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2 Paróquia Santo António Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish 400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue Telephone Fax Website: Missas Dominicais Weekend Masses Sábado Saturday 4:00pm (English) 5:30pm (Português) Domingo Sunday 8:00am (Português) 9:00am (Saint Francis) 9:45am (English) 10:30am (Saint Francis) 11:30am (Português) 7:00pm (Comunidade Brasileira) Dias de Semana Weekday Masses Monday Wednesday Friday 7:00am (Saint Francis) Pároco Pastor: Vigário Paroquial: Equipa Paróquial Parish Staff Very Rev. Walter A. Carreiro, V.F. Reverend James M. Achadinha Comunidade Brasileira: Reverend Cristiano B. Barbosa Educação Religiosa: Mrs. Mariazinha Sousa 2 a -feira 4 a -feira 6 a -feira 6:30pm (Português) Monday Wednesday Friday 3 a -feira Tuesday 12:10pm (Saint Francis Church) 3 a -feira Tuesday 6:30pm (Português) 5 a -feira Thursday 9:00am & 6:30pm (Português) Dias Santos Holy Days of Obligation 6:30pm (Português) 7:00am (Saint Francis Church) 9:00am (Português) 6:30pm (Português) Dias Feriados Civic Holidays 9:00am (Português) Horas do Cartório Parish Office Hours Domingo Sunday Segunda-feira Monday Terça-feira Tuesday Quarta-feira Wednesday Quinta-feira Thursday Sexta-feira Friday Sábado Saturday Missa Vigíla Vigil Não há Missa à noite Confissões Sacrament of Reconciliation Sábado Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm Fechado / Closed 10:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 4:00pm Fechado / Closed Fechado / Closed Novos Paroquianos New Parishioners Bem-vindos! Por favor, apresente-se e em contacto com o escritório paroquial para se registar como membro. We welcome all new members to our faith community. Please introduce yourself and contact the Parish Office to register as a member. All are welcome! 2 Secretária: Mrs. Teresinha Melo Directores de Música: Mrs. Dorothy Chaves Mr. Philip Chaves Mr. Luis Travassos Organistas Organists: Mr. Luis Travassos Mrs. Kimberly Sousa-Almeida Mr. Stephen Arredondo Mr. Jacob Chaves Mr. Alex Travassos As Nossas Ofertas de Semana Our Weekly Offerings Ofertório (November 17th) $ 2, Ofertório (Philippines) $ 4, Dizimo (November 17th) $ Upcoming Special Collections / Segundas Colectas: November 23rd & 24th Retired Sisters December 21nd & 22nd Maintenance December 25th Clergy Benefit Trust January 1st Solemnity of Mary Offering January 11th & 12th Maintenance Muito obrigado por todas as ofertas e donativos, sinal da vossa fé e sentido de compromisso pelo bem estar moral e material da nossa comunidade. Que Deus a todos abençoe com a sua graça e os Seus dons mais preciosos. Thank you very much for the gifts & donations which are signs of your faith & your commitment for the financial well -being of our parish community. May God bless you!

3 Saint Anthony Parish IntençÕes da Missa Mass Intentions November 23rd & 24th 4:00pm (English) 5:30pm (Português) 8:00am (Português) 9:00am (English) 9:45am (English) 10:30am (English) 11:30am (Português) 3:30pm 7:00pm (Português) November 25th Segunda-feira 7:00am (English) 9:00am (Português) November 26th Terça-feira 12:10pm (English) 6:30pm (Português) November 27th Quarta-feira 7:00am (English) 6:30pm (Português) November 28th Quinta-feira 7:00am (English) 9:00am (Português) November 29th Sexta-feira 7:00am (English) 6:30pm (Português) November 30 & December 1st 4:00pm (English) 5:30pm (Português) 8:00am (Português) 9:00am (English) 9:45am (English) 10:30am (English) 11:30am (Português) 3:00pm 7:00pm (Português) 3 Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, Rei do Universo Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Americo Francisco; Mario Egidio Rosa Maria Nicolau; Nicolina e Jorge Calhau; Manuel Bairos; Deolinda e Maria Nazaré Vieira de Andrade José Garcia (quinto aniversário); José Marçal Costa e Silva (Missa do Mês) João Correia (Missa de Vestir de Alma); António Martins; José, Helena e Daniela Simas; Manuel da Costa e família; Gabriel Labão e família; Michael Claudino e família; José e Maria Pereira; Manuel e Rosa Carreiro; José Mourato; Liduina Santos; Gilda Pereira; Manuel Pereira; Umberto Pereira; Maria de Estrela Ferreira; Teresa de Jesus Camara; Vital Camara; Jacinta Camara At Saint Francis Church Corrado e Cecilia Gentile Deolinda Souza; John & Margaret Sousa; Ernesto Carreiro Aguair; Manuel Martins Maria Nicolau; Maria Conceição Gonçalves; Manuel Carreiro dos Santos; Manuel Carreiro; Maria Lourdes Carreiro; Alvaro Dovale At Saint Francis Church Inez Doyle Manuel e Diolinda Tavares; Mariano Correia; Eduardo Leite Angelina Costa; Maria Conceição Gonçalves Wedding Celebration of Chris Neil and Michelle Rey Comunidade Brasileira S. Catarina de Alexandria, virgem e mártir Saint Catherine of Alexandria, virgin & martyr At Saint Francis Church Josephine & Anthony Coccoluto Missa pro populo e Deolinda Souza (decimo primeiro aniversário) Dia da Semana no Tempo Comum Weekday in Ordinary Time At Saint Francis Church Carmela Zuzolo Vincent Dunn Dia da Semana no Tempo Comum Weekday in Ordinary Time At Saint Francis Church Reverend William McConnell Dia de Acção de Graças Thanksgiving Day At Saint Francis Church Missa pro populo Raul Esteves Pinto; Ricardo Melo Dia da Semana no Tempo Comum Weekday in Ordinary Time At Saint Francis Church Reverend Edward King Membors falecidos da Legião de Maria e Almas do Purgatório mais aflitas Primeiro Domingo do Advento First Sunday in Advent For the deceased members of John Santos family and Americo Francisco; Mario Egidio Rosa Maria Nicolau; Nicolina e Jorge Calhau; Deolinda e Maria Nazaré Vieira de Andrade António Martins; Michael Claudino e família; Liduina Santos; Maria Conceição Gonçalves At Saint Francis Church Arturo e Cesaltina Moreira John Shemanski, Jr.; John & Margaret Sousa; Angelina Costa; Maria Nicolau; João Correia; Manuel Martins; Manuel Carreiro dos Santos At Saint Francis Church Richard Paolillo Francisco Santos; Manuel e Diolinda Tavares; Arturo e Cisaltina Moreira; Luis Silva Hora Santa no Tempo do Advento Advent Holy Hour Comunidade Brasileira

