Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, Massachusetts

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1 Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, Massachusetts Domingo da Divina Misericórdia Divine Mercy Sunday April 7, 2013

2 Paróquia Santo António Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish 400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue Telephone Fax Website: Missas Dominicais Weekend Masses Sábado Saturday 4:00pm (English) 5:30pm (Português) Domingo Sunday 8:00am (Português) 9:00am (Saint Francis) 9:45am (English) 10:30am (Saint Francis) 11:30am (Português) 7:00pm (Comunidade Brasileira) Dias de Semana Weekday Masses Monday Wednesday Friday 7:00am (Saint Francis) Pároco Pastor: Vigário Paroquial: Equipa Paróquial Parish Staff Very Rev. Walter A. Carreiro, V.F. Reverend James M. Achadinha Comunidade Brasileira: Reverend Cristiano B. Barbosa Educação Religiosa: Ms. Erica Moura 2 a -feira 4 a -feira 6 a -feira Monday Wednesday Friday 3 a -feira Tuesday 12:10pm (Saint Francis Church) 3 a -feira Tuesday 5 a -feira Thursday 9:00am & Dias Santos Holy Days of Obligation 7:00am (Saint Francis Church) 9:00am (Português) Dias Feriados Civic Holidays 9:00am (Português) Horas do Cartório Parish Office Hours Domingo Sunday Segunda-feira Monday Terça-feira Tuesday Quarta-feira Wednesday Quinta-feira Thursday Sexta-feira Friday Sábado Saturday Missa Vigíla Vigil Não há Missa à noite Confissões Sacrament of Reconciliation Sábado Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm Fechado / Closed 10:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 4:00pm 10:00am 4:00pm Fechado / Closed Fechado / Closed Novos Paroquianos New Parishioners Bem-vindos! Por favor, apresente-se e em contacto com o escritório paroquial para se registar como membro. We welcome all new members to our faith community. Please introduce yourself and contact the Parish Office to register as a member. All are welcome! 2 Secretária: Mrs. Teresinha Melo Directores de Música: Mrs. Dorothy Chaves Mr. Philip Chaves Mr. Luis Travassos Organistas Organists: Mr. Luis Travassos Mrs. Kimberly Sousa-Almeida Mr. Stephen Arredondo Mr. Jacob Chaves Mr. Alex Travassos As Nossas Ofertas de Semana Our Weekly Offerings Ofertório (March 24th) $ 4, Dizimo (March 24th) $ Ofertório (St. Vincent de Paul) $ 1, Ofertório (Good Friday) $ 1, Ofertório (Easter Sunday) $ 5, Upcoming Special Collections / Segundas Colectas: April 13th & 14th Maintenance April 27th & 28th Home Missions Muito obrigado por todas as ofertas e donativos, sinal da vossa fé e sentido de compromisso pelo bem estar moral e material da nossa comunidade. Que Deus a todos abençoe com a sua graça e os Seus dons mais preciosos. Thank you very much for the gifts & donations which are signs of your faith & your commitment for the financial well -being of our parish community. May God bless you!

3 Saint Anthony Parish IntençÕes da Missa Mass Intentions April 6th & 7th 4:00pm (English) 5:30pm (Português) 8:00am (Português) 9:00am (English) 9:45am (English) 10:30am (English) 11:30am (Português) 3:00pm 7:00pm (Português) April 8th Segunda-feira April 9th Terça-feira 7:00am (English) 12:10pm (English) April 10th Quarta-feira 7:00am (English) April 11th Quinta-feira April 12th Sexta-feira April 13th & 14th 9:00am (Português) 7:00am (English) 4:00pm (English) 5:30pm (Português) 8:00am (Português) 9:00am (English) 9:45am (English) 10:30am (English) 11:30am (Português) 7:00pm (Português) Domingo da Divina Misericórdia Divine Mercy Sunday George Silva; Margarite & Monica Putney; Mario Rosa; Americo Francisco Nicolina e Jorge Calhau; José António Rego Sousa; Adelaide Sousa Amorim; Albertina Oliveira; José Fernando Camara 3 António Martins; Alfredo Martins e família; Daniel & José Simas e família; Liduina Santos; Michael Claudino e família; Manuel e Maria Rebelo; Agostinho e Maria Bairos; Gilda Pereira At Saint Francis Church The Cardosi & Aufiero Families The Pacheco family; The Peter Family; The DePetro Family; The Costa Family; John and Margaret Sousa; Manuel Martins; Manuel Carreiro dos Santos; Victor Tavares; Etelvina Tavares At Saint Francis Church Kenneth Saccoccio Manuel e Diolinda Tavares; Francisco Santos Hora Santa no Domingo da Divina Misericórdia Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour Comunidade Brasileira Anunciação do Senhor The Annunciation of the Lord At Saint Francis Church Joseph Costa, Jr. and Family Missa pro populo Dia da Semana da Páscoa Weekday of Easter At Saint Francis Church Eugene Doyle Quarta Semana da Trezena de Santo António Dia da Semana da Páscoa Weekday of Easter At Saint Francis Church Marie, Danny, and Mark Thompson S. Estanislau, bispo e mártir Saint Stanislaus, bishop & martyr Miguel Medeiros e familiares falecidos Dia da Semana da Páscoa Weekday of Easter At Saint Francis Church Antonio, Giuseppina & Victoria Coccoluto Terceiro Domingo da Páscoa Third Sunday of Easter Mario Rosa; Americo Francisco; in honor of Saint Lucy Nicolina e Jorge Calhau; Henrique do Rego; José Fernando Camara; Conceição Oliveira António Martins; Liduina Santos; Michael Claudino e família At Saint Francis Church Beatrice and Anita Ales John and Margaret Sousa; Manuel Martins; Manuel Carreiro dos Santos; Victor Tavares; Etelvina Tavares At Saint Francis Church Vincent Moisei and Julie Saracco Império do Divino Espírito Santo da Banda de Santo António de Cambridge Todos os Músicos e Sócios falecidos; Manuel e Diolinda Tavares; Francisco Santos Membros vivos e falecidos do Império S. João Comunidade Brasileira

