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3 PRONOMES PESSOAIS, OBJETOS, REFLEXIVOS, POSSESSIVOS, ADJETIVOS POSSESSIVOS PRONOMES SUJEITOS (SUBJECT PRONOUNS) Os Pronomes Sujeitos (Subject Pronouns) são usados como sujeito da oração ou substituem pessoas ou coisas que também estão na função de sujeito. SINGULAR I eu YOU tu; você HE ele SHE ela IT ele/ela (animais ou objetos) PLURAL WE nós YOU vós; vocês THEY eles Pronomes pessoais usados como sujeito da oração EXEMPLO: I am very poor. Won t you give me something else? She sat down on the river bank. They went around the world together. 3

4 Usados para substituir termos da oração: EXEMPLO: Women never go to the movies alone. They prefer to go with their boyfriends. The executive will feel more energetic after gym. He will feel healthy. Usados em respostas simplificadas: EXEMPLO: Who wants a drink? I do Does he live in Tijuca? Yes he does. Is Bia an architect? No She isn t O pronome IT é usado em várias expressões. EXEMPLO: It is raining/ snowing/freezing/windy/cloudy/cold/hot etc. It is half past seven It is me It is time to go. PRONOMES OBJETOS (OBJECT PRONOUNS) Os Pronomes Objetos (Object Pronouns) substituem os objetos diretos ou indiretos, e sempre devem vir após verbos ou, em alguns casos, preposições. 4

5 ME me; mim; migo YOU te; ti; tigo; você SINGULAR HIM o, lhe; ele HER a; lhe; ela IT o; a; lhe; ele; ela PLURAL US nos; nosco; nós YOU vos; vosco; vocês THEM os; as; lhes; eles; elas Usados como objeto do verbo. EXEMPLO: He still loves her. I m going to see him tomorrow. Take me to your office. Usados como objeto, porém depois de preposição. EXEMPLO: Look at them. Bernado wants to go with you. Between you and me 5

6 Substituindo nomes. EXEMPLO: Pass Victória the pen = Pass her the pen. I ll visit Paulo next month = I ll visit him next month. Talk to Carla and Pedro = Talk to them. PRONOMES ADJETIVOS POSSESSIVOS (POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES) Os Pronomes Adjetivos Possessivos (Possessive Adjectives) são usados antes do substantivo para indicar que aquele substantivo pertence a alguém, e são relacionados ao sujeito da oração. SINGULAR MY meu(s); minha(s) YOUR teu(s); tua(s); seu(s); sua(s); de você HIS dele(s); seu(s); sua(s) HER dela(s); seu(s); sua(s) ITS dele(s); dela(s); seu(s); sua(s) PLURAL OUR nosso(s); nossa(s) YOUR vosso(s); vossa(s); seu(s); sua(s); de vocês THEIR deles; delas; seu(s); sua(s) Pronomes Adjetivos Possessivos usados antes do substantivo que é a coisa possuída por alguém. 6

7 Ex: My car; Her room; Our bank account Meu carro Sua sala Nossa conta bancária Dela Their children Seus filhos Deles/ Delas Os Pronomes Adjetivos Possessivos referem-se ao sujeito da oração. Ex: Have you hurt your hand? She is going to clean her house. They decided to park their car here. PRONOMES POSSESSIVOS (POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS) Os Pronomes Possessivos (Possessive Pronouns) são usados com o intuito de substituir o substantivo, ou seja, o objeto possuído na frase. Estão sempre relacionados ao sujeito. 7

8 SINGULAR MINE meu(s); minha(s) YOURS teu(s); tua(s); seu(s); sua(s); de você HIS dele; seu(s); sua(s) HERS dela; seu(s); sua(s) ITS dele(s); dela(s); seu(s); sua(s) PLURAL OUR nosso(s); nossa(s) YOURS vosso(s); vossa(s); seu(s); sua(s); de vocês THEIRS deles; delas; seu(s); sua(s) Os Pronomes Possessivos são usados depois do substantivo e quando o substantivo estiver subentendido. Ex: This car is yours. seu/ seus Paula is in her car. I am in mine. my car This is your bike. That is hers. her bike Os Pronomes Possessivos também concordam com o sujeito Ex: Whose pen is this? It s Paulo s. It s his. Where s Carla s book? Hers is on the floor. 8

