Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

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1 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA November 27th, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr. Marcelino Malana Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus with unity in diversity to motivate, teach and support our journey as the mystical Body of Christ La Misión de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón La Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón es inspirada por el amor a Jesús a través de la unidad en la diversidad para motivar, enseñar y apoyar en nuestro caminar como Cuerpo Místico de Cristo. Missão da Igreja do Sagrado Coração A Igreja do Sagrado Coração inspirado por nosso amor de Jesus com a unidade na diversidade para motivar, ensinar e apoiar a nossa caminhada como o Corpo Místico de Cristo. MASS TIMES / HORARIOS DE MISAS/HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday/ Sábado / Sabádo 5:00 PM English 7:00 PM Español Sunday/ Domingo / Domingo 7:00 AM English 7:30 AM Español en el Gimnasio 8:30 AM Português 10:00 AM English 11:30 AM Español 1:30 PM English 1:30 PM Español en la Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción 5:00 PM Español Misa Juvenil 6:30 PM English-Youth Mass Monday Thursday/ Lunes a Jueves/ De Segunda a Quinta 8:00 AM English 6:00 PM Español Friday/Viernes/ Sexta Feira 8:00 AM English Mass 9:00 AM English-School Mass 3:00 PM Português 6:00 PM Español Saturday/Sábado/ Sabádo 8:00 AM English 9:00 AM Português Office 1301 Cooper Ave. Turlock, CA English Spanish Fax Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday-Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM Sacred Heart School Escuela Del Sagrado Corazón 1225 Cooper Ave. Principal: Ms. Linda Murphy-Lopes Office Fax Sacred Heart Pre-School Preescolar Sagrado Corazón Director: Mrs. Debra Cannella Faith Formation / Formación en la Fe Coordinator: Mrs. Trixie Poeschl ~ English Coordinator: Mrs. Carmen Alvarez ~ Spanish Youth Ministry Coordinator: Miss. Emma Teymourazof Pastoral Council

2 Be Prepared First Sunday of Advent Be prepared. It s that simple. As this Advent season opens before us, the Lord Jesus summons us to stand ready for his coming. At this time of year much of our attention is focused on being prepared for the details that accompany the holiday season. We purchase gifts; we decorate our homes, inside and out; we prepare foods that we eat only during the holidays; we write and send Christmas cards; we attend holiday concerts; we prepare either to welcome family and friends into our homes or arrange for visits to their homes. We really can t escape the details that make up the season. Perhaps this Advent is a time to attend to all those details with a different spin. As we prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, why not be deliberate about acknowledging the presence of the Lord as we go about these tasks? The Lord often comes to us in wonderfully surprising ways. Let us be prepared. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Estar Preparado Primer Domingo de Adviento Debes estar preparado. Es así de simple. Al comenzar este tiempo de Adviento, el Señor Jesús nos llama a estar preparados para su venida. En esta época del año, gran parte de nuestra atención se centra en estar preparados para los detalles que acompañan las fiestas. Compramos regalos; decoramos nuestro hogar por fuera y por dentro; preparamos comidas especiales para esta época; escribimos y enviamos tarjetas de Navidad; asistimos a conciertos navideños; nos preparamos para recibir a los familiares y amigos en nuestro hogar o para visitarlos en sus hogares. No podemos ignorar los detalles que forman parte de este tiempo. Quizás este Adviento sea un tiempo para prestar atención a todos esos detalles con un enfoque diferente. Mientras nos preparamos para celebrar la fiesta de Navidad, qué tal si reconocemos plenamente la presencia del Señor mientras realizamos estas tareas? El Señor muchas veces viene a nosotros de formas maravillosamente sorprendentes. Estemos preparados. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. ESTÁ PREPARADO Primeiro Domingo do Advento Deve estar preparado. É simples. À medida que começamos este tempo do Advento, o Senhor Jesus nos chama para estar prontos para a Sua vinda. Nesta época do ano, grande parte do nosso foco está sendo em preparar para os detalhes que acompanham os dias festivos. Nós compramos ofertas; decoramos nossa casa por fora e por dentro; preparamos refeições especiais para este tempo; Nós escrevemos e enviamos cartões de Natal; vamos a concertos de Natal; preparamos para acolher a família e amigos em nossa casa ou visitá-los em suas casas. Não podemos ignorar os detalhes que fazem parte deste tempo. Talvez este Advento é um tempo para prestar atenção a todos os detalhes com uma abordagem diferente. Enquanto nos preparamos para celebrar a festa de Natal, o que se reconhecer plenamente a presença do Senhor enquanto executa essas tarefas? O Senhor muitas vezes vem a nós em maneiras maravilhosamente surpreendentes. Estamos prontos Copyright J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. MONDAY/LUNES November 28th 8:00 am Mary Mathis 6:00 pm Int. Spc l para Gabriela Salasa Deolinda Fernandes TUESDAY/MARTES November 29th 8:00 am Vicente Abarquez Uldarico Antig Sr. 6:00 pm Juan Mandujano y Elvira Espinoza Erasmo Garcia WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES November 30th 8:00 am Spc l Int. for Merces Gomes 6:00 pm Salvador Perez Flores Eliseo Chacón THURSDAY/JUEVES December 1st 8:00 am Jeane and Charles Kahler 6:00 pm Luis Martinez Franco FRIDAY/ VIERNES December 2nd 8:00 am Jose and Alvarina Rosa 3:00 pm Joe Mendes Antonio Machado Margarida Miranda Manuela Freitas Maria Jesus Peares 6:00 pm Biviana y Liandro Gonzalez SATURDAY/ SÁBADO December 3rd 8:00 am Lay Carmelites Living and Deceased 9:00 am Para todos os Membros da Sociedade de Nossa Senhora de Fátima John Borges Rosa Vieira Urbano Nascimento Zelia Azevedo Virginia Vitorino 5:00 pm Jeannette and Praxedes Barbot Albert Brown Corinne Almeida 7:00 pm Adolfo Solorio Maria Tafoya Maria Guadalupe Lopez SUNDAY/DOMINGO December 4th 7:00 am Hilton Menard 7:30 am Para la familia Salas Nieto 8:30 am Pelas Almas do Purgatorio Almas difuntas de Antonio e Maria Mendes Manuel Simoes Maria Bernardete Arias Helena N. Melo 10:00 am Jose and Alan Bautista Yvonne, Silviano and Anastasia Curiel Antonio Machado 11:30 am POR LA COMUNIDAD DE LA PARROQUIA 1:30 pm John Toste Antonio Gathano 1:30 pm (OLA) Nicolasa Ceja y Tomas Medina 5:00 pm Para todos los miembros de la Asociasion Guadalupana Josefina Magana 6:30 pm Eileen and Robert Nolte Lisete Fernandes Barbara Mahn Jeane and Charles Kahler

