UPP in Rio de Janeiro: game changer?

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Citizen Security: Progress and Challenges UPP in Rio de Janeiro: game changer?. Mauricio Moura Wilson Center Brazil Institute March, 2014

Some facts... Source: Center for Security and Citizenship Brazil is one the most violent countries in the world; 1.2 million people killed during the last 30 years; 27.1 homicides per 100,000 residents. 7th worst most violent nation; Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, Macapa, Curitiba, Goiania, Recife, Cuiaba, Sao Luis, Vitoria, Fortaleza, Manaus, Joao Pessoa and Maceio are among the top 50 most violent cities in the world (by homicide rate criteria).

City of Rio de Janeiro is still a dangerous place... Source: Rio s State Government 1,209 homicides in 2012 24 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2012 Rio de Janeiro is the home of three very dangerous/known criminal/drug-dealers organizations in the country

However...UPP s have been improving the statistics (State and City of Rio de Janeiro) Beginning of the pacification Source: Blog: http://oagenteprincipal.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/mais-upps-e-menos-mortes/ <accessed on 18/03/2014 >

Homicide rates in the city of Rio de Janeiro and resident population in pacified communities Number of municipality deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fatality rate Affected population Source: Blog: http://oagenteprincipal.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/mais-upps-e-menos-mortes/ <accessed on 18/03/2014 >

We asked the people about the UPP s... Communities: (Adeus/ Baiana; Alemão; Andaraí; Babilônia/Chapéu Mangueira; Batan; Borel; Chatuba; Cidade de Deus; Coroa/Fallet/Fogueteiro; Escondidinho/Prazeres; Fazendinha; Formiga; Jacarezinho; Macacos; Mangueira/Tuiuti; Manguinhos; Nova Brasília; Parque Proletário; Pavão-Pavãozinho/Cantagalo; Providência; Rocinha; Salgueiro; Santa Marta; São Carlos; São João/Matriz/Quieto; Tabajaras/Cabritos; Turano; Vidigal e Vila Cruzeiro.) Dates (two waves): September 2011 and January 2013 Number of interviews- 3,816 in 2011 and 5.200 in 2013 (3,285 in the communities and 1,915 in the surround areas)

Rio de Janeiro UPP locations number of police officers number of residents date Morro do Batam 106 feb/2009 45,000 Morro São João 200 jan/2011 6,000 Morro do Macaco 215 nov/2010 27,000 Morro da Providência 179 feb/2011 7,000 Cidade de Deus 344 feb/2009 45,000 Morro Turano 176 sep/2009 18,000 Morro do Salgueiro 138 sep/2010 5,000 Morro da Formiga 102 jul/2010 5,000 Morro do Andaraí 214 jul/2010 13,000 Morro do Borel 214 jul/2010 13,000 Morro Santa Marta 112 dec/2008 10,000 Morro São Carlos 241 may/2011 17,000 Morro dos Prazeres 206 feb/2011 13,000 Morro Coroa/Fallet 206 feb/2011 13,000 Morro Babilônia / Chapéu Mangueira 96 jun/2009 10,000 Morro Cantagalo / Pavão-Pavãozinho 176 dec/2009 13,000 Morro Tabajaras / Cabritos Source: UPP diagnostic survey conducted by Ideia Inteligência, Endeavor and Secretary of Labor and Employment - Government of Rio. Source: Prefeitura Municipal e Secretaria de Segurança do October Rio de 2011. Janeiro All / Instituto Rights Reserved. Pereira Passos / Site UPPRJ 131 jan/2010 7,000

Rio de Janeiro UPP locations number of police officers number of residents date Fé/Sereno 170 Jun/2012 35.740 Vila Cruzeiro 300 Ago/2012 17.170 Alemão 320 Maio/2012 15.094 Chatuba 230 Jun/2012 10.205 Parque Proletário 220 Ago/2012 18.661 Fazendinha 314 Abr/2012 12.399 Rocinha 310 Set/2012 17.085 Nova Brasília 340 Abr/2012 28.661 Adeus/Baiana 245 Maio/2012 4.354 Source: Prefeitura Municipal e Secretaria de Segurança do Rio de Janeiro / Instituto Pereira Passos / Site UPPRJ Vidigal 246 Jan/2012 10.372

