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Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 1 de 18 Concursos de Projectos de I&D Calls for R&D Projects Voltar à descrição do projecto Back to project description Imprimir esta página Print this page Visão global da candidatura Application overview Ocultar todos as secções desta candidatura Hide all sections for this application Referência do projecto Project reference PTDC/FIL-FIL/121209/2010 (Lacrado a às 12:43) 1. Identificação do projecto 1. Project description Área científica principal Main Area Filosofia - Filosofia Área científica Secundária Secondary area Filosofia - Filosofia da Ciência Título do projecto (em português) Project title (in portuguese) Compêndio em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica Título do projecto (em inglês) Project title (in english) Online Companion to Problems of Analytical Philosophy Financiamento solicitado Requested funding 100.165,00 Palavra-chave 1 Keyword 1 Linguagem Language Palavra-chave 2 Keyword 2 Pensamento Thought Palavra-chave 3 Keyword 3 Mind Mente Palavra-chave 4 Keyword 4 Filosofia Analítica Analytical Philosophy Data de início do projecto Duração do projecto em meses Starting date Duration in months 01-01-2012 36 2. Instituições envolvidas 2. s and their roles Proponente

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 2 de 18 Principal Contractor Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FL/UL) Alameda da Universidade 1600-214Lisboa Participante Participating (Vazio) (Void) Unidade de Investigação Research Unit Centro de Filosofia (CF/UL) Alameda da Universidade 1600-214Lisboa Unidade de Investigação Adicional Additional Research Unit Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Rua XV de Novembro, 1299 CEP 8006Curitiba Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Cidade Universitária-Ilha do Fundão 21.910-2Rio de Janeiro-RJ 21.910-200 Universitat de Barcelona (UB) Passeig de la Vall d'hebron, 171 08035Barcelona de Acolhimento Host Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FL/UL) Alameda da Universidade 1600-214Lisboa 3. Componente Científica 3. Scientific Component 3.1. Sumário 3.1 Abstract 3.1.a Em português 3.1.a In Portuguese O objectivo do projecto é produzir um volume intitulado Compêndio de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica, escrito em língua portuguesa e a publicar e disponibilizar gratuitamente na internet. A edição em linha será dinâmica, podendo o material ser objecto de actualizações sucessivas. O volume consiste em ensaios especializados sobre questões pertencentes a áreas nucleares da Filosofia Analítica actual. Dado o trabalho feito pelo nosso grupo de investigação, LanCog Group, a ênfase é colocada em áreas que tratam da natureza da linguagem, mente e cognição. O projecto é desenvolvido à volta de 3 grandes domínios: Mente e Cognição (Epistemologia, Filosofia da Mente, Ciência Cognitiva, etc); Lógica e Linguagem (Filosofia da Linguagem, Lógica Filosófica, Filosofia da Matemática, etc); e Metafísica (Ontologia, Filosofia da Ciência, etc). Para cada um destes domínios, é isolado um conjunto de problemas determinados pela sua saliência na discussão filosófica actual. Cada artigo é um ensaio de estado da arte, original e opinativo, sobre um desses problemas: formula e caracteriza o problema segundo o estado corrente da sua discussão; introduz as concepções principais e os argumentos associados acerca do problema; e examina criticamente os prós e os contras de cada uma dessas concepções e argumentos. Cada artigo é designado através do esquema O Problema X, em que X é substituível por uma breve descrição de um problema. Eis alguns exemplos: O Problema do Significado (Lógica e Linguagem); O Problema dos Objectos Abstractos (Metafísica): o Problema da Intencionalidade (Mente e Cognição). O comprimento médio de um ensaio é de 15 páginas e uma estimativa provisória do total de artigos é de 60. O nível da exposição é avançado, i.e. destinado a especialistas e investigadores. Cremos que o projecto e o material resultante irão satisfazer uma importante necessidade na comunidade de estudiosos de Filosofia Analítica de língua portuguesa, a de material de alta qualidade escrito em Português que cubra as áreas centrais da Filosofia Analítica. O material será extremamente útil para centenas de estudantes da pós-graduação em departamentos de Filosofia e disciplinas relacionadas nas Universidades do Brasil, Portugal e outros países de língua portuguesa; será igualmente útil para professores nesses departamentos, bem como para especialistas. Vale a pena realçar os seguintes três aspectos relativos à novidade e originalidade do projecto. 1.Tanto quanto sabemos, nada de idêntico ou mesmo semelhante ao material projectado foi alguma vez produzido em Português. 2. Mesmo relativamente a material em Inglês, devemos notar que embora muitas publicações do mesmo tipo genérico estejam disponíveis (Companions, Handbooks, etc), tal material ou tem um âmbito diferente do volume projectado (cobrindo áreas mais específicas, p.e. Filosofia da Mente) ou apresenta diferenças significativas no tipo de artigo (sendo menos compreensivo, mais específico, etc). 3. É patente a capacidade da equipa de investigação para produzir material inovador e de alta qualidade do género. Quatro características são de mencionar a este respeito. (a) O carácter fortemente internacional da equipa. O LanCog Group e a equipa do projecto incluem filósofos analíticos quer de Portugal quer do Brasil, e tencionamos ter numa fase posterior diversos outros filósofos brasileiros a contribuir artigos para o Compêndio. Esperamos ter também artigos produzidos por figuras internacionais de destaque como Timothy Williamson, Tyler Burge e Kit Fine.(b) A elevada qualidade científica da equipa: vários dos seus membros têm publicado artigos em revistas internacionais de primeira linha com arbitragem por pares e apresentado comunicações em workshops e conferências internacionais de primeira linha.(c) A enorme experiência que a equipa possui em projectos do mesmo tipo. De facto, muitos dos membros da equipa estiveram envolvidos em dois projectos análogos: o projecto Glossário de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, financiado pela FCT e cujo resultado foi o livro Branquinho et al 2001; e o projecto relacionado Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos Nova Edição, financiado pelo Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa e cujo