3 BISHOP S MINISTRY APPEAL 2016 As One, Being the Heart of Mercy Thank you to all who have participated in the Bishop Ministry Appeal. Those who have paid off their pledges, we specially thank you! Parish Goal: $115, Amount Paid: $106, Difference $8, Please be faithful to your commitment and make your pledge payments! It s still not too late to make a onetime gift toward the appeal as we are still short of our goal. Remember anything short of our goal by December 31 must be paid out of the parish budget. Any extra funds collected beyond our goal goes to Sacred Heart for improvement of our grounds. Thank you for your support! SOLICITUD MINISTERIAL DEL OBISPO 2016 "Como Uno Solo, Ser un Corazón Misericordioso" Gracias a todos los que han participado en la apelación de Ministerio del obispo. Les agradecemos especialmente a aquellos que han cumplido con sus promesas! Meta de la Parroquia: $115, Pagado hasta ahora: $106, La diferencia: $8, Por favor, sea fiel a su compromiso y haga sus pagos a tiempo. Todavía no es demasiado tarde para hacer un regalo de solo una vez hacia la apelación porque aún no hemos alcanzado nuestro objetivo. Recuerde que si estamos cortos en nuestra meta para el 31 de diciembre la parroquia debe pagar de su presupuesto. Si recaudamos más fondos de lo que es nuestro objetivo eso regresará a nuestra Parroquia para la mejoría de nuestras instalaciones. Gracias por su apoyo! APELO PARA O MINISTÉRIO DO BISPO 2016 "Como um só, ser um Coração Misercórdioso" Obrigado a todos que participaram, no Recurso do Ministério do Bispo. Agradecemos especialmente aqueles que já pagaram as suas promessas! Meta da Paróquia $115, Valor pago $106, Diferença $8, Por favor, ser fiel ao seu compromisso e fazer sua promessa do seu donativo! Ainda não é tarde demais para fazer um donativo para o Recurso do Ministério do Bispo, como ainda estamos aquém do nosso objetivo. Lembrese que se não chegamos a nossa meta antes do dia 31 de Dezembro temos que dar do orçamento da paróquia. Qualquer fundos recolhidos além do nosso objetivo vão para as melhorias da nossa paróquia. Muito obrigado pelo vosso apoio. SUNDAY COLLECTION/ OFREDA DOMINICAL/ COLECTA DO DOMINGO November 20th Parish Goal for Nov. 20th was $18, Next weeks goal $20, Second Collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development La Segunda Colecta para la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano A quantidade de segunda colecta para Campanha Católica de Desenvalvimento Humano The collection amount is not available due to the early transmission of the bulletin La colecta del domingo no fue posible publicarla por la trasmisión temprana del boletín A quantidade de colecta de domingo não foi possivel publicar pela tranmissão adiantada do boletim Thank you for your generous financial support / Les agradecemos su generoso apoyo financiero / Obrigado por seu generoso apoio Please keep the following people in your Recuerde en sus oraciones ~ Por favor, mantenha as seguintes pessoas em suas orações Teresa Guerrero Arturo Garcia Arturo Pedroza Diego Sánchez Edit Salazar Elena González Elia Silveira Else Teresita Emanuel Jiménez Jenny Durán Jesus Flores José C. Navas Duran Jose G. Brasil José Martins Areias José Zavala Joseph Bello Maria Conchola Maria del Rosario Pérez Maria Santos Pedro Zamora Cecilia Ramos Cruz Enrique Peral Francisco Nevares Julián Aguilar Salvador López Sandra Nelly Garcia Santiago Murillo Oremos por todos los enfermos del hospital y por todos los ancianitos de los asilo. Oremos tambem por todos quantos cuidam dos doentes.

