Day 62 - Olympic Torch Bulletin Board

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Day 62 - Olympic Torch Bulletin Board AFTERNOON / EVENING -In Erechim (RS), the people waited for the Olympic flame according to southern tradition drinking chimarrão and wearing scarfs on the neck and bombachas. To welcome the relay, the town promoted a series of events, such as the Bands and Fanfares festival and a performance by the Belas Artes Symphonic Orchestra. -The former goalkeeper Gilmar Rinaldi, 57 years old, was torchbearer at the town. One of his most significant achievements was the silver medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. After two weeks of training, we attended the Games. No one believed that team would work, but it did. We earned the first Brazilian Olympic football silver medal, says Gilmar, who made part of the national team that achieved the 1994 World Cup championship, as substitute for Taffarel, having also acted as goalkeeper in big teams in the country such as Internacional, São Paulo and Flamengo. -A performance by the Passo Fundo University Orchestra marked the beginning of the relay in this southern town. The first torchbearer was former tennis player Marcos Daniel. He participated at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and has represented Brazil in important tournaments, such as the Davis Cup. Today was an unforgettable day, so many people in the streets, my family and my children. The warmth everybody transmits brings happiness beyond words, he celebrates. -Another representor of tennis, Miriam D Agostini, 37 years old, also carried the torch in Passo Fundo. Miriam participated at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and also achieved a bronze medal at the 1995 Mar del Plata Pan-American Games. For her, the Rio 2016 Games will make history. Everybody is coming here aware of our receptivity. The Brazilian people are internationally known for their joy and energy, she said. -The former volleyball player and Olympic champion Gustavo Endres, 40 years old, was the last torchbearer of the day, and lighted the ceremonial cauldron. Playing for the national team, he earned a gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, silver in Beijing 2008 and was world bi-champion in 2002 and 2006. To carry the torch in the town where I started my career is a great joy, he said emotionally.

-Throughout the course in Passo Fundo, the retinue passed by historical and cultural landmarks of the town. At Torchetto Square, street culture was present with performance by graffiti and hip-hop artists, as well as basketball matches for the public. At Monumento do Teixeirinha Square, groups of Gaúcho tradition welcomed the relay with regional culture s dancing and music. The municipal government estimated that 25 thousand people went to the streets to watch the Olympic flame. -This Sunday (03), the Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay passed by three towns of Santa Catarina, thus completing all 26 Brazilian states, as well as the Federal District. With quick passages by Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina, the relay is yet to return to these states. -The retinue s total travelling distance was equal to 390 kilometers and 123 torchbearers make the relay throughout the course. MORNING / AFTERNOON -The day started early this Sunday (03) in São Lourenço do Oeste. The sun was already starting to show off and the people were already on the streets waiting for the retinue. To keep warm in the morning cold, lots of chimarrão. Horse riders from the groups Cavalgando sem Fronteira and Amigos do Cavalo wore characterization costumes to watch the relay. -The town prepared a special programme to welcome the Olympic flame. Italian and Gaúcho dances, a choir and an archery performance cheered the public. The attractions also included a show by the Ginasloucos group, which fuses rhythmic gymnastics with basketball, inspired by the famous Harlem Globetrotters. -The futsal player Rafael da Rosa, born in São Lourenço do Sul, was the town s last torchbearer, going up the ceremonial stage. Beside Brazil, he has also played in Italy, Kazakhstan and has been in Russia for five years. -Chapecó was the second town to host the relay this Sunday. The programme included performances by the Chapecó Symphonic Orchestra, the children/youth choir and a ballet performance by the municipal Arts School, as well as the rock band Mister Magoo and the Pagode Social group. There was yet a performance of 15 athletes from the rhythmic gymnastics team of Chapecó, state and national champion in the children modality.