Rio de Janeiro UPP locations number of police officers number of residents date Fé/Sereno 170 Jun/2012 35.740 Vila Cruzeiro 300 Ago/2012 17.170 Alemão 320 Maio/2012 15.094 Chatuba 230 Jun/2012 10.205 Manguinhos 588 Jan/2013 22.937 Parque Proletário 220 Ago/2012 18.661 Jacarezinho 543 Jan/2013 30.037 Fazendinha 314 Abr/2012 12.399 Rocinha 310 Set/2012 17.085 Nova Brasília 340 Abr/2012 28.661 Adeus/Baiana 245 Maio/2012 4.354 Source: Prefeitura Municipal e Secretaria de Segurança do Rio de Janeiro / Instituto Pereira Passos / Site UPPRJ Vidigal 246 Jan/2012 10.372

How do you feel about security/safety after the UPP installation (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 January 2013 September 2011 57 2.1 7.2 33.6 Worse Neither better or worse Better Don't Know 66.8 4.1 4.7 24.4

Public security/safety in community after the UPP installation (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 Don't Know Worse Neither better nor worse Better 1.5 2 4 3 1.3 0.8 1.6 4.1 4 1.7 8.7 3.5 8 9.3 2 4.7 2 1.3 7.5 8.7 3.5 4 6.3 5.6 4.7 4.5 11.5 10 14.9 16.1 5.5 6.3 14.5 21.2 24 46.1 30.7 28.3 44.7 30 34 43.5 37.5 83 65.3 83.5 52.6 89.6 81 69.2 60 80.3 62.3 53 47.8 80 53.9 61.5 50 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 Andaraí Babilônia/ Chapéu Mangueira Batan Borel Cidade de Deus Coroa/ Fallet/ Fogueteiro Escondidinho/ Prazeres Formiga Source: Question. P5. In your opinion, the public security in your community/neighborhood, after the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) Base : RESIDENTS Communities: January/13 = 3.285; September/11 = 3816 interviews.

Public security/safety in community after the UPP installation (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 Don't Know Worse Neither better nor worse Better 3.6 0.7 5.5 5.3 7 6.4 15.3 5.5 8 6 25.5 28 25.3 27.4 28.5 0.7 7.3 32 6 3.6 2 0.7 3.3 6.4 16 16 40 31.6 9.8 12.5 2.2 2 3.3 3.5 3.4 4 4 2 0.7 3 4.5 5.3 12.6 24 25.9 23 40 53.3 51 26.1 44.3 64.5 55.6 61 61.3 59.7 60 56 60 78.4 80 33.3 41.1 43.5 58 67.2 72 70.5 54 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 Macacos Pavão- Pavãozinho/ Cantagalo Providência Salgueiro Santa Marta São Carlos São João/ Matriz/ Quieto Tabajaras/ Cabritos Turano Source: Question. P5. In your opinion, the public security in your community/neighborhood, after the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) Base : RESIDENTS Communities: January/13 = 3.285; September/11 = 3816 interviews.

Life after UPP s installation and (%) Better Neither better nor worse Worse Don t Know - 55,9 35,2 6,6 2,3-61,0 34,9 1,8 2,3 0.8 2.6 4.1 4.8 8 1.7 2.5 3.1 5.6 14.9 9.3 2.7 6.7 6.7 3.8 8.5 4.3 1 2.9 1.9 5.3 8.7 21.5 31.5 42.1 29.5 28 31.1 34.6 48.1 34.7 30.7 40 37.3 44.4 38.3 39.1 25 18.9 49.4 64.4 45.2 57.3 57.9 85.1 74.4 66.7 60 69.3 53.3 56 63.2 47.9 47.8 61.5 75 81.1 Adeus/ Baiana Alemão Andaraí Babilônia/ Chapéu Mangueira Batan Borel Chatuba Cidade de Deus Coroa/ Fallet/ Fogueteiro Escondidinho/ Prazeres Source: Question. P4. In your opinion, your life in this community, after UPP: Base RESIDENTS: = 3.285 interviews and = 1.915 interviews.