4 *FEED THE HUNGRY * Dar de Comer Al Hambriento *ALIMENTAR OS POBRES Once again this year during the Christmas Holidays the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be making 175 food baskets for the needy of our community. We will be collecting canned food and turkeys. If you are interested in helping us, please purchase a turkey but keep it at home until we are ready to start collecting the turkeys for our baskets. All other canned and dry, non-perishable food items can be brought to the parish office, you can also bring your items to all masses and place them in the barrels in the baptistery. You can bring your turkey donation to the parish office from Dec. 12th to the 15th. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Una vez más este año la Asociación de San Vicente de Paul estará haciendo 175 canastas navideñas de comida para los más necesitados de nuestra comunidad. Estaremos colectando alimentos enlatados y pavos. Si usted está interesado en ayudarnos comprando un pavo por favor manténgalo en su casa hasta que estemos listos para comenzar a recibir los pavos para nuestras canastas. Los alimentos enlatados y alimentos secos pueden ser traídos a la oficina parroquial o la iglesia, durante las misas habrá barriles en el bautisterio. Usted puede traer su donación de pavo a la oficina parroquial del 12 al 15 de diciembre. Gracias de antemano por su generosidad. Mais uma vez este ano, a Sociedade de São Vicente de Paulo estará fazendo 175 cestas de alimentos para os mais necessitados de nossa comunidade durante as dias de Festa de Natal. Estamos aceitando produtos enlatados e perus. Se você estiver interessado em nos ajudar, por favor, compre um peru, mas mantê-lo em casa até que estamos prontos para começar a recolher os perus para nossas cestas. Todos os outros alimentos enlatados, não perecíveis podem ser trazidos para o escritório paroquial, também os pode trazer para Igreja e colocá-los nos barris no batistério. Você pode trazer a sua doação de peru para o escritório paroquial de 12 de Dezembro a 15. Agradecemos a sua generosidade. Advent Giving Tree Arbol de Adviento Árvore de Advento Please help us bring a little cheer for those in Turlock s nursing homes. Please take an ornament off a tree in the back of the church, purchase the gift suggested, then wrap the gift. Put the ornament on the gift. Please bring the gift to the church by Sunday, Dec. 11th or to the parish office by Monday, Dec. 12th. Thank you so much. Por favor ayúdenos a compartir un poco de alegría comprando regalos para los ancianos de los 9 asilos en Turlock. Les pedimos que tomen un adorno de papel de los árboles en la salida principal de la iglesia. Por favor compre el regalo sugerido (favor de no traer artículos usados), envuélvalo y pegue el adorno por fuera del regalo. Tráigalo a las Misas del domingo 11 de diciembre o a la oficina parroquial el 12 de diciembre. Muchas Gracias. Por favor ajude-nos a trazer um pouco de alegria para aqueles nas casas de idosos de Turlock. Por favor, tome um ornamento de uma árvore que esta na parte de trás da igreja, compre o prenda sugerida, em seguida, embrulhe a prenda, coloque o ornamento de enfeito na prenda e devolve a prenda ao rededor do altar o dia 11 de Dezembro ou no escritório da igreja no dia 12 de Dezembro. Muito obrigado. PARISH WEEKLY ACTIVITIES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH 8:30 AM Cleaning the Church 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) 4:30 PM Eng. Faith Formation Classes 6:30 PM Eng. Confirmation Classes WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30TH 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) 2:00 PM 15 Decade Rosary 4:30 PM Eng. Faith Formation Classes 6:30 PM Eng. Faith Formation Classes 7:00 PM C.S.I Scripture Study (Alvernaz) THRUSDAY, DECEMBER 1ST 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) 1:00 PM Women s Bible Study (Chapel) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2ND 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) 7:00-8:00 PM Confessions SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3RD 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Church) 3:00-4:30 PM Confessions EVENTOS PARROQUIALES DE LA SEMANA LUNES, 28 DE NOVEMBER 8:30 AM Limpieza de la Iglesia 6:00 PM Clases de Confirmación 7:00 PM Escuela de Evangelización MARTES, 29 DE NOVIEMBRE 6:00 PM Ensayo de Coro de Angelitos 6:00 PM Legión de María MIÉRCOLES, 30 DE NOVIEMBRE 7:00 PM Grupo de Oración Jesús Vive JUEVES, 1 DE DICIEMBRE 6:00 PM Clases de Formación de la Fe VIERNES, 2 DE DICIEMBRE 6:00 PM NO HAY Clases de Formación de la Fe 7:00-8:00 PM Confesiones SÁBADO, 3 DE DICIEMBRE 3:00-4:30 PM Confesiones ATIVIDADES SEMANAIS DA PARÓQUIA Segunda-feira, 28 DE NOVEMBRO 8:30 AM Limpeza da Igreja Terça-feira, 29 DE NOVEMBRO Quarta-feira, 30 DE NOVEMBRO 2:00 PM Rosário de 15 Décadas Quinta-feira, 1 DE DEZEMBRO Sexta-feira, 2 DE DEZEMBRO 7:00-8:00 PM Confissões Sábado, 3 DE DEZEMBRO 3:00-4:30 PM Confissões