9 PRONOMES REFLEXIVOS (REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS) Os Pronomes Reflexivos (Reflexive Pronouns) são usados para expressar ação reflexiva, ou seja, a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito. Usamos o Pronome Reflexivo com a intenção de informar que o sujeito praticou a ação por conta própria, sem a ajuda de ninguém, nesse caso, geralmente, o pronome deve vir precedido por by. Usa-se também na função enfática, onde o pronome deve combinar com aquilo que está se enfatizando. SINGULAR MYSELF me; mesmo(a); próprio(a); mim mesmo(a) YOURSELF te; ti; mesmo(a); próprio(a); ti mesmo(a); você mesmo(a) HIMSELF se; si; mesmo; próprio; a ele mesmo. HERSELF se; si; mesma; própria; a ela mesma ITSELF se; si; mesmo(a); próprio(a); a ele/ ela mesmo PLURAL OURSELVES nos; mesmos(as); próprios(as); a nós mesmos(as) YOURSELF vos; mesmos(as); próprios(as); a vós mesmos(as) THEMSELVES se; si; mesmos(as); próprio(as); a eles/ elas mesmos(as) Usados com verbos reflexivos, onde o sujeito e o objeto da ação são os mesmos. EXEMPLO: Look at yourself in the Mirror! We enjoyed ourselves in Maceió. Have you hurt yourself with that knife? O Pronome Reflexivo é usado em sentenças onde o sujeito pratica a ação por ele mesmo. 9

10 Ex: I ll just get myself the ball before the game starts. He made himself a drink. I ve just bought myself a new car. She lives by herself. Usado para enfatizar ou realçar o sujeito ou o objeto da oração. EXEMPLO: The principal (sujeito) himself called the student. Thales loved the book (objeto) itself, but he didn t like the film. Há casos em que os Pronomes Reflexivos são usados com preposição e também quando as preposições são parte do phrasal verb. EXEMPLO: Look after yourself. / Take care of yourself. Don t do it for him, let him do it for himself. She lives by herself. / He s old enough to go to Manaus by himself. REFERÊNCIA PRONOMINAL - PRONOUN REFERENCE O pronome é uma palavra que é usada num texto, e geralmente substitui outro termo. Nas questões de prova, a banca pergunta a que termo do texto o pronome se refere. Muitas vezes esse termo que o pronome se refere está anterior a ele, mas em alguns casos aparece depois. Os Pronomes Referenciais podem ser todos os tipos de pronomes como os: pronomes pessoais, objetos, possessivos, reflexivos, demonstrativos e relativos. 10

11 Uso dos Pronomes Referenciais. EXEMPLO: After buying the new car, João sold it. Victor, take the seats out of the car and fix them The manager told the employees that they would receive a bonus. Why don t you like him, the student next to the window? After he had received his orders, the soldier left the barracks. SUBJECT OBJECT POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES POSSESSIVE PRONOUMS REFLEXIVES I ME MY MINE MYSELF YOU YOU YOUR YOURS YOURSELF HE HIM HIS HIS HIMSELF SHE HER HER HERS HERSELF IT IT ITS ITS ITSELF WE US OUR OURS OURSELVES YOU YOU YOUR YOURS YOURSELVES THEY THEM THEIR THEIRS THEMSELVES 11

12 1. (CESGRANRIO) Mark the option which completes the following sentences with the adequate pronouns: I. Businessmen have own priorities. II. Everyone must feel happy with working habits. III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more time with children. IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot discuss disadvantages. a) I. his, II. their, III. her, IV. their b) I. their, II. its, III. their, IV. its c) I. their, II. his, III. her, IV. its d) I. its, II. your, III. its, IV. their e) I. his, II. his, III. their, IV. your 2. (AFA) The film BACK TO THE FUTURE, Michael J. Fox plays a teenager who accidentally travels back 30 years in time. There he meets his parents, who are still teenagers and haven t fallen in love yet. He has to help them get together, because if they don t get married, he won t exist! In the text above, the pronoun theyin the 8th line refers to a) H.G. Wells and Michael J. Fox b) The accidentally travels c) 30 years in time d) M.J. Fox s parents in the film 3. (AFA) The Kremlin hoping a young strongman can preserve its brutal victory in Chechnya. (Newsweek, September, 2000) Mark the alternative that completes the blanks of the statement below. The word its is a (an) pronoun and refers to. a) personal / young strong man b) reflexive / Chechnya c) possessive adjective / The Kremlin hoping d) objective / victory 12

