REPUBLIK INDONESIA. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Republik Demokratik Timor Leste (selanjutnya disebut "Para Pihak");

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REPUBLIK INDONESIA ADDENDUM. 1 PADA PERSETUJUAN SEMENTARA ANTARA PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA DAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK TIMOR-LESTE MENGENAI PERBATASAN DARAT Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Republik Demokratik Timor Leste (selanjutnya disebut "Para Pihak"); BERKEINGINAN untuk menetapkan perbatasan darat antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste serta untuk menuntaskan segmen-segmen perbatasan yang belum terselesaikan. MENGAKUI hasil kerja deliniasi perbatasan dan proses demarkasi yang dilakukan setelah berlakunya Persetujuan Sementara antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste mengenai Perbatasan Darat (Persetujuan Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Darat Tahun 2005) di Dili, 18 April 2005. TELAH MENYETUJUI SEBAGAI BERIKUT: Pasal 1 Para pihak bersepakat untuk menyelesaikan segmen yang belum terselesaikan di Dilumil-Memo, serta memasukkan hasil pekerjaan-pekerjaan deliniasi perbatasan dan proses demarkasi sejak berlakunya Persetujuan Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Darat Tahun 2005, yaitu: a. Titik-titik deliniasi tambahan; b. Pendirian pilar-pilar batas demarkasi; c. Koordinat-koordinat Vertex untuk segmen Dilumil-Memo. 1

Pasal2 ANNEX A (Daftar Koordinat Titik-Titik Perbatasan yang Telah Disepakati) dari Persetujuan Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Darat Tahun 2005 akan dilengkapi dengan ANNEX A-1 sebagaimana terlampir dalam Addendum ini. ANNEX A-1 terdiri dari: a. Tabel No.1: Daftar Koordinat Titik-Titik Perbatasan Tambahan yang Telah Disepakati; b. Tabel No.2: Daftar Koordinat dari Pilar-Pilar Batas Demarkasi; c. Tabel No 3: Daftar Koordinat Titik-Titik Perbatasan yang Telah Disepakati di segmen Dilumil-Memo. Pasal3 ANNEX B (Gambaran Umum Perbatasan Darat antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste) dari Perjanjian Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Darat Tahun 2005 akan dilengkapi dengan ANNEX B-1 sebagaimana terlampir dalam Addendum ini. ANNEX B-1 terdiri dari: a. Peta Gambaran Umum Perbatasan Darat antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Demokratik Timar Leste; b. Peta-Peta Perbatasan dengan Titik-Titik Perbatasan Tambahan yang Telah Disepakati berdasarkan peta Topografi skala 1 :25.000 dan peta imajiner skala 1: 10.000; c. Peta-Peta Perbatasan dengan Pilar-Pilar Batas Demarkasi berdasarkan peta Topografi skala 1 :25.000 dan peta imajiner skala 1: 10.000. Pasal4 ANNEX C (Daftar Segmen-Segmen yang Belum Terselesaikan) dari Perjanjian Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Barat Tahun 2005 akan diubah dengan ANNEX C-1 sebagaimana terlampir dalam Addendum ini. 2

Pasal5 Addendum ini merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Persetujuan Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Darat Tahun 2005. Ketentuan-ketentuan lain yang tertuang dalam Persetujuan Sementara mengenai Perbatasan Darat Tahun 2005 tidak berubah. Pasal6 Addendum ini akan berlaku 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah tanggal penandatanganan. SEBAGAI BUKTI yang bertandatangan di bawah, yang telah diberi kuasa oleh Pemerintahnya masing-masing, telah menandatangani Addendum ini. DIBUAT di Jakarta pada tanggal 21 bulan Juni tahun dua ribu tiga belas dalam rangkap dua dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Portugis dan Bahasa lnggris, semua naskah mempunyai kekuatan yang sama. Dalam hal terdapat perbedaan penafsiran atas Addendum ini, maka naskah Bahasa lnggris yang akan dipergunakan sebagai pedoman. UNTUK PEMERINTAH REPU LIK ONESIA UNTUK PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK DEMOKRATIK Tl MOR-LESTE Menteri Luar awa. ~ku~---==enteri Senior dan Menteri Urusan Luar Negeri dan Kerja Sama 3

REPUBLIK INDONESIA ADENDA N0.1 AO ACORDO PROVISORIO ENTRE 0 GOVER DA REPUBLICA DA INDONESIA E 0 GOVER DA REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA DE TIMOR-LESTE SOBRE A FRONTEIRA TERRESTRE 0 Governo da Republica da Indonesia e o Governo da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste (doravante designados por "Partes") DESEJANDO estabelecer fronteiras terrestres permanentes entre a Republica da Indonesia e a Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste e resolver os segmentos de fronteira nao-resolvidos. RECONHCENDO os trabalhos de delineamento da fronteira e o processo de demarca9ao conduzido ap6s a entrada em vigor do Acorda Provis6rio entre o Governo da Republica da Indonesia e o Governo da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste sobre a Fronteira Terrestre (Acorda Provis6rio de 2005 sobre a Fronteira Terrestre) em Dfli, 18 de Abril de 2005. ACORDARAM 0 SEGUINTE: Artigo 1 As partes concordaram em resolver o segmento nao resolvido de Dilumil-Memo e consolidar os resultados dos trabalhos de delineamento da fronteira e do processo de demarca9ao desde a entrada em vigor do Acorda Provis6rio sobre a Linha de fronteira de 2005, nomeadamente: 1

a. Pontos adicionais de delineamento; b. lmplantac;ao de marcos de de demarcac;ao da fronteira; c. Coordenadas dos vertices para o segmento de Dilumil-Memo. Artigo 2 O ANEXO A (Lista das Coordenadas dos Pontes de Fronteira Acordados) do Acorda Provis6rio sabre a Fronteira Terrestre de 2005 devera ser suplementado com o Anexo A-1 apenso a esta Adenda. Anexo A-1 consistira em: a. Tabela No. 1: Lista de Coordenadas dos Pontos de Fronteira Acordados Adicionais; b. Tabela No. 2: Lista das coordenadas dos Marcos de Demarcac;ao da Fronteira; c. Tabela No. 3: Lista de Coordenadas dos Pontos de Fronteira Acordados para o segmento de Dilumil-Memo. Artigo 3 O ANEXO B (Descric;ao Geral da da Fronteira Terrestre entre a Republica da Indonesia e a Republica Democratica de Timor-leste) do Acorda Provis6rio sabre a Fronteira Terrestre de 2005 devera ser modificado com o Anexo B-1 apenso a esta Adenda. 0 Anexo B-1 consiste em: a. Mapa com a Descric;ao Geral da da Fronteira Terrestre entre a Republica da Indonesia ea Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste; b. Mapas de Fronteira com os Pontes de Fronteira Acordados Adicionais baseado nos mapas Topograficos a escala 1/25000 e mapas-imagem a escala 1/10000; c. Mapas de Fronteira com os Marcos de Demarcac;ao de baseado nos mapas Topograficos a escala 1 /25000 e mapas-imagem a escala 1/10000. 2