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 3 de 18 resultado foi o livro Branquinho et al 2006. (d) Aproximadamente um terço da equipa é composto por gente em formação avançada na área da Filosofia Analítica: 3 investigadores pós-doutorais com bolsas da FCT, 2 doutorandos, e 1 mestrando. Quanto a resultados esperados, mencionamos 4 géneros de realizações (ver detalhes em Planos e Métodos): a edição em linha do Compêndio; ensaios de membros da equipa em revistas internacionais com arbitragem cega por pares; comunicações de membros da equipa em conferências internacionais com arbitragem científica; diversos eventos científicos, em especial 3 workshops internacionais sobre semântica (2013), sobre metafísica (2012)e sobre mente e cognição (2014) e o Seminário Permanente de Filosofia Analítica (2012-14) 3.1.b Em inglês 3.1.b In English The aim of the project is to produce a volume titled A Companion to Problems of Analytical Philosophy, which will be written in Portuguese and published and made avaialable for free on the internet. The online edition will be dynamic, i.e. the material can be continuously updated. The volume consists of specialized essays on issues in core areas of present Analytic Philosophy. Given the work done by our research group, the LanCog Group, the emphasis is placed on areas dealing with the nature of language, mind and cognition. The project will revolve around three broad domains: Mind and Cognition (Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, etc); Logic and Language (Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, etc); and Metaphysics (Ontology, Philosophy of Science, etc). For each of these domains, we pick out a set of problems determined by their salience in current philosophical discussion. Each article is intended to be a state of the art, original and opinionated essay dealing with one of these problems as follows: it identifies, formulates and characterizes the problem according to the present state of its discussion; it introduces the main views and supporting arguments currently available about the problem; and it critically examines the pros and cons of each of these views and arguments. Any article is designated by means of the schema The Problem of X, where X is replaceable by a short problem description. Here are a few examples: The Problem of Meaning (Logic and Language); The Problem of Abstract Objects (Metaphysics); The Problem of Intentionality (Mind and Cognition). The average length of an article is 15 pages and a provisional estimate of the total number of articles in the volume is 60. The intended level of exposition is advanced, i.e. designed for experts and reseachers. We believe that the project and the resulting volume will meet an important need in the Portuguesespeaking community of students of Analytical Philosophy around the world, the need for high-quality material written in Portuguese and covering the core areas of Analytic Philosophy. The volume will be highly useful to hundreds of graduate students at departments of Philosophy and related disciplines in Universities in Portugal, Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries; it will also be useful to teachers in these departments, as well as to researchers. It is worth emphasizing the following 3 aspects concerning the originality and novelty of the project. 1.To the best of our knowledge, nothing identical or even similar to the prospective volume has been ever produced in Portuguese. 2.Even with respect to material in English, one should note that although many publications of the same general type are available (Companions, Handbooks, etc.), this material either has a different sort of coverage from the projected volume (it covers more specific areas, e.g. Philosophy of Mind) or presents significant differences relative to the type of article (being less comprehensive, more specialized, etc.) 3.The aptness of the research team to produce innovative and high-quality material of the kind can be easily checked. Four features should be mentioned in this connection. (a)the strongly international character of the team. The LanCog Group and the team of the project include analytic philosophers both from Portugal and Brazil, and we intend to have at a later stage several other Brazilian philosophers contributing articles to the Companion. Also, we hope to have articles contributed by leading international figures such as Timothy Williamson, Tyler Burge, Kit Fine and others. (b)the high-quality of the team: several of its members have published papers in first-rate peer-reviewed international journals and given talks in first-rate international workshops and conferences.(c)the large amount of experience the team has in developing projects of the same kind. Indeed, many members of the team have been involved in two analogous projects: the project Glossário de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, funded by FCT and resulting in the book Branquinho et al 2001; and the related project Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos Nova Edição, funded by the Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa and resulting in the book Branquinho et al 2006. (d) Approximately one third of the team are people doing advanced training in Analytic Philosophy: 3 post-doctoral researchers on FCT grants, 2 PhD students, and 1 MA student. As to expected results, we mention 4 sorts of result (see Research Plans and Methods for details): the online edition of the Companion; papers published by team members in blind-refereed international journals; talks delivered by team members at peer-reviewed international conferences; several scientific events, most notably three international workshops - on semantics (2013), on metaphysics (2012) and on mind and cognition (2013) - and the Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy (2012-14) 3.2. Descrição Técnica 3.2 Technical Description 3.2.1. Revisão da Literatura 3.2.1. Literature Review The central aim of the project is to produce an online volume titled Companion to Problems of Analytic Philosophy and consisting of highly specialized articles written in Portuguese about issues in core areas of contemporary Analytic Philosophy. Given the nature and scope of the philosophical work that has been done by the research group of which the project s team is a subset the LanCog (Language, Mind and Cognition) Group, a group of the Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa (http://lancog.org) the emphasis is naturally placed on areas dealing with the nature of language, mind and cognition. The project will accordingly revolve around three broad philosophical domains: Mind and Cognition (including Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Foundations of Cognitive Science); Logic and Language (including Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics); and Metaphysics (including Ontology, Philosophy of Science, portions of Aesthetics, portions of Philosophy of Religion). Each article in the Companion is intended to be a state of the art, original, opinionated and comprehensive essay dealing with a particular philosophical problem in one or more of these domains. One should strongly emphasize the large amount of experience that the LanCog Group and the project s team have already acquired in developing previous projects whose nature, scope and methodology is very similar to the project Companion. Indeed, a large number of members of our research team have been involved in the following two rather analogous projects. 1.The project Glossário Lógico-Filosófico (PCSH/C/FIL/502/93), funded by FCT within its programme Estímulo para as Ciências Sociais e Humanas. This project started in January 1994 and ended in January 1997, the host institution being the Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia. The research team of the project Glossário included a core of 13 researchers coming from different departments and Universities (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico, e Universidade do Algarve) and different scientific domains (Philosophy, Linguistics, Computer Science, Mathematics). Several leading international figures from Universities such as NYU, Oxford,

