FLAVIO JOSE Triathlete Profile

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FLAVIO JOSE Triathlete Profile

PROFILE Name: Flavio Duarte Jose City: São Caetano do Sul State: São Paulo Country: Brazil Education : Computer Engineering Languages : Portuguese English Spanish Athlete Since: 2005 1st Running: Dec 2005: São Silvestre 1st Triathlon: Mar 2007: Brazil Triathlon Trophy HISTORY Flavio Jose was born in São Paulo, Brazil. Graduated in Computer Engineering by São Judas Tadeu University in 2004. He worked with Technology Information for several years and always divided his time between family and a lot of sport since childhood. Flavio Jose divides his days between workouts, work and family. Always connected to the sport, the athlete started in football as a child, joining the track and street races in 2005. He made his first Triathlon in March 2007 and the following year won his first International podium at the Miami International Triathlon in 2008. His dedication placed him among the TOP6 in his first Triathlon Brazil Trophy Championship winning his first sponsorship in 2008, Dogo & Dogo. 2009 was marked by an excellent sponsorship, being one of the athletes selected by the Project "The Ativo.com will Sponsor You", this one where it took to him to have more expressive results. At the end of the project became athlete of great sports brands like New Balance and began to represent other brands like Aqua Sphere Swim and Santa Constância. With his knowledge in technology, he contributed to the expansion of the New Balance Brand in social media. After competing for 3 years at Short Distances (750m Swimming / 20km Cycle / 5km Racing) and Olympic Distance (1500/40/10), the athlete debuted his first IRONMAN 70.3 (1900/80/21) in Miami, Florida where he won the 19th place with only 10 seconds of the vacancy for the World Championship of IRONMAN 70.3.

The athlete obtained other good results in different national circuits, becoming TOP 3 in the Brazilian ranking of the Brazil Trophy. In 2011 the athlete was among the top 30 in three more IRONMAN 70.3 played in Orlando - USA, Penha - BRA and Miami - USA, in addition to adding another 7 titles throughout the year in different circuits. In 2013 a new goal was achieved, qualifying for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship in Las Vegas. In the same year he was Brazil Triathlon Trophy Champion. He made his first IRONMAN 140.6 in Brazil in May 2014 debuting with 10:05'55 "in the distance (3800/180/42). After a week of his first IRONAMN Flavio was Champion of the Brazil Triathlon Trophy. In the same year he received the Gold AWA (All World Athlete) TOP 1% in the World of Distances from IRONMAN among more than 14 thousand athletes. Several other titles and podiums were conquered in the following years. In September of 2015 he suffered an accident in an assault that broke his clavicle and almost took his life. After his recovery with an intensive treatment, Flavio Jose returned even stronger and completed his second IROMAN in November of 2016 in Panama City Beach in Florida, USA. Weeks after IM Florida, the athlete competed in a few more competitions, including two races in Miami, winning the 5th place in the Miami Man and becoming the Champion of the Turkey Triathlon and was selected for the United States National Championship in Omaha, Nebraska 2017.

Main Titles GOLD AWA Athlete - TOP 1% in the World for IRONMAN Distances by WTC World Triathlon Corporation Champion of Brazil Triathlon Trophy Long Distance National Team Olympic Comite and Brazilian Confederation Triathlon Vice Champion Duathlon IRONMAN Wolrd Championship 2013 Las Vegas National Team Best Brazilian Athlete and TOP 1% on IRONMAN World Championship TOP 10 Long Distance National Championships

Best Results 2016 Lugar Data Prova Local 5th May 15 Troféu BR Triathlon 2 SãoPaulo/SP 5th c* Dec 11 Troféu BR Triathlon 6 Santos/SP 5th Nov 13 Miami Man Miami/FL 1st Nov 26 Turkey Triathlon Coco. G./FL 2014 Lugar Data Prova Local 4th 23/Mar Troféu BR Triathlon 1a.Et Santos/SP 1st 01/Jun Troféu BR Triathlon 2a.Et SãoPaulo/SP 4th 14/Dez Troféu BR Triathlon Final Santos/SP 2013 Lugar Data Prova Local 1st 17/Mar Troféu BR Triathlon 1a.Et Santos/SP 4th 12/Mai Troféu BR Triathlon 2a.Et São Paulo/SP 14th 19/Mai IRONMAN 70.3 Florida Orlando/Florida 4th 23/Jun Troféu BR Triathlon 3a.Et São Paulo/SP 2nd 22/Set Troféu BR Triathlon 4a.Et Santos/SP 12nd 27/Out City Bikes IRONMAN 70.3 Miami /Florida 4th 08/Dez Troféu BR Triathlon Final Santos/SP