5 Sacred Heart Mass Schedule For The Immaculate Conception a Holy Day of obligation Las Misas para la fiesta de la Inmaculada Consepción Es dia de obligación Horário de Misas para a Festa da Imaculada Concepção Dia Santo December 7th Wednesday/ Miercoles/ Quarta-Feira 5:30 PM English/ Ingles/ Inglés 7:00 PM Spanish/ Español/ Espanhol December 8th Thursday/ Jueves/ Quinta-Feira 8:00 AM English/ Ingles/ Inglés 10:30 AM Portuguese/ Portugués/ Português 12:00 PM Bilingual / Bilingüe/ Bilíngüe (English/ Español) 6:00 PM Spanish/ Español/ Espanhol 7:30 PM English/ Ingles/ Inglés BODAS COLECTIVAS Lo que Dios unió que no lo separe el hombre La Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón estará ofreciendo bodas colectivas en el mes de junio del 2017, para más información comuníquese con Leticia en la oficina parroquial al (209) Maintenance/Handyman Worker: Sacred Heart Church is seeking a Part-time maintenance worker, up to 30 hours per week. The qualifications for this position is to perform preventive maintenance to buildings and grounds to minimize plumbing, mechanical, electrical, heating and air conditioning system failures, carry out some carpentry work, repair and replace general hardware, some painting, be able to troubleshoot general problems and oversees the completion of needed repairs to buildings as well as other duties as assigned. A high school diploma or equivalent is suggested. A minimum of two years experience with a variety of maintenance tools, equipment, and procedures. Must have a valid clean driver s license. If interested please contact the Parish office and complete a job application. The closing date to apply for this position is December 1st, FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY December 3, :45 AM Sacred Heart Church Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Holy Rosary, Act of Consecration. To the Immaculate Heart of Mary Benediction Holy Mass at 8:00 AM ADORACIÓN NOCTURNA DEVOCION DEL PRIMER SÁBADO DEL MES Sábado 3 de diciembre del 2016 Acompáñenos el primer sábado del mes para adorar al Santísimo Sacramento, inicia a las 8:30 de la noche y termina con la Misa a las 5:00 de la Mañana. Para más información favor de contactar a Jerson Larios o José Luis Lozano BENFEITORES DA HORA CATÓLICA Semana De 27 de Novembro a 3 de Dezembro de 2016 Osvaldo Pires Angelo e Maria Teixeira Antonio e Maria Alberto Manel e Laurinha Vieira Hughson Turlock Hickman Atwater Maria Fatima Sousa Geraldo Dias Rosa Alves Jose Avila Turlock Ceres Turlock Hilmar Antonio e Iria Rocha Jose Silveira Maria Pedroso Gustine Newman Gustine Horá Catolica: P.O. Box 1966 Turlock, CA 95381

