Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-053-7 Cadernos PDE VOLUME I I. O PROFESSOR PDE E OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE Produção Didático-Pedagógica

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Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-053-7 Cadernos PDE VOLUME I I O PROFESSOR PDE E OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE Produção Didático-Pedagógica 2009


SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO DEPARTAMENTO DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS COORDENAÇÃO ESTADUAL DO PDE ADVERTISEMENTS Produção didático-pedagógica elaborada sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Wilson Taveira de Los Santos como um dos critérios de avaliação para a certificação do PDE Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional. Paranaguá 2010

UNIDADE DIDÁTICA 1. DADOS DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO: Professor PDE: Helena Mitiko Fujimaki Área: LEM Inglês NRE: Paranaguá Professor Orientador: Prof. MS. Wilson Taveira de Los Santos IES Vinculada: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná UTFPR Tema de Estudo: O anúncio publicitário como prática discursiva Título: Advertisements Público Alvo: Alunos dos 1ºs anos do Ensino Médio do Colégio Estadual Helena Viana Sundin, em Paranaguá. As atividades podem ser adaptadas também às demais séries do Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio. Conteúdo Estruturante: Discurso como prática social. Conteúdos Básicos: Leitura, Oralidade, Escrita e Análise Lingüística através do gênero textual Anúncio Publicitário 2. INTRODUÇÃO: O uso dos anúncios publicitários na LI é um estímulo aos alunos, encorajando-os a posicionar-se criticamente e perceber que a leitura proporciona acesso a horizontes intelectuais e sociais. Através desse gênero textual busca-se interligar o interesse dos alunos com uma prática significativa no processo de compreensão, assim como a produção de novos anúncios

para posterior apresentação utilizando os recursos da TV multimídia.. 3. JUSTIFICATIVA No processo de aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa tem-se observado a dificuldade dos alunos frente à leitura crítica. Devido a essa especificidade objetiva-se com este material interligar o interesse dos alunos com uma prática significativa neste processo. Pretende-se desse modo oportunizar ao aluno acesso e acompanhamento de informações através do trabalho com as práticas discursivas: leitura, oralidade e escrita para o desenvolvimento da análise crítica de anúncios publicitários. O gênero textual contemplado tem uma riqueza de elementos de linguagem verbal e não verbal que ao serem explorados e analisados criticamente, podem auxiliar significativamente o aluno no processo interpretativo assim como no processo cognitivo. 4. OBJETIVO GERAL: Explorar a leitura crítica de anúncios publicitários em Língua Inglesa apresentados na mídia televisiva e impressa através de vídeos, textos e citações. 5. METODOLOGIA: Esta Unidade Didática apresenta atividades que podem desenvolver habilidades de leitura crítica de anúncios publicitários apresentados na mídia televisiva e impressa assim como ressaltar as características fundamentais deste gênero textual. A utilização do laboratório de informática do colégio será fundamental neste processo. Com o conhecimento obtido através da leitura crítica, pesquisa e discussão dos temas propostos os alunos poderão dar início ao planejamento e produção de novos anúncios.

6. AVALIAÇÃO: A avaliação ocorrerá através da observação e do registro da participação dos alunos em todo o processo da implementação, sendo relevante sua participação nas atividades em sala de aula, pesquisas no laboratório de informática, no planejamento, produção e apresentação de novos anúncios priorizando os recursos da TV multimídia.

Helena Mitiko Fujimaki Advertisements Paranaguá 2010

Thinking and learning about advertisements! UNIT I 1. Access the site below. You are going to watch a sequence of slides about advertising. It is very interesting. (Accessed on April 3 rd, 2010) Now work with a partner and share your ideas with your classmates about: How can people be critical consumers? 2. Write down three statements about what you have discussed. Do you agree with all of them? a) b) c) 1

UNIT II: Food advertising tricks Do you know what cotton swabs, tweezers, glue, glycerin, oil and blowtorches have in common? Well, They are all tools used by *food stylists to make the food in print ads and TV commercials look appetizing. * Food stylists are people who make food look attractive in photographs. The aim of their job is to make food look fresh and delicious. 1. Search and review food advertisements and/or images on magazines. Consider the following questions: a) Why do the images of the food look so appealing? Why are they so attractive? b) Have you ever eaten any of the products? c) Do you think it looks the same when you buy it as it looks in the ad? 2