Artigo 4 0 ANEXO C (Lista dos Segmentos Nao Resolvidos) do Acorda Provis6rio sabre a Fronteira Terrestre de 2005 devera ser modificado com o ANEXO C-1 apenso a esta Adenda. Artigo 5 Esta Adenda devera constituir uma parte integral do Acorda Provis6rio sabre a Fronteira Terrestre de 2005. Todas as outras provisoes do Acorda Provis6rio sabre a Fronteira Terrestre de 2005 permanecem inalteradas. Artigo 6 Esta Adenda entrara em vigor 30 (trinta) dias ap6s a data de assinatura. POR SER VERDADE os abaixo assinados, devidamente autorizados para o efeito pelos respectivos Governos, assinaram esta Adenda. FEITA em Jakarta no dia 21 de Junho do anode dais mile treze em duplicado nas linguas Indonesia, Portuguesa e lnglesa, todos os textos sendo igualmente autenticos. Em caso divergencia na interpreta9ao deste Acorda Provis6rio, tera prevalencia sabre as restantes a versao do texto em lingua lnglesa. PEJ-0 GOY,ERNp DA REPUBLICA DA/ l[ndomssiai PELO GOVER DA REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA DE TIMOR-LESTE Signed Signed D~.-R. M. IViBrtv M. Nataleaawa Ministro dos Neg6cios Estrangeiro; 1 ~ose Luis Guterres nistro de Estado e Ministro dos Neg6cios Estrangeiros e Cooperacao 3

REPUBLIK INDONESIA ADDENDUM. 1 TO THE PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE ON THE LAND BOUNDARY The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties"); DESIRING to establish permanent land boundaries between the Republic of Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and to settle the unresolved border segments; RECOGNIZING border delineation works and process of demarcation conducted after the entry into force of the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on the Land Boundary (Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005) in Dili, 18 April 2005. HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1 The Parties have agreed to settle the unresolved segment of Dilumil-Memo and to consolidate the results of the border delineation works and process of demarcation since the entry into force of the Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005, namely: 1

a. Additional delineation points; b. Establishment of border demarcation markers; c. Coordinates of Vertex for Dilumil-Memo segment. Article 2 ANNEX A (List of Coordinates of Agreed Border Points) of the Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005 shall be supplemented with ANNEX A-1 as attached to this Addendum. ANNEX A-1 shall consist of: a. Table No. 1: List of Coordinates of Additional Agreed Border Points; b. Table No. 2: List of Coordinates of Border Demarcation Markers; c. Table No. 3: List of Coordinates of Agreed Border Points for Dilumil-Memo segment. Article 3 ANNEX B (General Description of the Land Boundary between the Republic of Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste) of the Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005 shall be modified with ANNEX B-1 as attached to this Addendum. ANNEX B-1 shall consist of: a. Map of General Description of the Land Boundary between the Republic of Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste; b. Border Maps with Additional Agreed Border Points based on Topographic maps scale 1 :25.000 and imagery maps scale 1:10.000; c. Border Maps with Border Demarcation Markers based on Topographic maps scale 1:25.000 and imagery maps scale 1:10.000. Article 4 ANNEX C (List of Unresolved Segments) of the Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005 shall be modified with ANNEX C-1 as attached to this Addendum. 2

Article 5 This Addendum shall constitute an integral part of the Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005. All other provisions of the Provisional Agreement on the Land Boundary 2005 shall remain unchanged. Article 6 This Addendum shall enter into force 30 (thirty) days after the date of signature. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Addendum. DONE at Jakarta on the 21st day of June in the year of two thousand and thirteen in duplicate in the Indonesian, Portuguese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of the interpretation of this Addendum, the English text shall prevail. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THEREPUffiJC OF INDONESIA FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE Signed Signed ~os~ Gliteites eflior Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation 3

Addendum No.1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on the Land Boundary ANNEX A-1 List of Coordinates of Agreed Border Points, Border Demarcation Markers, and Agreed Border Points for Dilumil-Memo segment Fnr ~v~nment of the R~uQ{ic ol\indonesia For the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Signed Signed DR. Jose"'Lms~uterres 8e'Dior Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of ANNEX A-1 Table No.1: List of Coordinates of Additional Agreed Border Points The following Additional Agreed Border Point Coordinates are referred to the Common Border Datum Reference Frame (CBDRF) in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame Year 2000 (ITRF2000)/World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). UTM Zone 51. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CLASS 0 Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 ' " ' " (meter) (meter) 02090301 M 9 25 12.64 124 21 16.00 8958405.77 648709.76 02090302 OF 9 25 14.84 124 21 14.13 8958338.57 648652.41 02090303 OF 9 25 16.64 124 21 13.03 8958283.44 648618.84 02090304 OF 9 25 17.75 124 21 12.30 8958249.37 648596.19 02090305 OF 9 25 18.22 124 21 12.43 8958234.79 648600.19 02090306 OF 9 25 20.76 124 21 11.97 8958157.02 648585.82 02090307 M 9 25 23.26 124 21 11.86 8958080.10 648582.35 02090308 M 9 25 24.15 124 21 11.31 8958052.93 648565.47 02090309 OF 9 25 24.11 124 21 09.58 8958054.25 648512.58 02090310 OF 9 25 24.18 124 21 09.37 8958052.26 648506.32 02090311 M 9 25 24.88 124 21 09.27 8958030.61 648503.06 02090312 M 9 25 25.32 124 21 08.35 8958017.33 648474.82 02090313 M 9 25 25.50 124 21 07.44 8958011.75 648447.13 02090314 M 9 25 26.07 124 21 06.83 8957994.29 648428.47 02090315 M 9 25 26.24 124 21 05.79 8957989.23 648396.64 02090316 M 9 25 26.87 124 21 05.55 8957969.85 648389.23 02090317 M 9 25 27.07 124 21 03.99 8957964.02 648341.72 02090318 M 9 25 27.60 124 21 03.47 8957947.82 648325.82 02090319 M 9 25 27.78 124 21 03.54 8957942.23 648327.91 02090320 M 9 25 28.02 124 21 03.36 8957934.94 648322.29 02090321 M 9 25 28.05 124 21 02.90 8957934.07 648308.34 02090322 M 9 25 27.59 124 21 02.26 8957948.25 648288.81 02090323 M 9 25 27.70 124 21 01.70 8957944.80 648271.95 02090324 M 9 25 28.19 124 21 01.68 8957929.86 648271.30 02090325 OF 9 25 29.04 124 21 01.12 8957903.79 648254.07 02090325 M 9 25 29.34 124 20 59.49 8957894.68 648204.23 02090326 M 9 25 29.36 124 20 59.47 8957894.16 648203.52 02090327 M 9 25 29.52 124 20 59.12 8957889.34 648192.79 02090328 M 9 25 29.48 124 20 58.79 8957890.59 648182.78 1/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. I to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 CLASS 0 Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 ' " ' " (meter) (meter) 02090329 M 9 25 30.70 124 20 57.85 8957853.17 648153.93 02090330 M 9 25 32.62 124 20 57.97 8957794.20 648157.50 02090331 M 9 25 33.33 124 20 57.95 8957772.56 648156.62 02090332 OF 9 25 34.49 124 20 58.69 8957736.75 648179.19 02090333 OF 9 25 39.67 124 20 59.64 8957577.55 648207.69 02090334 OF 9 25 40.22 124 20 59.61 8957560.73 648206.62 02090335 OF 9 25 40.95 124 20 59.72 8957538.17 648209.72 02090336 OF 9 25 41.62 124 20 59.07 8957517.74 648189.95 02090337 OF 9 25 42.18 124 20 59.31 8957500.29 648197.16 02090338 OF 9 25 42.37 124 20 59.88 8957494.55 648214.59 02090401 OF 9 25 42.52 124 21 00.59 8957489.71 648236.25 02090402 OF 9 25 42.94 124 21 00.51 8957476.99 648233.85 02090403 OF 9 25 43.35 124 21 00.41 8957464.37 648230.66 02090404 M 9 25 44.01 124 21 00.46 8957443.96 648232.01 02090405 OF 9 25 43.96 124 20 59.45 8957445.58 648201.24 020904055 M 9 26 15.92 124 21 02.00 8956463.61 648275.23 02090406 OF 9 25 44.52 124 20 59.63 8957428.36 648206.77 02090407 OF 9 25 44.92 124 20 59.92 8957416.17 648215.45 02090408 OF 9 25 45.53 124 20 59.49 8957397.51 648202.35 02090410 OF 9 25 46.71 124 20 59.50 8957361.27 648202.50 02090411 OF 9 25 47.31 124 20 58.80 8957342.81 648180.96 02090412 OF 9 25 47.56 124 20 59.13 8957335.02 648191.13 02090413 OF 9 25 47.77 124 20 59.24 8957328.67 648194.31 02090415 OF 9 25 48.60 124 20 58.37 8957303.40 648167.84 02090416 OF 9 25 49.18 124 20 58.19 8957285.52 648162.15 02090417 OF 9 25 49.54 124 20 58.14 8957274.6 648160.57 02090418 OF 9 25 49.74 124 20 58.03 8957268.36 648157.13 02090419 OF 9 25 50.11 124 20 58.04 8957257.03 648157.47 02090420 OF 9 25 50.61 124 20 57.65 8957241.65 648145.60 02090421 OF 9 25 50.71 124 20 57.98 8957238.39 648155.51 02090422 OF 9 25 51.46 124 20 58.40 8957215.36 648168.26 02090423 OF 9 25 52.05 124 20 58.27 8957197.47 648164.45 02090424 OF 9 25 52.83 124 20 58.37 8957173.44 648167.30 02090425 OF 9 25 53.86 124 20 58.57 8957141.80 648173.11 02090426 M 9 25 54.30 124 20 59.00 8957128.27 648186.32 02090427 M 9 25 55.44 124 20 58.88 8957093.22 648182.46 02090428 M 9 25 56.83 124 20 58.56 8957050.49 648172.56 02090429 M 9 25 57.22 124 20 58.74 8957038.52 648177.89 02090430 M 9 25 58.33 124 20 58.68 8957004.50 648175.94 2/16

