SFRH/BPD/66529/2009), 2010-2016 (Supervisors: Sónia Frota & Marilyn Vihman). S. Lu, Post-Doc Researcher within the EBELA project Early markers of Language development (Laboratório de Fonética e BabyLab - FLUL/CLUL), 2013-2016 (Supervisors: Sónia Frota, Marina Vigário & Rita Jerónimo).

4. Indicadores de Realização Física Neste quadro deve indicar os valores referentes ao período a que corresponde o Relatório de Progresso. Neste quadro deve apenas indicar concretizações efectivas. Não indique publicações submetidas para publicação, nem teses que ainda não tenham sido discutidas. Indicadores Quantidade realizada A - Publicações Livros 0 Artigos em revistas internacionais 0 Artigos em revistas nacionais 0 B - Comunicações Comunicações em encontros científicos internacionais 7 Comunicações em encontros científicos nacionais 6 C - Relatórios 0 D - Organização de seminários e conferências 3 E - Formação avançada Teses de Doutoramento 0 Teses de Mestrado 0 Outras 0 F - Modelos 0 G - Aplicações computacionais 0 H - Instalações piloto 0 I - Protótipos laboratoriais 0 J - Patentes 0 L - Outros