-The former Olympic race walk athlete Ademar José Kammler, 46 years old, was torchbearer at the town. He participated at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. Currently he still competes in various athletic contests. In the 2016 Rio Olympics, Ademar acts as volunteer referee in several athletic categories. The 2016 Rio Olympics will be the first to happen in South America. That alone makes for something historical, he said. -Marlisa Wahlbrink, 43 years old, is former goalkeeper of the Brazilian national football team. Due to her great defenses, she earned the nickname Wonder Goalkeeper. She competed at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and Athens 2004, where she achieved the unprecedented silver medal. Nowadays she is a goalkeeper trainer. I believe our support will be decisive for Brazilian athletes. They will feel the grandstand s vibration and will have extra energy at competitions, she said. -Daian Knorst, 39 years old, is a speed skater. He played hockey for 11 years and competed on several speed competitions by the Brazilian national team. Two years ago, he created a hockey team in Chapecó. My sport is still not an Olympic modality. To carry the torch is a way of representing and paying tribute to the roller skate folks, he affirmed. -The torchbearer Delmo Tadeu Finger, 57 years old, played for the Brazilian national volleyball team in the 1970 s. Carrying the torch was like achieving a championship anticipated for years, he remarked. -Modesto Batagli, 61 years old, trains running everyday through the streets of Chapecó. Besides running, Modesto also plants organic food to improve his health. It s very moving to carry the Olympic flame the streets on which I train everyday, he said. -The retinue arrived at Concórdia in the early afternoon. Mara Saatkamp, a javelin and hammer throw athlete, was a torchbearer at the town. Nowadays, Mara stands out as trainer of children and Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Her greatest pride is the athlete Darlan Romano, who is going to compete at Rio 2016 Games in the shot put modality. Carrying the Olympic flame is more than a gift; it represents the strength we have inside us as athletes, he said. -Chana Franciela Masson was first goalkeeper of the Brazilian national handball team for 16 years. She is four times Pan-American champion and participated in four Olympic Games: Sydney 2000, Athens 2004. Beijing 2008 and London 2012. The invitation to carry the torch was already an honor for me. I think it s recognition of our work, and to live something so grandiose in our country is wonderful. It s the feeling of coming in to play a championship final, she said.

-Caio Nunes is 29 years old, and since he was 6, he has practiced martial arts. He competes on taekwondo, hapkido, muay thai and jiu-jitsu. He also gives free lessons to more than 500 children in his social project. Today I m accomplishing a dream, which is to carry the Olympic torch, symbol of union among different peoples, said Caio, who upon carrying the torch rehearsed a few moves and earned applauses from the audience. ABOUT SALA DE IMPRENSA Termos de Uso Broadcasters Detentores de Direitos (RHBs): Os RHBs podem fazer a transmissão do Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica no Brasil, de forma não exclusiva, de acordo com os termos de seus respectivos contratos firmados com o COI. Broadcasters Não Detentores de Direitos (Non -RHBs): Os Non -RHBs podem fazer a transmissão do Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica no Brasil (com exceção das cerimônias de abertura e encerramento), de forma não exclusiva, pelo prazo máximo de 36 (trinta e seis) horas após o evento. Qualquer transmissão relacionada a este evento, deve ser realizada de forma estritamente jornalística, sem criar ou ser apresentada como um programa focado no Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica. Nenhuma associação comercial / promocional será permitida na cobertura do Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica. Principalmente, a transmissão do Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica não poderá (i) ser patrocinado ou de qualquer for criar uma associação que crie a impressão de que o Non -RHBs e/ou qualquer entidade sem autorização e/ou seus produtos são conectados ou associados ao Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica, ao Jogos Olímpicos, ao COI e/ou ao Movimento Olímpico e (ii) implique, sugira ou represente os Non -RHBs como sendo detentores oficiais dos direitos de transmissão e/ou parceiros do Revezamento da Tocha olímpica, dos Jogos Olímpicos, do COI e/ou do Movimento Olímpico. Cerimônias de Abertura e Encerramento: A parte do revezamento que ocorrerá durante as cerimônias de abertura e encerramento dos Jogos faz parte dos direitos exclusivos concedidos aos RHBs e qualquer transmissão pelos Non-RHBs deve ser realizada em observância às Novas Leis de Acesso do COI. Terms of Use Rights Holding Broadcasters (RHBs): RHBs may broadcast the Olympic torch relay in Brazil, on a nonexclusive basis, in accordance with the terms of their respective media rights agreement with the IOC. Non-Rights Holding Broadcasters (Non-RHBs): Non-RHBs may broadcast the Olympic torch relay in Brazil (with the exclusion of the opening and closing ceremonies), on a non-exclusive basis, for a maximum of 36 hours after the event. Any such broadcast must be positioned as news only and not to create, or be positioned as, Olympic torch relay focused programming.

No commercial/promotional association is permitted with the coverage of the Olympic torch relay. In particular, broadcast of the Olympic torch relay may not (i) be sponsored or otherwise be associated in any way to give the impression that Non-RHBs and/or any unauthorized entities and/or products are linked to or associated to the Olympic torch relay, the Olympic Games, the IOC and/or the Olympic Movement and (ii) imply, suggest or represent Non-RHBs as being official rights holding broadcasters and/or partners of the Olympic torch relay, the Olympic Games, the IOC and/or the Olympic Movement. Opening and Closing ceremonies: The part of the torch relay occurring during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games is part of the exclusive rights granted to RHBs and any broadcast by Non-RHBs must comply with the IOC News Access Rules. Sala de imprensa LATEST TWEETS Tweets