4 Paróquia Santo António Pagina do Pároco A Paz esteja Convosco - João 20:20 O impacto da mensagem do Evangelho de Deus hoje, é bastante clara, é a mensagem da Sua Paz. Hoje na proclamação da Boa Nova ouvimos Jesus dizer não só uma vez, duas, mas trêz vezes a proclamar a mensagem da Sua Paz. Deus ao dar-nos esta mensagem Ele apresenta o significado da Paz que é através do perdão, em particularmente o perdão de Deus. Hoje celebramos o Domingo da Divina Misericórdia. Debaixo do seu Título, o Papa João Paulo II reserva o Segundo Domingo da Páscoa para que possamos reflectir e entrar verdadeiramente na Misericórdia do perdão dos pecados o qual vem sómente de Deus que as nossas orações e desejos não sejam sómente recipientes da Divina Misericórdia mas também mensageiros dela. Gostaria de reconhecer todos aqueles que ajudaram a embelezar esta estação da Páscoa, especialmente através da Celebração, música e ambiente. Um muito obrigado aos Pe. Jim, Pe. Cristiano, e Pe. Juliano que celebraram as suas respectivas partes do Tríduo e que fizeram um excelente trabalho. A música do Tríduo e Páscoa foi linda, obrigado à Dorothy Chaves, Philip Chaves e Luis Travassos pelo ajuntamento dos vários corais, muito obrigado aos membros dos corais: Português, Brasileiro e Inglês e também por nos terem ajudado a celebrar a Páscoa com música. A Páscoa é tempo de transformação e o ambiente foi de certeza transformado. Obrigado à Mariazinha Sousa e Padre Jim e aos muitos voluntários que trabalharam diligentemente e que assistiram a embelezar o espaço Litúrgico. É de facto uma transformação incrível e nos ajuda na transformação que é tão necessária nas nossas vidas. Obrigado a todos os ministros do altar: Ministros Extraordinários da Comunhão, Leitores, e Acólitos, etc... Finalmente obrigado a todos os que participaram e tomaram parte na Celebração do Tríduo e Domingo de Páscoa, pela vossa generosidade na colecta de São Vicente de Paulo na Quinta-Feira Santa ($1,590.00), na coleta para os Santuários da Terra Santa ($1,649.00) e a coleta da Páscoa que beneficia o Fundo do Clero ($5,505.00). Se ainda não fez a sua oferta a qualquer uma destas colectas, ainda o pode fazer. E um agradecimento ao grupo do Santo Nome e a todos os que assistiram na Procissão do Enterro, embora nós não a celebramos exactamente da mesma maneira como em São Miguel ou em outras Ilhas, foi feita com muito respeito, solenidade e beleza. Obrigado às 65 famílias que já fizeram o seu donativo ao Apelo Católico Já conseguimos juntar $7, que representa 41% da nossa meta de $18, Se ainda não teve a oportunidade de fazer o seu donativo, por favor considere fazêlo hoje e ajude -nos a conseguir chegar ao fim da nossa meta. Este fim de semana, começamos o processo de nomeações novas para o Conselho Pastoral Paroquial (CPP). O CPP auxilia o pastor em seu papel de liderança de planejamento, organização, execução, promoção, coordenação e revisão das atividades de evangelização, culto, educação religiosa e serviço dentro da paróquia. Esta semana, por favor, tome um momento para nomear alguns membros da paróquia para participar e sentar no nosso CPP. Por favor, note algumas das qualificações e qualidades para um candidato: registrado membro da paróquia; culto em nossa paróquia regularmente; livre para participar de reuniões à noite, cuidados com o povo de Santo António Paróquia, e é capaz de ouvir os outros e de expressar uma opinião e respeitar a opinião dos outros. As eleições serão realizadas em algumas semanas. Obrigado por sua ajuda neste assunto importante na vida de nossa família paroquial. Finalmente, a Igreja São Francisco de Assis estará realizando sua Feira Anual no próximo Domingo, dia 14 de Abril com o início às 3:00 pm. Haverá comida, rifas e prêmios. Espero que muitos de vocês será capaz de parar la e apoiar os nossos irmãos e irmãs em Cristo. (E, possivelmente, ganhar algumas rifas!) Peço a Deus para que esta quadra da Páscoa continue a ser um tempo de Misericórdia, Graça, e Bençãos para vós e todos os seus familiares. Paz e Bençãos, Padre Carreiro 4