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 4 de 18 and the MIT also participated in the project. The central aim was to produce an encyclopedia containing around 500 entries about concepts and topics central to Logic, including Philosophical Logic and Mathematical Logic, and related philosophical disciplines such as Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Formal Semantics and Metaphysics. The result of the project was a book of around 750 pages: Branquinho et al 2001. The coordinator of the project Companion also coordinated the project Glossário in association with Professor M.S. Lourenço. 2. The related project Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos Nova Edição. This was an internal project of the Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa which took place from January 2004 to January 2006. The central aim was to substantially revise, improve and enlarge the material that resulted from the project Glossário. The outcome was a rather large volume,branquinho et al 2007, published by Martins Fontes (São Paulo, Brazil) and containing around 700 entries. A feature of this project which should be stressed in the present context is that many Brazilian analytical philosophers contributed articles to the book. The project Enciclopédia was coordinated by the coordinator of the now proposed project Companion. Two additional remarks are worth making concerning the research team associated with the project Companion and its suitability to carry out the proposed research. First, one should mention the strongly international character of the team. The LanCog Group and the team of the project include analytic philosophers both from Portugal and Brazil, and we intend to have at a later stage several other Brazilian philosophers contributing articles to the Companion. Also, we hope to have some articles contributed by leading international figures such as Timothy Williamson, Tyler Burge, Kit Fine and others. Second, one should stress the high-quality of the team: several of its members have published papers in first-rate peer-reviewed international journals and given talks in first-rate international workshops and conferences. We believe the project and the resulting volume to come to fulfil an important role and satisfy an important need in the Portuguesespeaking community of students of Analytical Philosophy around the world, the need for high-quality material written in Portuguese and covering the core areas of contemporary Analytic Philosophy. We believe that the volume will be highly useful to hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students at departments of Philosophy and related disciplines in Universities in Portugal, Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries; it might also be useful to instructors and teachers in these departments, as well as to experts. It is worth emphasizing the novelty of the project. Indeed, to the best of our knowledge, nothing identical or even similar to the prospective volume has been ever produced in Portuguese. Further, even with respect to material in English, one should note that although many publications of the same general type are available (Companions, Handbooks, etc.), this material either has a different sort of coverage from the projected volume (it covers more specific areas, e.g. Philosophy of Mind) or else it presents significant differences with respect to the type of articles (these being less comprehensive, more specialized, etc.). 3.2.2. Plano e Métodos 3.2.2. Plan and Methods The central aim of the project is to produce a volume titled Companion to Problems of Analytic Philosophy, to be published online with free access all over the internet. It consists of specialized articles written in Portuguese about issues in core areas of present-day Analytic Philosophy. The project will revolve around three broad domains: Mind and Cognition (including Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Foundations of Cognitive Science); Logic and Language (including Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics); and Metaphysics (including Ontology, Philosophy of Science). The focus is on philosophical problems: theories and arguments are introduced only to the extent that they arise from the need to address and solve philosophical problems. For each of the above domains, we pick out a set of problems determined mainly by their salience in present philosophical discussion. Each article in the Companion is intended to be a state of the art, comprehensive essay dealing with exactly one of those problems, roughly in accordance with the following sort of procedure: 1. It identifies, formulates and characterizes the problem according to the current state of its discussion; 2. It introduces the main views and supporting arguments currently available about the problem; 3. It critically examines the pros and cons of each of these views and arguments. Here are a few examples of possible articles: The Problem of Meaning (Logic and Language); The Problem of Abstract Objects (Metaphysics); The Problem of Intentionality (Mind and Cognition); The Problem of The Justification of Deduction (Logic and Language); The Problem of Fiction (Metaphysics); The Problem of Perception (Mind and Cognition). The average length of an article is 15 pages and a provisional estimate of the total number of articles in the volume is 60, so that the resulting volume would be around 900 pages long. We estimate that each of the three domains mentioned above will be assigned something like 20 articles. The intended level of exposition in the articles is advanced, i.e. designed for experts and researchers in the relevand scientific fields. We believe that the projected volume will meet an important need in the Portuguese-speaking community of students of Analytical Philosophy around the world, the need for high-quality material written in Portuguese and covering the core areas of contemporary Analytic Philosophy. Some remarks about the research team are mandatory. First, the team itself includes analytic philosophers both from Portugal and Brazil. And we intend to have at a later stage several other Brazilian philosophers contributing articles to the Companion. Among these we should mention Oswaldo Chateaubriand (PUC Rio), Cláudio Costa (UFRN), André Porto (UFG), Nelson Gomes (UnB), Agnaldo Portugal (UnB), André Abath (UFPA), André Leclerc (UFC), and Paulo Faria (UFRS). Also, we hope to have some articles contributed by leading international figures such as Timothy Williamson (Oxford), Tyler Burge (UCLA), Kit Fine (NYU), Ted Sider (NYU), Jason Stanley (Rutgers), and Peter Ludlow (Toronto). Second, one should mention that approximately one third of the research team consists in people doing advanced training in Analytic Philosophy: 3 post-doctoral researchers on FCT grants, 2 PhD students (one of them on an FCT grant), and 1 MA student. The project will thus contribute to training young researchers in the area. The development of our research towards the Companion will take place in four phases, each of which is described below in terms of the main tasks carried out therein and the expected results. Phase 1: 01/01/2012 30/06/2012 Tasks: Preliminary Readings. This task is devoted to a set of preliminary readings of relevant literature in contemporary analytic philosophy with a view to identifying the topics, problems and views to be covered by the Companion. It will be undertaken by the entire research team, which at an initial stage will be engaged in the compilation of the basic bibliographical material judged as adequate for the purpose. The core of the material to be read consists of handbooks, guides, encyclopedias and companions recently published in the following areas: Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science. But we will also go through recent issues of the best international philosophy journals, such as Mind, Philosophical Review, Nous and Journal of Philosophy.