13 4. (EFOMM) Typhoon Ida left a trail of destruction in wake. It swept the country from coast to coast. a) mine b) ours c) his d) hers e) its 5. (STA CASA) Complete as frases corretamente. Whose are these shoes? They are shoes. They belong to. They are. a) his he him b) yours you your c) their theirs them d) our us ours e) hers she her 6. (U.F.S.C) You like my car, but I prefer. a) my b) yours c) mine d) your e) her 7. (F.M. JUNDIAÍ-SP) These are pens, not. a) my yours b) my your c) me you d) mine yours e) mine your 8. (EFOMM) She didn t buy the furniture because was too expensive. a) it b) its c) they d) them 13

14 9. (C.CHAGAS) I ve seen books on the table. Have you seen? a) your my b) yours mine c) your- mine d) your me e) yours my 10. (CESESP) Peter and Anne are friends of. I like very much. I suppose also like me. a) me they- she b) mine them they c) yours her she d) them them they e) him him he 11. (ESC.NAVAL) Choose the correct pronouns from the following alternatives. She liked both of, but more than. a) we my him b) us I him c) us me him d) us me he e) we him me 12. (FM.ABC) Complete with suitable possessives. Tell him not to forget homework; she mustn t forget either. a) he s her b) him hers c) its her d) him her e) his hers 13. (ITA) Those of us who wear glasses should have eyes examined at regular intervals. a) our b) ones c) their d) his e) n.d.a. 14

15 14. (ITA) Assinale a alternativa correta. a) Both he and I teach English. b) Both him and I teach English. c) Both he and me teach English. d) Both him and me teach English. e) n.d.a. 15. (ITA) Each of the girls will have to carry own dress. a) their b) her c) theirs d) hers e) N.D.A. 16. (ITA) The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler's army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France, but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which the Germans thought the more likely invasion target. O pronome demonstrativo "those" faz referência aos: a) Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia. b) Soldados soviéticos da Ásia Central. c) Soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler. d) Soldados das divisões estacionárias. e) Soldados russos, italianos e franceses. (Extracted from Time June 6, 1994) 17. (ITA) Leia o recado de Ho Chi Minh aos franceses, em "You can kill 10 of my men for everyone I kill of, yet even at those odds, you will lose and I will win." A lacuna encontrada na frase acima deve ser preenchida por: a) yours. b) them. c) you. d) theirs. e) your. 15

16 18. (FMU/FIAM/FAAM-SP) Who made the cake? I made it. a) by alone b) myself c) itself d) mine e) my 19. (AFA) This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. The pronoun it in the text refers to a) the story. b) someone. c) the job. d) Nobody. 20. (ITA) Either you or must tell him the truth. a) myself b) I c) me d) oneself e) one 21. (STA CASA) Why don t they enjoy instead of watching that dull TV programme? a) yourself b) ourselves c) yourselves d) themselves e) himself 22. (FMU/FIAM/FAAM) It was the widow who told not to go there. a) herself our b) itself me c) itself him d) myself me e) herself me 16

17 23. (PUCPR) Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue below: Bob: Do you always get good marks on examinations? James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do homework assignments and study a little every day. Bob: How about Maria? Are grades good too? James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very much. a) yours my his b) you my hers c) your me your d) your mine yours e) your my her 24. (ITA) A alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III de The blue pencil is not I and it is not II either; it is III. é: I II III a) my his hers b) your of her our c) mine of him your d) yours hers mine e) yours his her 25. (UERJ) He offered a drink because everybody knew was a friend of. a) she she hers b) she her hers c) her he her d) her she his e) her him him 26. (EFOMM) Mexicans can thank the peso crash for one thing: IT has forced them to confront the country's deep-seated political problems. Disappointed with the ruling party, the PRI, they are demanding a truly First World government. In the above text, IT refers to: a) Mexicans. b) peso crash. c) PRI. d) Mexico. e) political problems. 17

18 27. (EFOMM) As a tool, the computer assists to perform a lotof activities. a) we b) us c) ourselves d) they e) to mine 28. (ITA) The computer giant IBM has offered $1.1 million ( pounds) for a chess rematch between Garry Kasparov and ITS super-computer, Deep Blue. O termo ITS em maiúsculo no texto refere-se: a) ao computador de Garry Kasparov; b) a Deep Blue; c) à IBM; d) ao computador gigante da IBM; e) a Garry Kasparov. 29. (PUCPR) Which option contains the correct use of the pronouns? I. Could you tell what has happened in the pub? II. His uncle gave the money to set up his new business. III. It was kind of you to let me borrow computer. IV. She ignored father's warning and jumped into the swimming pool. V. Just a minute, I'm going to hang jacket in the a) I. me; II. him; III. your; IV. her; V. my b) I. them; II. her; III. your; IV. her; V. your c) I. him; II. them; III. his; IV. its; V. mine d) I. her; II. us; III. their; IV. our; V. yours e) I. us; II. his; III. her; IV. his; V. him 30. (AFA) Between 1950 and 1960, Japanese manufacturing output grew at an average annual rate of 16.7 per cent and GNP (Gross National Product) at about 10 per cent. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the gap. a) theirs b) our c) its d) ours 18