5 Saint Anthony Parish Pastor s Page Peace be with you! - John 20:20 The impact of the Lord s message in today s Gospel is quite clear, it is a message of His peace. In today s proclamation of the Good News we hear Jesus not once, not twice, but three times proclaiming this message of his peace. As the Lord gives this message of peace he conveys the means to peace which is through forgiveness, in particular the Lord s forgiveness. Today we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Under this title, Blessed Pope John Paul II had set this Second Sunday of Easter aside so that we might reflect and enter into the Mercy of the forgiveness of sins, which comes from God alone. May our prayer and desire not be just to be recipients of this Divine mercy but also messengers of it. I would like to acknowledge those who helped to make palpable the special nature of the Easter season, especially through celebration, music and environment. A very special thanks to Fr. Jim, Fr. Cristiano, & Fr. Juliano who celebrated their respective parts of the Triduum so beautifully. The music of the Triduum and Easter was excellent. Thanks to Dorothy Chaves, Philip Chaves and Luis Travassos for blending together the voices of the various choirs. Many thanks to the members of the choirs (Portuguese, English and Brazilian) for helping us to celebrate in song. Easter is a time for transformation and our environment was certainly transformed. Much gratitude to Mariazinha Sousa, Fr. Jim and the many volunteers who worked so diligently by assisting in beautifying our Liturgical space. It is always such an incredibly beautiful transformation and helps to center on the transformation so necessary in our lives. Thanks to all the various ministers at the altar: Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, etc. Finally thanks to all who took part in the Celebration of the Triduum and Easter Sunday, for your generosity to the collection for St. Vincent de Paul on Holy Thursday ($1,590.00), the collection for the Shrines of the Holy Land ($1,649.00), and to the Easter Collection which benefits the Clergy Trust fund for retired priests ($5,505.00). If you did not have the opportunity to make a donation to any of these and would like to, you are still most welcome. A word of thanks is due the gentlemen of the Holy Name Society and those who assisted with the Procession of the Enterro or the Burial. While it is not exactly as celebrated in São Miguel and other places I think it is done very solemnly with grace and beauty here. Thanks to the 65 families who have supported the 2013 Catholic Appeal. We have raised $7, reaching 41% of our parish goal of $18,399. If you have not yet pledged, please consider a gift today and help us meet our goal. This weekend, we begin the process of nominating new members for the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). The PPC assists the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish. This week, please take a moment to nominate a few members of the parish to participate and sit on our PPC. Please note some of the qualifications and qualities for a nominee: registered member of the parish; worship in our parish regularly; free to attend evening meetings; care about the people of Saint Anthony Parish; and is able to listen to others and express an opinion and respect others opinions. Elections will be held in a few weeks. Thank you for your help in this important matter in the life of our parish family. Finally, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish will be holding their annual Country Fair next Sunday, April 14th beginning at 3:00pm. There will be food, raffles, and prizes. Hopefully, many of you will be able to stop by the parish hall at Saint Francis and support our brothers and sisters in Christ. (And possibly win some raffles!) I pray that this Easter season continues to be a time of mercy, grace, peace and blessings for you and all those in your life. Peace & Blessings, Fr. Walter 5