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 5 de 18 Selection of Problems. The final goal of this task is to obtain a final and complete list of all the articles to be included in the Companion. We estimate that the number of problems and articles in the Companion will be around 60. The task of identifying the problems to be covered by the Companion and obtaining a complete list of articles is to be undertaken collectively, by the entire research team. Throughout the corresponding period of time there will be several group meetings and a huge deal of discussion about the core content of the Companion. Expected Collective Results: Complete List of Articles to appear in the Online Companion Associated Events Project Workshop, May 2012 Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy: 2011-12 edition (part). The Seminar consists of public talks whose aim is to present results of research carried out in the analytic tradition in any area of Philosophy. The talks are given by Department or Centre members, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students finishing their theses, and renowned philosophers from all over Europe and the world. http://lancog.org. Consultants: Jonathan Lowe, Hartry Field. LanCog Internal Seminar Phase 2: 01/07/2012 30/06/2013 Tasks: Writing First Drafts. This task will consist in writing first drafts for all the articles in the three domains of Logic and Language, Mind and Cognition and Metaphysics. It will be carried out separately by each of the 3 sub-groups associated with the domains in question. The estimated number of articles for which first drafts should be written at this stage is around 20 per domain, 60 in all. Expected Collective Results: First Drafts in the areas of Mind and Cognition (20 articles), Logic and Language (20 articles), and Metaphysics (20 articles) Associated Events Project Workshop, May 2013 International Workshop on Analytic Metaphysics, Rio de Janeiro, September 2012. Consultants: Kit Fine, Ted Sider, Peter van Inwagen Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy 2011-12 (part) and 2012-13 (part). Consultants: Keith de Rose, Sven Rosenkranz, Fabrice Correa Petrus Hispanus Lectures 2013. Delivered by Timothy Williamson, Wykeham Professor of Logic at the University of Oxford. The Petrus Hispanus Lectures are delivered every other academic year at the University of Lisbon by a leading figure in current research about the nature of mind, cognition and language. The Petrus Hispanus Lectures are organized by the Philosophy Centre of the University of Lisbon and the Journal Disputatio, edited by the Lancog Group www.disputatio.com LanCog Internal Seminar Phase 3: 01/07/2013 30/06/2014 Tasks: Writing Final Drafts. This task will consist in obtaining final drafts for all the articles in the three domains of Logic and Language, Mind and Cognition and Metaphysics. It will be carried out separately by each of the 3 sub-groups associated with the domains in question. The estimated number of articles for which final drafts should be completed at this stage is around 20 per area, 60 in all. Expected Collective Results: Final Drafts in the areas of Mind and Cognition (20 articles), Logic and Language (20 articles), and Metaphysics (20 articles) Associated Events Project Workshop, May 2014 2nd Lisbon Workshop on Semantics, Lisbon, September 2013. The Lisbon Workshops on Semantics provide a forum where some of the best work currently done in the field of semantics and adjacent fields is presented and discussed. http://lancog.org. Consultants: Kent Back, Delia Graff Fara, Jason Stanley, Katrin Gluer-Pagin Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy 2012-13 (part ) and 2013-14 (part). Consultants: Peter Ludlow, Fabrice Correa, Keith De Rose LanCog Internal Seminar Phase 4: 01/07/2014 31/12/2014 Tasks: Final Revisions. This task is mainly devoted to making final revisions, copy-editing the material, text formatting, and related processes, with a view to having as a result a manuscript of the book ready for publication. It will be carried out by the entire research team with the help of the two junior researchers holding project grants Expected Collective Results: Manuscript ready for publication Associated Events International Workshop on Mind and Cognition, September 2014. Consultants: David Chalmers, Mike Martin Petrus Hispanus Lectures 2014: Professor Stephen Pinker, MIT Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy 2013-14 (part ) and 2014-15 (part). Consultants: Brian McLaughlin, Sven Rosenkranz, Josep Corbi LanCog Internal Seminar 3.2.3. Tarefas 3.2.3. Tasks Lista de tarefas (9) Task list (9) Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Doing Preliminary Readings 01-01-2012 31-03-2012 3 24 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 6 de 18 This task is devoted to a set of preliminary readings of relevant literature in contemporary analytic philosophy with a view to identifying the topics, problems and views to be covered by the Companion. It will be undertaken by the entire research team, which at an initial stage will be engaged in the compilation of the basic bibliographical material judged as adequate for the purpose. The core of the material to be read consists of handbooks, guides, encyclopaedias and companions recently published in the following areas: Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science. But we will also go through recent issues of the best international philosophy journals, such as Mind, Philosophical Review, Nous and Journal of Philosophy. The readings will be mainly individual but there will be at this stage some informal meetings as well as exchange of ideas by e-mail. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task, since the readings will enable us to have a clear perception of the most salient problems in recent discussion in the broad areas of logic and language, mind and cognition and metaphysics. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task Aires Nuno Rebelo Almeida; António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes; António Manuel Horta Branco; Breno Hax Junior; Bruno Miguel Jacinto; Célia Cristina Patrício Teixeira; Desiderio Murcho; Eduardo Jorge de Sousa Castro; Fernando Jorge Inocêncio Ferreira; Gonçalo Baptista dos Santos; Guido Imaguire; João Miguel Biscaia Valadas Branquinho; Luís Filipe Estevinha Lourenço Rodrigues; Luís Jaime Duarte d'almeida Abrantes; Manuel García-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel; Marco Antonio Caron Ruffino; Maria Adriana Sequeira Silva Graça; Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques; Pedro Manuel Trindade Cordeiro dos Santos; Pedro Miguel Galvão Lourenço; Ricardo Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos; Rui Jorge Sampaio da Silva; Sara Leonor Farmhouse Megre Bizarro; Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Selecting the Problems 01-04-2012 30-06-2012 3 24 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results The final goal of this task is to obtain a final and complete list of all the articles to be included in the Companion. Each article will deal with a particular problem or topic located in one or more of the three broad philosophical areas into which our work is sorted out: mind and cognition, logic and language, and metaphysics. Every article in the Companion will be designated by means of the schema The Problem of X, where X is replaceable by a short designation of the problem. An example in the area of Metaphysics is The Problem of Material Consitution. We estimate that the number of problems and articles in the Companion will be around 60. The task of identifying the problems to be covered by the Companion and obtaining a complete list of articles is to be undertaken collectively, by the entire research team. Throughout the corresponding period of time there will be several group meetings and a huge deal of discussion about the core content of the Companion. The present task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out each of the subsequent three tasks, which will consist in writing first drafts for all the articles as sorted out into the three philosophical domains mentioned above. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task Aires Nuno Rebelo Almeida; António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes; António Manuel Horta Branco; Breno Hax Junior; Bruno Miguel Jacinto; Célia Cristina Patrício Teixeira; Desiderio Murcho; Eduardo Jorge de Sousa Castro; Gonçalo Baptista dos Santos; Guido Imaguire; João Miguel Biscaia Valadas Branquinho; Luís Filipe Estevinha Lourenço Rodrigues; Luís Jaime Duarte d'almeida Abrantes; Manuel García-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel; Marco Antonio Caron Ruffino; Maria Adriana Sequeira Silva Graça; Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques; Pedro Manuel Trindade Cordeiro dos Santos; Pedro Miguel Galvão Lourenço; Ricardo Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos; Rui Jorge Sampaio da Silva; Sara Leonor Farmhouse Megre Bizarro; Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Getting First Drafts in Logic and Lan... 01-07-2012 30-06-2013 12 33,6 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task will consist in writing first drafts for all the articles in the area of Logic and Language. It will be carried out by approximately one third of the research team, particularly by those researchers whose skills and expertise is centered upon issues about the nature of language and logical reasoning. The estimated number of articles for which first drafts should be written at this stage is around 20. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task in the area of logic and language, namely that of writing final drafts for all the articles in the area Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task António Manuel Horta Branco; Bruno Miguel Jacinto; Fernando Jorge Inocêncio Ferreira; Gonçalo Baptista dos Santos; Luís Jaime Duarte d'almeida Abrantes; Marco Antonio Caron Ruffino; Maria Adriana Sequeira Silva Graça; Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques; Pedro Manuel Trindade Cordeiro dos Santos; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Getting First Drafts in Mind and Cogn... 01-07-2012 30-06-2013 12 31,2 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task will consist in writing first drafts for all the articles in the area of Mind and Cognition. It will be carried out by approximately one third of the research team, particularly by those researchers whose skills and expertise is centered upon issues about the nature of mind and cogntion. The estimated number of articles for which first drafts should be written at this stage is around 20. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task in the area of mind and cogntion, namely that of writing final drafts for all the articles in the area Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task Aires Nuno Rebelo Almeida; António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes; Célia Cristina Patrício Teixeira; Luís Filipe Estevinha Lourenço Rodrigues; Rui Jorge Sampaio da Silva; Sara Leonor Farmhouse Megre Bizarro; Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira; Designação da tarefa Data de início Data de fim Duração Pessoas * mês