2012 3 rd M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon 2a.Et Olimpico USP / SP 3 rd M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon 3a.Et Olimpico USP / SP 4 th M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon 5a.Et Olimpico Santos /SP 2 nd M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon 2012 Olimpico Campeonato Santos /SP 2 nd Geral Corrida HP 5km Barueri / SP 2011 5 th M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon 1a.Et Santos / SP 3 rd M 30-34 Campeonato Paulista Aguas Abertas1a.Et São Bernardo / SP 3 rd M 30-34 Copa Brasil Fit Duathlon 1a.Et São Bernardo / SP 2 nd M 30-34 Copa Brasil Fit Duathlon 2a.Et São Bernardo / SP 2 nd M 30-34 Copa Brasil Fit Duathlon 2011 Campeonato São Bernardo / SP 3 rd M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon Et. Final Santos / SP 3 nd M 30-34 Troféu BR Triathlon 2011 Campeonato

2010 1 st Geral I Biathlon Aqua Fitness Aramaçan Santo Andre / SP 2 nd M 30-34 Copa Brasil Fit Duathlon 1ª. Etapa São Bernardo / SP 5 th M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon 2ª. Etapa Santos / SP 1 st M 30-34 Copa Brasil Fit Duathlon 2ª. Etapa Final São Bernardo / SP 1 st M 30-34 Copa Brasil Fit Duathlon Campeonato São Bernardo / SP 4 th M 30-34 6º GPI Triathlon 2010 Balneario Camboriú/SC 3 rd M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon 3ª. Etapa Santos / SP 3 rd M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon 4ª. Etapa Santos / SP 19 th M 30-34 IRONMAN MIAMI 70.3 Miami / Frorida 3 th M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon Campeonato São Paulo, Santos / SP 2 nd M 30-34 Short Distance Pirasununga Pirassununga / SP 7 th M 30-60 I Campeonato Inter Estadual de Triatlo Brotas / SP 2009 1 st M 30-34 Troféu São Paulo de Triatlo SPTri Campeonato Federação 1 st M 30-34 Fast Triathlon Experience São Paulo/SP 2 nd M 30-34 Troféu São Paulo de Triatlo SPTri 2ª. Etapa São Paulo/SP 4 th M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon Campeonato Brasil 7 th M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon 5ª. Etapa Santos/SP

2008 1 st 3 rd M 30-34 Geral Duathlon Brasil Fit 1ª. Et Taubaté/SP 3 rd M 30-34 MIT Miami International Triathlon Miami/Frorida 3 rd M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon 3a. Etapa Goiania/SP 5 th M 30-34 SP Open de Biathlon 2ª. Etapa Santos/SP 5 th M 30-34 SP Open de Biathlon 3ª. Etapa Santos/SP 4 th M 30-34 SP Open de Biathlon Campeonato Santos/SP 3 rd M 30-34 SP Open de Biathlon Campeonato Santos/SP 3 rd M 30-24 6 km Assessoria Run & Fun São Paulo/SP 6 th M 30-34 Troféu Brasil de Triathlon Campeonato Brasil 2007 1 st M 25-29 Torneio de Atletismo Aramaçan (3,2km/ 75m/ Salto) Santo André/SP 2 nd Geral Torneio Atletismo Aramaçan (Rev 4 160) Santo André/SP 3 rd Sócio 10 km Aramaçan Santo André/SP 3 rd M 20-29 6 km Assessoria Run & Fun São Paulo/SP 2006 1 st M 25-29 1 st Geral Torneio de Atletismo Aramaçan (3,2km/ 75m/ Salto Distância) Torneio Atletismo Aramaçan (Revezamento 4 160) Santo Andre/SP Santo Andre/SP

Some Podiums

Passion for the sport "I want to continue evolving and conquering my space between the various National and International high-performance Triathletes. I want to influence the greatest number of athletes and new talents for the next few years. Thank you for giving me health and so many opportunities in life. I feel compelled to reciprocate with a lot of Discipline and Dedication. The previous years have been brilliant with many achievements but I am extremely competitive and want much more in the coming seasons in search of being among the best athletes of IROMNAN of the World competing in the IRONMAN World Championship in Hawaii Contact E-Mail: fjose@flaviojosetri.com