19 TEXT COMPREHENSION TEXT 8 (AFA) GET READY You will go directly to the labor market after high school, or you will prepare yourself to the university. No matter what you do, there is one very important thing to remember: you have to get ready for what is coming. And you have to do it right, otherwise people will not hire you. They will only pay you a salary when they recognize that your work has value. If you want a higher salary, you have to provide more value. Consider your experience and your knowledge today. What can you do today at work? What are your skills? What are the things that you can do that meet the needs of other people? Taken from Challenge, Richmond 1. After graduating from high school it is highly important to a) be prepared to deal with the labor market or to go to the university. b) remember in detail what you have just learnt. c) achieve what you want quickly. d) make yourself essential questions to get a raise. 2. Considering the ideas expressed by the text, mark the INCORRECT statement. a) People need to deserve their salary. b) Workers cannot wait for a better salary if they don t work in a satisfactory way. c) We don t have to work more than necessary if the salary is good. d) Employees must have a higher salary if they improve the quality of work they offer. 3. The fragment meet the needs of other people taken from the text means a) to face the chief and co-workers. b) the skills a worker has. c) to correspond to people s expectations. d) the necessity we have to be part of a group. 19

20 TEXT 9 (FUVEST) English is a colonial language that continued to be the official language after independence in virtually all African countries that were under British rule. In some cases it was retained to avoid ethnic tensions. But in all cases it was retained because of its prestige and association with power. In contrast, the vernaculars were viewed as backward and inferior, and so were not developed. Students were made to feel ashamed of their mother tongue and punished for speaking it. In Kenya, for example, speaking in vernacular was forbidden and sanctioned in schools. One popular method of punishment was to make pupils carry around a skull of some dead animal the whole day as a way of embarrassing the pupil who dared speak in his mother tongue. Today it is difficult to use indigenous languages because they have not developed, been codified and standardised. Hence there is a shortage of teaching materials and trained teachers in the vernaculars. And this has often been used as an excuse for not adopting the vernaculars in schools. (The Guardian Weekly, August 2003) 1. Which of these statements is true according to the text? a) As compared to English, African languages are inferior, poor and underdeveloped. b) English has a greater number of rules than most African languages. c) In former British colonies in Africa, the English language was adopted because of its prestige and power. d) Using vernacular languages in Africa was a way of maintaining peace among different ethnic groups. e) Adopting English as an official language in some African countries might result in a stimulus for the development of vernacular languages. 2. According to the text, in Kenya, students who spoke their native language at school a) faced different sorts of punishment. b) had to carry a dead animal to school. c) could not speak for a whole day. d) had to find a skull of a dead animal. e) felt embarrassed because their mothers were informed. 3. According to the text, adopting the vernaculars in African schools today is a) impossible because of ethnic tensions. b) used as an excuse for not training teachers. c) the result of a lack of teaching materials. d) considered impracticable due to the current limitations of those languages. e) slowly changing the status of teachers and speakers of those languages. 20

21 4. We can say that the author of the passage is a) convinced that the English language will be beneficial to African countries. b) critical of the current status of development of African languages. c) optimistic about the future of vernacular languages in Africa. d) discouraged with recent Kenyan government measures concerning education. e) certain that better trained teachers are the key factor to improve Africa's education system. 21

22 EXERCÍCIOS DE COMBATE 1. c 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. d 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. c 10. b 11. c 12. e 13. c 14. a 15. b 16. c 17. a 18. b 19. c 20. b 21. d 22. e 23. e 24 c 25. d 26. b 27. b 28. c 29. a 30. c TEXT COMPREHENSION TEXT 8 (AFA) 1. a 2. c 3. c TEXT 9 (FUVEST) 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 22

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Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lição 28: Outras preposições. Como usar outras preposições.

Lesson 28: Other Prepositions. (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lição 28: Outras preposições. Como usar outras preposições. Lesson 28: Other Prepositions (by, about, like, of, with, without) Lição 28: Outras preposições Como usar outras preposições. Reading (Leituras) I go to school by bus. (Eu vou à escola de ônibus.) We came

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