4 Paróquia Santo António CELEBRAÇÃO de ENCERRAMENTO do ANO da FÉ Este domingo de Cristo Rei, o Papa Francisco encerra o Ano da Fé. Nós somos chamados a continuar a refletir, rezar e professar o nosso credo de fé cada dia de nossas vidas. O seguinte é retirado de uma audiência do dia 22 de Maio de 2013 pelo Papa Francisco em Roma: No Credo, imediatamente depois de ter professado a fé no Espírito Santo, dizemos: «Creio na Igreja una, santa, católica e apostólica». Há um vínculo profundo entre estas duas realidades de fé: com efeito, é o Espírito Santo que dá vida à Igreja, guiando os seus passos. Sem a presença e a obra incessante do Espírito Santo, a Igreja não poderia viver nem cumprir a tarefa que Jesus ressuscitado lhe confiou, de ir e ensinar todas as nações (cf. Mt 28, 19). Evangelizar é a missão da Igreja, não só de alguns, mas minha, tua, nossa. O Apóstolo Paulo exclamava: «Ai de mim se eu não anunciar o Evangelho!» (1 Cor 9, 16). Cada um deve ser evangelizador, sobretudo com a vida! Paulo VI frisava que «evangelizar... a graça e a vocação própria da Igreja, a sua identidade mais profunda. Ela existe para evangelizar» (Exort. ap. Evangelii nuntiandi, 14). Quem é o verdadeiro motor da evangelização na nossa vida e na Igreja? Paulo vi escrevia claramente: «Ele, o Espírito Santo, é aquele que ainda hoje como nos inícios da Igreja, age em cada um dos evangelizadores que se deixa possuir e conduzir por Ele, e põe na sua boca as palavras que sozinho não poderia encontrar, ao mesmo tempo que predispõe a alma daqueles que escutam a fim de a tornar aberta e acolhedora para a Boa Nova e para o Reino anunciado» (Ibid., 75). Então, para evangelizar, é necessário abrirse de novo ao horizonte do Espírito de Deus, sem ter medo do que nos pede e do lugar para onde nos guia. Confiemo-nos a Ele! Ele tornar-nos-á capazes de viver e de dar testemunho da nossa fé e iluminará o coração de quem encontrarmos. Foi esta a experiência de Pentecostes: aos Apóstolos, reunidos com Maria no Cenáculo, «apareceu-lhes então uma espécie de línguas de fogo que se repartiram e pousaram sobre cada um deles. Ficaram todos cheios do Espírito Santo e começaram a falar em línguas, conforme o Espírito Santo lhes concedia que falassem» (Act 2, 3-4). Pousando sobre os Apóstolos, o Espírito Santo fá-los sair da sala onde se encontram fechados com medo, leva-os a sair de si mesmos e transforma-os em anunciadores e testemunhas das «maravilhas de Deus» (v. 11). E esta transformação realizada pelo Espírito Santo reflecte-se na multidão que acorreu ao lugar, proveniente de «todas as nações que há debaixo do céu» (v. 5), para que cada um ouça as palavras dos Apóstolos como se fossem pronunciadas na própria língua (cf. v. 6). Aqui há um primeiro efeito importante da obra do Espírito Santo que guia e anima o anúncio do Evangelho: a unidade, a comunhão. Em Babel, segundo a narração bíblica, tiveram início a dispersão dos povos e a confusão das línguas, fruto do gesto de soberba e de orgulho do homem que queria construir, somente com as suas forças e sem Deus, «uma cidade e uma torre cujo cimo atinja os céus» (Gn 11, 4). No Pentecostes, estas divisões são superadas. Já não há orgulho em relação a Deus, nem fechamento de uns aos outros, mas abertura a Deus, saída para anunciar a sua Palavra: uma língua nova, do amor, que o Espírito Santo derrama nos corações (cf. Rm 5, 5); uma língua que todos podem compreender e que, acolhida, pode ser expressa em cada existência e cultura. A língua do Espírito, do Evangelho, é a língua da comunhão, que convida a superar fechamentos e indiferenças, divisões e oposições. Cada um deve perguntar: como me deixo guiar pelo Espírito Santo, de modo que a minha vida e o meu testemunho de fé seja de unidade e comunhão? Levo a palavra de reconciliação e amor, que é o Evangelho, aos ambientes onde vivo? Às vezes parece repetir-se hoje o que aconteceu em Babel: divisões, incapacidade de compreensão, rivalidades, inveja e egoísmo. Que faço na minha vida? Crio unidade ao meu redor? Ou divido com mexericos, críticas e inveja. O que faço? Pensemos nisto. Levar o Evangelho é anunciar e viver em primeiro lugar a reconciliação, o perdão, a paz, a unidade e o amor que o Espírito Santo nos dá. Recordemos as palavras de Jesus: «Disto todos conhecerão que sois meus discípulos, se vos amardes uns aos outros» (Jo 13, 34-35). Um segundo elemento: no dia de Pentecostes Pedro, cheio de Espírito Santo, põe-se de pé «com os Onze» e «em voz alta» (Act 2, 14) e «com franqueza» (v. 29) anuncia a boa notícia de Jesus, que deu a sua vida pela nossa salvação e que Deus ressuscitou dos mortos. Eis outro efeito da obra do Espírito Santo: a coragem de anunciar a novidade do Evangelho de Jesus a todos com franqueza (parrésia), em voz alta, em todos os tempos e lugares. E isto verifica-se também hoje para a Igreja e para cada um de nós: do fogo de Pentecostes, da obra do Espírito Santo, libertam-se sempre novas energias de missão, outros caminhos para anunciar a mensagem de salvação e nova coragem para evangelizar. Nunca nos fechemos a esta acção! Vivamos com humildade e coragem o Evangelho! Testemunhemos a novidade, a esperança e a alegria que o Senhor traz à vida. Sintamos em nós «a suave e reconfortante alegria de evangelizar» (Exort. ap. Evangelii nuntiandi, 80). Porque evangelizar, anunciar Jesus, nos dá alegria; ao contrário, o egoísmo dá-nos amargura, tristeza, desânimo; evangelizar anima-nos. Menciono só um terceiro elemento, mas que é particularmente importante: uma nova evangelização, uma Igreja que evangeliza, deve começar sempre a partir da oração, do pedir, como os Apóstolos no Cenáculo, o fogo do Espírito Santo. Só a relação fiel e intensa com Deus permite sair dos próprios fechamentos e anunciar o Evangelho com parrésia. Sem a oração, o nosso agir tornase vazio e o nosso anunciar não tem alma e não é animado pelo Espírito. 4