6 Paróquia Escritório Santo António da Educação Religiosa Office of Religious Education Directora da Educação Religiosa / Director of Religious Education Office Hours Horário de Trabalho Erica Moura Sunday Domingo 8:00am-12:00pm (617) Ext 3 Monday Wednesday Appointment Only Tuesday Terceira-feira 7:00-9:00pm Like us on Facebook (Saint Anthony CCD) Thursday Quinta-feira Closed twitter (@SaintAnthonyCCD) Friday Sexta-feira Appointment Only CYA Next Meeting Wednesdays, April 6:30pm Oportunidade de trabalho Job Opportunity We are looking for someone who is fluent in English and Portuguese to help in our office as a receptionist and secretary. For more information, please contact Tania at (781) or (857) Precisamos de uma pessoa que fale inglês e português fluente para trabalho de secretária. Maires informações no telephone (781) ou (857) com Tania. 2 nd Sunday of Easter Our response to good news is often one of doubt. A popular program on public television is Antiques Roadshow. People bring in their old treasures to have them appraised. Whenever someone has an item that receives a high estimation of value, the response is inevitably one of doubt & suspicion: No way or You ve got to be kidding or Are you serious? We need to confirm, to verify, & to see for ourselves that something good is true. No one ever says those things when the estimate is low or an item is deemed worthless. Instead, they say things like, I knew it or I thought that would be the case. We are indeed plagued by doubt. It s no surprise then that Thomas doubted. He was not present when Jesus appeared and he just could not believe what the other Apostles were telling him. He needed to see and feel for himself if he was to have faith. When Jesus appears again, He gives Thomas what he needs to believe. We all have moments of doubt and we seek reassurance that Jesus will give us what we need just as He gave Thomas what he needed. Jesus does not reject faith because of doubt; he rejects doubt with the fulfillment of faith. Faith stands in the present and looks to the future. Be confident. The Lord will finish the good work He has begun in you. Class Schedule (Grades 1-8) Horario das Aulas Sunday Mornings / Domingos Session I Mass / Missa Session II Sunday, April 7, 2013 Sunday, April 14, 2013 Sunday, April 21, 2013 Sunday, April 28, 2013 Sunday, May 5, :30am 9:30am 9:45am 11:00am 12:00 Noon Regular Class Schedule NO CLASS - Vacation Regular Class Schedule Regular Class Schedule First Holy Communion First Holy Communion Preparation Saturday, April 27 th Thursday, May 2 nd Sunday, May 5 th First Communion Retreat 9:30 a.m. 12 p.m. 7 p.m. - Parish Hall First 9:30a.m Confirmation Preparation Schedule Every other Tuesday Evening: Mass Class Tuesday, April 9 th Tuesday, April 23 rd 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:30pm Regular Class Schedule Regular Class Schedule James Gaffney You should receive a call and notifying of a cancellations. It is vital all contact information is kept up to date. Notification will also be available on WBZ News Radio as well as Channel 5 and 7. A notification will also be recorded on the answering service to the Religious Education Office. 6

7 Festas em Honra do Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres May 10 th " May 11 th " May 12 th Saint Anthony Parish Bilhetes da Rifa Raffle Tickets Available Mudança na Hora das Missas para as Festas Change in Mass Schedule during the Feast On Saturday, May 11th, the procession with the statue of Santo Cristo will begin at 5:00pm followed by the celebration of Mass. There will be no 4:00pm Mass. On Sunday, May 12th, Mass will be celebrated at 12:00 Noon in honor of Senhor Santo Cristo. Following Mass, there will be a procession with the statue of Santo Cristo. Às 5:00 da tarde no Sábado, dia 11 de Maio, teremos a mudança da imagem do Senhor Santo Cristo e seguida a Missa. Não haverá missa as 4:00pm da tarde. Raffle tickets are now available for the upcoming Feast of Santo Cristo (May 10, 11 & 12). For tickets, please contact the rectory at (617) Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or a booklet of 6 tickets for $5.00. The drawing will take place on Sunday, May 12, 2013 at Saint Anthony. No Domingo, dia 12 de Maio, por favor, note que a Missa será celebrada ao Meio-Dia (Missa de Festa). Ofertas e Donativos para o Bazar da Festa Donations & Gifts for the Feast Bazaar The prizes are below: 1st Prize: 2nd Prize: 3rd Prize: 4th Prize: 5th Prize: 6th Prize: 7th Prize: 8th Prize: 9th Prize: Round Trip for 2 to Las Vegas Donated by Gomes Travel Laptop Computer (anonymous donor) Handmade crochet tablecloth by Julia Silva $500 Cash by an anonymous donor $500 Cash by an anonymous donor $500 Cash by Rogers Funeral Home $500 Cash by an anonymous donor $500 Cash by an anonymous donor $100 Gift Certificate by Atasca Restaurant Agradecemos a todas as pessoas que gostariam de participar na venda de bilhetes para a Festa do Senhor Santo Cristo. Cada bilhete custa $1.00 ou um livro de 6 bilhetes por $5.00. O sorteio será no Domingo, dia 12 de Maio Os prêmios estão escritos acima. Aceitamos desde já ofertas novos ou em boas condições para o baza das festas do Senhor Santo Cristodos Milagres. Também prêmios para crianças ou ofertas ofertas monetárias serã aceites e agradecidas. Por favor deixar os prêmios na Reitoria da Igreja até ao dia 16 de Maio. Se houver alguma pergunto, por favor contacte o Ezalino ou a Sandra ou mesmo a reitoria. Obrigado pelo vosso tempo e apoio durante as festas! We are now accepting new and slightly used donations for the Santo Cristo Feast Bazaar. Children and household donations are most appreciated. Also, monetary donations are appreciated for purchases towards gifts for the bazaar. Please drop off donations to the Rectory from now until May 16th. If you have any questions, please contact Ezalino Picanco or Sandra Lima. Thank you for your time & support. 7