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 7 de 18 Task denomination Start date End date Duration Person * months Getting First Drafts in Metaphysics 01-07-2012 30-06-2013 12 31,2 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task will consist in writing first drafts for all the articles in the area of Metaphysics. It will be carried out by approximately one third of the research team, particularly by those researchers whose skills and expertise is centered upon issues in ontology and metaphysics. The estimated number of articles for which first drafts should be written at this stage is around 20. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task in the area of metaphysics, namely that of writing final drafts for all the articles in the area Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task Breno Hax Junior; Desiderio Murcho; Eduardo Jorge de Sousa Castro; Guido Imaguire; João Miguel Biscaia Valadas Branquinho; Manuel García-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel; Pedro Miguel Galvão Lourenço; Ricardo Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Getting Final Drafts in Logic and Lan... 01-07-2013 30-06-2014 12 39,6 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task will consist in obtaining final drafts for all the articles in the area of Logic and Language. It will be carried out by approximately one third of the research team, particularly by those researchers whose skills and expertise is centered upon issues about the nature of language and logical reasoning. The estimated number of articles for which final drafts should be completed at this stage is around 20. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task in the development of the project, namely that of preparing the material for online publication. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; António Manuel Horta Branco; Bruno Miguel Jacinto; Fernando Jorge Inocêncio Ferreira; Gonçalo Baptista dos Santos; Luís Jaime Duarte d'almeida Abrantes; Marco Antonio Caron Ruffino; Maria Adriana Sequeira Silva Graça; Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques; Pedro Manuel Trindade Cordeiro dos Santos; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Getting Final Drafts in Mind and Cogn... 01-07-2013 30-06-2014 12 37,2 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task will consist in obtaining final drafts for all the articles in the area of Mind and Cognition. It will be carried out by approximately one third of the research team, particularly by those researchers whose skills and expertise is centered upon issues about the nature of mind and cognition. The estimated number of articles for which final drafts should be completed at this stage is around 20. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task in the development of the project, namely that of preparing the material for online publication. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; Aires Nuno Rebelo Almeida; António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes; Célia Cristina Patrício Teixeira; Luís Filipe Estevinha Lourenço Rodrigues; Rui Jorge Sampaio da Silva; Sara Leonor Farmhouse Megre Bizarro; Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Getting Final Drafts in Metaphysics 01-07-2013 30-06-2014 12 37,2 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task will consisit in obtaining final drafts for all the articles in the area of Metaphysics. It will be carried out by approximately one third of the research team, particularly by those researchers whose skills and expertise are more focused upon issues in ontology and metaphysics. The estimated number of articles for which final drafts should be completed at this stage is around 20. This task is clearly a pre-condition for carrying out the next task in the development of the project, namely that of preparing the material for online publication. Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes; Breno Hax Junior; Desiderio Murcho; Eduardo Jorge de Sousa Castro; Guido Imaguire; João Miguel Biscaia Valadas Branquinho; Manuel García-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel; Pedro Miguel Galvão Lourenço; Designação da tarefa Task denomination Data de início Start date Data de fim End date Duração Duration Pessoas * mês Person * months Doing Final Revisions 01-07-2014 31-12-2014 6 54 Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados Task description and Expected results This task is mainly devoted to making final revisions, copy-editing the material, text processing, and related processes, with a view to having as a result a final version of the volume ready for online publication. It will be carried out by the entire research team with the help of the two junior researchers holding project grants Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa Members of the research team in this task (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; Aires Nuno Rebelo Almeida; António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes; António Manuel Horta Branco; Breno Hax Junior; Bruno Miguel Jacinto; Célia Cristina Patrício Teixeira; Desiderio Murcho; Eduardo Jorge de Sousa Castro; Fernando Jorge Inocêncio Ferreira; Gonçalo Baptista dos Santos; Guido Imaguire; João Miguel Biscaia Valadas Branquinho; Luís Filipe Estevinha Lourenço Rodrigues; Luís Jaime Duarte d'almeida Abrantes; Manuel García-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel; Marco Antonio