5 Saint Anthony Parish The Closing of the Year of Faith This Sunday of Christ the King, Pope Francis closes out the Year of Faith. We are called to continue to reflect on, pray with, and profess our Creed of Faith each and every day of our lives. The following is an excerpt taken from an audience on May 22, 2013 by Pope Francis in Rome: In the Creed, immediately after professing our faith in the Holy Spirit, we say: I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. There is a profound connection between these two realities of faith: indeed it is the Holy Spirit who gives life to the Church, who guides her steps. Without the constant presence and action of the Holy Spirit the Church could not live and could not carry out the task that the Risen Jesus entrusted to her: to go and make disciples of all nations (cf. Mt 28:19). Evangelizing is the Church s mission. It is not the mission of only a few, but it is mine, yours and our mission. The Apostle Paul exclaimed: Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel! (1 Cor 9:16). We must all be evangelizers, especially with our life! Paul VI stressed that Evangelizing is... the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, n. 14). Who is the real driving force of evangelization in our life & in the Church? Paul VI wrote clearly: it is the Holy Spirit who today, just as at the beginning of the Church, acts in every evangelizer who allows himself to be possessed & led by him. The Holy Spirit places on his lips the words which he could not find by himself, & at the same time the Holy Spirit predisposes the soul of the hearer to be open & receptive to the Good News & to the Kingdom being proclaimed. To evangelize, therefore, it is necessary to open ourselves once again to the horizon of God s Spirit, without being afraid of what he asks us or of where he leads us. Let us entrust ourselves to him! He will enable us to live out & bear witness to our faith, & will illuminate the heart of those we meet. This was the experience at Pentecost. There appeared to the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room with Mary, tongues as of fire, distributed & resting on each one of them. & they were all filled with the Holy Spirit & began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:3-4). In coming down upon the Apostles the Spirit makes them leave the room they had locked themselves into out of fear, he prompts them to step out of themselves & transforms them into heralds & witnesses of the mighty works of God. Moreover this transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit reverberated in the multitude that had arrived from every nation under heaven for each one heard the Apostles words as if they had been speaking in his own language. This is one of the first important effects of the action of the Holy Spirit who guides and brings to life the proclamation of the Gospel: unity, communion. It was in Babel, according to the Biblical account, that the dispersion of people and the confusion of languages had begun, the results of the act of pride and conceit of man who wanted to build with his efforts alone, without God, a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens (Gen 11:4). At Pentecost these divisions were overcome. There was no longer conceit with regard to God, nor the closure of some people to others; instead, there was openness to God, there was going out to proclaim his word: a new language, that of love which the Holy Spirit pours out into our hearts (cf. Rom 5:5); a language that all can understand and that, once received, can be expressed in every life and every culture. The language of the Spirit, the language of the Gospel, is the language of communion which invites us to get the better of closedness and indifference, division and antagonization. We must all ask ourselves: how do I let myself be guided by the Holy Spirit in such a way that my life and my witness of faith is both unity and communion? Do I convey the word of reconciliation and of love, which is the Gospel, to the milieus in which I live. At times it seems that we are repeating today what happened at Babel: division, the incapacity to understand one another, rivalry, envy, egoism. What do I do with my life? Do I create unity around me? Or do I cause division, by gossip, criticism or envy? What do I do? Let us think about this. Spreading the Gospel means that we are the first to proclaim and live the reconciliation, forgiveness, peace, unity and love which the Holy Spirit gives us. Let us remember Jesus words: by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13: 34-35). A second element is the day of Pentecost. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit and standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice (Acts 2:14) and confidently (v. 29), proclaimed the Good News of Jesus, who gave his life for our salvation and who God raised from the dead. This is another effect of the Holy Spirit s action: the courage to proclaim the newness of the Gospel of Jesus to all, confidently, (with parrhesia) in a loud voice, in every time and in every place. Today too this happens for the Church and for each one of us: the fire of Pentecost, from the action of the Holy Spirit, releases an ever new energy for mission, new ways in which to proclaim the message of salvation, new courage for evangelizing. Let us never close ourselves to this action! Let us live the Gospel humbly and courageously! Let us witness to the newness, hope and joy that the Lord brings to life. Let us feel within us the delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing (Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Nuntiandi, n, 80). Because evangelizing, proclaiming Jesus, gives us joy. Instead, egoism makes us bitter, sad, and depresses us. Evangelizing uplifts us. I will only mention a third element, which, however, is particularly important: a new evangelization, a Church which evangelizes, must always start with prayer, with asking, like the Apostles in the Upper Room, for the fire of the Holy Spirit. Only a faithful and intense relationship with God makes it possible to get out of our own closedness and proclaim the Gospel with parrhesia. Without prayer our acts are empty, and our proclamation has no soul, it is not inspired by the Spirit. 5

