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1 JOSÉ MENDES BOTA Deputado à Assembleia da República em representação da Região do Algarve Palácio de S. Bento Lisboa Telef: Mail: RELATÓRIO Nº 49 Lisboa, 28/11/2011 ÂMBITO: ASSEMBLEIA PARLAMENTAR DO CONSELHO DA EUROPA (APCE) LOCAL: EDIMBURGO PARTIDA: 23 de Novembro de 2011 REGRESSO: 26 de Novembro de 2011 OBJECTIVO: Participação em reuniões do Bureau e da Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa (APCE) No dia 24 de Novembro de 2011, participei numa reunião do Bureau da APCE, na qual fiz cinco intervenções. A primeira intervenção, foi para me insurgir perante a informação de que os funcionários do Conselho da Europa irão ver os seus salários aumentados em 2012, numa altura que por toda a Europa as populações sofrem medidas de austeridade draconianas, os trabalhadores e a própria classe política têm visto as suas remunerações severamente cortadas. Considerei esta situação um verdadeiro escândalo, agravado por se estar a falar de uma classe de funcionários de instituições europeias que aufere elevados rendimentos e privilégios, e por não querer ver o meu nome associado a esta ignomínia sem protesto, fiz questão de exigir que tal constasse na acta da reunião. A segunda intervenção, foi sobre as recentes eleições na Tunísia nas quais integrei a missão de observação eleitoral do Conselho da Europa, tendo realçado o facto de terem sido eleitas menos mulheres (22%) com o novo sistema de paridade total nas listas de candidatos do que as deputadas no parlamento do antigo regime (27%), tal como já referi em relatório anterior. Esta situação deriva do excesso de listas de candidatura, o que levou a uma dispersão de candidatos eleitos, sendo que apenas 7% das listas eram encabeçadas por mulheres, e na maioria dos casos as mulheres colocadas no segundo lugar não chegaram a ser eleitas. Dei também o meu testemunho sobre o acolhimento caloroso e amigável que a população demonstrou perante a presença dos observadores eleitorais, e sobre a sua vontade genuína de contribuir para a construção da democracia. A terceira intervenção, relativa às propostas do Secretário Geral da APCE para implementar a reforma da instituição, foi para defender a valorização das manhãs parlamentares das sextas-feiras de manhã, designadamente, introduzindo a título experimental debates de urgência ou de actualidade, que poderiam atrair a atenção de mais deputados e mais órgãos de comunicação social. Sugeri ainda que no organograma da APCE, o título do Departamento que apoiará o trabalho da futura comissão da Igualdade e Não Discriminação deverá estar em linha 1

2 com o nome desta. Ou seja, a expressão igualdade de oportunidades deverá ceder o lugar a igualdade, o que foi aceite. Seguidamente, fiz uma intervenção de relato da forma como decorreu a conferência subordinada ao tema Women as drivers of change in the Mediterranean, organizado pelo Centro Norte/Sul a 24 e 25 de Outubro, em Roma, e no qual participei como orador convidado. O texto desta intervenção consta como Anexo A do presente relatório. Finalmente, fiz uma intervenção para saudar a iniciativa do presidente da APCE em apresentar ao Bureau uma declaração a propósito do Dia Internacional para a Eliminação de todas as formas de Violência contra as Mulheres, a ser proposta à Comissão Permanente para aprovação, no dia 25 de Novembro. No dia 25 de Novembro de 2011, participei numa reunião da Comissão Permanente da APCE, durante a qual fiz quatro intervenções. A primeira destas, foi para questionar o Ministro para a Europa do Reino Unido, David Lidington, que fez uma apresentação do programa da presidência britânica para o Conselho da Europa, que decorrerá no primeiro semestre de 2012, e cujo texto consta no Anexo B do presente relatório. A segunda intervenção, na qualidade de presidente da Comissão IOMH, versou sobre o relatório Kovacs (doc ), subordinado ao tema Psychological Violence, figurando o texto no Anexo C do presente relatório. A terceira intervenção, igualmente na qualidade de presidente da Comissão IOMH, versou sobre o relatório Myller (doc ), subordinado ao tema Protection orders for victims of domestic violence, constando como Anexo D do presente relatório. Finalmente, no Anexo E se reproduz na íntegra o texto da declaração à comunicação social que produzi neste dia, na minha qualidade de presidente da Comissão para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens, para assinalar o Dia Internacional para a Eliminação de todas as formas de Violência contra as Mulheres e a Violência Doméstica. Assembleia da República, 28 de Novembro de 2011 José Mendes Bota ANEXO A Speech by Mr. Mendes Bota on the Bureau meeting of PACE, about the North South Centre conference on Women as drivers of change in the Mediterrean, organized on 24 and 25 th of October, in Rome Edinburgh, 25 th of November