Annex A-I of Addendum No. I to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of CLASS Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 02090431 M 9 25 58.70 124 20 58.48 8956992.93 648169.88 02090432 M 9 25 59.32 124 20 57.78 8956974.06 648148.52 02090433 M 9 25 59.30 124 20 57.32 8956974.88 648134.47 02090434 M 9 25 59.92 124 20 56.84 8956955.64 648119.68 02090435 M 9 26 00.51 124 20 56.67 8956937.78 648114.50 02090436 M 9 26 00.83 124 20 56.19 8956928.00 648099.73 02090437 M 9 26 00.85 124 20 55.91 8956927.23 648091.34 02090438 M 9 26 01.16 124 20 55.53 8956917.87 648079.56 02090439 M 9 26 01.99 124 20 55.12 8956892.38 648067.10 02090440 M 9 26 02.59 124 20 55.43 8956873.93 648076.31 02090441 M 9 26 03.66 124 20 55.29 8956840.89 648072.16 02090442 M 9 26 04.24 124 20 54.96 8956823.20 648061.91 02090443 M 9 26 04.25 124 20 54.60 8956822.91 648050.88 02090444 OF 9 26 08.76 124 20 55.18 8956684.48 648067.93 02090445 OF 9 26 09.42 124 20 55.22 8956664.18 648069.17 02090446 OF 9 26 09.67 124 20 55.93 8956656.40 648090.75 02090447 OF 9 26 10.57 124 20 56.38 8956628.59 648104.35 02090448 OF 9 26 11.44 124 20 58.00 8956601.61 648153.80 02090449 M 9 26 12.60 124 20 59.73 8956565.79 648206.44 02090450 M 9 26 13.42 124 21 00.98 8956540.63 648244.55 02090451 M 9 26 13.95 124 21 01.09 8956524.22 648247.81 02090452 M 9 26 14.32 124 21 01.44 8956512.86 648258.32 02090453 M 9 26 14.85 124 21 01.80 8956496.56 648269.24 02090454 M 9 26 15.54 124 21 01.80 8956475.31 648269.16 02090456 M 9 26 16.97 124 21 01.95 8956431.42 648273.58 02090457 M 9 26 17.69 124 21 01.88 8956409.22 648271.34 02090458 M 9 26 17.89 124 21 02.17 8956403.06 648280.16 02090459 M 9 26 18.88 124 21 02.27 8956372.80 648283.06 02090460 M 9 26 19.46 124 21 02.57 8956354.71 648292.16 02090461 M 9 26 19.77 124 21 02.35 8956345.25 648285.47 02090462 M 9 26 20.31 124 21 02.40 8956328.77 648287.06 02090463 M 9 26 22.04 124 21 03.54 8956275.54 648321.44 02090464 M 9 26 22.74 124 21 03.56 8956253.87 648321.95 02090465 M 9 26 23.00 124 21 03.75 8956246.05 648327.70 02090466 M 9 26 23.12 124 21 04.24 8956242.26 648342.64 02090467 M 9 26 23.65 124 21 05.35 8956225.90 648376.46 02090601 M 9 26 23.95 124 21 05.96 8956216.34 648395.14 02090602 M 9 26 24.75 124 21 06.36 8956191.75 648407.32 02090603 OF 9 26 25.00 124 21 07.60 8956184.06 648444.89 -~ 3/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of lndonesia and the Government of CLASS Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 02090604 OF 9 26 26.91 124 21 07.67 8956125.22 648446.76 02090604 OF 9 26 25.81 124 21 08.05 8956159.13 648458.71 02090606 OF 9 26 27.43 124 21 07.99 8956109.20 648456.57 02090607 OF 9 26 27.96 124 21 08.30 8956092.90 648465.83 02090608 OF 9 26 28.70 124 21 08.30 8956070.18 648465.90 02090609 OF 9 26 29.10 124 21 08.66 8956058.04 648476.84 02090610 OF 9 26 29.70 124 21 08.60 8956039.65 648474.97 02090611 OF 9 26 30.27 124 21 09.07 8956021.98 648489.30 02090612 OF 9 26 30.34 124 21 09.97 8956019.62 648516.77 02090613 OF 9 26 31.32 124 21 10.81 8955989.59 648542.24 02090614 OF 9 26 32.08 124 21 10.94 8955966.07 648546.02 02090615 OF 9 26 32.60 124 21 11.26 8955950.16 648555.67 02090616 OF 9 26 33.25 124 21 11.72 8955930.26 648569.68 02090617 OF 9 26 33.21 124 21 12.29 8955931.32 648587.12 02090618 OF 9 26 32.95 124 21 12.48 8955939.38 648592.80 02090619 OF 9 26 32.93 124 21 12.93 8955939.68 648606.69 02090620 OF 9 26 32.86 124 21 13.55 8955941.81 648625.54 02090621 M 9 26 33.42 124 21 14.47 8955924.49 648653.61 02090622 M 9 26 34.09 124 21 14.75 8955903.99 648661.97 02090701 M 9 28 30.41 124 21 21.93 8952329.94 648867.15 02090702 M 9 28 31.12 124 21 22.65 8952307.94 648888.82 02090703 M 9 28 30.56 124 21 23.27 8952325.21 648907.93 02090704 M 9 28 27.91 124 21 23.95 8952406.39 648928.87 02090705 M 9 28 26.48 124 21 24.10 8952450.21 648933.70 02090706 M 9 28 25.42 124 21 23.83 8952482.78 648925.51 02090707 M 9 28 23.82 124 21 22.94 8952532.27 648898.54 02090708 M 9 28 22.51 124 21 21.86 8952572.45 648866.01 02090709 M 9 28 22.27 124 21 20.99 8952579.92 648839.34 02090710 M 9 28 20.27 124 21 21.94 8952641.47 648868.57 02090711 M 9 28 20.04 124 21 23.28 8952648.11 648909.61 02090712 M 9 28 19.04 124 21 24.18 8952678.99 648937.20 02090713 M 9 28 18.37 124 21 25.39 8952699.38 648974.18 02090714 M 9 28 18.05 124 21 25.07 8952709.05 648964.36 02090715 M 9 28 17.96 124 21 24.18 8952711.98 648937.18 02090716 M 9 28 15.07 124 21 23.02 8952802.88 648902.14 02090717 M 9 28 14.37 124 21 22.20 8952822.67 648877.09 02090718 M 9 28 12.52 124 21 21.51 8952879.57 648856.50 02090719 M 9 28 12.27 124 21 19.71 8952887.19 648801.61 02090720 M 9 28 11.33 124 21 18.94 8952916.21 648778.03 4116