6 Paróquia Santo António Tempo do Advento Season of Advent 2013 Calendário de Eventos Especiais Calendar of Special Events Laudes Morning Prayer Domingos durante o Advento às 7:30am na capela Sundays of Advent at 7:30am in the Chapel Como parte dos preparativos para a celebração do Natal e como uma forma de aprofundar a vida de uma pessoa de oração, todos são convidados a participar connosco para a oração da manhã aos Domingos durante o Advento. A nossa oração da manhã começará às 7:30am na capela. Juntos, iremos rezar os Salmos e o Cântico de Zacarias, e oferecemos as nossas petições pela paz em nossas casas, em nossa comunidade, e em nosso mundo. All of us are called to mark the hours of the day with prayer. In an effort to answer that call and prepare for the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, all are welcome to join us on the Sunday mornings of Advent for Morning Prayer at 7:30am. Hora Santa Holy Hour Domingos do Advento às 3:00pm Sundays of Advent at 3:00pm Durante o tempo do Advento, haverá uma Hora Santa cada Domingo às 3:00 pm até 4:00pm. Todos estão convidados a juntar-se a nós em oração e adoração diante do Santíssimo Sacramento durante estas horas santas. During the Season of Advent, there will be a special Holy Hour each Sunday afternoon from 3:00pm-4:00pm. All are invited and encouraged to join us in prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament during these holy hours. Encontros Com Oração e Reflexão em Preparação para O Natal Terças-feiras do Advento às 7:30pm na capela Começando na Terça-feira, dia 3 de Dezembro, e tomando lugar nas Terças-feiras do Tempo do Advento, haverá o Encontro das Famílias em preparação para o Natal. É uma iniciativa do Apostolado Brasileiro com oração, leitura e meditação. Terminará com a reza do terço. Tomará lugar na capela e começa às 7:30 da noite. Não é preciso estar em família para participar e todos estão convidados. Sacramento da Reconciliação Sacrament of Reconciliation Quarta, dia 18 de Dezembro de 6:30pm até 8:00pm Wednesday, December 18th from 6:30 8:00pm Todos os Sábados, de 3:00pm até 4:00pm Each Saturday, from 3:00pm 4:00pm Nossa paróquia vai oferecer o Sacramento da Reconciliação na Quarta-feira dia 18 de Dezembro à noite. Confissões serão celebrados às 6:30pm até 8:00pm na igreja e também todos os Sábados na capela de 3:00 pm-4:00pm. Our parish will be offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday evening, December 18th from 6:30pm- 8:00pm in the main Church. Confessions are also heard each Saturday afternoon from 3:00pm-4:00pm in the confessional located in the rear of the chapel. 6