2. Give your opinion about: What would food stylists use to make the snacks below more attractive? Use complete sentences to explain each item: a) hamburger b) hot dog c) pizza d) cookies e)chocolate cake Adapted from (Accessed on April 5 th, 2010) 3

UNIT III: Billboards The two ads below are on the same place. Look at them carefully and answer the questions: s/6food(1).jpg (Accessed on March 17 th, 2010) 1. Considering the two ads, do you think that the slogans and the images are creative? Why/ why not? 2. Are they influencing people and getting their attention? 4

3. Which quote (s) can best describe the ads above? ( ) Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, particularly IF the goods are worthless. (Sinclair Lewis) ( ) Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art. (William Bernbach) ( ) Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don t have for something they don t need. (Will Rogers) ( ) Advertising is the life of trade. (Calvin Coolidge) ( ) Advertising is only another form of statistics. (Hartman Jule) (Accessed on April 21st, 2010) (Accessed on April 21st, 2010) 5

UNIT IV: What is the message? Attention to the two ads below and do the activities. I) s/8deliv.jpg (Accessed on February 12th, 2010) II) s/9busin.jpg (Accessed on February 12th, 2010) 6

1. Compare the two ads and indicate their: Topics Their similarities and differences Influence on the readers lives and their respective meanings 2. And how about the use of colors? Do they make a big difference on the ads? 3. Are both ads meaningful for you? Why / why not? 4. What are the strategies used on the ads to convince the audience to their ideas? 7

UNIT V: Brand Names, Slogans and Jingles s/5dept.jpg (Accessed on May 15th, 2010) 1. It is a fact that advertising changes and also products change but brand names never change and they can be successful or not. Do you agree? Can you associate some brand names with the products below? a) fast food b) car c) cell phone d) TV e) school supplies f) clothes g) sunglasses 2. Now add other products and associated brand names as you can. Then compare your list with your classmates and check who listed more. 8

3. Have you ever heard about slogans and jingles? According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: a. A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. b. A jingle is a memorable slogan, set to an engaging melody, mainly broadcast on radio and sometimes on television commercials. An effective jingle is constructed to stay in one s memory (colloquially, ringing a bell ). Something about you: a) Is there any slogan / jingle you remember associated with any brand name from the activities 1 and 2? How could you remember them? b) What are your favorite slogans and jingles on television? c) What do you think of: There is some psychological persuasion in the commercials? 9

d) How can the marketers catch the audience attention? What do they do that makes the audience get their product? Remember you are the audience. 4. Now it s your turn. In groups of three you will design a new name, slogan and jingle for a product. You can choose a pen, a pencil, a backpack, a cell phone, a game, a car, a HD TV set, a t-shirt, sunglasses, etc. Let your imagination fly and have fun. 10

UNIT VI: Time for a Quiz! 1. How about a Quiz? First think about: Is there any kind of totally healthy soda? 1. It is not difficult for any company to compete against giant companies. ( ) true ( ) false 2. A company from a European country has achieved some success after making a kind of healthy soda. ( ) true ( ) false 3. You can find the new kinds of soda in different fruit flavors. ( ) true ( ) false 4. The new drinks are organic. ( ) true ( ) false 5. The new drinks make success because consumers want healthier products. ( ) true ( ) false Now check your answers while listening to the next text. Let s go to the site: (Accessed on July 2 nd, 2010) How was your score? Write it down here: 11

2. Let s visit the sites below and after watching the two videos, answer the questions: April 3 rd, 2010) (Accessed on June 30 th, 2010) (Accessed on 1. What are the products? 2. Who is the target audience for the ads? 3. What were the strategies used most? 4. By the way, would you be convinced to get them? Why? 5. Would you buy anything only because of an ad? Why? 6. Complete the sentences according to the ads you have watched: ADS SLOGANS # 1 Whatever do, whoever are... # 2 The.. powerful.. It s 12

UNIT VII: Advertising Terms: 1. Go to the sites and find out the words/expressions that best explain each definition below and circle them in the box: (Accessed on April 21st, 2010) (Accessed on April 21st, 2010) a) a short song with easy lyrics used by advertisers b) kind of ingredients that make products marvelous c) they are used to persuade the consumers to agree with the author s point of view d) a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used by advertisers e) it is done for spreading ideas, information or rumor f) specific group of people that the author really wants to persuade g) it is used by advertisers to make consumers laugh 13

