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Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada- Inglês Mestrando: Professora Orientadora: Anabela Nobre Professora Cooperante: Isabel Oliveira Turma: 9º D Número de alunos: 24 Nível de língua: nível 5 Número de aulas previstas: 3 (5x45 min.) Datas: 15, 18, 22 de março de 2011 TAREFA: CREATION OF AN ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES POSTER ABOUT THE INTERNET. Objetivos gerais 1 : - Usar a língua inglesa em apropriação progressiva das regras do sistema e do seu funcionamento, num crescendo de adequação e fluência. - Interpretar e produzir diferentes tipos de texto, usando as competências discursiva e estratégica como crescente autonomia - Assumir a sua individualidade/singularidade pelo confronto de ideias e pelo exercício do espírito critico. Objetivos específicos 2 : - Identifying technological gadgets. - Discussing the pros and cons of technology - Giving and justifying opinions. - Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. 1 Programa de Inglês do 3º ciclo, pág. 10 2 Baseados no manual New Getting On 9 1

Aula 1 ATIVIDADES CONTEÚDOS (Programa de Inglês, pág. 12) E RESPECTIVOS PROCESSOS DE OPERACIONALIZAÇÃO (pág. 13-58) PADRÕES DE INTERAÇÃO MATERIAIS/ RECURSOS PROCESSO DE AVALIACÃO Inventions Electing an invention Produção e interpretação de textos: FALAR - Verbalizar percepções, experiências e sentidos pessoais e reagir a percepções, experiências e sentidos dos outros no âmbito das seguintes intenções de comunicação: concordar/discordar; argumentar (atividade 1 e 4) - Explorar ideias em interação com colegas e professor (atividade 1 e 4) - teacher- students - group - pairwork Blackboard/chalk Handout 1 Videoprojector; computer; Annex 1 Grelha de avaliação global 1 Atividade 3 Reading comprehension Produção e interpretação de textos: LER - Reconhecer e explicitar a ideia principal de um texto (atividade 3) - Usar conhecimentos prévios na interação com o texto (atividade 3) Atividade 3 3- individual;pairwork Atividade 4 Advantages and disadvantages of technology 4- Produção e interpretação de textos: OUVIR - Reconhecer e selecionar palavras chave (atividade 4) - Comparar expectativas pessoais com factos mencionados no discurso (atividade 1 e 4). Atividade 4 - teacher- students - group; pairwork Textbook Mp3 player/speakers Annex 2 2

Aula 1 - Roteiro ATIVID ADE DURAÇÃO PROCEDIMENTO 0. 10 min. Teacher takes the register and writes the summary: Reading and comprehension of The Computer Age. Finding the pros and cons of technology. 1. 15 min. Teacher starts the class by asking students if they are aware of the latest technological inventions (concerning phones, consoles,mp3 players, etc) inviting students to go over the most significant inventions of the 20 th century (teacher distributes Handout 1) In pairs, students perform exercise 1 in Handout 1, where they divide the inventions according to three different categories (teacher explains students that the My favourites column is not a category, that is simply a column where they individually express their preferences). 20 min. Step 1- In order to discover which inventions are mostly used in their everyday life, students are told to compare their preferences according to what they have written on the My favourites column (exercise 1, Handout 1). 2. Step 2- Each student asks his peer which technological inventions he/she couldn t live without and why (exercise 2, Handout 1). To verify the exercise, students share their answers orally. Step 3- Each pair of students choose a single invention (of those presented in exercise 1) that they consider to be the most important of all, the invention that has more impact in nowadays life (teacher writes down each pair s answer on the board). Depending on the results of the poll, students are guided to one of the inventions, the computer. 3. 20 min. 4. 25 min. Pre reading activity: teacher shows a photo of the first computer ever made, asking students if they have any idea what s the photo about (annex 1). Giving leads to the answer, computer, teacher asks if students know when the picture was taken, or, in what year did the first computer appeared, inviting students to read the text on handout 1, The computer age. Exercises 4 and 5 (Handout 1) are performed and then corrected orally. Step 1- To introduce students to the advantages and disadvantages of technology theme, teacher scans the group s opinion about the two last sentences of the text The Computer Age, asking if that would be possible to happen and if artificial intelligence poses an advantage or disadvantage to humans. 3