8 Paróquia Santo António 6th ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE FOOTSTEPS OF SAINT FRANCIS: ASSISI & ROME November 2 November 9, 2013 For the sixth consecutive year, the Assisi Project will sponsor a weeklong pilgrimage and retreat to Assisi, Rome, and LaVerna from November 2nd through November 10th. This year, we will journey back to these holy places. We will visit the historic Basilicas of Saint Francis and Saint Clare. Each of these great basilicas contains the tombs of the saints, holy relics, and priceless works of art. But these basilicas are also pilgrimage sites for prayer and worship. We will visit the Basilica of Saint Rufino, where Saint Francis and Saint Clare were baptized. We will visit the Church of San Damiano, where the famous crucifix spoke to Francis and hastened his conversion. And we will visit the little chapel known as the Portziuncola, which is considered the home church of the worldwide Franciscan community. Finally, on our last day in Italy, we will travel to Rome for visits to Vatican City and Saint Peter's Basilica. The cost of this extraordinary pilgrimage and retreat is just $2,699 and includes all air and ground transportation, guest house accommodations at the Convent of Saint Bridget of Sweden in Assisi and hotel accommodations at the historic Columbus Hotel near the Vatican in Rome, along with all meals. This price does not include recommended travel insurance (approximately $150) or transportation to the Carceri or La Verna (optional excursions). For more information, please contact Fr. Jim at Please join us! Space is limited! May the Lord give you peace! Festa do Domingo da Misericórdia Divine Mercy Sunday No Domingo, 7 de Abril às 3:00pm teremos a Festa em honra de Jesus da Misericórdia. Às 3:00pm teremos uma hora santa com exposição do Santíssimo Sacramento seguindo com o terço da Misericórdia do Senhor com oração pelo Santo Padre, pela paz, pelas santas vocaçoes, por toda a Igreja, pelos doentes, e os que mais sofrem no mundo. A oração termina com a Benção do Santíssimo Sacramento e procissão com a imagem do Senhor Jesus da Misericórdia. Vinde conosco implorar a do Senhor e reciber a Benção do Santíssimo Sacramento. On Sunday, April 7th, join us as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday with a Holy Hour and Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm in the afternoon. Come and pray with us for the Lord s mercy and recive the graces from time spent in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Festas em Honra do Senhor Espírito Santo Banda de Santo António de Cambridge Domingo, 14 de Abril 2013 Sunday, April 14th No Domingo, 14 de Abril, pelas 10:30 da manhã sairá em Procissão do Centro Cultural da Filarmonica e terminará na Igreja de Santo António onde uma Missa será celebrada em memória de todos os Músicos e Sócios falecidos. Depois da Missa, a Procissão regressa ao Filarmónico onde almoço com as tradicionais sopas do Espírito Santo, carne, vinho, e massa serão servidos. E para concluir estas festividades, um concerto especial pela a Filarmónica. Império de São João Sábado, 18 de Maio e Domingo, 19 de Maio 2013 Missa às 11:30am na Igreja Santo António no dia 19 de Maio Já tem os bilhetes das pensões à venda para o dia 18 de Maio do meio dia até as 4:00 da tarde. O donativo é $35.00 cada pensão. Por favor, telefone José Pereira (617) ; ou Francisco Pacheco (617) ; ou Manuel Cardoso (781) ou José da Rosa (781) Obrigado! Império das Crianças Sábado, 25 de Maio e Domingo, 26 de Maio 2013 Missa às 11:30am na Igreja Santo António no dia 26 de Maio Império de Woburn Sábado, 8 de Junho e Domingo, 9 de Junho 2013 Portuguese American Club em 83 Main Street Woburn, MA Missa no Domingo, 9 de Junho às 11:00am no clube Império Mariense Sábado, 6 de Julho e Domingo, 7 de Julho 2013 No Clube Mariense em 262 Lynn Fells Parkway Saugus, MA Missa no Domingo, 7 de Julho no campo Império Civic League Sábado, 13 de Julho e Domingo, 14 de Julho 2013 Civice League em 26 Springfield Street Somerville, MA Missa às 11:30am na Igreja Santo António no dia 14 de Julho 8