7 Saint Escritório Anthony Parish da Educação Religiosa Office of Religious Education Directora da Educação Religiosa / Director of Religious Education Office Hours Horário de Trabalho Sunday Domingo 8:30am 12:00pm Mariazinha Sousa Tuesday Terceira-feira 3:00pm 6:00pm (617) Ext 3 Wednesday Quarta-feira 3:00pm 6:00pm Thursday Quinta-feira 3:00pm 6:00pm Friday Sexta-feira 3:00pm 6:00pm CYA Next Meeting Wednesdays, November 7:00pm Class Schedule (Grades 1-8) Horario das Aulas Sunday Mornings / Domingos Classes from at 9:15am 11:30am with Mass at 9:45am Sunday, November 24, 2013 NO CLASS Religious Education Annual Food Drive As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us throw ourselves into making plans with families, keeping up with traditions while perhaps trying a new recipe to add to the 10+ desserts on the table. But, let us not forget that this is also a special time in which we give thanks for what we have and to help those less fortunate. As always, throughout the month of October and until the weekend before Thanksgiving, we will be collecting food to help St. Vincent de Paul s mission in aiding the hungry in our community. Your help, as always, is most appreciated. We are in need of all dry or canned food items including: Canned Vegetables All types of pasta Peanut Butter Pasta Sauce Canned Soups Enlatados Tuna Mac-n-Cheese Jelly Rice Beans Precisamos de produtos alimentícios para ajudarmos os mais carenciados da nossa comunidade. Por favor ajude a saciar a fome dos nossos irmãos e irmãs em Cristo, oferecendo produtos como: Todos os produtos enlatados de milho, frutas, feijão, favas, cereais, tuna fish, peanut butter, doce de uva, morango, farinha, açúcar, arroz, e outros mais. Por favor verifiquem as datas nos enlatados antes de fazerem o vosso donativo. Podem entregar todos os donativos na reitoria ou na Igreja ate ao dia de Acção de Graças. Sunday, December 1, 2013 Sunday, December 8, 2013 Sunday, December 15, 2013 Sunday, December 22, 2013 Sunday, December 29, 2013 NO CLASS Confirmation Preparation Schedule Every other Tuesday Evening: Mass 6:30pm & Class 7:00pm 8:30pm Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Tuesday, December 17, 2013 Tuesday, January 7, 2014 Tuesday, January 21, 2014 "Giving Tree" We now invite all of our parishioners to call the Religious Education Office with information on any child or family who may need extra help & support during the Christmas & winter seasons. If you know of someone in need, please call the office as soon as possible with the families needs. The requests of these families will be placed on our Giving Tree beginning Sunday, December 1st. Parishioners can then pick one or two tags and fulfill the wish on the tag. The gifts can be brought to the church and placed under the tree until Sunday, December 15th. Thank you! Please listen to the following local media stations for cancellation of religious education classes due to inclement weather: WBZ1030AM Storm Center Radio, WHDH channel 7, or WCVB channel 5 7

8 Paróquia Santo António Santos & SANTUÁRIOS de ITÁLIA Saints & SHRINES of ITALY JULY 7, 2014 JULY 17, 2014 ROME ASSISI S. GIOVANNI ROTUNDO CAMPANIA LORETO MONTECASSINO DOUBLE: $3,699 SINGLE: $4,099 Último dia para reservas - 1 de Dezembro 2013 Viagem com o Padre Jim Achadinha e Collette Vacations nesta peregrinação aos Santuários de Itália a partir de 7 de Julho de 2014 até 17 de Julho de Durante esta viagem de 10 dias, vamos celebrar a Missa todos os dias e rezar juntos como peregrinos. As reservas para esta peregrinação estão vendendo! Reserve já o seu lugar! Por favor telefone ou Padre Jim para mais informações. Grupo Carismática: Legião de Maria: Grupos de Oração Segundas-feiras Na Igreja às 6:30pm Sextas-feiras as 6:30pm No Mini-Hall Irmandade do Santo Rosário: 7 de Dezembro 2013 às 4:00pm no Mini-hall Curso de Cristandade Dezembro 6 e 20 (Ultreias) depois da missa das 6:30 Comunidade Shalom: Temporary Job Quintas-feiras às 7:30pm Igreja S. Francisco A family is seeking help for their elderly loved one from December 17th through January 14th. This temporary job is 40 hours, Monday through Friday 9:00am 5:00pm. The hourly PCA rate is $ Portuguese-speaking highly recommended. Please contact Cecilia Almas at (978) for more information. Retired Sisters Collection A Moment of Thanks for a Lifetime of Service On the weekend of November 23rd & 24th, our parish will take up a second Collection for Retired Sisters. This Collection provides needed financial support for Sisters, now retired, who have served the Archdiocese of Boston in countless ways through the ministries of education, health care and social service. Please give generously in recognition of the Sisters many years of dedicated service. Why Catholics? PORQUÊ SER CATÓLICO? dedicado ao Ano Da Fé. Muito Obrigada a todos vós pela vossa participação do Porquê Ser Católico durante as primeiras 6 semanas da quaresma. Gostaria de vos informar que iremos dar início a mais 6 semanas durante este mês de Novembro 2013 neste ano As reflexões serão oferecidas às Quintas Feiras a partir do dia 7 de Novembro até 19 de Dezembro. Trabalharemos e reflectiremos sobre os Evangelhos e mais em pormenor sobre o Credo, preparando-nos melhor para celebrar-mos um Verdadeiro e Feliz Natal. Não se esqueça de convidar mais um amigo! Abaixo indicado os dias de Reflecção Bíblica: Quinta-Feira, 5 de Dezembro, às 7:15pm Quinta-Feira, 12 de Dezembro, às 7:15pm CYA Sponsored Thanksgiving Luncheon Thursday, November 28th 11:30am-12:30pm The youth and volunteers of our CYA will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving luncheon in the Parish Hall on Thursday, November 28th from 11:30am to 12:30pm. The luncheon is hosted for the elderly and the homeless of the Cambridge & Somerville area. Any food donations for a Thanksgiving meal and any cash donation can be dropped off at the Rectory. Thank you for helping us continue this luncheon! O jovens do grupo CYA apresentará o seu almoço anual de Acção de Graças no Salão Paroquial das 11:30 de manhã à 12:30 da tarde para os idosos e aqueles sem lar de Cambridge e Somerville. Qualquer doação para este almoço pode deixar na Reitoria. Obrigado! 8