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 8 de 18 Caron Ruffino; Maria Adriana Sequeira Silva Graça; Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques; Pedro Manuel Trindade Cordeiro dos Santos; Pedro Miguel Galvão Lourenço; Ricardo Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos; Rui Jorge Sampaio da Silva; Sara Leonor Farmhouse Megre Bizarro; Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira; 3.2.4. Calendarização e Gestão do Projecto 3.2.4. Project Timeline and Management 3.2.4.a Descrição da Estrutura de Gestão 3.2.4.a Description of the Management Structure The management of the project will have the following general structure. The research team of 24 members will be divided into three sub-groups corresponding to the three broad domains into which the material in the Companion will be informally arranged: the Mind and Cognition sub-group; the Logic and Language sub-group; and the Metaphysics sub-group. Each of these sub-groups will be composed by 7 or 8 researchers and will have a coordinator who should regularly report to the project main coordinator. The subgroups will have a number of regular meetings in which successive versions of the papers will be subjected to discussion, improvement and revision. The sub-groups coordinators will hand in brief written reports of the work done to the project's main coordinator by the end of the two years, 2013 and 2014, throughout which the writing of the articles will be undertaken. Also, overall reports summarizing work done in the project will be sent by the main coordinator of the project to FCT by the end of each of the three years of the project. 3.2.4.b Lista de Milestones 3.2.4.b Milestone List Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination 30-06-2012 List of Articles Descrição Description By this date we hope to have obtained a complete and final list of all the articles to be included in the Companion. Data Date 30-06-2013 First drafts Descrição Description Designação da milestone Milestone denomination By this date we hope to have completed first drafts for all the articles in the Companion. Data Date 30-06-2014 Final Drafts Descrição Description Designação da milestone Milestone denomination By this date we hope to have completed final drafts for all the articles in the Companion. Data Date Designação da milestone Milestone denomination 31-12-2014 Companion Online Descrição Description By this date we hope to have the volume ready for online publication. 3.2.4.c Cronograma 3.2.4.c Timeline Ficheiro com a designação "timeline.pdf", no 9. Ficheiros Anexos, desta Visão Global (caso exista). File with the name "timeline.pdf" at 9. Attachments (if exists). 3.3. Referências Bibliográficas 3.3. Bibliographic References Referência Reference Ano Year Publicação Publication Williamson 2007 Timothy Williamson. The Philosophy of Philosophy. Oxford, Blackwell, 2007 Branquinho et al 2006 Branquinho et al 2001 Beckermann et al 2009 Chalmers 2002 João Branquinho, Desidério Murcho e Nelson Gonçalves Gomes (orgs). Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2006 João Branquinho e Desidério Murcho (orgs.). Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos. Lisboa, Gradiva, 2001 Ansgar Beckermann, Brian McLaughlin, Sven Walter (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind, Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy. Oxford, OUP David J. Chalmers (Ed.), Philosophy of Mind Classical and Contemporary Readings, New York and Oxford, OUP Zalta 1999 Edward N. Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Guttenplan 1995 Cohen et al 2007 Samuel Guttenplan (Ed.), Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, New York and Oxford, Wiley- Blackwell Jonathan Cohen, Brian P. McLaughlin, (Eds.), Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind, New York and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIMENT... 9 de 18 Braddon-Mitchell 2006 Lycan et al 2008 David Braddon-Mitchell, Frank Jackson, Philosophy of Mind and Cognition: An Introduction, 2nd Edition, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell William G. Lycan, Jesse J. Prinz (Eds.), Mind and Cognition: An Anthology, 3rd Edition, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Hawthorne 2008 John Hawthorne, Philosophy of Mind, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Mele and Rawlings 2004 Bickle 2009 Lepore and Smith 2006 Hale and Wright 1999 Devitt and Hanley 2006 Hawthorne 2009 Alfred R. Mele, Piers Rawling (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Rationality, Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy, New York and Oxford, OUP John Bickle (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience. Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy, New York and Oxford, OUP Ernest Lepore, Barry C. Smith (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy, Oxford, OUP Bob Hale and Crispin Wright (Eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Michael Devitt, Richard Hanley (Eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell John Hawthorne, Philosophy of Language. Philosophical Perspectives, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Martinich 2007 A. P. Martinich (Ed.), The Philosophy of Language, Fifth Edition, Oxford, OUP Moser 2005 Dancy et al 2010 Bernecker et al 2010 Steup and Sosa 2004 Kim et al 2008 Calvo and Symons 2009 Stainton 2006 Bechtel et al 1998 Jacquette 2005 Goble 2001 Shapiro 2005 Paul K. Moser (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology, Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy, New York and Oxford, OUP Jonathan Dancy, Ernest Sosa, Matthias Steup (Eds.), A Companion to Epistemology, 2nd Edition, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Sven Bernecker, Duncan Pritchard (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Epistemology, London, Routledge Matthias Steup, Ernest Sosa (Eds.), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Jaegwon Kim, Jeremy Fantl, Matthew McGrath, Ernest Sosa (Eds.), Epistemology: An Anthology, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Paco Calvo, John Symons (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology, London, Routledge Robert J. Stainton (Ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell William Bechtel, George Graham (Eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science, London and Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell Dale Jacquette (Ed.), A Companion to Philosophical Logic, London and Oxford, Wiley- Blackwell Lou Goble (Ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic, London and Oxford, Wiley- Blackwell Stewart Shapiro (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy, New York and Oxford, OUP Schirn 1988 Matthias Schirn (Ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematics Today, Oxford, Clarendon Press 3.4. Publicações Anteriores 3.4. Past Publications Referência Reference Ano Year Branquinho et al. 2007 Garcia-Carpintero 2006 Publicação Publication João Branquinho, Desidério Murcho e Nelson Gonçalves Gomes (orgs). Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2007. Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macia (eds.) Two-Dimensional Semantics. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Ruffino 2003 Marco Ruffino. "Why Frege would not be a Neo-Fregean. Mind, v. 112, p. 51-78, 2003 Branquinho 2008 Joao Branquinho. On the persistence and re-expression of indexical belief. Manuscrito - International Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 31 - n. 2, p. 573-600, 2008 Marques 2009 Teresa Marques. What can modes do for (moderate) relativism? Crítica, 2009. 4. Equipa de investigação 4. Research team 4.1 Lista de membros 4.1. Members list Nome Name Função Role Grau académico Academic degree %tempo %time CV nuclear Core CV João Miguel Biscaia Valadas Branquinh... Inv. Responsável AGREGAÇÃO 40 Aires Nuno Rebelo Almeida Investigador MESTRADO 35 António Manuel Correia de Jesus Lopes Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 40 António Manuel Horta Branco Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 15 Breno Hax Junior Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 40 Bruno Miguel Jacinto Investigador LICENCIATURA 35