9 Saint Anthony Parish Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento Terças em S. Francisco e Quintas em S. António Todos estão convidados para vir meditar na presença do Santíssimo Sacramento todas as Terças das 9:00am- 12:00pm na Igreja de S. Francisco e todas as Quintas-feiras das 9:30 às 6:30pm. E na primeira Sexta-feira de cada mês tambem temos a adoração de às 5:00 horas da tarde até às 6:30pm na Igreja S. António. Por favor, venham passar alguns momentos com o Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesdays at St. Francis & Thursdays at St. Anthony s All are welcome, invited and encouraged to stop by the chapel at St. Francis Church each Tuesday from 9:00am Noon and the chapel at St. Anthony Church each Thursday from 9:30am 6:30pm for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In addition, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday of the month from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at St. Anthony Church. Please come and spend some quiet time with the Lord. Grupo Carismática: Comunidade Shalom: Legião de Maria: Grupos de Oração Segundas-feiras Na Igreja às 6:30pm Quintas-feiras às 7:30pm Igreja S. Francisco Sextas-feiras as 6:30pm No Mini-Hall Irmandade do Santo Rosário: 6 de Abril 2013 às 4:00pm no Mini-hall Curso de Cristandade (Ultreias) dias 5 & 19 de Abril depois da missa Imagem de Nossa Senhora de Fatima Durante esta semana, 7 de Abril 2013, a Imagem de Nossa Senhora irá visitar a casa de: Jacinto e Maria Figueiredo 29 Concord Street Wilmington, MA Se alguém quizer a visita da imagem da Nossa Senhora chamar a Maria de Lourdes Couto ( ) durante o dia ou depois das 8:00pm. O Apelo Católico de 2013 The Annual Catholic Appeal for 2013 Our parish at Saint Anthony joins with the other 287 parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston's 2013 Catholic Appeal. This effort directly supports the 50 ministries that benefit hundreds of pastoral, charitable and educational programs. During this holy time of Lent, we can be the Good Samaritan to others through the Catholic Appeal. To join with our parish in our goal to raise $18,399 please pledge your support. Envelopes are available in Church and online pledges at Thank you for your prayers in support of this important effort Parish Target (Meta): $ 18, Pledged to date: $ 7, Number of Donors to date: 65 families Intenções do Santo Padre Abril 2013 Intenção Geral: Para que a celebração pública e orante da fé seja fonte de vida para os crentes. Intenção Missionária: Para que as Igrejas locais das zonas de missão sejam sinal e instrumento de esperança e de ressurreição. Declaração de Missão Paroquial Parish Mission Statement A comunidade multicultural da Paróquia pessoal Portuguesa, Católica e Romana de Santo António, aspira em criar uma atmosfera activa de participação de todos os paroquianos através da celebração dos Sacramentos e a proclamação da Palavra de Deus, nas linguas Portuguesa e Inglesa. Convidamos todas as pessoas a crescer no seu conhecimento e amor por Deus para O servimos melhor através do compromisso e da formação Católica das nossas promessas Baptismais e dos grupos espirituais, de oração honrando a nossa cultura e tradição paroquial e dando a oportunidade de espalhar a Boa-Nova de Jesus Cristo e o Reino dos Céus. 9 The multicultural community of Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic and personal Portuguese Parish, strives to create an atmosphere of active participation by all parishioners, through the celebration of the sacraments and the proclamation of the Word of God, in Portuguese and English. We invite all people to grow in their knowledge and love of God, to serve Him through stewardship, commitment to catholic formation, fulfilling our Baptismal promises in community-based ministries, honoring our traditions and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