9 Saint Anthony Parish Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento Terças em S. Francisco e Quintas em S. António Todos estão convidados para vir meditar na presença do Santíssimo Sacramento todas as Terças das 9:00am- 12:00pm na Igreja de S. Francisco e todas as Quintas-feiras das 9:30 às 6:30pm. Programação para Exposição nas Quintas-feiras: 9:30am Exposição do Santíssimo Sacramento Meio-dia Terço do Santíssimo Sacramento 3:00pm Terço da misericórdia 6:00pm Terço do dia 6:30pm Bênção com o Santíssimo Sacramento As outras horas de adoração deve ser em silêncio E na primeira Sexta-feira de cada mês tambem temos a adoração de às 5:00 horas da tarde até às 6:30pm na Igreja S. António. Por favor, venham passar alguns momentos com o Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesdays at St. Francis & Thursdays at St. Anthony s All are welcome, invited and encouraged to stop by the chapel at St. Francis Church each Tuesday from 9:00am Noon and the chapel at St. Anthony Church each Thursday from 9:30am 6:30pm for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In addition, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday of the month from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at St. Anthony Church. Please come and spend some quiet time with the Lord. Imagem de Nossa Senhora de Fatima Se alguém quizer a visita da imagem da Nossa Senhora chamar a Maria de Lourdes Couto ( ) durante o dia ou depois das 8:00pm. O Apelo Católico de 2013 The Annual Catholic Appeal for 2013 Our parish at Saint Anthony joins with the other 287 parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston's 2013 Catholic Appeal. This effort directly supports the 50 ministries that benefit hundreds of pastoral, charitable and educational programs. We can be the Good Samaritan to others through the Catholic Appeal. To join with our parish in our goal to raise $18,399 please pledge your support. Envelopes are available in Church and online pledges at Thank you for your prayers in support of this important effort Parish Target (Meta): $ 18, Pledged to date: $ 17, Number of Donors to date: 148 families Intenções do Santo Padre Novembro 2013 Intenção Geral Sacerdotes em dificuldades Para que os sacerdotes em dificuldades encontrem conforto no seu sofrimento, sustento nas suas dúvidas e confirmação na sua fidelidade. Intenção Missionária Missão na América Latina Para que a Missão Continental tenha como fruto o envio de missionários da América Latina para outras Igrejas. Declaração de Missão Paroquial Parish Mission Statement A comunidade multicultural da Paróquia pessoal Portuguesa, Católica e Romana de Santo António, aspira em criar uma atmosfera activa de participação de todos os paroquianos através da celebração dos Sacramentos e a proclamação da Palavra de Deus, nas linguas Portuguesa e Inglesa. Convidamos todas as pessoas a crescer no seu conhecimento e amor por Deus para O servimos melhor através do compromisso e da formação Católica das nossas promessas Baptismais e dos grupos espirituais, de oração honrando a nossa cultura e tradição paroquial e dando a oportunidade de espalhar a Boa-Nova de Jesus Cristo e o Reino dos Céus. 9 The multicultural community of Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic and personal Portuguese Parish, strives to create an atmosphere of active participation by all parishioners, through the celebration of the sacraments and the proclamation of the Word of God, in Portuguese and English. We invite all people to grow in their knowledge and love of God, to serve Him through stewardship, commitment to catholic formation, fulfilling our Baptismal promises in community-based ministries, honoring our traditions and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