3 It is my pleasure to tell you that this conference was a success. I am pleased to tell you that all the members of the ad hoc committee were present and they played a role in ensuring this result. Of course the timing of the conference was particularly well chosen: elections had taken place the week-end before in Tunisia; the news that Colonel Ghaddafi had been captured and killed had just been given. The timeliness of the event explains perhaps why the overall participation exceeded expectations (more than 180 people). At the same time, the contents were well chosen, and the diversified backgrounds of the speakers contributed to an interesting discussion. Those from the Southern shore of the Mediterranean included: parliamentarians (Morocco and Algeria), one junior Minister (Algeria), political activists (Algeria, Egypt Libya), academics (Tunisia, Palestinian National Authority), journalists (Tunisia, Turkey), ambassadors (Morocco, Libya), NGO representatives (Lebanon, Egypt). A Final Declaration was adopted, which revolves around some main ideas: a)- gender equality should be a priority for the Council of Europe and gender mainstreaming should be included in all its co-operation programmes with South Mediterranean countries; b)- the North South Centre should set up a Women s Network for Democratic Governance; c)- this conference should be the first of a series of conferences to be known as the North South Women s Empowerment Process (the Assembly should contribute to deciding the topic of the conference); d)- more parliaments from the South Mediterranean should commit themselves to a structured cooperation with the Assembly; more countries from the region should join the North-South Centre; e)- countries from the South Mediterranean should seek accession to relevant Council of Europe conventions. In general, I would say that the Conference highlighted that there is room for the Parliamentary Assembly to strengthen its links with countries of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean, and that this opportunity should be seized. The Conference generated a great deal of enthusiasm in the ad hoc committee. When it finished, in informal conversations, several proposals were put forward, to ensure that 3

4 our Assembly contributes to giving voice and visibility to women from these countries and to the notion of gender equality as a cornerstone of democracy. A compromise proposal could be that the report on Gender equality and the status of women in the Council of Europe southern neighbourhood (Rapporteur: Ms Saïdi, Belgium, SOC), which is currently under preparation in the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, should be debated in April The idea suggested by the ad hoc Committee is that women representatives of the countries concerned may intervene in the context of the debate. I hope that this proposal can be endorsed by the Bureau. The Equality Committee remains available to suggest possible guests for the debate. Finnally, I would like to express the recognition to the excellent work our colleague Deborah Bergamini is carrying on at the head of the North/South Centre. ANEXO B Questions from Mr. Mendes Bota to Mr. David Lidington, Minister for Europe from the United Kingdom Government, about the presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, for the first semester of 2012 Standing Committee Edinburgh, 25 th of November 2011 Dear Minister, Mr. Minister, you have mentioned six priorities for the United Kingdom presidency of the Council of Europe: The reform of the European Convention on Human Rights; The reform of the Council of Europe; The Single Program of the Council of Europe activity on Local and Regional Democracy; The rule of law; The open Internet; Combat to discrimination on sexual orientation and gender identity. I wish you the best success on your goals. But I would like to remind you today it is the International Day for the Elimination of violence against women. It was a very important step when such a day was set up by the United Nations. It reminds us that violence against women is prevalent in all countries of the world and that we are all responsible for preventing it, denouncing it and fighting it. We are all equally responsible to ensure that women victims of violence can have justice, protection, assistance. This is their right. 4

5 The 25 November is a very important date. But the day in which the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence and Domestic Violence will enter into force will be even more important. This Convention sets high standards to ensure that victims are protected and that perpetrators are prosecuted. So far, 17 countries have signed this Convention. And my first question to you, Mr. Minister, is how does the United Kingdom presidency intends to incentive the member Estates that have not done it yes, to sign and ratify this Convention. A second question, as you have spoken about the Arab Spring, where gender equality appears to be one of the basic principles on the construction process of these new democracies, is to know if you have the intention to include it on the co-operation programmes to be established between the Council of Europe and the South Mediterranean countries. Thanks for your attention. ANEXO C Speech by Mr. Mendes Bota, on the debate about report Kovacs (doc ) on Psychological violence 25 th November 2011, Edinburgh, Standing Committee I had no intention to take you more than on minute of your time. But Mr. Frego s statement obliges me to add a few other comments about his proposals. This is not the time to change the title of this report. I cannot support it, as I don t feel to have the mandate for that of the Committee on Equality of Opportunities. We simply have not discussed it. And it would be the very first time I would see a report s changing of title at the very last minute before its approval. About including huge violence of children, authoritarism, violence on schools or cyberbulling, I may agree with the content of these comments, but once more, they should have been addressed a long time ago, as this report is on the pipeline for more than two years. Secondly, let me congratulate our colleague Mrs. Memecan, for the fact that Turkey became yesterday the first member Estate of the Council of Europe having ratified yesterday the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, in a record period of time, giving an important signal to the world. The report on psychological violence that we have debated here today addresses one of the forms of violence covered by the Council of Europe Convention. And now, I would like to congratulate Ms Kovacs, not only in her capacity as a rapporteur but as someone who personally knows what psychological violence is and who has found the strength to overcome it and start a new life. There are two passages in Ms Kovacs report which have particularly struck me. The first is that there is no one single victim of physical violence in an intimate relationship who has not been first a victim of psychological violence. It is therefore important that we take action against psychological violence, not only because it is a 5