Step 2- In order to verify their opinion and to increase more points of view about the pros and cons of technology, students perform exercise 6 (Handout 1) in pairs and are then invited to compare and contrast their opinion with other students opinion (listening comprehension exercise present on their textbooks on page 125, exercise 1. See annex 2). 4

Aula 2 ATIVIDADES DOMÍNIOS CONTEÚDOS E RESPECTIVOS PROCESSOS DE OPERACIONALIZAÇÃO 3 PADRÕES DE INTERAÇÃO MATERIAIS/RECURSOS PROCESSO DE ALIACÃO Using the Internet Writing Produção e interpretação de textos: - Explorar ideias em interação com colegas e professor (atividade 1) - Associar vocabulário à ideia central (atividade 1) - pairwork - - group Blackboard/chalk Handout 2 Textbook Grelha de Observação Global 2 Língua Inglesa: (see annex 3) Subordinação: preposições adverbiais com relação de fim (atividade 1) Internet cartoons Speaking Produção e interpretação de textos: - Verbalizar percepções, experiências e sentidos pessoais e reagir a percepções, experiências e sentidos dos outros no âmbito das seguintes intenções de comunicação: concordar/discordar; argumentar (atividade 1 e 2) - Explorar ideias em interação com colegas e professor (atividade 1 e 2) Pair work Group 3 Programa de Inglês, pág. 13-58 5

ATIVI- DADE 1. DURAÇÃO Aula 2 Roteiro PROCEDIMENTO 0. 10 m. Teacher takes the register and writes the summary: Purpose clauses. Internet cartoons. 20 min. Step 1- teacher asks students to recall last lesson. Reminding that the primary focus of last lesson was the computer, teacher says that today s class will be focusing on the Internet. On this account, teacher writes the question For what purposes do you use the Internet? on the board and invites students to come across with three answers. Handout 2 is given to students, who are told to perform exercise 1 in pairs (this exercise serves as an implicit approach to Purpose clauses and as a way to students reflect on the advantages of the Internet). Before the oral verification of the exercise, pairs are told to verify/ contrast their opinions by comparing their sentences with the sentences produced by other pair. Step 2- (explicit approach to Purpose clauses)- students are asked if they know what type of sentences they have completed on exercise 1 of handout 2. The function of the sentences are explained on the board with student s help (teacher gives tips about the functioning of the Purpose clauses by transforming the main clause of the sentence We use the Internet to send emails into an interrogative Why do I use the Internet?, underlining the word Why and explaining that Purpose clauses express the reason why the actor of the main clause did what he/she/it/they did 4 ). Students are told to confirm the structure of the Purpose clauses on page 126 of their textbooks. Step 3- To practise Purpose clauses, students are told to perform exercise 1 page 126 of their textbook. Verification is done orally. 2. 15 min. In order to prepare students for next class (advantages and disadvantages of the Internet), teacher asks students in which Internet sites do students frequently spend most of their time. Giving the opportunity to arouse the theme of Internet s disadvantages, students complete exercise 2 on handout 2, where students must find the right sentence for the right cartoon. In the orally verification of the exercise, each cartoon will be followed by the questions: What is the author of this cartoon trying to say? Is he/she criticizing the Internet? If so, what is the problem presented by the author/artist?. As their homework, students are told to search about the disadvantages of the Internet. 4 New Getting On 9, pág. 126 6