Life after UPP s installation and (%) Better Neither better nor worse Worse Don t Know - 55,9 35,2 6,6 2,3-61,0 34,9 1,8 2,3 5.3 46.7 66.7 1.3 2.7 5 5.7 1.4 7.3 1.3 0.7 22.7 10 13.9 3.8 2.8 1.3 10 4.7 3.3 1.3 6.8 1.4 1.3 3.9 5.3 8 4 8 20 15.1 23.3 19.7 32 50.7 36 35 29.9 41.9 26.7 34.7 64 31.3 48 33.3 76 46.7 50 72.9 55.3 55.6 78.3 24.7 40.7 63.3 50 75 60 53.3 Fazendinha Fé/ Sereno Formiga Jacarezinho Macacos MangueiraManguinhosNv Brasília Pq Proletário Pavão Source: Question. P4. In your opinion, your life in this community, after UPP: Base RESIDENTS: = 3.285 interviews and = 1.915 interviews.

Life after UPP installation and (%) Better Neither better nor worse Worse Don t Know - 55,9 35,2 6,6 2,3-61,0 34,9 1,8 2,3 3.3 0.8 1 6 7.1 0.7 2.7 3.3 1.7 8.4 1.2 1.3 6 6 2.4 11.1 6.7 1.7 2.5 1.3 1.3 0.7 1.2 15.1 23.8 16.7 33.1 29.5 23.3 3.3 36 41 29.9 33.3 36.1 48 42 44.6 46.7 59.7 25.4 44.4 67.9 57.3 52.4 66.1 75.2 70.5 80 73.3 41.1 45 53.8 28.4 61.3 49.3 51.3 57.7 40.3 64.2 51.8 Providência Rocinha Salgueiro Santa Marta São Carlos São João Tabajaras Turano Vidigal Vila Cruzeiro Source: Question. P4. In your opinion, your life in this community, after UPP: Base RESIDENTS: = 3.285 interviews and = 1.915 interviews.

How about the number of the UPP s police officers (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 January 2013 September 2011 9 11.4 4.7 21.6 53.4 Source: Question. P6. Do you consider the number of police officers of UPP (Pacifying Police Unit): Base : RESIDENTS Communities: January/13 = 3.285; September/11 = 3816 interviews.

How do you feel about the UPP police officer s training? (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 January 2013 September 2011 6.2 16 8.4 23.1 46.4

Training of the UPP s police officers (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 Don't Know Very poor trained Poor trained Well trained Very well trained 12.5 15.3 13.5 5.5 10 5 14.5 25 30 1.3 9.2 63.2 9.6 1.2 14 3.3 6.6 20.7 18 11.2 22 12 13 2.7 4.7 28 31.4 19.8 6.6 35.8 25.5 6 30 34.8 10.9 1.3 17 10.5 17 4.5 5 10 42.1 29.5 23.8 7.5 26.3 65.2 21.7 61 65.3 63.5 51 37.6 56 46.5 41.5 40.7 31.1 46.1 36.3 37.5 32.6 26.3 6 4 6 10 11.2 4.1 1.3 4.3 6.6 1 5 7 6.3 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 Andaraí Babilônia/ Chapéu Mangueira Batan Borel Cidade de Deus Coroa/ Fallet/ Fogueteiro Escondidinho/ Prazeres Formiga Source: Question. P7. Regarding the preparation of the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) police you consider: Base : RESIDENTS Communities: January/13 = 3.285; September/11 = 3816 interviews.

