Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar

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1 April 19, Third Sunday of Easter Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares John Sullivan 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL Ph: [561] Fax [561] SCHEDULE OF MASSES Masses in English Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:00am and 11:00am Monday to Friday: 8:00am Confessions Half hour before weekend Masses Misas en Español Sábado: 6:00pm Domingo: 9:30a.m. y 12:30pm Martes y Jueves: 7:00pm Confesiones Media hora antes de las Misas de fin de semana Missas em Português Quarta-Feira: 7:30pm Domingo: 7:00pm Sacramento de Reconciliação Antes das Missas Everything written about me must be fulfilled.

2 Page 2 OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH April 19, 2015 MASS INTENTION Saturday, April 18 4:00pm (English) Ascencion Guzman Olivo Federico Linares Guadalupe & Ines Ramirez Graciano Guzman Frank Fichera 6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday, April 19 9:30am (Spanish) 11:00am (English) Tomasa Quiles, Mauricio Linares Lauren Linares (Cumpleaños) Michael Sheldone Carmela Mancuso Charles J. Arieno Dominick & Margaret Cortiglia Mary Anne Guiliano (Intentions) Alix Montes (B-Day) Cutis Bataille (B-Day) Jonah Willis (B-Day) Chayenne R. (B-Day) COMUNIDAD HISPANA Clases de Catecismo: Luz Torres Lectores: Mary Romero Ministros de la Eucaristía: Diac. Antonio Mares Emmaus Mujeres/ Emmaus Hombres: Blanca Hernandez y Jesus Sanchez Ministerio de Jóvenes; Luz Torres Grupo de Oración Carismática: Sergio e Isabel Figueroa Cursillos de Cristiandad: Benjamin Ramos Legion de Maria: Consuelo Lopez 12:30pm (Spanish) Eduardo Maldonado 7:00pm (Portuguese) For Parishioners Monday, April 20 Tuesday, April 21 7:00pm (Spanish) Melba Rees (B-Day) For the Parishioners Wednesday, April 22 Pablo Castro Gonzalez 7:30pm (Portuguese) Thursday, April 23 7:00pm (Spanish) Friday, April 24 COMUNIDADE BRASILEIRA Acolhida: Luzia, Pedro M. e Leticia Liturgia: Dora, Sonia, Adilson Catequese: Sonia Corais: Alessandra Dízimo: Val Batismo: Padres Ministros da Eucaristia: Rafaela Lojinhas: Virginia e Vlademir Grupo de Oração: Silvana ENGLISH COMMUNITY Religious Education: Luz Torres Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: Gloria Sheldone & Ann Denninger Knights of Columbus: Joe Galea, Grand Knight Ladies Guild: Ellen Howe Preparation for Baptism: Kevin Cleary

3 Page 3 KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS Your diligence and hard work connecting the LED lights on the church entrance sign is deeply appreciated. LEAVING CHURCH BEFORE THE FINAL BLESSING The Final Blessing and the dismissal at the end of the Mass are part of the liturgy. At the dismissal, we celebrate our commission as set forth by Jesus Christ himself. In that, Jesus last words to his disciples were: Therefore, go out and make disciples of all Nations. And behold, I am with you until the end of the age. Mt. 28: Our liturgy has a beginning ( In the name of the Father ) and an end ( Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord ). We live in a fast paced world where we seem to be hurrying from place to place. But in God s presence, we need to make every attempt to fight this pressure to move on to the next thing on the day s agenda. At the end of the Mass stay in church until the dismissal to give the priest a chance to greet you at the door. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #14365 Juan Ortega was recognized Saturday, April 11, on the occasion of receiving his 3rd Degree Exemplification in the Knights of Columbus at Holy Name of Jesus Church, West Palm Beach. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #14365 Next General Meeting Date: April 21 Time: 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall April 19, 2015 Sunday, April 19 8:00 am to 2:30pm and 6:30pm to 9:00pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish front parking lot. Our Lady Queen of Peace Religious Store Has a large selection of gifts for all occasions. Just received are a special assortment of gifts for First Communion, Confirmation and Mother s Day. Visit us: Saturday 3:00am to 7:00pm Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm Monday 9:00am to 12:30pm READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Sponsors: Knights of Columbus Date: Thursday, April 23 in Parish Hall Time: Doors open 4:30p.m. for food purchase Bingo starts at 6:00 p.m. MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY Join us in praying the Rosary every Sunday during the month of May, 1/2 hour before each mass. SECOND COLLECTION TODAY IS FOR PETER S PENCE