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. I to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of lndonesia and the Government of CLASS Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 02090721 M 9 28 09.94 124 21 17.30 8952959.15 648728.25 02090722 M 9 28 08.44 124 21 18.08 8953005.30 648752.35 02090724 M 9 28 04.42 124 21 18.12 8953128.74 648754.05 02090725 M 9 28 03.88 124 21 18.93 8953145.15 648778.64 02090726 M 9 28 03.33 124 21 19.17 8953162.05 648786.02 02090727 M 9 28 02.80 124 21 20.28 8953178.09 648820.18 02090728 M 9 28 02.19 124 21 20.82 8953196.92 648836.75 02090729 M 9 28 01.38 124 21 20.71 8953221.86 648833.41 0209073 M 9 28 07.39 124 21 18.01 8953037.35 648750.43 02090730 M 9 28 00.85 124 21 21.61 8953237.89 648860.95 02090731 M 9 28 00.31 124 21 21.79 8953254.62 648866.51 02090732 M 9 27 56.78 124 21 22.86 8953362.94 648899.34 02090733 M 9 27 55.81 124 21 24.03 8953392.61 648935.42 02090734 M 9 27 57.96 124 21 22.99 8953326.61 648903.19 02090734A M 9 27 51.05 124 21 23.28 8953538.90 648912.92 02090735 M 9 27 52.16 124 21 23.90 8953504.71 648931.89 02090736 M 9 27 51.72 124 21 23.68 8953518.09 648925.14 02090737 M 9 27 52.88 124 21 24.39 8953482.50 648946.66 02090738 M 9 27 49.94 124 21 24.23 8953572.84 648942.18 02090739 M 9 27 49.29 124 21 26.70 8953592.57 649017.63 02090740 M 9 27 47.48 124 21 29.34 8953647.71 649098.36 02090741 M 9 27 46.17 124 21 30.85 8953687.83 649144.48 02090742 M 9 27 44.54 124 21 33.60 8953737.52 649228.48 02090743 M 9 27 42.00 124 21 37.94 8953815.01 649361.10 02090744 M 9 27 40.50 124 21 40.66 8953860.95 649444.43 02090745 M 9 27 40.02 124 21 42.98 8953875.37 649515.24 02090747 M 9 27 41.31 124 21 49.25 8953834.97 649706.35 02090748 M 9 27 38.47 124 21 51.56 8953921.86 649777.12 02090749 M 9 27 36.18 124 21 53.21 8953992.11 649827.58 T21600101 OF 9 12 06.52 125 05 49.23 8982161.67 730410.532 T21600102B OF 9 12 04.50 125 05 52.20 8982223.02 730501.639 T30704001 M 9 10 11.81 125 00 56.56 8985737.91 721494.17 T30704002 M 9 10 10.05 125 00 50.02 8985793.09 721294.86 T30704003 RB 9 10 11.04 125 00 49.52 8985762.53 721279.37 T30704004 OF 9 10 13.94 125 00 50.05 8985673.29 721295.05 T30704005 OF 9 10 23.58 125 00 47.66 8985377.60 721220.38 T31300201 OF 9 10 40.92 125 00 36.45 8984846.71 720875.09 T31300202 OF 9 10 39.73 125 00 37.29 8984883.09 720900.82 T31300203 OF 9 10 42.31 125 00 35.47 8984804.03 720844.96 5116

Annex A-I of Addendum No. I to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of CLASS Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 T31300204 OF 9 10 43.19 125 00 34.92 8984777.19 720827.95 T31300206 OF 9 10 46.76 125 00 29.32 8984668.55 720656.46 T31300207 OF 9 10 49.51 125 00 26.44 8984584.52 720568.06 T31300208 OF 9 10 51.56 125 00 24.91 8984522.78 720520.94 T31900101 OF 9 11 13.63 124 59 32.07 8983852.55 718903.68 T31900102 OF 9 11 14.54 124 59 30.21 8983824.72 718846.68 T31900310 OF 9 11 59.17 124 58 55.53 8982459.39 717780.25 T31900311 OF 9 12 03.50 124 58 55.18 8982326.27 717768.84 A10101 M 8 57 32.45 124 57 01.95 9009110.47 714455.61 A10102 M 8 57 32.12 124 57 01.01 9009120.79 714427.03 A10103 M 8 57 31.50 124 56 59.91 9009140.21 714393.25 A10104 M 8 57 30.71 124 56 58.62 9009164.54 714354.16 6116

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. I to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of ANNEX A-1 Table No. 2: List of Coordinates of Border Demarcation Markers The following Border Demarcation Markers Coordinates are referred to the Common Border Datum Reference Frame (CBDRF) in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame Year 2000 (ITRF2000)/World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). UTM Zone 51. Demarcation 2005 Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 0 I ' " " (meter) (meter) 1 (provisional) T 10300301 RI 9 10 39.32 124 28 41.59 8985179.78 662414.20 2 T10300301TL 9 10 39.83 124 28 40.94 8985164.19 662394.30 3 T10300701 RI 9 10 39.31 124 28 41.57 8985180.08 662413.70 4 T10300701TL 9 10 39.85 124 28 40.93 8985163.64 662394.10 5 T11113601 9 21 34.24 124 23 26.81 8965099.20 652727.50 6 T11115201 9 21 42.34 124 22 44.22 8964856.19 651425.90 7 T11115301 9 21 47.12 124 22 44.90 8964709.22 651447.00 8 (provisional) T11116501 9 10 29.24 124 28 35.04 8985490.26 662215.50 9 T21200401 9 09 33.41 125 11 16.73 8986807.48 740438.60 10 T21200501 9 09 34.56 125 11 11.40 8986772.65 740276.00 11 T21200502 9 09 36.50 125 11 07.04 8986713.80 740142.60 12 T21200601 9 09 48.46 125 10 59.77 8986347.59 739919.00 13 T21200602 9 09 50.11 125 10 58.84 8986296.97 739889.60 14 T21200701 9 09 43.92 125 11 02.76 8986487.01 740011.10 15 T416101 9 27 04.03 125 5 13.38 8954587.31 729153.20 16 T416T01 9 27 03.64 125 5 14.28 8954598.92 729180.70 17 T50100101 RI 8 58 42.28 124 56 30.59 9006970.08 713485.60 18 T50100101TL 8 58 43.50 124 56 30.77 9006931.73 713491.20 19 T50300101 RI 9 02 48.95 124 56 24.18 8999390.77 713250.00 20 T50300101TL 9 02 48.59 124 56 25.48 8999402.39 713289.90 21 T50300102RI 9 02 51.11 124 56 25.30 8999325.34 713284.40 22 T50600101TL 8 58 19.74 125 06 26.46 9007561.91 731695.20 23 T50600201TL 8 58 13.30 125 06 20.52 9007760.61 731514.70 24 T50600701 RI 8 58 06.24 125 06 41.65 9007974.29 732160.60 25 T50600801TL 8 58 01.67 125 06 37.76 9008114.77 732042.70 26 T50601101 RI 8 58 10.52 125 06 46.40 9007842.32 732305.70 27 T50601202TL 8 58 05.59 125 06 51.52 9007993.26 732463.40 28 T50602601TL 8 58 56.24 125 07 44.76 9006426.55 734080.50 29 T50602701 RI 8 58 58.40 125 07 36.30 9006362.20 733821.50 7116