6 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Festa de Nossa Senhora da Guadalupe Novena/ Novena Guadalupano/ Novena December 3rd Saturday/ Sabado/ Sábado 6:30 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 7:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 4th Sunday/ Domingo/ Domingo Procession in Stockton/ Procesion en Stockton/ Procissão en Stockton St. Mary s of the Assumption Stockton December 5th Monday/ Lunes/ Segunda-Feira 6:00 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 6:30 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 6th Tuesday/ Martes/ Terça-Feira 6:00 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 6:30 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 7th Wednesday/ Miercoles/ Quarta-Feira 6:30 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 7:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 8th Thursday/ Jueves/ Quinta-Feira 5:30 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 6:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa Training for Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Lector Is the Lord calling you to serve at Mass? Would you like to be trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to serve the Body and Blood of Christ to your parish family? Or would you like to train as a Lector to proclaim the Word of the Lord? The parish will soon offer a training for these ministries. If you are interested in either of these very important ministries, please call the parish office at and leave your name and number. You will be contacted once we gather names of those interested. Training will be offered in December so please don t wait. CALL NOW! AMONESTACIONES List of couples who will unite in matrimony in our parish. If anyone knows of an impediment of why they shouldn't marry, they have the obligation to tell a priest. Lista de parejas que van a contraer matrimonio en los próximos meses aquí o en México. Si alguien sabe de algún impedimento, tiene la obligación grave de decírselo al sacerdote. December 9th Friday/Viernes/ Sexta-Feira 6:00 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 6:30 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 10th Saturday/ Sabado/ Sábado 6:30 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 7:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 11th Sunday/ Domingo/ Domingo 4:30 PM Rosary/ Rosario/ Rosário 5:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa December 12th Monday/ Lunes/ Segunda-Feira 5:00 AM Mañanitas 6:00 AM Mass/ Misa/ Missa 7:00 AM Gathering in the Gym Convivencia en el gimnacio/ Encontro no gimnacio 12:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa 5:30 PM Procession/ Procesion/ Procissão 7:00 PM Mass/ Misa/ Missa Communal Penance Services 2016 Advent Confessions Servicio Penitencial 2016 Confesiones de Adviento Serviço de Peniténcia 2016 Confissões do Advento Dec. 7th O.L. of Assumption Turlock 6:30 PM Dec. 13th St Joachim Newman 7:00 PM Dec. 14th Sacred Heart Turlock 7:00 PM Dec. 15th Sacred Heart Patterson 7:00 PM Dec. 19th All Saints Turlock 7:00 PM English and Spanish Marriages **Guadalupe Velazquez and Sonia Perez **Luis Manuel Lopez Ortega and Dalila Ruelas Silva **Efrain Arciga and Ines Mejia **Joan Quintanilla and Christina Naranjo

7 DIOCESAN NEWS FUTURE EVENTS Guadalupe Procession/Mass The 36th Diocesan Guadalupe Celebration is scheduled for Sunday, December 4th. US Patronal Feast Thursday, December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Patronal Feast of our nation and a Holy Day of Obligation. Check your parish Mass schedule. Renew and Rejoice March 18, 2017 Save the date for Ministry Day, at St. Mary s High School in Stockton. Come to renew your faith and rejoice in Christ s love! Follow us on Facebook. Contact Leticia Rodriguez for information at NOTICIAS DIOCESANAS EVENTOS futuros Procesión y Misa de NS de Guadalupe. La Trigésima sexta celebración Guadalupana tendrá lugar el Domingo 4 de Diciembre. Fiesta Patronal de USA El Jueves, 8 de Diciembre, es la Soleminidad de la Inmaculada Concepción, Fiesta Patronal de nuestra nación y fiesta de precepto. Revise el horario de Misas en su parroquia. Renuévese y Regocígese Marzo 18 del 2017 Aparte la fecha para el Día del Minsterio, en St. Mary s High School en Stockton. Venga y renuéve su fe y alégrese en el amor de Cristo Síganos en Facebook. Para más información contacte a Leticia Rodríguez en el NOTÍCIAS DA DIOCESE Futuros Eventos Procissão e Missa de Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe A trigésima sexta celebração Guadalupana terá lugar no Domingo 4 de dezembro. USA festa patronal Quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro, é a Solenidade da Imaculada Conceição, Festa Patronal da nossa nação e festa de preceito. Por favor, tome atenção ao horário das missas na sua paróquia. Rejuvenesça e alegre-se 18 de março de 2017 Marque na sua agenda o Dia dos Ministérios, na Escola alta de Santa Maria em Stockton. Participe e renove a sua fé e alegre-se no amor de Cristo. Sigam-nos no Facebook. Para mais informação contacte Letícia Rodrigues