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 10 de 18 Célia Cristina Patrício Teixeira Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Desiderio Murcho Investigador MESTRADO 35 Eduardo Jorge de Sousa Castro Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 40 Fernando Jorge Inocêncio Ferreira Investigador AGREGAÇÃO 15 Gonçalo Baptista dos Santos Investigador MESTRADO 35 Guido Imaguire Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 40 Luís Filipe Estevinha Lourenço Rodrig... Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 40 Luís Jaime Duarte d'almeida Abrantes Investigador MESTRADO 40 Manuel García-Carpintero Sanchez-Migu... Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Marco Antonio Caron Ruffino Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Maria Adriana Sequeira Silva Graça Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Pedro Manuel Trindade Cordeiro dos Sa... Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Pedro Miguel Galvão Lourenço Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 15 Ricardo Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 15 Rui Jorge Sampaio da Silva Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 35 Sara Leonor Farmhouse Megre Bizarro Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 40 Vitor Manuel Dinis Pereira Investigador MESTRADO 35 (O curriculum vitae de cada membro da equipa está disponível clicando no nome correspondente) (Curriculum vitae for each research team member is available by clicking on the corresponding name) Total: 24 4.2. Lista de membros a contratar durante a execução do projecto 4.2. Members list to hire during project"s execution Membro da equipa Team member Função Role Duração Duration %tempo %time (BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1 Bolseiro 12 100 Total: 1 5. Outros projectos 5. Other projects 5.1. Projectos financiados 5.1. Funded projects (Sem projectos financiados) (No funded projects) 5.2. Candidaturas similares 5.2. Similar applications (Sem Candidaturas Similares) (No Similar applications) 6. Indicadores previstos 6. Expected indicators Indicadores de realização previstos para o projecto Expected output indicators Descrição Description A - Publicações Publications Livros Books Artigos em revistas internacionais Papers in international journals Artigos em revistas nacionais Papers in national journals B - Comunicações Communications Comunicações em encontros científicos internacionais Communications in international meetings Comunicações em encontros científicos nacionais Communications in national meetings C - Relatórios Reports D - Organização de seminários e conferências Organization of seminars and conferences E - Formação avançada Advanced training Teses de Doutoramento PhD theses 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 10 10 10 0 30 0 8 8 8 0 24 0 15 15 15 0 45 0 8 8 8 0 24 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 18 18 18 0 54 0 3 4 4 0 11

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 11 de 18 Teses de Mestrado Master theses Outras Others F - Modelos Models G - Aplicações computacionais Software H - Instalações piloto Pilot plants I - Protótipos laboratoriais Prototypes J - Patentes Patents L - Outros Other 0 2 3 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Acções de divulgação da actividade científica Scientific activity spreading actions We intend to organize a series of events that are open to the general public and in which some of the results of the project are communicated. Among such events the following ones are the most important: The Petrus Hispanus Lectures 2013 and 2014. These are lectures delivered at the University of Lisbon by a leading international figure in the areas of mind, language and cognition. Previous Petrus Hispanus Lecturers include Ned Block, Hilary Putnam, Daniel Dennett and Tyler Burge. Professot Timothy Williamson, from the University of Oxford, will be the Petrus Hispanus Lecturer 2013. Professor Stephen Pinker, from Harvard University, will be the Petrus Hispanus Lecturer 2014. 7. Orçamento 7. Budget Proponente Principal Contractor Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Descrição Description Recursos Humanos Human resources Missões Missions Consultores Consultants Aquisição de bens e serviços Service procurement and acquisitions Registo de patentes Patent registration Adaptação de edifícios e instalações Adaptation of buildings and facilities Gastos gerais Overheads TOTAL DESPESAS CORRENTES TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES Equipamento Equipment 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 0,00 0,00 0,00 13.165,00 0,00 13.165,00 0,00 8.600,00 9.900,00 9.900,00 0,00 28.400,00 0,00 5.000,00 9.000,00 6.000,00 0,00 20.000,00 0,00 2.000,00 3.800,00 16.800,00 0,00 22.600,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3.420,00 4.540,00 6.540,00 0,00 14.500,00 0,00 19.020,00 27.240,00 52.405,00 0,00 98.665,00 0,00 1.500,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.500,00 Total 0,00 20.520,00 27.240,00 52.405,00 0,00 100.165,00 Instituições Participantes Participating s (Não se encontram registadas Instituições Participantes para este projecto) (No Participating has been registered for this project) Orçamento Global Global budget Descrição Description Recursos Humanos Human resources Missões Missions Consultores 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 0,00 0,00 0,00 13.165,00 0,00 13.165,00 0,00 8.600,00 9.900,00 9.900,00 0,00 28.400,00

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 12 de 18 Consultants 0,00 5.000,00 9.000,00 6.000,00 0,00 20.000,00 Aquisição de bens e serviços Service procurement and acquisitions Registo de patentes Patent registration Adaptação de edifícios e instalações Adaptation of buildings and facilities Gastos gerais Overheads TOTAL DESPESAS CORRENTES TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES Equipamento Equipment 0,00 2.000,00 3.800,00 16.800,00 0,00 22.600,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3.420,00 4.540,00 6.540,00 0,00 14.500,00 0,00 19.020,00 27.240,00 52.405,00 0,00 98.665,00 0,00 1.500,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.500,00 Total 0,00 20.520,00 27.240,00 52.405,00 0,00 100.165,00 Plano de financiamento Finance plan Descrição Description Financiamento solicitado à FCT Requested funding Financiamento próprio Own funding Outro financiamento público Other public-sector funding Outro financiamento privado Other private funding Total do Projecto Total of the project 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 0,00 20.520,00 27.240,00 52.405,00 0,00 100.165,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 20.520,00 27.240,00 52.405,00 0,00 100.165,00 8. Justificação do orçamento 8. Budget rationale 8.1. Justificação dos recursos humanos 8.1. Human resources rationale Tipo Type (BI) Bolsa de Investigação (Mestre) 1 Duração (em meses) Duration (in months) Custo envolvido ( ) (calculado) Total cost ( ) (estimated) Nº de pessoas No. of persons 12 11.760,00 1.405,00 Outros custos ( ) Other costs ( ) This grant will envolve tasks such as the creation and maintenance of the project's website, translation into Portuguese of articles written in English by consultants of the project; revision of drafts of articles; preparation of bibliography. 8.2. Justificação de missões 8.2. Missions rationale Tipo Type Estágios de curta duração 8 Local Venue Nº de deslocações No. of participations United States, Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom 10.400,00 Custo envolvido ( ) Short stays of members of the research team reading for MA or PhD degrees with a view to consulting bibliography, attending classes and seminars and exchanging views and ideas with colleagues Tipo Type Participação em congressos 24 Local Venue Nº de deslocações No. of participations United States, Brazil, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland 18.000,00 Custo envolvido ( ) Participation of members of the project s research team at International Congresses, Workshops and Conferences in the main fields of Logic and Language, Mind and Cognition and Metaphysics, where the talks are either by invitation or by submission