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I 11 (meter) (meter) 30 T50604101 RI 8 59 42.79 125 08 05.14 9004992.27 734694.70 31 T50604201TL 8 59 39.05 125 08 09.67 9005106.52 734833.60 32 T5ASSUDATIND 9 01 00.52 124 56 12.05 9002724.70 712897.30 33 T5MARKER2 9 01 06.60 124 55 58.40 9002541.40 712479.40 34 T5MARKER301 9 01 21.79 124 56 03.48 9002072.64 712632.00 35 T5MARKER4 9 01 33.67 124 55 56.42 9001708.53 712415.10 36 T62700301 9 16 04.08 124 59 47.36 8974925.05 719320.70 37 T62700302 9 16 02.53 124 59 48.26 8974971.80 719348.00 38 T70100301 8 58 05.38 124 57 03.42 9008098.92 714494.50 39 T70100302 8 58 09.88 124 56 59.86 9007960.90 714384.80 40 T70100303 8 58 13.19 124 56 56.62 9007860.42 714286.40 41 T70100304 8 58 15.10 124 56 54.38 9007800.58 714218.40 42 T701007 8 57 41.33 124 57 09.11 9008836.55 714673.10 43 T70100701 8 57 45.00 124 57 08.71 9008724.15 714660.50 44 T70100702 8 57 48.49 124 57 09.32 9008616.39 714678.50 45 T70100703 8 57 52.49 124 57 09.36 9008493.73 714679.10 46 T70100704 8 57 57.71 124 57 06.37 9008334.43 714586.90 47 T70101001 RI 8 57 32.90 124 57 02.95 9009096.17 714485.90 48 T70101001TL 8 57 31.90 124 57 02.27 9009126.78 714464.70 49 T70200501 RI 9 27 42.59 125 05 14.42 8953402.18 729177.70 50 T70200501TL 9 27 38.48 125 05 18.17 8953527.68 729293.00 Demarcation 2009 Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II II ' (meter) (meter) 0 1 T107079-1 9 18 03.89 124 27 42.34 8971530.15 660549.08 2 T107080 9 18 05.00 124 27 39.78 8971496.09 660470.83 3 T107080-1 9 18 09.40 124 27 37.08 8971360.95 660388.02 4 T107080-2 9 18 11.52 124 27 35.96 8971296.35 660354.41 5 T107085-1 9 18 22.50 124 26 53.48 8970964.41 659056.68 6 T212002-1 9 09 28.76 125 11 34.69 8986946.06 740989.22 7 T216001 9 12 06.52 125 05 49.27 8982161.42 730412.34 8 T216001-1 9 12 02.45 125 05 46.00 8982286.88 730312.99 9 T216001-2 9 12 04.14 125 05 51.76 8982234.57 730488.32 10 T216001-3 9 12 02.41 125 05 54.85 8982286.67 730583.11 11 T307041-1 RI 9 10 07.03 125 00 55.30 8985884.31 721456.16 12 T307041-2RI 9 10 13.30 125 00 49.14 8985693.44 721267.13 13 T307041-2TL 9 10 12.58 125 00 49.93 8985715.49 721291.17 14 T307041-3 9 10 28.88 125 00 42.88 8985215.14 721073.71 8/16