6 serious form of violence in itself but also because if we address it in a timely way we could prevent it from degenerating into physical violence. The second passage that I would like to quote is that it would be wrong to consider psychological violence as a problem affecting only women. Psychological violence is a problem in which both women and men are involved, either as victims or as perpetrators. It would be wrong and even counterproductive to depict men only as perpetrators and women only as victims. The only way to tackle psychological violence and domestic violence is to involve and work with both women and men. This is why I commend this report and I ask for your support for the draft resolution. ANEXO D Speech by Mr. Mendes Bota on the debate of the report Myller (doc ), about Protection orders for victims of domestic violence Edinburgh, 25 th of November 2011, Standing Committee This report also addresses a matter which is covered by the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, a special reference should be made to articles 52 and 53 on restraining or protection orders for victims of domestic violence. I am grateful to Mrs. Myller, the rapporteur of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and men and to Mr. Diaz Tejera, the rapporteur for opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights for having carefully looked into difficult legal matters. This report might appear rather technical. However, for me this report is not so much about technicalities. It is about TRUST, and CREDIBILITY. Women and other victims of domestic violence need to have TRUST in the legal system. They need to have faith in the authorities to take seriously what they are saying. Victims need to know that when they find the strength and the courage to report an episode of violence to the police, that the police will listen to them, will record what they say and will have the means to establish a legal basis with which to take protective measures. The most important measures will be those aimed at ensuring the victims and their dependants physical safety, if appropriate by removing the perpetrator from the common home. If we cannot ensure the safety of victims at the preliminary stage in which they report violence to the authorities, then the best system of protection and prosecution is bound to fail: the proportion of cases which make it to court will continue to be the tip of the iceberg; the majority of cases will be withdrawn during the procedure, without a conviction. Trust and credibility, in authorities and a legal system which is fully equipped to protect victims of domestic violence. This is what this report is about. 6

7 Once again, thanks to the Rapporteurs. I call on the members to support the draft resolution. ANEXO E Declaração de Mendes Bota, na qualidade de presidente da Comissão para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens, para assinalar o Dia Internacional para a Eliminação de todas as formas de Violência contra as Mulheres e a Violência Doméstica. Edimburgo, 25 de Novembro de 2011 Devemos lutar contra qualquer forma de violência contra as Mulheres, mesmo quando não deixa traços visíveis, afirmou Mendes Bota (Portugal, PPE(DC), Presidente da Comissão para a Igualdade de Oportunidades entre Mulheres e Homens, que se encontra em Edimburgo a participar numa reunião da Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Parlamentar do Conselho da Europa, durante a qual será aprovado um relatório sobre a Violência Psicológica. O Dia Internacional para a Eliminação da Violência contra as Mulheres é uma recordatória de quão disseminada está a violência contra as mulheres por todo o mundo. A violência psicológica não deixa sinais exteriores, apesar de as suas cicatrizes durarem mais tempo. Trata-se de um crime particularmente insidioso e disruptivo, difícil de detectar até pelas vítimas e difícil de provar. Provoca um enorme desgaste e é, muitas vezes, o primeiro passo na escalada da violência. Não há uma única vítima de violência física numa relação íntima, que não tenha sido primeiro uma vítima de violência psicológica. A Convenção do Conselho da Europa para a Prevenção e o Combate à Violência contra as Mulheres e a Violência Doméstica, aberta à assinatura em 11 de Maio de 2011, cobre todas as formas de violência, incluindo aquelas que não estão previstas em certos sistemas legais, tais como a violência psicológica. Providencia novas ferramentas para a erradicação deste flagelo. A Assembleia Parlamentar não poupa esforços para promover esta Convenção, e insta todos os Estados, no Conselho da Europa ou fora dele, a proceder à sua assinatura e ratificação o mais rapidamente possível. Quando a Convenção entrar em vigor, nascerá um melhor dia para milhões de vítimas de todas as formas de violência. 7


ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA JOSÉ MENDES BOTA Deputado à Assembleia da República em representação da Região do Algarve Palácio de S. Bento 1249-068 Lisboa Telef: 213 917 282 Mail: RELATÓRIO Nº 103 Lisboa,

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