Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

St. James R.C. Church December 30,

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

St. James R.C. Church October 15, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

SANTO CHRISTO PARISH Established in 1892 ~ Mother Church of Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese


St. James R.C. Church October 21, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Annual Parish Picnic Saturday, August 13, 2016 At Tomahawk Lake Water Park Sparta, NJ SAVE THE DAY

Forth Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent. St. James R.C. Church December 17, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am


St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church December 31,

St. James R.C. Church June 3,

St. James R.C. Church December 16,

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 31,

St. James R.C. Church November 5, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 24,

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent. Christmas Concert CandleLight Carol Sing

St. James R.C. Church December 23,

St. James R.C. Church June 11,

Epiphany of the Lord. St. James R.C. Church January 06, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church September 3, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

O grupo de terço Nª Sª das Graças convida a todos para rezarem o terço, todas as terças-feiras às 8:00pm, na sala Nª Sª Aparecida.

On December 1 & 2, we will have the second collection for Retirement Collection for the Religious. Please be generous as always.


Mother Church of the Portuguese Parishes in the Fall River Diocese Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik CHAPLAIN-IN-RESIDENCE Rev. Jason Brilhante PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR Osvaldo Pacheco OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tue., Wed. & Thurs. 7:30AM 2:30PM TELEPHONES Rectory 508-676-1184 Fax Number 508-676-9701 Faith Formation Office 508-675-3007 Baptisms First Sunday of the Month (Portuguese). Second Sunday of the Month (English) EUCHARIST Saturday 4:00PM (Portuguese) Sunday 8:00AM (Portuguese) 9:30AM (English) 12:00PM (Portuguese) Daily (In Chapel) Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 8:00AM (No Mass on Thurs.) Holy Day Parents should call the office at 508-676-1184. For information about the preparation & schedule. WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE PORTUGUESE PARISHES IN THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER The Santo Christo Parish Community opens wide its doors to you. We hope that you feel at home and among family. Our wish is that you might feel your time among us prayerful, inspiring and uplifting. If you have been away from the Church for a time, we rejoice that you have decided to be with us today. If you are a separated or divorced Catholic, please know that you belong here, that you are and always will be a member of the Church family. If you are divorced and remarried, and wish to annul your first marriage, please ask the Parish Priest to explain the procedure to you. Feeling a part of Church family is very important, and if you are interested in joining this parish community, we would be honored to support you in making that decision. 8:00AM (Portuguese) 5:30PM (English) Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 3:00-3:45PM or anytime by appointment We welcome new parishioners. Please register at the office, or after Mass in the Sacristy. Matrimony We welcome the opportunity to help you prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage. Please contact the office at 508-676-1184 at least 6 months before the intended wedding date. Sacraments of Initiation All who are interested in learning more about the Faith of the Church, please call 508-676-1184 for information. Healing For Our Sick Please call 508-676-1184 when a family member or friend is ill. Our Eucharistic Ministers bring Communion to the homebound of our Parish. -1405 Website: Email:

- 1 DE NOVEMBRO DIA SANTO / TODOS OS SANTOS HORÁRIO DAS MISSAS NA IGREJA - 2 DE NOVEMBRO DIA DOS FIÉIS DEFUNTOS HORÁRIO DAS MISSAS NA IGREJA NOVEMBRO: MÊS DOS FIÉIS DEFUNTOS já partiram deste mundo, não só no dia 2, mas durante todo o mês de Novembro. Escrevam as intenções no envelope próprio, e entreguem-no nas Eucaristias de 3ª ou 4ª feiras. Dai-lhes, Senhor, o eterno descanso. OCTOBER 30, 2016 ANGARIAÇÃO DE FUNDOS PARA A PARÓQUIA PRÓXIMO SÁBADO, ÀS 7PM JANTAR PAROQUIAL COM DJ JOE BORGES Ementa: Sopa, Torresmos, Debulho e Galinha Bilhetes à venda à saida das Missas FORMAÇÃO DE ACÓLITOS A formação para novos acólitos (meninos e meninas) que já receberam a 1ª Comunhão, começa no próximo Domingo 6, 13 e 20 de Novembro às 9AM na Igreja, seguida da Eucaristia Dominical. P No próximo Sábado à noite, os relógios ATRASAM uma hora. 2 SOCIEDADE DE SÃO VICENTE DE PAULO A Sociedade Paroquial de S. Vicente de Paulo pede à Comunidade ajuda para melhor servir os mais necessitados - nas Festas que se aproximam. Aceitam-se comidas enlatadas e empacotadas e donativos em dinheiro neste ministério de Caridade Organizada. Verifique se o seu telephone está desligado durante a celebração da Missa. Obrigado. CALENDÁRIOS 2016 À entrada da Igreja oferta à Paróquia da Agência Funerária Oliveira, que sinceramente agradecemos. 3ªFEIRA, 8 DE NOVEMBRO DIA DE ELEIÇÕES Não deixe que outros tomem decisões por si! O seu voto é a sua Voz!! O seu voto é o seu Futuro!! Vote 3ªfeira - 8 de Novembro CAMPANHA DE ROPAS DE INVERNO PARA CRIANÇAS E ADULTOS: TERMINA NESTE FIM DE SEMANA Casacos, chapéus de inverno, luvas e cachecóis para crianças da pre-escola até ao grau 6 que frequentam diferentes escolas em Fall River. As roupas não precisam de ser novas, simplesmente que estejam em boas condições. Embora a campanha é para ajudar crianças escolares a terem agasalhos de inverno, agasalhos de crianças que ainda não estejam na escola e de adultos também são aceites. Esta não é uma campanha de Natal, é simplesmente uma campanha de inverno q r q st q 1 s1s2 3 4q s5 661 7 s81qs7 613 r 66 9276 101 1076❶

THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 1 ST HOLY DAY / ALL SAINTS DAY MASSES IN CHURCH 8AM Portuguese 5:30PM English WEDNSDAY - NOVEMBER 2 ND MASSES IN CHURCH 8AM Portuguese 5:30PM English NOVEMBER: COMMEMORATION OF ALL SOULS All are invited to join in honoring the memory of all our faithful departed. Please join in prayer at our Masses Nov 2 & all of November, and deposit your All Souls Envelopes with names of your beloved deceased this Tuesday or Wednsday at Mass. May God grant eternal rest to all departed. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Our St. Vincent de Paul Society requests donations of canned goods & non-perishables or cash contributions for the needy of our Church Community. This will help care for those in need during the Holiday Season. Thank you for supporting this most worthwhile ministry. Please be sure that your cellphones are turned off or put into silent mode during the celebration of the Mass. Thank You. FUNDRAISERS FOR OUR PARISH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 AT 7PM PARISH DINNER WITH DJ JOE BORGES Tickets may be purchased at end of all Masses ALTAR SERVER TRAINING We are recruiting new Altar Servers for our parish. Children who have received first Holy Communion are eligible. Training sessions will be on the Sundays, November 6, 13 & 20 at 9AM in church followed by the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. ATTENTION! CHANGE OF TIME! Please remember to change your clocks back one hour next Saturday night. CALENDARS FOR 2016 at the entrance of the Church, a gift to the parish from Oliveira Funeral Home. Our sincere gratitude! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 ELECTION DAY Your vote is your voice and your future! Vote Tuesday - November 8 3 CAMPAIGN TO COLLECT CHILDREN AND ADULTS WINTER OUTERWEAR: ENDS THIS WEEKEND Coats, hats, mittens and scarves for children in pre-kindergarten through grade 6 that are attending various schools in Fall River. The items we are looking for do not need to be brand new. We are accepting any gently used items. accepted. Adult coats are also accepted. This is not a Christmas campaign; it is a winter campaign to assure no child goes through the winter without proper wear.

4 SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER MISSAS ~ MASSES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 4PM Ana Mailloux / Umberto Tavares / Maria Pacheco / Eduardo M Moniz e cunhados / Jacinto Valentim / Carlos e Inês Costa / Maria do Carmo Guilherme / John e Georgina Mendonça e família / Diogo e Laura Trinidade e família / Seraphim e Maria Rosário Couto e família / António Pimentel, pais, sogros e irmãos / Dinis Viveiros e Intenções de Fátima Viveiros e de Pauline e Duke Trindade SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 8AM José Simota / João Benjamin, filha, genro e pais / Margarida Benjamin e família, e Intencões de Maria Benjamin 9:30AM John & Ophelia Moniz / Manuel Moniz / Francisco Medeiros / Laurina Aguiar / Viriato Soares / Carlos Ferreira 12PM Maria Germana de Sousa / Isaura da Rosa / Gabriel da Silva / Amêlia Cabral / Manuel da Silva / Maria dos Anjos de Sousa / João de Sousa e família / Laudalina Dias, esposo e neta / Fernando Carreiro / Manuel e Laurinda Medeiros / José P dasilva e pais / António Santos, esposa e pais MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 8AM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 8AM NO INTENTIONS 5:30PM NO INTENTIONS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 8AM NO INTENTIONS 5:30PM NO INTENTIONS 4PM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Virgínio Gouveia e família / Gabriel Mauricio / António Henriques e esposa / Eugenio Monte, pai e avós / António P Amaral, esposa, filhos e genro / Maria José Carneiro / Anibal Borges / Manuel Cabral / Natalia Tavares / Vitor Costa / Eduarda dapiedade e esposo / António Pimentel, pais, sogros e irmãos / João C Pimentel / Intenções de Susana Pimentel / Dinis Viveiros e Intenções de Fátima Viveiros e de Pauline e Duke Trindade SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 8AM Tibeirio Borges e família / Agostinho M Melo e família / Veronica Melo / Mariano e Maria C Oliveira / Manuel Anacleto e esposa / Estevão Rego e esposa / Gilberto Cabral e esposa / Maria da Luz Costa e filho / Manuel e Helena Viveiros / João e Juvina Carvalho / Manuel e Francelina Pereira / Luis Carvalho / João Benjamin, filha, genro e pais / Margarida Benjamin e família, e Intencões de Maria Benjamin 9:30AM PARISH FAMILY 12PM Manuel Correia e esposo / Manuel e Júlia Barros / Joaquim Martins / José Moniz e pais / Mariana Ramos / Rafael Cordeiro / José e Isabel Medeiros / Manuel Ferreira e avós / João Dias Tavares e esposa / Arcenio Amaral e família / José Amaral, esposa e neto / José Martins, esposa e família / Pe. José Gomes e família / Robert Ferreira e família / Falecidos Família NO MASS ON THURSDAY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 8AM Margarida Ferreira / Falecidos de Isbael Cavaco / António M Tavares