Annex A-I of Addendum No. I to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 II 0 ' ' " (meter) (meter) 15 T313002-1 9 10 33.17 125 00 41.26 8985083.98 721023.16 16 T313002-2 9 10 40.51 125 00 34.45 8984859.64 720814.46 17 T313002-3 9 10 44.62 125 00 29.92 8984733.76 720674.40 18 T320001 9 12 05.00 124 58 55.16 8982280.08 717768.34 19 T320001-1 9 12 17.39 124 58 54.62 8981899.14 717749.66 20 T320001-2 9 12 28.55 124 58 54.34 8981556.66 717738.40 21 T320001-3 9 12 36.40 124 58 53.90 8981315.81 717724.33 22 T320002 9 12 43.52 124 58 53.54 8981096.57 717712.26 23 T320002-1 9 12 51.37 124 58 54.08 8980855.78 717727.03 24 T320003 9 12 57.06 124 58 54.66 8980680.32 717744.28 25 T320003-1 9 13 01.06 124 58 55.88 8980558.07 717780.49 26 T625003-1 9 13 53.00 124 59 01.03 8978960.51 717928.99 27 T625003-2 9 13 54.88 124 59 00.67 8978902.67 717917.14 28 T625003-3 9 13 56.93 124 58 59.66 8978840.51 717886.69 29 T625003-4 9 13 59.52 124 58 58.73 8978760.10 717857.92 30 T625003-5 9 14 01.57 124 58 58.62 8978697.32 717854.16 31 T625003-6 9 14 04.81 124 58 57.68 8978598.16 717824.92 32 T625003-7 9 14 06.58 124 58 56.68 8978543.94 717793.33 33 T625003-8 9 14 07.66 124 58 55.81 8978511.61 717767.11 34 T627004-1 9 15 54.36 124 59 48.41 8975223.84 719354.84 35 T627005-1 9 15 58.90 124 59 48.48 8975084.12 719355.66 36 T627005-3 9 16 01.09 124 59 48.34 8975016.93 719351.22 37 T628002-1 9 18 02.23 125 00 40.90 8971285.08 720934.01 38 T628002-2 9 18 03.56 125 00 44.71 8971242.99 721050.88 39 T628002-3 9 18 05.98 125 00 48.06 8971168.59 721152.64 40 T628002-4 9 18 11.63 125 00 52.78 8970994.32 721295.01 41 T628002-5 9 18 15.41 125 00 57.31 8970876.88 721433.62 42 T628002-6 9 18 19.33 125 01 02.24 8970755.23 721582.66 43 T628002-7 9 18 25.85 125 01 08.80 8970553.91 721781.57 44 T628002-8 9 18 33.62 125 01 14.95 8970314.36 721968.33 45 T628003 9 18 39.02 125 01 20.57 8970147.74 722138.73 46 T628003-1 9 18 44.64 125 01 24.20 8969973.87 722248.70 47 T628003-2 9 18 48.67 125 01 29.64 8969849.86 722413.82 48 T628003-3 9 18 50.76 125 01 35.65 8969783.62 722597.62 49 T628003-4 9 18 59.87 125 01 42.82 8969502.94 722814.35 50 T628003-5 9 19 07.39 125 01 45.88 8969271.33 722905.96 51 T628004-1 9 19 12.43 125 01 46.13 8969116.91 722913.14 9/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Jndonesia and the Government of Demarcation 2011 Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASING 0 0 ' " ' " (meter) (meter) 1 T5010041RI 8 58 46.54 124 56 26.95 9006839.51 713374.16 2 T5010041TL 8 58 47.24 124 56 28.75 9006817.82 713429.02 3 T5010111 RI 8 59 02.57 124 56 26.10 9006347.27 713345.63 4 T5010111TL 8 59 04.03 124 56 28.40 9006302.00 713415.80 5 T5010181 RI 8 59 14.78 124 56 16.91 9005973.55 713062.81 6 T5010181TL 8 59 15.65 124 56 18.84 9005946.42 713121.86 7 T5020231 RI 8 59 30.22 124 56 11.08 9005500.03 712882.17 8 T5020231TL 8 59 31.30 124 56 13.07 9005466.51 712942.96 9 T5020301 RI 8 59 47.73 124 56 02.18 9004963.25 712607.57 10 T5020301TL 8 59 46.80 124 56 02.62 9004991.97 712621.17 11 T5020461 RI 8 59 59.86 124 56 04.30 9004590.28 712670.43 12 T5020461TL 8 59 59.89 124 56 05.38 9004589.16 712703.37 13 T5020681 RI 9 00 10.58 124 56 15.86 9004259.23 713021.75 14 T5020681TL 9 00 10.13 124 56 16.67 9004272.87 713046.61 15 T5020891 RI 9 00 26.14 124 56 11.45 9003781.57 712884.50 16 T5020891TL 9 00 26.4 124 56 12.21 9003773.68 712907.72 17 T5020892RI 9 00 39.63 124 56 13.60 9003366.90 712947.94 18 T5020892TL 9 00 39.29 124 56 14.39 9003377.26 712972.29 19 T5030061RI 9 02 56.42 124 56 30.15 8999160.96 713431.29 20 T5030061TL 9 02 54.30 124 56 35.97 8999225.28 713609.19 21 T5030101RI 9 03 08.27 124 56 48.99 8998793.90 714004.56 22 T5030101TL 9 03 07.11 124 56 52.58 8998828.82 714114.62 23 T5030141 RI 9 02 59.39 124 57 02.37 8999064.51 714414.73 24 T5030141TL 9 03 01.27 124 56 58.36 8999007.42 714291.93 25 T5030191RI 9 03 9.44 124 57 10.57 8998754.27 714663.73 26 T5030191TL 9 03 9.74 124 57 14.64 8998744.51 714788.02 27 T5030201 RI 9 03 25.05 124 57 13.28 8998274.12 714743.71 28 T5030201TL 9 03 22.93 124 57 17.84 8998338.71 714883.49 29 T5030231RI 9 03 35.28 124 57 30.65 8997957.06 715272.70 30 T5030231TL 9 03 28.66 124 57 29.94 8998160.42 715251.99 31 T5030232RI 9 03 31.91 124 57 44.44 8998058.14 715694.42 32 T5030232TL 9 03 22.24 124 57 44.94 8998355.46 715711.22 33 T5030271RI 9 03 29.97 124 58 05.92 8998114.38 716350.75 34 T5030271TL 9 03 21.79 124 58 10.26 8998364.98 716484.78 35 T5030291 RI 9 03 37.88 124 58 18.60 8997869.04 716736.76 36 T5030291TL 9 03 33.61 124 58 24.11 8997999.57 716905.77 37 T5030301 RI 9 03 49.05 124 58 29.97 8997523.97 717082.18 38 T5030301TL 9 03 45.53 124 58 33.10 8997631.80 717178.58 39 T5030311 RI 9 03 53.09 124 58 41.39 8997398.06 717430.28 40 T5030311TL 9 03 48.73 124 58 43.09 8997531.68 717483.08 41 T5040021 RI 9 03 57.08 124 58 50.60 8997274.00 717710.95 42 T5040021TL 9 03 47.47 124 58 49.41 8997569.30 717676.37 10/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASING 0 I " I " (meter) (meter) 0 43 T5040051RI 9 03 46.41 124 59 16.48 8997597.48 718503.43 44 T5040051TL 9 03 45.34 124 59 12.16 8997630.92 718371.43 45 T5040091 RI 9 03 52.35 124 59 33.42 8997412.09 719019.79 46 T5040091TL 9 03 44.53 124 59 33.51 8997652.47 719023.72 47 T5040111 RI 9 03 54.28 124 59 48.46 8997350.39 719478.71 48 T5040111TL 9 03 48.72 124 59 48.69 8997521.20 719486.65 49 T5040131 RI 9 03 53.65 125 00 02.50 8997367.23 719907.76 50 T5040131TL 9 03 47.47 125 00 03.82 8997557.03 719949.00 51 T5100041RI 9 01 43.04 124 55 56.32 9001421.23 712409.71 52 T5100041TL 9 01 42.25 124 55 56.88 9001445.30 712427.12 53 T5100151 RI 9 01 54.98 124 56 05.67 9001052.95 712693.56 54 T5100151TL 9 01 53.84 124 56 05.95 9001087.94 712702.24 55 T5100231RI 9 02 07.32 124 56 15.67 9000672.06 712996.79 56 T5100231TL 9 02 06.47 124 56 16.93 9000698.00 713035.62 57 T5100311 RI 9 02 16.47 124 56 29.54 9000388.64 713419.11 58 T5100311TL 9 02 17.36 124 56 30.06 9000361.29 713434.78 59 T5100421RI 9 02 35.14 124 56 24.60 8999815.72 713265.07 60 T5100421TL 9 02 34.76 124 56 25.49 8999827.25 713292.25 Demarcation 2012 Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 1 8101001-RI 9 03 51.43 125 00 12.59 8997433.66 720216.18 2 8101001-TL 9 03 46.51 125 00 9.40 8997585.50 720119.77 3 8101002-RI 9 03 40.96 125 00 24.46 8997753.50 720580.60 4 8101002-TL 9 03 38.54 125 00 21.37 8997828.29 720486.67 5 8101003-RI 9 03 33.06 125 00 29.90 8997995.25 720748.09 6 8101003-TL 9 03 29.71 125 00 23.49 8998099.27 720552.91 7 8101004-RI 9 03 23.30 125 00 33.56 8998294.57 720861.46 8 8101004-TL 9 03 22.31 125 00 23.92 8998326.75 720567.24 9 8101005-RI 9 03 13.81 125 00 37.40 8998585.54 720980.32 10 8101005-TL 9 03 08.98 125 00 27.96 8998735.64 720692.83 11 8101006-RI 9 03 05.81 125 00 39.54 8998831.12 721047.10 12 8101006-TL 9 02 57.25 125 00 33.53 8999095.19 720865.16 13 8101007-RI 9 03 03.71 125 00 47.70 8998894.09 721296.93 14 8101007-TL 9 02 59.25 125 00 47.92 8999031.35 721304.41 15 8101008-RI 9 03 05.95 125 00 55.07 8998824.06 721521.47 16 8101008-TL 9 03 00.52 125 00 55.56 8998990.84 721537.57 17 8101009-RI 9 3 07.19 125 01 03.53 8998784.49 721779.81 18 8101009-TL 9 3 00.34 125 01 03.13 8998995.20 721768.63 19 8101010-RI 9 3 03.50 125 01 19.92 8998895.31 722280.97 11116