10 PRINTING SERVICES for Small Businesses Professional Printing for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars CD Covers Door Hangers Envelope Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Letterhead Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Booklets & Newsletters What s Inside T MAC T A N E E. New England Open May 28 th to June 1 st New England Jr. Section Championships June 28th to July 1 st Postcards & Slim Jims New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13 th Chowder FEST New England Jr. Hard Court Championships August 14th to August 17 th Our Newest Feature: Large-Format Printing Banners Car Magnets Posters Yard Signs Relax, rejuvenate in a Massage or Spa treatment. CARING HANDS Center for Massage and Wellbeing 55 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel Massage, Energy Work & Opportunities to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit M T A S Francisco Montoya Academy Director Celeste Frey Academy Manager AVEDA CONCEPT SALON 62 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel Alex Howard Head Coach Pop into the pub for a pint or treat yourself to a Tapas Bar. Dave Colby Junior Program Director PEDDLER S DAUGHTER 45 Wingate St. Haverhill, MA Tel Authentically prepared Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-Sat 11 a.m. 1 a.m. & Sun Noon 1a.m. Graphic design services are available for all projects upon Brochures request. Available in a varietyof sizes and layouts Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional BISTRO Wingate Street, Haverhill, MA Tel Wednesday to Saturday 5 p.m. 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m. Cuisine: Tapas & European influence Chris Clayton Tennis Professional 80 Francisco Montoya ext. 232 Celeste Frey ext. 351 Downtown Map of Wingate Arts District Angles and Art 63 - Second Thoughts 62 - Mizan Aveda Concept Salon 61 - Positive Images Gallery Wei Chi 13 Salon and Spa 13 Railroad Square Tel Maria s Family Restaurant 8 Locust Street Tel Many folding options available SUMMER Caring Hands 45 - Peddler s Daughter & Bistro 45 Restaurant 21 - North Star Yoga 19 - Wicked Big Cafe Additional Places to Wander: Project Sound Recording Studio 45 Wingate Street Tel Essex Street Grille 25 Essex Street Tel Ramp up Your Game June 14th to August 27th Mondays - Fridays 1:30-5:30 pm 8 years and up Program Designed by Nick Bollettieri BUILDING THE COMMUNITY. CELEBRATING THE ARTS Design: Jim Fonseca 19 Wingate Street Arts District Wander on Wingate! We invite you to explore the Wingate Street Arts District, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centrally located yet slightly tucked away. Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown s Washington Street, adventure awaits you! What ties it all together is our love of the Arts. Keep an eye out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city. Check out the exhibits in the various businesses; the Arts District supports local artists by inviting them to show and sell their work in a variety of venues. And watch for upcoming events... There is always something in the works on Wingate! Business Cards & Bookmarks Flyers The Standish Wellness Series Pro-active Tips for Women Early Detection and Prevention of Gynecologic Cancers: Presented by leading minimally invasive gynecologist Dr Purnima Sangal. Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living on May 22 nd, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a light lunch. Dr. Purnima Sangal has a private practice in the Merrimack Valley, and is affiliated with Saints Memorial Medical Center and Lowell General Hospital where she served as chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology. As a specialist in Gynecology, she offers expertise in Laser Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy, Pelvic pain and endometriosis, as well as prevention guidance and advice. RSVP by calling expert painting, carpentry & home repair Saturday, June 26th, 2 4 pm Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio String Swing. Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community. Kindly RSVP by June PREMIER INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED LIVING 1190 Adams Street Boston, MA For Advertising Information, Please Call Pilot Bulletins Dana Tarr c: e: COMPASS MEMORY SUPPORT Dana Tarr Home Maintenance Services HIC# Greens Point Road Ipswich, MA Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA MIRIAM GOODMAN ARTHUR GRIFFIN CORY SILKEN Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.

11 MIRIAMGOODMAN ARTHUR THURIFFIN GRIFFIN CORY SILKEN Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. Space Available Watch us on cable or online: Bring us with you. Get Verizon FiOS 296 Comcast 268 RCN 85 (617) Cambridge St. Be a Servant Matthew 20:26 Bring us with you. Get on Kindle. Subscribe on for $1.49 a month. Goncalo Rego, Advogado ACCIDENTES de CARRO ACCIDENTES de TRABALLO TESTAMENTOS One Shipyard Way, Medford, MA Moniz Electric, Inc. Joseph Moniz - Electrician (617) Licensed Electrical Contractor Specializing in: Wiring, Lights, Heating & Fire Alarms Somerville, MA Monuments & Mt. Auburn Memorials, Inc. Lettering 583 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge Since on Kindle. Subscribe on for $1.49 a month. RCAB Pastoral Planning Explore the Latest Materials from the Consultation Process Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs! If you bring your printing to a chain store or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs. We can help save you money. MAC T A N E E New England Open May 28 th to June 1 st June 28th to July 1 st New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13 th New England Jr. Hard Court Championships August 14th to August 17 th Saturday, June 26 th, 2 4 pm Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio String Swing. Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community. Kindly RSVP by June Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA What s Inside Francisco Montoya Academy Director Celeste Frey Academy Manager Alex Howard Head Coach Dave Colby Junior Program Director Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional Chris Clayton Tennis Professional Francisco Montoya ext. 232 Celeste Frey ext. 351 SUMMER 2010 Chowder Ramp up Your Game June 14th to August 27th Mondays - Fridays 1:30-5:30 pm 8 years and up FEST Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Proud Printers of This Bulletin Cardinal Seán s Blog Cardinal Seán shares his reflections & experiences. Watch A Video to See How We Produce Our Bulletins Scan this QR code with your smart phone and app. Is Christ Calling You to the Priesthood? For Advertising Information, Please Call Pilot Bulletins Saint Anthony Parish of

