streamline to formalize Loans between there is no formal agreement, like a

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1 The Problem: million Brazilians are indebted or delinquent at Banks, reports SERASA, it corresponds to 53% of the economically active population in Brazil. So, friends and relatives becomes the only option to have a "credit line" through informal loans usually done by "hand shaking. Mutual contracts (Loans) among individuals it s a kind of legal loan in Brazil, but, only available on paper. P2P Lending like model is almost impossible in Brazil because of rigid Brazilian financial system Laws. In this kind of agreement, the Does not exist an application on the greatest difficulties are the collection market that helps to control and and misunderstandings because streamline to formalize Loans between there is no formal agreement, like a individuals in Brazil trully as Lending legal contract, between the parties. P2P. indebted Brazilians are already nearly 60 million

2 Lend money with legal interest to your friends and let the collection with us! Is easy, safe and cheap! Top 40 Best Fintech Start-Up, Bradesco Bank Finalist at Fintech Venture Days, Santander Bank

3 The solution: 24 We develop an Mobile application to control and streamline Mutual Contracts (Loans), presuming legal interest, available before only on physically paper, enabling individuals to make and control their Loans between friends and relatives with Public Faith, fulfilling all the formalities of the Central Bank, Brazilian Civil Code and Income tax, with most Security through Insurance and impersonality collection. We were invited by DEBAN s Director (Department of Banking Operations and Payment System of Central Bank of Brazil) and DENOR (Department of Norms and Financial System Regulation) to presenting Mutual in person and, according to them, We re able to offer our services because Mutual Works in adherence to Central Bank standards. They'll send us it formally by letter, We did a formal ask.

4 The app

5 Mutual contracts have legal Faith and public trust because is signed digitally by Certisign E- CNPJ receiving our "Time stamp" integrated to National Observatory, that provide the Brazilian official time according the Law nº 2.784, and ordinance No. 293 of

6 Borrowers Profile: Men and Women aged from 18 to 50 years Without access to credit Banking With income from R$328,00 to R$1.128,00 21 Friends in common on Facebook People near from you GPS Position Friends of friends

7 Investors Profile: Men and Women aged from 18 to 50 years access to credit Banking With income from R$2.500,00 to R$15.500,00 Friends in common on Facebook People near from you GPS Position Friends of friends

8 Intermediation: 19 Bank slip from financial institution through Payments Arrangements regulated by the Central Bank From individual To Individual Payments Arrangements

9 Payments Arrangements CNPJ/Bank Account 18 Borrowers Investors Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Social Security/ Bank Account Payments Arrangements

10 Payments Arrangements Flow 17 Borrower Social Security Create your Loan of R$1.000,00 at 12x and forward to Investor CPF/Social Security Investor Social Security 321 Accept the Loan Iugu Payments 3 Generate the Bank slip of R$1.000,00 for the Lender CPF/Social Security 321 in the name of Borrower CPF/Social Security 123 Investor Social Security Pay the Bank Slip 5 Iugu receive the payment and transfer R$1.000,00 to the Borrower CPF/Social Security 123 account up to 3 days.

11 How we receive our fee (collection Service) 16 Iugu Payments 1 Generate 12 Collection Bank Slips and forward to Borrower CPF/Social Security 123 Borrower Social Security Pay your first Bank Slip of 12 of R$97,83 (R$1.000,00 + R$120,00) /12 + R$4,50 (Bank Slip) = R$97,83 12% Interest/year. 2,00% (R$20,00) Iugu Payments 3 Receive the payment and retains R$4,50 (Iugu fare) and, if it were the first payment, Iugu transfer 2% (R$20,00) of the loan (R$1.000,00) to Mutual Account as Upfront Payment for collection service hired. The rest of the amount is transfered to the Lender account. 5 Lender Social Security 321 Lender receives R$73,33 in your Bank Account and the next payments, will receive R$93,33, totalling in 12 months: R$1.099,96 (10% interest) 4


13 Market Size Informal Loans (outside banks) just in C class MILLIONS BRAZILIANS Up to 4x Monthly 15% DO INFORMAL LOANS Average ticket 500 Reais 338 BILLIONS REAIS INFORMAL LOANS PER YEAR 777 MILLIONS LOANS MONTHLY Survey of 3,500 people in 150 municipalities - Data Folha em 03/05/2015 Source:


15 Monetization: 12 Optional Collection Service Investor pay 2% of loan value Mutual manages extra judicial collection, automating the recurring billing applying the appropriate fines and legal interest.

16 Monetization: 11 Optional Judicial collection Investor pay 10% of loan value Borrower pay 30% of honorarium fee Mutual manages Judicial collection in partnership with a law firm and refund 10% to Investor when Borrower pays the lawsuit

17 Monetization: 10 Optional Report delinquents to SERASA R$ 15,00 Investors can report delinquents Borrowers to SERASA with 15 days past due, influencing your Credit Rating. Mutual Purchase cost: R$9,90

18 Monetization: Optional Insurance Borrower pay 9% 9 of Loan value Borrowers has the option to purchase at Mutual App a Insurance with savings bond include, that cost 9% of the Mutual Contract (Loan). In case of death or permanent disability, the debt of the Borrower is settled and also concur to 20 thousand reais for 1 year. Mutual Purchase cost: R$ 3,04

19 Monetization: 8 Optional Credit Analysis R$ 15,00 All users can "enrich" their profiles displaying your Market Risk Score into Mutual App and receive a full report about all yours debits and restrictions, if there are any at SERASA. Mutual Purchase cost: R$7,50

20 Market positioning 7 Financial Banking Institution Lending P2P Financial Correspondent Banking Payments Gateways

21 Mutual x LendingClub 6 Country EUA Brazil Helds for Wells Fargo Bank - Investors Interest Earnings Up to 8.4% / Year Up to 19% / Year* Service Charge Rate 1%/year of Loan 0%/year of Loan Collection Fee Loan protection insurance Responsible for Miss payments and loans become late Up to 35% of amount recovered (opt) 2% of Loan (Opt) - 9% of Loan (Opt) Borrowers and Investors Borrowers and Investors *12% inside Mutual Contract as legal Interest and 7% as commission outside Mutual Contract for the Borrower has bought a Assurance.