8 Bell Ringing Once again this year the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Salvation Army will be ringing the bell at the Wal Mart store on Countryside Dr. in Turlock from December 12 th to the 24th. Last year we raised over $80,000 to help the needy in our local community. Again this year we need your help to make this activity a great success. As you prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas, please prayerfully consider helping those less fortunate. Please sign-up to work one, 2 hour shift. The hours for bell-ringing are 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM each day. We request that there be two people per shift. The bell-ringing sign-up schedule is posted at the Chapel entrance of the church. Please sign up today after mass. Thank you and God Bless. Una vez más este año San Vicente de Paúl y la Salvation Army sonarán sus campanas en frente de la tienda Wal Mart en el calle Countryside en Turlock desde el 12 de diciembre hasta el 24. El año pasado recaudamos más de $75,000 dólares para ayudar a los necesitados de nuestra comunidad. Este año también necesitamos de su ayuda para hacer que esta actividad tenga éxito. Al prepararnos para la venida de Jesús en esta Navidad también debemos de pensar en ayudar a aquellos menos afortunados. Por favor regístrese para ayudar con un turno de dos horas sonando la campana. Las horas para tocar la campana son de 9:00 de la mañana a 9:00 de la tarde cada día. Se requiere que haya dos personas por turno. La hoja de registro para sonar la campana, al igual que los horarios, está a la entrada de la capilla (no de la iglesia.) Por favor regístrese hoy mismo después de cada misa. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. FESTA DE NATAL PARA A COMUNIDADE Todas as pessoas estão convidados a participar na Festa de Natal da Igreja do Sagrado Coração de Jesus, de Turlock. A Festa de Natal irá decorrer no dia 3 de Dezembro ás 6:00 PM e terá lugar no ginásio da nossa Igreja, do Sagrado Coração de Jesus. Como habitualmente pedimos a colaboração da pessoas, será potluck, isto é, cada pessoa poderá trazer um prato de comida favorita. Como vamos estar em festa, vamos saborear as deliciosas comidas! Haverá muinta alegria, música e acima de tudo, a preseça e a graça do Menino Jesus no Natal. Muinta Boas Festas. Com Carinho, Padre Luis

9 Sacred Heart School On a beautiful fall day in October, the second and sixth grade classes experienced a wonderful walking field trip to RAM Farms Pumpkin Patch in Turlock. Before the visit to the pumpkin patch, the students had a nice picnic lunch at Crane Park, which they enjoyed. During the visit, the students learned about pumpkins, gourds, squash, and silage corn that are grown on the local farm. The students also enjoyed- a short walk through the corn maze, pumpkin bowling, a scary shed, and a hay maze. Thank you McElligott Foundation for funding our field trip. Sacred Heart Pre-School Fall Fundraiser Fall is in the air, and we are excited about this year s Fall Fundraiser! We are kicking off this exciting season with four different delicious fundraising opportunities. We will be offering Olive Oil, Cookie Dough, Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods and Candy Bars. Don t miss out on your chance to support our school activities! Fundraising helps to support all the fun extras that our kids have come to enjoy like field trips, recess equipment, classroom supplies, and much more. Your child will receive order forms and envelopes for the Olive Oil and Cookie Dough. Please make sure to have your child and teacher s name on order form and envelope. All money is to be collected at the time of sale. All order forms MUST be legible. If order form is deemed illegible at PTA parent will make their best effort to determine apples ordered. All money and order forms are to be placed INSIDE the labeled envelope and turned into your child s teacher no later than Monday, November 28th, Fundraiser begins: Tuesday, November 1st Fundraiser ends: Monday, November 28th Olive oil and Cookie Dough Delivery: Monday, December 12th. Prizes for top sellers include: 1st Place will receive 1 month of FREE tuition 2nd Place will receive 1/2 off 1 month of tuition 3rd Place will receive $75 off monthly tuition Payment options are Cash and/or Checks. Please make checks payable to: SACRED HEART PRESCHOOL Thank you for your continued support and happy selling!