Training of UPP s police officers (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 Don't Know Very poor trained Poor trained Well trained Very well trained 4.9 2.9 1 1.1 2.8 8 8.7 7 2.7 5.3 15.5 18 2.7 18.4 19.2 11.4 16.8 0.7 17.8 3.5 13.4 11.4 9.3 16 24 23.5 2.5 4 10 3.5 4.4 1.5 22.7 11.9 13.4 11.6 28.5 18.5 30 36 8.7 17.6 9.1 26.7 21 54.9 25 29.9 25.9 55.2 26.7 27.2 25.4 31.1 51.2 76.7 56 41 50.7 44.5 55.6 56 58.7 38.2 53.3 30.3 33.2 38.7 37.5 37.5 37 29.5 20 22.9 6.4 9 11.9 8.8 12 11.3 2 5.6 4.5 4.4 1.3 5.5 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 sept/11 jan/13 Macacos Pavão- Pavãozinho/ Cantagalo Providência Salgueiro Santa Marta São Carlos São João/ Matriz/ Quieto Tabajaras/ Cabritos Turano Source: Question. P7. Regarding the preparation of the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) police you consider: Base : RESIDENTS Communities: January/13 = 3.285; September/11 = 3816 interviews.

Corruption and UPP s police officers (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 42.6 jan/13 set/11 sept/11 23 19.2 10.6 10.3 7.7 8.1 5.3 4.6 11.8 7.2 6.7 5.1 2.9 5 5.7 6 3.7 7.2 6.9 0.1 0.3 (2 9) - some involvement Source: P.8) Now thinking about the UPP involvement in corruption, what score would you give in 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest score and meaning no involvement and 10 the highest score, meaning full involvement. What score would you give? Base: RESIDENTS : January/13 = 3.285; September/11 = 3816 interviews.

What is bad about the UPP s? (%) Source: Question. P9. What is the UPP`s main weakness in your community? Base: Residents in the community: 3.285 interviews.

Knowledge about other social programs and Government s initiatives after UPP s (%) Source: Question. P13. Do you know other programs or government s initiatives which began after the UPP entry in your community? Base: residents: 3.285 interviews.

Overall opinion of programs and initiatives implemented in community (%) Jan/2013 vs Sept/2011 January 2013 September 2011 Source: Question. P13b. Could you tell me if this program implemented in your community after the entry of the UPP is great, good, regular, bad or very bad? Base: RESIDENTS Communities: Know other programs or government s initiatives : January/13 = 685; September/11 = 955 interviews.

What do you think about the UPP s future? and (%) Should be in more communities and neighborhoods of the city Should stay just where they are now and not be extended Should end Don t Know - 74,3 10,2 8,0 7,5-83,1 10,8 3,1 3,0 Source: Question. P11. Which of these statements comes closest to your opinion about the UPPs: Base RESIDENTS: Communities = 3.285 interviews and = 1.915 interviews.

UPP s: permanent or temporary? and (%) Source: Question. P10. Do you believe that the UPP is : Base RESIDENTS: Communities = 3.285 interviews and = 1.915 interviews.

What is your opinion about the UPP s? and (%) The UPP s is just marketing, it doesn t really work It has some problems but it is the best thing that ever happened on public security in Rio Don t Know - 21,9 68,2 9,9-13,8 82,8 3,4 Source: Question. P12. And these other sentences, which of them is closest to your opinion about the UPPs : Base RESIDENTS: Communities = 3.285 interviews and = 1.915 interviews.

Key points... Brazil is really a dangerous and violent place. Facts are facts. City of Rio de Janeiro has improved public security after the UPP s. Game changer? Residents really think UPP s make life better and safer. For them, it is certainly a game changer. There is uncertainty about the future of the UPP s. Short-term or long-term game changer? To be answered...

Key points.. Thanks / Obrigado!!! mjmoura@gwmail.gwu.edu and mmoura@fas.harvard.edu