10 PRINTING SERVICES for Small Businesses Professional Printing for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars CD Covers Door Hangers Envelope Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Letterhead Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Booklets & Newsletters What s Inside T MAC T A N E E. New England Open May 28 th to June 1 st New England Jr. Section Championships June 28th to July 1 st Postcards & Slim Jims New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13 th Chowder FEST New England Jr. Hard Court Championships August 14th to August 17 th Our Newest Feature: Large-Format Printing Banners Car Magnets Posters Yard Signs Relax, rejuvenate in a Massage or Spa treatment. CARING HANDS Center for Massage and Wellbeing 55 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel Massage, Energy Work & Opportunities to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit M T A S Francisco Montoya Academy Director Celeste Frey Academy Manager AVEDA CONCEPT SALON 62 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel Alex Howard Head Coach Pop into the pub for a pint or treat yourself to a Tapas Bar. Dave Colby Junior Program Director PEDDLER S DAUGHTER 45 Wingate St. Haverhill, MA Tel Authentically prepared Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-Sat 11 a.m. 1 a.m. & Sun Noon 1a.m. Graphic design services are available for all projects upon Brochures request. Available in a varietyof sizes and layouts Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional BISTRO Wingate Street, Haverhill, MA Tel Wednesday to Saturday 5 p.m. 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m. Cuisine: Tapas & European influence Chris Clayton Tennis Professional 80 Francisco Montoya ext. 232 Celeste Frey ext. 351 Downtown Map of Wingate Arts District Angles and Art 63 - Second Thoughts 62 - Mizan Aveda Concept Salon 61 - Positive Images Gallery Wei Chi 13 Salon and Spa 13 Railroad Square Tel Maria s Family Restaurant 8 Locust Street Tel Many folding options available SUMMER Caring Hands 45 - Peddler s Daughter & Bistro 45 Restaurant 21 - North Star Yoga 19 - Wicked Big Cafe Additional Places to Wander: Project Sound Recording Studio 45 Wingate Street Tel Essex Street Grille 25 Essex Street Tel Ramp up Your Game June 14th to August 27th Mondays - Fridays 1:30-5:30 pm 8 years and up Program Designed by Nick Bollettieri BUILDING THE COMMUNITY. CELEBRATING THE ARTS Design: Jim Fonseca 19 Wingate Street Arts District Wander on Wingate! We invite you to explore the Wingate Street Arts District, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centrally located yet slightly tucked away. Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown s Washington Street, adventure awaits you! What ties it all together is our love of the Arts. Keep an eye out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city. Check out the exhibits in the various businesses; the Arts District supports local artists by inviting them to show and sell their work in a variety of venues. And watch for upcoming events... There is always something in the works on Wingate! Business Cards & Bookmarks Flyers The Standish Wellness Series Pro-active Tips for Women Early Detection and Prevention of Gynecologic Cancers: Presented by leading minimally invasive gynecologist Dr Purnima Sangal. Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living on May 22 nd, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a light lunch. Dr. Purnima Sangal has a private practice in the Merrimack Valley, and is affiliated with Saints Memorial Medical Center and Lowell General Hospital where she served as chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology. As a specialist in Gynecology, she offers expertise in Laser Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, Pelvic pain and endometriosis, as well as prevention guidance and advice. RSVP by calling expert painting, carpentry & home repair Saturday, June 26th, 2 4 pm Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio String Swing. Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community. Kindly RSVP by June PREMIER INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED LIVING 1190 Adams Street Boston, MA For Advertising Information, Please Call Pilot Bulletins Dana Tarr c: e: COMPASS MEMORY SUPPORT Dana Tarr Home Maintenance Services HIC# Greens Point Road Ipswich, MA Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA MIRIAM GOODMAN ARTHUR GRIFFIN CORY SILKEN Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.

11 A moment of thanks a lifetime of service Say thank you to those who have given so much the Retired Sisters who have served the Church of Boston with great dedication for so many years. The Collection for Retired Sisters of the Archdiocese of Boston will be taken on November The collection holds a special priority in our collection efforts in view of the generous service the Retired Sisters have given to the Church of Boston. Your support is needed for its success. Rising median ages and escalating costs for health care have contributed to the great need to supplement Social Security benefits that cover only 20% of actual medical and retirement costs for each Retired Sister. The histories of religious communities of Sisters in the Archdiocese of Boston are great love stories. Each chapter includes generous women who responded with compassion and care to the pastoral needs of the faithful through their service in schools, hospitals, and social service agencies. Our Retired Sisters have served us well. Let us remember them in their retirement. May God bless you for your generous gift to the dedicated Sisters in our Church of Boston. For ways you can help, contact Sr. Marian Batho, CSJ, at or Thank you for your support. archdiocese of boston 66 brooks drive braintree, Ma For Advertising Information, Please Call Spotlight Advertising Saint Anthony Parish of