Aula 3 ATIVIDADES DOMÍNIOS CONTEÚDOS E RESPECTIVOS PROCESSOS DE OPERACIONALIZAÇÃO 5 PADRÕES DE INTERAÇÃO MATERIAIS/RECURSOS PROCESSO DE AVALIACÃO Homework sharing Reading comprehension Speaking Reading Produção e interpretação de textos: - Verbalizar percepções, experiências e sentidos pessoais e reagir a percepções, experiências e sentidos dos outros no âmbito das seguintes intenções de comunicação: dar sugestão/informação; concordar discordar (atividade 1 e 3) - Explorar ideias em interação com colegas e professor (atividade 1 e 3) - Reconhecer e explicitar a ideia principal de um texto (atividade 2) : Individual, pairwork; goupwork; group : Individual, Blackboard/chalk Handout 3 Grelha de Observação Global 3 Atividade 3 - Associar vocabulário à ideia central (atividade 3) - Troca informação acerca de um assunto (atividade 3) pairwork; Creation of an advantages/ disadvantages poster Writing Atitudes, valores e competências: - Demonstra atitudes de compromisso na negociação com colegas Atividade 3 Groupwork (group) Poster paper, glue, scissors, images (annex 4); handout 4 5 Programa de Inglês, pág. 13-58 7

ATIVI- DADE DURAÇÃO Aula 3 Roteiro PROCEDIMENTO 0. 10 m. Teacher takes the register and writes the summary: Internet: reading comprehension of a text and creation of an 1. advantages/disadvantages poster. 20 min. Step 1- Teacher starts the class by asking students to reflect on their homework research by individually answering a little survey (exercise 1, handout 3) While students are answering the survey, the teacher takes the chance to check students homework. Step 2- Students gather in small groups (maximum 4) to share their homework research. First, they share the new words they have found (exercise 2, handout 3) and then one advantage and one disadvantage of the Internet (exercise 3, handout 3). Both exercises are verified orally and the entire group is invited to participate. 2. 15 min. Exercise 3 (handout 3) is used as a pre- reading activity: after comparing their research about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet on exercise 3, teacher invites students to compare the results of their research with the opinion of 4 students about the Internet (text on handout 3, Is Internet a safe or a dangerous place? ) Students are given 5 minutes to read the text and when finished, teacher asks if there are any questions regarding the text s vocabulary, confronting students with their previous expectations about the text. In pairs, students solve exercises 4 (where students learn the names of the disadvantages present on the text) and 5 (where students learn/recycle new vocabulary related with the theme) on handout 3 and both exercises are corrected orally. 3. 45 min. Step 1- teacher asks students if they have ever gone into situations like those present on the text Is Internet a safe or a dangerous place? (handout 3). In order to present the final task, teacher asks if students were aware of some of the disadvantages of the Internet, asking for example, if students know if their schoolmates are aware of the advantages and mainly the disadvantages of the 8

Internet. To make schoolmates aware of these problems, teacher suggests to students the elaboration of a poster about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Step 2- in order to start negotiating the final task, teacher asks students what they think that the poster should contain (students decide either to write only about advantages or disadvantages or if they consider writing about them both). Since the posters are intended to promote a kind of awareness facing the Internet disadvantages, teacher would like to know what do students think about making the poster available for all the school community (making students decide where it should be exhibited: canteen, cafeteria, library). Students are also free to talk about disadvantages/dangers that were not presented in class or researched by students at home. Teacher gives more tips about the poster: it must have a title and the written part must be handed for post- verification. Teacher hands out images (annex 4), handout 4 (a planning checklist), poster paper and glue, assisting to all the doubts and questions Bibliografia: posed by students (if time doesn t run out, students will present their poster to the group). MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO (1995), Programa e Organização Curricular de Inglês. Ensino Básico 3º Ciclo. Lisboa: Ministério da Educação, Departamento de Educação Básica. Disponível em: GONÇALVES, M. E.; TORRES, A. (2008), New getting on 9 Nível 5-Livro do Professor. Porto: Areal Editores Webografia respeitante à aula 1: (visitado em 12-11- 10); (visitado em 12-11- 10) (visitado em 13-11- 10); (visitado em 15-11- 10) 9