4 Page de abril de 2015 BAUTIZOS DEL MES DE ABRIL 2015 Celebración del Bautismo: Sábado, 25 de abril. Misa 6:00pm. Domingo, 26 de abril Misa 12:30pm. Requisitos: *Copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño/a. *Estar registrado en la parroquia por lo menos 3 meses antes del Bautismo. *Los padrinos deben cumplir con los requisitos de la Iglesia. *Para mayores Informes llamar a la oficina. MAYO ES EL MES DE LA VIRGE MARIA Te invitamos a rezar el Santo Rosarios media hora antes de las misas del fin de semana, durante el mes de mayo. Te esperamos! Catequista o Aspirante a Catequista Te invitamos a un taller de cuatro módulos para obtener el certificado básico de Catequista de la Diócesis de Palm Beach. Si no has tomado alguno de estos módulos lo puedes hacer ahora. Dirigido por el Diácono Jaime Zapata Lugar: St. John Fisher (Salón Parroquial) 400 N. Shore Drive. WPB, Fl Modulo 1: La Fe Modulo 2: La Biblia abril 18/15. 8:00am - 12:00m Modulo 3: Los Sacramentos Modulo 4: La Moral y Metodología abril 25/mayo 15 8:00am - 12:00m Para registrarse llamar a Beatriz al (561) Nota: Deben pedir una entrevista con uno de los padres antes de registrarse. Este voluntariado de Catequista le sirve para obtener horas comunitarias. Segunda Colecta Piter Pan AVISO IMPORTANTE!! Se le pide a los padres de familia, por favor no permitir a los niños / niñas ir solos a los baños. ES MUY IMPORTANTE, que todo menor sea acompañado por un adulto. Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión Taller de Iniciación de Nuevos Servidores Lugar: Holy Family Port St. Lucie 2330 SE Mariposa Ave. Port St. Lucie, Fl Fecha: abril 25,2015 Hora: 9:15am - 11:45pm Valor: $12.00 Deben pedir una entrevista con uno de los padres antes de registrarse. CAMPAÑA DE DONACIÓN DE SANGRE Este domingo 19 de abril, de 8:00am - 2:30pm y 6:30pm - 9:00pm Iglesia N. S. Reina de la Paz Todos los donantes recibirán un examen de salud que incluye presión sanguínea, temperatura, pulso, nivel de hierro y colesterol! *Se Requiere Documento de Identidad. INVITACION AL GRUPO POST- MATRIMONIAL Este grupo presta apoyo a todos los viudos, divorciados o separados que quieran compartir sus experiencias con otros. La reunión se llevará a cabo cada quince días, los miércoles a las 7:00pm en el salón # 6. Para mas información llamar: Andrea Solís (561) ó Bertha Franco (561) LA TIENDITA RELIGIOSA DE LA PARROQUIA Tenemos una gran selección de regalos para todas las ocasiones, en especial para las Primeras Comuniones, Confirmaciones y Día de la Madre. Estamos abiertos los días: Sábado: 3:00am - 7:00pm Domingo: 9:00am - 2:00pm Lunes: 9:00am - 12:30pm Grupo Post Matrimonial Invita a su Segundo Retiro ESPIRITUALIDAD Dirigido por Jaime Zapata Día: 9 de mayo Lugar: Casa San Carlos Hora: 9:00am 5:00pm Para mas información llamar a: Andrea Solís (561) O a Berta Franco (561)