12 421 Highland Ave. Davis Square Somerville, MA INMAN SQ. HARDWARE EST Tintas Chaves Ferramentas Artigos Electricos e de 1337 Cambridge Street Canalizacao REAL ESTATE 50 Hampshire Street Fax: Hampshire Street INSURANCE AND Since Seguros - Casas, Carros e Comercial Real Estate - Compra, Venda e Aluguer Artwork Member Approval FDIC Alex Russakovsky, O.D. Boston 100 City Hall Plaza Please Mention Our Ad and Green Line at Government Center T Stop receive $75 off of a complete J. Luccio, O. D. L. Labiento, pair O. D. of GLASSES. Offer good only at these locations: Cambridge/Somerville 22 McGrath Highway Twin City Plaza/Route 28 Please make sure everything is correct. Questions? Please call CHECK LIST: address Phone FaX coupon exp. Date Discount WeB site spelling sign BeloW if you are approving your artwork. if not Please make the appropriate notes so the ProPer changes can Be made. our art DePartment at or mail to The STudenT Saver, 1440 Beacon STreeT, SuiTe 106, Brookline, Ma THANK YOU. signature Located at Twin City Plaza Cambridge Street R E A L E S T A T E, I N C Falamos Portugues - Hablamos Español Green Line at Lechmere T Stop J. Luccio, O. D. $55 SaVE $129 Moniz $100 Electric, Inc. EyE Exam DiSpoSablE REg. $100 contacts Joseph Moniz EyEglaSSES - Electrician Full Comprehensive or 3 MONTH exam includes Rx SunglaSSES Glaucoma test & (617) SUPPLY Both Frames & Lenses Cataract exam. purchase required. Licensed Electrical Cannot be combined Contractor Includes: * Contact Lense Fitting with any other offers, Eye Exam, Exam Additional fee. or insurance programs. Fitting Exam, Specializing in: Wiring, Lights, Heating Some restrictions apply. Follow-up & Fire Care, Alarms Lenses & Care Kit. Mr Falamos DeSantis Portugues Hablamos Espanol When possibile, please change my ad per enclosed above ThankJoe you Freitas Tony Ribeiro CONNECTING WITH THE COMMUNITY ECSB (3272) PARK HILL 337 Cambridge Street, Cambridge PARK HILL R E A L E S T A T E, I N C. PARK HILL R E A L E S T A T E, I N C. Realtor/Offfice & Propety Manager Stand Out: delete the office # and the word cell and just leave across With Color Advertising ISAAC M. MACHADO ADVOGADO Law Offices of Isaac M. Machado Arlington Belmont Cambridge Medford Somerville Waltham Member DIF J. Luccio, O. D. J. Luccio, O. D. J. Luccio, O. D. No other discount or coupon applies. See store for details. You must present this ad at the time of visit. Offers available only at Boston & Cambridge/Somerville locations. Space Available Consider Spotlight Advertising Profile a business, organization, or ministry in our full-page feature, printed in full color or black & white. Call for more information. ROGERS & HUTCHINS Somerville, MA FUNERAL HOME Arlington Cambridge & DDate GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 825 Cambridge Street, Cambridge Student $AVER The 1440 Beacon Street, Suite 106 Brookline, MA Tel: REAL ESTATE AND Since 1982 INSURANCE Seguros - Casas, Carros e Comercial Real Estate - Compra, Venda e Aluguer 1092 Cambridge Street The clear, local choice for all your banking needs. Somerville. Cambridge (617) Cambridge St. PACHECO JEWELERS Voted Best of Cambridge 9 Years in a Row fine jewelry diamonds watches gifts repairs engravings Cambridge Street CEREC CROWNS/INVISALIGN Erick DeCastro financial consultant investments/life insurance/401k s Securities offered through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC Mt. Auburn Memorials, Inc. Monuments & Lettering 583 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge Since The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Boston Important announcement regarding SaInt paul cemetery In arlington ue to popular demand, The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Boston will host it s final informational family service booth of the season at Saint Paul Cemetery located at 30 Broadway in Arlington. This booth will be staffed by a Family Service Counselor who will be able to assist families with any questions or concerns they may have regarding this historic cemetery. Information on pre planning and lot sales will be available as well. The booth will be staffed at Saint Paul s (where, this past spring, we created a new section of burial spaces named Assumption Path) on Monday November 18 from 11AM to 1PM, on Tuesday November 19 from 3PM to 5PM and on Saturday November 23 from 10AM to 12 Noon. Please all Rob Baker, Director of Catholic Family Awareness - Pre planning Services, at for more information about this event or about any of our Catholic Cemeteries. This Holiday season, don t let the loss of a loved one catch you and your family unprepared. By pre planning, you and your family can relieve much stress, chaos and emotional overspending that often accompanies the passing of someone special to us especially at an already hectic time of the year. If you or a loved one has not taken the precautionary steps of preplanning, call us at to receive your free pre planning information kit. The information is free and there is no obligation. This Holiday season, shouldn t you and your family be protected? For Advertising Information, Please Call Pilot Bulletins Saint Anthony Parish of

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Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish

Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish Pr Dng d Ant «Acul-vo i!i, pr$% nã s()i $und *+egr- mnt...» Mrco 13:33 30 de Novembro de 2014~November 30, 2014 Paróquia Santo António Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish 400 Cardinal Medeiros

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Guião A. Descrição das actividades

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ou enviar à tua frente o meu mensageiro, que preparará o teu caminho.»

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PROVA COMENTADA E RESOLVIDA PELOS PROFESSORES DO CURSO POSITIVO COMENTÁRIO GERAL DOS PROFESSORES DO CURSO POSITIVO Uma prova, para avaliar tantos candidatos deve ser sempre bem dosada como foi a deste ano. Houve tanto questões de interpretação (6) como de gramática

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Lição 40: deve, não deve, não deveria

Lição 40: deve, não deve, não deveria Lesson 40: must, must not, should not Lição 40: deve, não deve, não deveria Reading (Leituras) You must answer all the questions. ( Você deve responder a todas as We must obey the law. ( Nós devemos obedecer

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