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 20 8101010-TL 9 2 56.33 125 01 14.50 8999116.56 722116.56 21 8101011-RI 9 2 43.81 125 01 17.68 8999500.51 722215.81 22 8101011-TL 9 2 46.25 125 01 12.82 8999426.61 722067.20 23 8101012-RI 9 2 36.32 125 01 18.01 8999730.78 722227.32 24 8101012-TL 9 2 32.48 125 01 16.26 8999848.95 722174.56 25 8101013-RI 9 0 48.57 125 05 12.62 9003001.63 729412.69 26 8101013-TL 9 0 45.02 125 05 10.80 9003111.02 729357.94 27 8101014-RI 9 0 42.41 125 05 20.60 9003189.33 729657.56 28 8101014-TL 9 0 38.32 125 05 17.16 9003315.75 729553.36 29 8101015-RI 9 0 34.33 125 05 31.39 9003435.81 729988.84 30 8101015-TL 9 0 28.83 125 05 26.50 9003605.80 729840.30 31 8101016-RI 9 0 27.96 125 05 37.77 9003630.48 730184.73 32 8101016-TL 9 0 21.79 125 05 29.04 9003821.70 729919.30 33 8101017-RI 9 0 15.47 125 05 44.33 9004013.05 730387.49 34 8101017-TL 9 0 14.03 125 05 37.48 9004058.68 730178.32 35 8101018-RI 9 0 06.17 125 05 54.25 9004297.02 730692.09 36 8101018-TL 8 59 55.97 125 05 48.43 9004611.63 730515.98 37 8101019-RI 8 59 50.79 125 06 04.76 9004767.85 731015.94 38 8101019-TL 8 59 47.17 125 05 54.20 9004881.03 730693.85 39 8101020-RI 8 59 38.99 125 06 02.59 9005131.07 730951.58 40 8101020-TL 8 59 37.89 125 05 56.47 9005165.75 730765.04 41 8101021-RI 8 59 32.59 125 06 2.94 9005327.46 730963.60 42 8101021-TL 8 59 27.43 125 05 52.77 9005488.04 730653.68 43 8101022-RI 8 59 14.99 125 06 10.13 9005867.03 731186.34 44 8101022-TL 8 59 11.25 125 06 03.83 9005983.33 730994.40 45 8101023-TL 8 59 06.29 125 06 04.02 9006135.45 731000.99 46 8101024-RI 8 59 06.29 125 06 15.67 9006133.52 731357.11 47 8101024-TL 8 58 57.87 125 05 59.42 9006395.00 730862.20 48 8101025-RI 8 58 44.13 125 06 07.82 9006815.98 731121.27 49 8101025-TL 8 58 39.87 125 06 01.09 9006947.98 730916.38 50 8101026-RI 8 58 24.63 125 06 18.27 9007413.42 731443.85 51 8101026-TL 8 58 20.50 125 06 14.14 9007541.07 731318.46 52 8101027-RI 8 58 14.42 125 06 32.63 9007724.39 731884.51 53 8101027-TL 8 58 05.31 125 06 31.53 9008004.53 731852.50 54 8101028-RI 8 58 15.75 125 06 56.61 9007679.58 732616.78 55 8101028-TL 8 58 09.22 125 07 0.48 9007879.56 732736.31 56 8101029-RI 8 58 28.49 125 07 3.06 9007286.79 732811.70 57 8101029-TL 8 58 17.36 125 07 09.40 9007627.62 733007.33 58 8101030-RI 8 58 32.03 125 07 14.99 9007175.90 733175.42 59 8101030-TL 8 58 26.16 125 07 19.50 9007355.36 733314.36 60 8101031-RI 8 58 40.33 125 07 21.26 9006919.81 733365.68 61 8101031-TL 8 58 33.50 125 07 27.71 9007128.34 733563.78 12/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I " (meter) (meter) 62 8101032-RI 8 58 50.15 125 07 32.95 9006615.78 733720.95 63 8101032-TL 8 58 44.20 125 07 40.08 9006797.61 733939.90 64 8101033-RI 8 59 01.97 125 07 36.27 9006252.14 733820.55 65 8101033-TL 8 58 57.46 125 07 44.67 9006389.17 734077.85 66 8101034-RI 8 59 11.40 125 07 43.93 9005960.90 734052.68 67 8101034-TL 8 59 06.63 125 07 53.61 9006105.67 734349.48 68 8101035-RI 8 59 17.85 125 07 56.20 9005760.57 734426.41 69 8101035-TL 8 59 14.65 125 08 00.29 9005858.10 734551.89 70 8101036-RI 8 59 30.07 125 07 58.46 9005384.73 734493.38 71 8101036-TL 8 59 28.51 125 08 09.07 9005430.60 734817.86 72 8101037-RI 8 59 54.23 125 08 14.64 9004639.32 734983.45 73 8101037-TL 8 59 44.98 125 08 17.02 9004923.04 735057.86 74 8101038-RI 8 59 51.96 125 08 31.30 9004706.03 735492.69 75 8101038-TL 8 59 46.40 125 08 28.43 9004877.50 735406.04 76 8101039-RI 8 59 47.52 125 08 42.31 9004840.42 735829.81 77 8101039-TL 8 59 44.57 125 08 40.78 9004931.50 735783.59 78 8101040 TL 8 59 49.93 125 08 58.60 9004763.47 736327.22 79 8101040-RI 8 59 52.91 125 08 54.89 9004672.48 736213.32 80 8101042-RI 9 00 00.80 125 09 06.30 9004427.97 736560.37 81 8101042-TL 8 59 57.54 125 09 06.77 9004528.11 736575.36 82 8101043-RI 9 00 07.39 125 09 17.43 9004223.49 736899.34 83 8101043-TL 9 00 05.53 125 09 19.73 9004280.47 736970.02 84 8101044-RI 9 00 17.15 125 09 26.33 9003922.11 737169.51 85 8101044-TL 9 00 11.08 125 09 26.09 9004108.53 737163.31 86 8101045-RI 9 00 23.64 125 09 31.62 9003721.58 737329.84 87 8101045-TL 9 00 17.83 125 09 39.47 9003898.86 737570.95 88 8101046-RI 9 00 35.46 125 09 43.10 9003356.42 737678.69 89 8101046-TL 9 00 27.14 125 09 49.37 9003611.01 737871.74 90 8101047-RI 9 00 47.59 125 09 50.51 9002982.26 737902.80 91 8101047-TL 9 00 37.81 125 09 58.32 9003281.24 738143.21 92 8101048-TL 9 01 38.09 125 11 10.31 9001415.88 740331.47 93 8101049-RI 9 01 45.33 125 11 10.31 9001193.22 740330.15 94 8101049-TL 9 01 48.15 125 11 10.42 9001106.67 740332.98 95 8101050-RI 9 01 58.11 125 11 04.80 9000801.41 740159.42 96 8101050-TL 9 01 58.05 125 11 07.17 9000802.90 740231.97 97 8101051-RI 9 02 07.78 125 11 03.39 9000504.68 740114.71 98 8101051-TL 9 02 08.80 125 11 04.87 9000473.00 740159.70 99 8101052-RI 9 02 19.69 125 11 05.60 9000138.13 740179.81 100 8101052-TL 9 02 18.67 125 11 06.98 9000169.40 740222.35 101 8101053-RI 9 02 28.62 125 11 13.12 8999862.30 740407.87 102 8101053-TL 9 02 26.91 125 11 14.57 8999914.72 740452.73 103 8101054-RI 9 02 41.40 125 11 19.03 8999468.55 740586.31 13/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 104 B101054-TL 9 02 41.00 125 11 21.11 8999480.39 740649.65 105 B101055-RI 9 02 51.80 125 11 16.86 8999149.41 740517.86 106 B101055-TL 9 02 53.30 125 11 19.18 8999102.77 740588.59 107 B101056-RI 9 03 04.02 125 11 18.62 8998773.45 740569.42 108 B101056-TL 9 03 03.36 125 11 20.64 8998793.29 740631.18 109 B101057-RI 9 03 15.68 125 11 17.86 8998415.37 740544.25 110 B101057-TL 9 03 14.95 125 11 20.24 8998437.35 740617.00 111 B101058-RI 9 03 28.63 125 11 15.58 8998017.81 740471.94 112 B101058-TL 9 03 30.41 125 11 17.05 8997962.71 740516.59 113 B101059-RI 9 03 33.18 125 11 03.99 8997879.88 740117.31 114 B101059-TL 9 03 34.02 125 11 06.30 8997853.75 740187.58 115 B101060-RI 9 03 50.52 125 11 02.09 8997347.55 740055.99 116 B101060-TL 9 03 48.75 125 11 03.64 8997401.71 740103.74 117 B101061-RI 9 04 11.41 125 11 09.54 8996703.97 740279.67 118 B101061-TL 9 04 09.86 125 11 10.08 8996751.64 740296.56 119 B101062-RI 9 04 25.70 125 11 13.36 8996264.11 740393.67 120 B101062-TL 9 04 27.94 125 11 13.27 8996195.44 740390.42 121 B101063-RI 9 04 31.55 125 11 04.39 8996086.22 740118.61 122 B101063-TL 9 04 30.33 125 11 06.15 8996123.18 740172.68 123 B101064-RI 9 04 44.37 125 11 04.02 8995692.07 740105.07 124 B101064-TL 9 04 42.31 125 11 05.73 8995755.33 740157.60 125 B101065-RI 9 04 51.78 125 10 57.24 8995465.59 739896.45 126 B101065-TL 9 04 51.84 125 10 59.57 8995463.53 739967.68 127 B101066-RI 9 05 07.34 125 10 48.51 8994989.08 739626.91 128 B101066-TL 9 05 08.91 125 10 49.21 8994940.89 739647.92 129 B101067-RI 9 05 23.05 125 10 44.34 8994507.18 739496.52 130 B101067-TL 9 05 24.44 125 10 46.18 8994464.21 739552.66 131 B101068-RI 9 05 35.83 125 10 42.56 8994114.55 739439.87 132 B101068-TL 9 05 37.38 125 10 46.04 8994066.43 739545.92 133 B101069-RI 9 05 46.51 125 10 39.06 8993787.03 739330.92 134 B101069-TL 9 05 46.51 125 10 41.37 8993786.64 739401.68 135 B101070-RI 9 06 02.68 125 10 38.58 8993290.25 739313.49 136 B101070-TL 9 06 03.66 125 10 41.91 8993259.44 739414.86 14/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Jndonesia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on the land Boundary ANNEXA-1 Table No. 3: List of Coordinates of Agreed Border Points for Dilurnil-Merno Segment The following List of Coordinates of Agreed Border Points for Dilumil-Memo Segment are referred to the Common Border Datum Reference Frame (CBDRF) in the International Terrestrial Reference Frame Year 2000 (ITRF2000)/World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). UTMZone 51. Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 ' " (meter) (meter) '.. 0 1 DM001 9 00 51.45 125 10 07.23 9002860.51 738412.99 2 DM002 9 00 51.63 125 10 09.31 9002854.64 738476.22 3 DM003 9 00 51.54 125 10 11.40 9002856.94 738540.34 4 DM004 9 00 52.26 125 10 13.37 9002834.52 738600.14 5 DM005 9 00 53.27 125 10 14.98 9002803.39 738649.15 6 DM006 9 00 54.36 125 10 16.77 9002769.29 738703.88 7 DM007 9 00 55.44 125 10 18.54 9002735.87 738757.51 8 DM008 9 00 56.15 125 10 19.93 9002713.84 738800.01 9 DM009 9 00 56.86 125 10 21.32 9002691.91 738842.32 10 DM010 9 00 57.96 125 10 22.95 9002657.62 738891.80 11 DM011 9 00 58.96 125 10 24.41 9002626.83 738936.23 12 DM012 9 00 59.95 125 10 25.86 9002596.13 738980.53 13 DM013 9 01 01.04 125 10 27.57 9002562.06 739032.47 14 DM014 9 01 2.08 125 10 29.18 9002529.89 739081.52 15 DM015 9 01 3.15 125 10 30.84 9002496.75 739132.05 16 DM016 9 01 4.10 125 10 32.31 9002467.37 739176.84 17 DM017 9 01 5.06 125 10 33.81 9002437.54 739222.38 18 DM018 9 01 6.25 125 10 35.48 9002400.72 739273.32 19 DM019 9 01 7.44 125 10 37.16 9002363.74 739324.47 20 DM020 9 01 8.67 125 10 39.28 9002325.57 739388.72 21 DM021 9 01 9.79 125 10 41.19 9002290.88 739447.11 22 DM022 9 01 11.01 125 10 43.29 9002253.05 739510.79 23 DM023 9 01 12.39 125 10 45.31 9002210.20 739572.51 24 DM024 9 01 13.54 125 10 47.00 9002174.54 739623.87 25 DM025 9 01 14.80 125 10 48.66 9002135.59 739674.21 26 DM026 9 01 15.87 125 10 50.08 9002102.20 739717.37 27 DM027 9 01 16.83 125 10 51.34 9002072.48 739755.79 28 DM028 9 01 17.90 125 10 52.48 9002039.36 739790.53 29 DM029 9 01 18.92 125 10 53.56 9002008.10 739823.33 30 DM030 9 01 20.34 125 10 55.11 9001964.13 739870.44 \~ 15/16