10 Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For December 2016, we will join the Holy Father in prayer for: Universal: End to Child-Soldiers That the scandal of child-soldiers may be eliminated the world over Evangelization: Europe That the people of Europe may rediscover the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Gospel which gives joy and hope to life. Daily Offering Prayer God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, Who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for the prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father this month. Amen Traditional Daily Offering of the Apostleship of Prayer O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. The Apostles of Prayer offer themselves to God each day for the good of the world, the Church, one another, and the Holy Father s intentions. Únete a nosotros en oración por las intenciones que nos son confiadas por el Papa Francisco. En el mes de Diciembre del 2016, nos uniremos al Santo Padre en la oración por: Universal Niños soldados. Para que en ninguna parte del mundo existan niños soldados. Por la Evangelización Pueblos de Europa. Para que los pueblos de Europa redescubran la belleza, la bondad y la verdad del Evangelio que dan alegria y esperanza a la vida. Oración de Ofrecimiento diario Dios, Padre nuestro, yo te ofrezco toda mi jornada, mis oraciones, pensamientos, afectos y deseos, palabras, obras, alegrías y sufrimientos en unión con el Corazón de tu Hijo Jesucristo que sigue ofreciéndose a Ti en la Eucaristía para la salvación del mundo. Que el Espíritu Santo, que guio a Jesús, sea mi guía y mi fuerza en este día para que pueda ser testigo de tu amor. Con María, la madre del Señor y de la Iglesia, pido especialmente por las intenciones del Papa y de nuestros obispos para este mes. Amén La Oración de Ofrecimiento diario del Apostolado de la Oración Ven, Espíritu Santo, inflama nuestro Corazón en las ansias redentoras del Corazón de Cristo, para que ofrezcamos de veras nuestras personas y obras, en unión con El, por la redención del mundo, Señor mío, y Dios mío Jesucristo: Por el Corazón Inmaculado de María me consagro a Tu Corazón, y me ofrezco Contigo al Padre en Tu santo sacrificio del altar, con mi oración y mi trabajo, y para que venga a nosotros Tu Reino. Te pido en especial: por el Papa y sus intenciones, por nuestro Obispo y sus intenciones, por nuestro Párroco y sus intenciones. Una-se com nós, em oração pelas intençõs que nos foi confiada pelo Papa Francisco. Para Dezembro de 2016, junte-se a o Santo Papa em oração para: Universal: O fim dos meninossoldados. Para que seja eliminada em todo o mundo a praga dos meninos-soldados. Pela Evangelização: Redescobrir o Evangelho na Europa. Para que os pavos europeus redescubram a beleza, a bondade e a verdade do Evangelho, que dá alegria e esperança à vida. Oferecendo Oração Diária Deus, nosso Pai, eu te ofereço todo o dia de hoje: minhas orações e obras meus pensamentos e palavras, minhas alegrías e sofrimentos, em, reparação de nossas ofensas, em união como o Coração de teu Filho Jesus, que continua a oferecer-se a Ti, na Eucaristia,pela salvação do mundo. Que o Espírito Santo que guiou a Jesus, seja meu guía e meu amparo neste dia para que eu possa ser testemunha do teu amor. Com Maria, Mãe de Jesus e da Igreja, rezo especialmente pelas inteções do Santo Padre para este mês. Oferta diária tradicional do Apostolado da Oração Ó Jesus, através do Coração Imaculado de Maria, eu Vos ofereço as minhas orações, trabalhos, alegrias e sofrimentos deste dia, em união com o Santo Sacrifício da Missa em todo o mundo. Eu ofereço-lhes por todas as intenções do Vosso Sagrado Coração: a salvação das almas, reparação pelo pecado, ea reunião de todos os Cristãos. Eu oferecê-los para as intenções dos nossos Bispos e de todos os Apóstolos de Oração, e em particular do recomendados pelo Santo Papa, este mês. Os Apóstolos de Oração oferecer-se a Deus todos os dias para o bem do mundo, a Igreja, um ao outro, e as intenções do Santo Papa.

