THE INFINITIVE. O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo e pode aparecer com ou sem a partícula to.

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THE INFINITIVE O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo e pode aparecer com ou sem a partícula to. Usa-se o infinitivo sem to: Após os verbos anômalos, os verbos auxiliares do e will e os verbos make e let. I can swim. Do you like coffe? Let me go. Após as conjunções but e except. I will do nothing but cry. Após had better (seria aconselhável, melhor, devia) e would rather (preferiria). You had better see a doctor. My mother would rather be at home on the weekends than go to the cinema. Os verbos de percepção see, hear, feel, watch podem ser seguidos de substantivo / pronome + infinitivo sem to ou de um verbo com a terminação ing. I heard someone call / calling your name. Usa-se o infinitivo com to: Após os verbos tell, invite, teach, remind, wish, disire, want. I want to go home. He told me to stop. Após as palavras too, enough, the last, the only, the first, the second, etc. We are too young to die. I was the first one to arrive. Após adjetivos. This exercise is difficult to do. Após pronomes interrogativos, exceto why. Please, tell me what to do. I confess that I don t know where to go. Why worry? Everything is fine. Para indicar objetivo, propósito. I came here to put an end in everything.

THE GERUND O gerúndio é uma forma verbal caracterizada pela terminação ing. Pode ser usado: como substantivo. Swimming is good to our health. The lack of planning caused a lot of unnecessary waiting. após preposições. She is tired of working. após come e go (quando indicarem atividade física ou recreativa). They went skiing last winter. após no, em mensagens curtas de proibição. No parking. No smoking. depois dos seguintes verbos e expressões: admit fancy stop avoid feel suggest can t stand finish practice can t help imagine resent consider involve resist continue it s no use risk detest it s worth deny keep need (sentido passivo) dislike like enjoy mind When need is used as the main verb, it can be followed by a present participle, as in The car needs washing, or by to be plus a past participle, as in The car needs to be washed. However, in some areas of the United States, especially western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio, many speakers omit to be and use just the past participle form, as in The car needs washed. This use of need with past participles is slightly more common in the British Isles, being particularly prevalent in Scotland.

Verbos seguidos de to + infinitivo ou gerúndio com mudança de significado. Remember Remember + to + infinitivo significa lembrarse de fazer algo que precisa e geralmente o faz. When I leave, don t remember to feed the dogs. Remember + gerúndio significa lembrar-se de ter feito algo no passado. I remember watching Moscow s Olympic Games when I was 5 years old.

Forget Forget + infinitivo significa esquecer-se de algo de algo que você quer fazer. Damn it! I forgot to buy my mother s gift. Forget + gerúndio significa esquecer do que se fez ou do que aconteceu. Did you forget sleeping while you were driving?

Try Try + infinitivo significa fazer esforço por, tentar algo difícil, e que você não consegue. I tried to find you yesterday, but you weren t anywhere! Where were you? Try + gerúndio significa provar, experimentar algo que não é difícil de alcançar o resultado que você quer. You should try using this new pair of sneakers.

Regret Regret + to + infinitivo é usado quando se lamenta o que vai informar (dar más notícias, geralmente com os verbos say, tell, inform). I regret to inform you, you are fired! Regret + gerúndio significa lamentar ter feito algo. I regret losing the football match on TV, but I had to wake up early the next day.

Stop Stop + to + infinitivo significa parar para fazer algo. I stopped to pick up the phone. Stop + gerúndio significa deixar de realizar uma ação (para sempre ou naquele momento. I stopped playing football. I hurt my leg last week.

Exercises (page 40) 1. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. a) It s important that she remember ( remember) what to do. b) I suggest that the students read (read) the directions carefully before the beginning of the exam. c) The tour guide insisted that the tourists always be(be) on time for breakfast. 2. Complete the following sentences using the subjunctive. a) It s a little difficult to find the public libraryi purpose / suggest that we walk(walk) together so that nobody gets lost. b) The dentist recommended that she reduce(reduce) his daily sugar intake. c) The sign at the hospital recommended that people not speak_ (speak) loud.