22 Easy Understanding BOTTOM UP 5 Borrower Ticket R$1.000,00 Loan R$120,00 for Interest (12%/Year) R$90,00 for Insurance Protection** R$54,00 for Payment Gateway*** Investor Ticket R$1.000,00 borrowed R$120,00 Interest earns (12%) R$70,00 Insurance comission R$20,00 Collection Service Mutual Ticket R$20,00 Insurance comission R$20,00 Collection Service 26,4% R$1.264,00 Loan cost 17% R$1.170,00 Earns 4% R$40,00 Earns *Mutual must pay 6% tax under Collection Service to the Government. **Capemisa Insurance Protection up to R$13.5k with savings bond include real cost: R$ 3,04 ***Iugu Payments charges: R$2,50 per Bank Slip and R$2,00 for Payout to the Bank Account.

23 Stage: Developing Schedule Project Status: 89% 4 Google Play at: 19/07

24 Channels and Market Strategy With Budget entrepreneurs 3 20k 2º semester k 1º quarter º quarter 2017 Goal 1: 100k users Goal 2: 10k Loans of 1k Acquisition cost Market Fit Build metrics Goal 1: 15% of Convertion Goal 2: 100% Growth Scale and traction Marketing Positioning New sources of revenue Goal 1: 20% of Convertion Goal 2: 300% Growth Scale and traction Marketing Positioning internationalize Facebook Ads 5k Google Adwords 5k Press Relations 5k Growth Hacking 5k Facebook Ads 30k Google Adwords 20k Press Relations 5k Growth Hacking 5k Facebook Ads 5% GR Google Adwords 5% GR Press Relations 5k Growth Hacking 1% 10k Loans / GR: 400k 30k Loans / GR: 1.2MM 120k Loans / GR: 48MM GR: Gross Revenue 100k users 200k users 600k users

25 Organic growth 2 Send a free consultation to serasa to your friends Receive a report about your debts Promotional code

26 Team: 1 Leonardo Rebitte, CEO; serial entrepreneur, graduated from FGV in IT Management with HR Professional qualification and Project Management MBA from PUC-RIO. CRA-RJ member (Regional Board of Administration of Rio de Janeiro City) with 20-year experience in IT, Assurance, Collection Service and Banking, implementing technologies, processes and managing projects for: Citibank, American Express, Volkswagen. Embratel and Portugal Telecom. João Ferreira, CTO, graduated in IT and System Analisys developer management MBA from PUC- RIO. Ninja at Java, Rails, Android, ios, Backend Webservices platforms, with 20-year experience developing to Brazilian Air Force. Leonardo Mundim, Consultor; Advogado especializado em Direito Imobiliário. Conselheiro da OAB/DF, Presidente atual da Comissão de Direito Imobiliário da OAB/DF, Professor de Direito Civil e Direito Imobiliário em cursos de graduação (UniCEUB), curso de pós-graduação (IDP) e cursos de extensão (ESA/DF), Pós-graduado em Análise da Constitucionalidade, e aluno especial do Mestrado em Direito, Estado e Constituição, ambos pela UnB, Autor de 28 artigos jurídicos publicados em revistas especializadas nacionais, Outorgado com a medalha da Ordem do Mérito Judiciário do TJDFT, na categoria Alta Distinção, Ex-Procurador do Banco Central do Brasil e Ex-Assessor Especial na Advocacia-Geral do Senado Federal.

27 Features: Configurar o Contrato de Mútuo 0 Valor, Parcelas, Juros legais, Data de Vencimento Direcionar e Controlar Contratos de Mútuos Workflow de aprovações Notificações inapp Envio do contrato digital para as partes com Fé Pública Chat, o combinado não sai caro. Controlar Pagamentos Integrado a Iugu para emitir e realizar baixa dos boletos pagos automaticamente Corrigir boletos em atraso com Multa de 2% e Juros de 0,033% ao dia automaticamente Segunda via dos boletos Serviço para Cobrança e negativação Funil automatizado de Cobrança por e InApp Cobrança Extra Judicial por telefone Contensioso com escritório de Advocacia Opcional Protesto de títulos junto a SERASA - Opcional Consulta ao Score Serasa Índice de relacionamento com o mercado / Risco de Inadimplência Seguro Prestamista opcional Com Título de Capitalização que sorteia 20k/mês durante 12 meses Em caso morte ou invalidez permanente, indenização de até R$13.500,00 para quitar o Mútuo

28 Thank you! Mutual is not my first, second or third Start-Up and that can sounds strange but, do sales is not our first priority, we'll get there, it's inevitable. From lessons learned, I don't believe in build and they will come is too much risk, I believe in Product/Market Fit through customer discovery, development and validation. Although that exist P2P Lending validated like Lendingclub and Prosper, Mutual Start-Up is different, is another public, made from a different way and under strict brazilian financial system laws.

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