12 Camilla s Nivia Airoso Owner 673 Massachusetts Ave. Arlington, MA CONNECTING WITH THE COMMUNITY ECSB (3272) REAL ESTATE AND Since Artwork Approval INSURANCE Seguros - Casas, Carros e Comercial Real Estate - Compra, Venda e Aluguer 1092 Cambridge Street God is Love 1 John 4:8 ISAAC M. MACHADO ADVOGADO Law Offices of Isaac M. Machado 421 Highland Ave. Davis Square Somerville, MA Alex Russakovsky, O.D. Boston 100 City Hall Plaza Please Mention Our Ad and Green Line at Government Center T Stop receive $75 off of a complete J. Luccio, O. D. L. Labiento, pair O. D. of GLASSES. Offer good only at these locations: Cambridge/Somerville 22 McGrath Highway Twin City Plaza/Route ROGERS FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES Pre-need Specialist Telephone: (617) Family Owned & Operated Since 1942 INMAN SQ. HARDWARE EST Please make sure everything is correct. Questions? Please call CHECK LIST: address Phone Tintas Chaves FaX coupon Ferramentas exp. Date Discount WeB site spelling sign BeloW if you are approving your Artigos artwork. Electricos if not Please e de make the appropriate notes so the ProPer changes can Be made. our art DePartment at 1337 Cambridge Street Canalizacao or mail to The STudenT Saver, 1440 Beacon STreeT, SuiTe 106, Brookline, Ma THANK YOU. signature Located at Twin City Plaza Green Line at Lechmere T Stop J. Luccio, O. D. Falamos Portugues - Hablamos Español $55 EyE Exam REg. $100 Full Comprehensive exam includes Glaucoma test & Cataract exam. * Contact Lense Fitting Exam Additional fee. SaVE $129 $ Hampshire DiSpoSablE Street contacts or 3 MONTH SUPPLY Includes: Eye Exam, Fitting Exam, on EyEglaSSES Rx SunglaSSES Both Frames & Lenses purchase required. Cannot be combined with any other offers, or insurance programs. Some restrictions apply. Follow-up Care, Lenses & Care Kit. 50 Hampshire Street J. Luccio, O. D. J. Luccio, O. D. J. Luccio, O. D. Fax: Arlington Belmont Cambridge Medford Somerville Waltham Member FDIC Member DIF GTS TAX SERVICE 337 Cambridge Street, Cambridge Falamos Portugues Hablamos Espanol 40 Anos de Experiência Preparaç ăo de Income Tax Luis M. Gomes, RTRP (617) Cambridge Street GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 825 Cambridge Street, Cambridge No other discount or coupon applies. See store for details. You must present this ad at the time of visit. Offers available only at Boston & Cambridge/Somerville locations. CEREC CROWNS/INVISALIGN 1060 AM 4-5 pm Mon.-Fri. Space Student $AVER Available 1440 Beacon Street, Suite 106 Brookline, MA Tel: Consider Date Spotlight Advertising For Advertising Information, Please Call Pilot Bulletins Saint Anthony Parish of The Bulletins printed exclusively by The clear, local choice for all your banking needs. Somerville. Cambridge PACHECO JEWELERS Voted Best of Cambridge 8 Years in a Row fine jewelry diamonds watches gifts repairs engravings Cambridge Street PRIMO PAVING, INC. Residential ASPHALT PAVING & SEALCOATING Commercial Demolition Contracting Snow Plowing Masonry Removal & Disposal Landscaping Equipment Rentals Dumpster Rentals Stand Out: With Color Advertising He has risen. Matthew 28:6 The story of the Good Samaritan begins with YOU Profile a business, organization, or ministry in our full-page feature, printed in full color or black & white. Call for more information.

Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas

Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas Sacramento da Con issão! Sacrament of Penance! Sacramento do Batismo! Sacrament of Baptism! Sacramento do Matrimónio! Sacrament of Marriage! Mass Schedule & Intentions

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Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, Massachusetts

Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, Massachusetts Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, Massachusetts Paróquia Santo António Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish 400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue 02141 Telephone 617-547-5593 Fax 617-547-1505

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Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish

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Prova Escrita de Inglês

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Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish

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Paróquia Santo António Saint Anthony Parish

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ou enviar à tua frente o meu mensageiro, que preparará o teu caminho.»

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CRONOGRAMA PRÉ - JMJ 2013 (15 a 21 Julho) 15/07/13 - Segunda-Feira - MONDAY Hora/ Time

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Units 3 and 4. 3rd Bimester Content. Future Predictions. Life events. Personality adjectives. English - Leonardo Bérenger and Aline Martins

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AT A HOTEL NO HOTEL. I d like to stay near the station. Can you suggest a cheaper hotel? Poderia sugerir um hotel mais barato?

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3 o ANO ENSINO MÉDIO. Prof. a Christiane Mourão Prof. a Cláudia Borges

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Versão 1. Nome do aluno: N.º: Turma: Atenção! Não vires esta página até receberes a indicação para o fazeres.

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Annual Parish Picnic Saturday, August 13, 2016 At Tomahawk Lake Water Park Sparta, NJ SAVE THE DAY

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St. James R.C. Church June 3,

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Português 207 Portuguese for Business

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program schedule / Programa Schedule

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