K I S M I N D S C H O O L N E T B Y T E L M O B I L E A D D R E S S B L U E F J K K R U H T T S A D D J P O W E R B I T I N H S A U F F L M A G I C R W F I S H O N O F M K M B I O L O G N A T U R E L O L G E E A L O U L G O A L G E N T L E M A N L E E P E R S U A S I V E T E C H N I Q U E S E Z A P Z O N I M A C I C C O D A M I A R O R E G G D A Y S I A D N A G A P O R P A S A D V E N T U R E M O T T O T E R C V X Z T A R G E T A U D I E N C E E A A C X W Q U M A S T U D Y A N D A T T E N T I O N M G R P V C D E D V D C D H D H I G H S K Y 2. Take a look at some famous slogans by accessing the site below. Have you ever heard about them? List some, at least two. Do you think the audience could be influenced easily? (Accessed on June 30th, 2010) 14

3. Time for a song! 2music(1).jpg (Accessed on July 21st, 2010) Go to the site below and check if you know the song. Have you ever listened to it? Is it a hit? What does the title mean? (Accessed on June 30 th, 2010) Now let s check the lyrics and let s sing it out loud! (Accessed on June 30 th, 2010) And then the lyrics translation: v=9lvl2yxvwkc (Accessed on July 19 th, 2010) After paying attention to the song, you are able to answer: How can you compare it to the topic of our lessons? 15

4. You have read about advertisements terms. Now you are going to research some ads you think are interesting and effective. Are they easy to be found? You have to find at least two examples. After that you are going to describe them and analyze if they are using persuasive techniques in order to sell their products. Ad 1: Ad 2: 16

UNIT VIII: It s your turn! s/6teeth.jpg (Accessed on May 15th, 2010) The next sites you are going to access are about how to make your own ad. They can be used to practice a little on how to work with advertisements. Have fun! (Accessed on April 5th, 2010) (Accessed on April 5th, 2010) 17

UNIT IX: After doing the researches and worked with some ads, it is time for you to make your own ad. You are going to work in groups of four. Choose the product, the slogan and also the jingle. You can present it live in front of the class or record it earlier by making a media project showing what you have learned about the world of advertising. Pay attention on the steps below and be creative. a) Choose a product. b) Think about your objective. c) Think about your target audience. d) What types of images you feel are good for that? e) Choose effective colors. They can attract your audience attention. f) What message are you trying to communicate? g) Give the audience a reason for getting your product. h) Where do you think your ad can be running? Think about the possibilities: Ads on magazines Ads on newspapers Ads on billboards Ads in the stores Ads on the streets Ads on the landscape 18

REFERÊNCIAS DUDENEY, Gavin. The internet and language classroom. Cambridge:CUP, 2000. HEBERLE, V.M. Critical Reading: Integrating Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis and Gender Studies. Ilha do Desterro, Florianópolis, nº 38, 2000. PARANÁ, Secretaria de Estado da Educação. Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica. Língua Estrangeira Moderna. Curitiba, 2008. SILBERSTEIN, S. Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1994. Pesquisas online (Acesso em 21 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 21 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 21 de abril de 2010) s/8deliv.jpg (Acesso em 12 de fevereiro de 2010) s/9busin.jpg (Acesso em 12 de fevereiro de 2010) s/6food(1).jpg (Acesso em 17 de março de 2010) s/5dept.jpg (Acesso em 15 de maio de 2010) s/6teeth.jpg (Acesso em 15 de maio de2010) 2music(1).jpg ( Acesso em 21 de julho de 2010) (Acesso em 05 de abril de 2010) (Acesso 19

em 05 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 05 de abril de 2010) -advertising-sign&large=1 (Acesso em 06 de julho de 2010) (Acesso em 30 de junho de 2010) (Acesso em 21 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 02 de julho de 2010) (Acesso em 23 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 03 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 03 de abril de 2010) (Acesso em 30 de junho de 2010) VL2YXVwKc (Acesso em 19 de julho de 2010) 20