Annex A-1 of Addendum No. 1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Latitude (South) Longitude (East) RTHING EASTING 0 I II 0 I II (meter) (meter) 31 DM031 9 01 21.68 125 10 56.28 9001922.51 739905.74 32 DM032 9 01 22.68 125 10 57.13 9001891.91 739931.69 33 DM033 9 01 24.00 125 10 58.13 9001850.96 739961.89 34 DM034 9 01 25.36 125 10 59.15 9001808.95 739992.87 35 DM035 9 01 26.78 125 11 00.21 9001765.23 740025.11 36 DM036 9 01 28.19 125 11 01.28 9001721.54 740057.33 37 DM037 9 01 29.77 125 11 02.47 9001673.03 740093.49 38 DM038 9 01 31.37 125 11 03.69 9001623.62 740130.30 39 DM039 9 01 32.50 125 11 04.35 9001588.80 740150.43 40 T201001 9 01 33.95 125 11 05.21 9001544.06 740176.28 16/16

Addendum No.1 to the Provisional Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on the Land Boundary ANNEX C-1 List of Unresolved Segments Fqtthe<;qv~npientof the Repql)Ilc o'f fndonesia For the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Signed Signed... ~''''r Minister,.... BR: Jose Lms Guterres ~nior Minister al1}1 Minister for Foreign Affairs ai\d Cooperation I I

Annex C-1 Of Addendum No. I To The Provisional Agreement Between The Government Of The Republic Of Indonesia And The Government Of The Democratic Republic Of Timor-Leste On The Land Boundary ANNEXC-1 List of Unresolved Segments There are two unresolved segments in the Oecusi border (Noel Besi/Citrana, Bijael Sunan/Oben), depicted in red in the following figure. 9 10 Noel Besi/Citr ana 6 15 3 6 7 2 4.0 5 t Bidjael Sunan/Oben Map Sheet Status Cle r - unreso!yed Figure 1 - Location of Unresolved Segments 1/1