11 General Information/ Información General / Informaçõoes Gerais Baptismal Requirements Requisitos para el Bautismo/ Requisitos para Bautismo Baby s Birth Certificate Godparents should be active and practicing Catholics Proof of catholic marriage and confirmation from married godparents Proof of First Communion and Confirmation for single godparents Proof pre baptismal class from parents and godparents. Parents and Godparents coming from another church need to provide a letter of permission to baptize out of their church. It is recommended that baptisms take place at the church where parents belong. Please don t bring children to pre baptismal Acta de nacimiento del bebé Padrinos católicos y ejemplares Certificado del Matrimonio religioso y Confirmación de los padrinos casados. Certificado de Confirmación y primera comunión de los padrinos solteros Asistencia a las pláticas pre bautismales tanto papás como padrinos. Los padres y/o padrino foráneos traer el comprobante de las pláticas de su lugar de origen y permiso para bautizar de su parroquia. Bautizar en la medida de lo posible en la parroquia en la cual pertenecen sus papás. Para un mejor aprovechamiento no lleve sus niños a las pláticas. Certidão de Nascimento do bebe. Padrinhos devem ser católicos ativos e praticando. Prova de casamento católico e prova de confirmação de padrinhos casados. Prova da Primeira Comunhão e Confirmação para padrinhos solteiros. Prova de classe prebaptismal de pais e padrinhos. Pais e padrinhos vindos de outra igreja é necessário fornecer uma carta de autorização de sua igreja para batizar aqui. Nós recomendamos que os batismos sejam realizados na paróquia onde os pais pertencem. Por favor, não trazer crianças para a classe prebaptismal. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions) SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN (confesiones) SACRAMENTO DA RECONCILIAÇÃO (Confissão) Fridays/Viernes / Sexta-feira 7:00-8:00 PM Saturdays/Sábados / Sabado-3:00-4:30 PM MARRIAGES/MATRIMONIOS / CASAMENTOS All weddings taking place here or in a different Parish need to call our parish office 6 months prior. Completion of marriage preparation course is required please call the parish office for more information. Para matrimonios aquí o fuera de la parroquia llamar a la oficina por lo menos 6 meses antes de la boda y cumplir con las preparaciones requeridas. Casamentos que acontecem aqui no Sagrado Coração ou fora da paróquia devem ligar para o escritório pelo menos seis meses antes do casamento e comprir com todos os requisitos necessários. FUNERALS/FUNERALES Funeral services are scheduled between mortuaries and the parish ONLY. The parish will confirm dates and times available. Los servicios para funerales se hacen directamente entre funeraria e Iglesia SOLAMENTE. La parroquia confirmara la fecha y hora disponible. Os serviços funerários são feitos diretamente entre a casa funerária e a Igreja, só a paróquia que pode confirmar datas e os horários disponíveis PRESENTACION DE NIÑOS El primer fin de semana de cada mes en todas las misas en español. QUINCEAÑERAS Comunicarse a la oficina por lo menos 6 meses antes. -God loves each one of us as if there were only one of us. St. Augustine -Dios nos ama a cada uno de nosotros como si fuéramos uno solo. -San Agustín -Deus ama cada um de nós como se houvesse apenas um de nós. San Agustin PARISH DIRECTORY How can we help you? Cómo le podemos ayudar? Como o podemos ajudar? Pastor: Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor: Fr. Luis Cordeiro Associate Pastor: Fr. Marcelino M. Malana Director of Operations: Mrs. Edwina Rocha Director of Faith Formation Feliciano Tapia Liturgy Coordinator: PAR Coordinator: Cheryl Silva Leticia Ocegueda Acct. Receivables/ Bulletin: Mrs. Elizabeth Gonzalez Receptionist/ Records: Mrs. Izzie Lobao Receptionist: Miss. Maria Salas Bookkeeper: Miss. Patty Evans Music Ministry: Chris Wilde Ministry of the Sick: Mrs. Peggy Jenkin Thrift Shop: Ms. Audrey (1388 East Ave., Turlock) S.H. Library/Gifts: Mrs. Laura Montañez/Fatima Medina Back church entrance on Rose Ave. Ext.111 Ext.107 Ext.115 Ext.110 Ext. 105 Ext 104 Ext.113 Ext.101 Ext.102 Ext.112 Ext If you have an emergency after office hours or on weekends please call for a priest. Si tiene alguna emergencia después de horas de oficina o en fin de semana favor de llamar al para contactar a un sacerdote Se tem uma emergência fora de horas ou no fim de semana. Por favor, ligue para 209/ para entrar em contato com um padre.

12 LaserCom Express Sacred Heart Church Turlock, Ca Telephone: (209) Ext.104 Cell (209) Bulletin No Contact Person: Liz Gonzalez or

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 December 25th, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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St. James R.C. Church December 30,

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Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 February 12, 2017 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Our Mission: Centered on the Eucharist, we proclaim Christ through prayer, participation in the sacraments, and service to others. Nuestra Misión: Centrados en la Eucaristía,

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

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INDEPENDENCE DAY Tuesday, JULY 4, 2017 St. James R.C. Church July 2, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 1 5:30 Michael Morano, r/b St. James Staff SUNDAY, JULY 2 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Guião N. Descrição das actividades

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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St. James R.C. Church October 21, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Portuguese Parishes in the Fall River Diocese Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik CHAPLAIN-IN-RESIDENCE Rev. Jason Brilhante

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE PORTUGUESE PARISHES IN THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER The Santo Christo Parish

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Portuguese Parishes in the Fall River Diocese Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik CHAPLAIN-IN-RESIDENCE Rev. Jason Brilhante

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O grupo de terço Nª Sª das Graças convida a todos para rezarem o terço, todas as terças-feiras às 8:00pm, na sala Nª Sª Aparecida.

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