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 13 de 18 8.3. Justificação de consultores 8.3. Consultants rationale Kent Bach San Francisco State University 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the II Lisbon Workshop on Semantics. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~kbach/ David Chalmers Australian National University 2014 1.000,00 Participation at the Lisbon Workshop on Mind and Cognition. Consultant in the area of Mind and Cognition http://consc.net/chalmers/ Delia Graff Fara Princeton University 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the II Lisbon Workshop on Semantics. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://www.princeton.edu/~dfara/ Stephen Pinker Harvard University 2014 1.000,00 Participation at the Lisbon Workshop on Mind and Cognition. Consultant in the area of Mind and Cognition. Petrus Hispanus Lectures 2014 http://pinker.wjh.harvard.edu/ Michael Martin

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 14 de 18 University College London 2014 1.000,00 Participation at the Lisbon Workshop on Mind and Cognition. Consultant in the area of Mind and Cognition. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/academic-research/staff-mm.htm Timothy Williamson University of Oxford 2013 1.000,00 Petrus Hispanus lecturer 2013. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/members/tim_williamson Kit Fine New York University 2012 1.000,00 Participation at the International Congress of Analytic Metaphysics in Rio de janeiro. Consultant in the area of Metaphysics. http://philosophy.fas.nyu.edu/object/kitfine Ted Sider New York University 2012 1.000,00 Participation at the International Congress of Analytic Metaphysics in Rio de janeiro. Consultant in the area of Metaphysics. http://tedsider.org/ Peter van Inwagen University of Notre Dame 2012 1.000,00 Participation at the International Congress of Analytic Metaphysics in Rio de janeiro. Consultant in the area of Metaphysics

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 15 de 18 http://philosophy.nd.edu/people/all/profiles/van-inwagen-peter/ Jonathan Lowe Durham University 2012 1.000,00 Participation at the seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Metaphysics. http://www.dur.ac.uk/philosophy/staff/?username=dfl0ejl Hartry Field New York University 2012 1.000,00 Participation at the seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://philosophy.fas.nyu.edu/object/hartryfield Peter Ludlow Northwestern University 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://sites.google.com/site/peterjludlow/ Brian McLaughlin Rutgers University 2014 1.000,00 Participation at the seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Mind and Cognition. http://philosophy.rutgers.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=113&item... Jason Stanley

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 16 de 18 Rutgers University 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the II Lisbon Workshop on Semantics. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~jasoncs/ Keith De Rose Yale University 2013 1.000,00 Participation at Seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Mind and Cognition. http://www.yale.edu/philosophy/people/derose_keith.html Kathrin Glüer-Pagin Stockholm Univrersity 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the II Lisbon Workshop on Semantics. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://people.su.se/~kgl/kathrin.htm Peter Pagin Stockholm University 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the II Lisbon Workshop on Semantics. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language. http://people.su.se/~ppagin/pagineng.htm Sven Rosenkranz Freie Universität Berlin 2014 1.000,00 Participation at the Seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Logic and Language.

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 17 de 18 http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~pmg2/svenrosenkranzpage.htm Fabrice Correa University of Geneva 2013 1.000,00 Participation at the Seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Metaphysics. http://www.philosophie.ch/fabrice/ Josep Corbi University of Valencia 2014 1.000,00 Participation at the Seminar series in Analytic Philosophy. Consultant in the area of Mind and Cognition. http://www.uv.es/corbi/ 8.4. Justificação de aquisição de bens e serviços 8.4. Service procurement and acquisitions Tipo Type (Vazio) (Void) 8.6.2. Discriminação do equipamento a adquirir 8.6.2. New equipment requested Bibliography 4.000,00 Acquisition of relevant books in the areas covered by the Companion, especially Handbooks and Companions of Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Cognitive Science, Metaphysics and Epistemology Tipo Type Secretarial Work 3.600,00 Assistance in the organization of three international workshops, two of which held in Lisbon and one in Rio de Janeiro, and the Petrus Hispanus Lectures (2013 and 2014 editions). Tipo Type Online Edition Costs 15.000,00 Costs involved in setting up an online platform where the Companion is to be lodged, having in mind the dynamic nature of the edition, in the sense that the material can be subjected to successive updates and improvements. 8.6. Justificação do Equipamento 8.6. Equipment rationale 8.6.1. Equipamento já disponível para a execução do projecto 8.6.1 Available equipment Tipo de equipamento Equipment type Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Laptop Sony Vaio VGN-NW21SF/T 750,00

Página FCT : PROJECTOS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E DESENVOLVIME... 18 de 18 Laptop computer for use by members of the project's research team. Tipo de equipamento Equipment type (Vazio) (Void) (Vazio) (Void) Fabricante Manufacturer Modelo Model Laptop Sony Vaio VGN-NW21SF/T 750,00 Laptop computer for use by members of the project's research team. 8.7. Justificação de registo de patentes 8.7. Patent registration 8.8. Justificação de adaptação de edifícios e instalações 8.8. Adaptation of buildings and facilities 9. Ficheiros Anexos 9. Attachments Nome Name timeline.pdf Tamanho Size 43Kb 13:02:40 Financiado por fundos estruturais da UE e fundos nacionais do MCTES