5 Page de abril de 2015 SÃO MARCOS - 25 de Abril O evangelho de são Marcos é o mais curto se comparado aos demais, mas traz uma visão toda especial, de quem conviveu e acompanhou a paixão de Jesus quando era ainda criança. Ele pregou quando seus apóstolos se espalhavam pelo mundo, transmitindo para o papel, principalmente, as pregações de são Pedro, embora tenha sido também assistente de são Paulo e são Barnabé, de quem era sobrinho. Marcos, ou João Marcos, era judeu, da tribo de Levi, filho de Maria de Jerusalém, e, segundo os historiadores, teria sido batizado pelo próprio são Pedro, fazendo parte de uma das primeiras famílias cristãs de Jerusalém. Ainda menino, viu sua casa tornar-se um ponto de encontro e reunião dos apóstolos e cristãos primitivos. Foi na sua casa, aliás, que Cristo celebrou a última ceia, quando instituiu a eucaristia, e foi nela, também, que os apóstolos receberam a visita do Espírito Santo, após a ressurreição. Mais tarde, Marcos acompanhou são Pedro a Roma, quando o jovem começou, então, a preparar o segundo evangelho. Nessa piedosa cidade, prestou serviço também a são Paulo, em sua primeira prisão. Tanto que, quando foi preso pela segunda vez, Paulo escreveu a Timóteo e pediu que este trouxesse seu colaborador, no caso, Marcos, a Roma, para ajudálo no apostolado. Ele escreveu o Evangelho a pedido dos fiéis romanos e segundo os ensinamentos que possuía de são Pedro, em pessoa. O qual, além de aprová-lo, ordenou sua leitura nas igrejas. Seu relato começa pela missão de João Batista, cuja "voz clama no deserto". Daí ser representado com um leão aos seus pés, porque o leão, um dos animais símbolos da visão do profeta Ezequiel, faz estremecer o deserto com seus rugidos. Levando seu Evangelho, partiu para sua missão apostólica. Diz a tradição que são Marcos, depois da morte de são Pedro e são Paulo, ainda viajou para pregar no Chipre, na Ásia Menor e no Egito, especialmente na Alexandria, onde fundou uma das igrejas que mais floresceram. Ainda segundo a tradição, ele foi martirizado no dia da Páscoa, enquanto celebrava o santo sacrifício da missa. Mais tarde, as suas relíquias foram trasladadas pelos mercadores italianos para Veneza, cidade que é sua guardiã e que tomou são Marcos como padroeiro desde o ano 828. GRUPO DE ORAÇÃO MENSAGEIROS DA PAZ Quartas-feiras Missa às 7:30 pm. Em seguida, Encontro de Oração até 9:30 PM. Todos/as são bem-vindos/as. *Adoração Eucaristica toda segunda Quarta-feira do mês, após a missa. Informações: Silvana Círculo bíblico Encontros quinzenais Leituras da Semana 2ª feira: At 6,8-15; Sl 118(119); Jo 6, ª feira: At 7,51 8,1a; Sl 30(31); Jo 6, ª feira: At 8,1b-8; Sl 65(66); Jo 6, ª feira: At 8,26-40; Sl 65(66); Jo 6, ª feira: At 9,1-20; Sl 116(117); Jo 6, Sábado: 1Pe 5,5b-14; Sl 88(89); Mc 16, º DP: At 4,8-12; Sl 117(118); 1Jo 3,1-2; Jo 10,11-18.

6 Page 6 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish April 19, 2015 CUIDANDO DE NOSSA COMUNIDADE Nossos serviços médico e dentário, são baratos Não precisa marcar consulta. Falamos inglês, espanhol e português. Estamos localizados ao Oeste da Atlantic Ave. (perto da 441) em Delray Beach. ATENDIMENTO CLINICO GERAL Pequenas emergências, como febre, tosse, gripe e pequenos ferimentos Exames físicos e vacina para a escola Medicina preventiva Eletrocardiograma Análise de sangue para detectar anemia e medir o colesterol Clínica de Raio X Cuidado dentário Oculista HORARIO: MEDICINA GENERAL Segunda Terça Quarta Quinta 8:30 am 5:00 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm 8:30 am 2:00 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm SIRVIENDO A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD Medicina General No se requiere cita Pequeñas emergencias como fiebre, tos, gripe, y heridas leves Exámenes físicos para la escuela y vacunas Medicina preventiva Electrocardiogramas Análisis de sangre para detectar anemia y medir el colesterol Dentista Oculista Rayos X DENTAL CARE (561) Volunteer dentists and hygienists are available Monday through Thursday and some Saturdays. Please call ahead to confirm times. Sexta Sábado Fechado 7:30 am 2:00 pm Mission Medical Center At Queen of Peace Parish 9600 West Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, FL (561) OPTOMETRY Monday 8:00 am Hablamos inglés portugués y español

June 14, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 14, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach,

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Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Fr. Alex Dalpiaz, c.s. In Residence

Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Fr. Alex Dalpiaz, c.s. In Residence The Return of the Prodigal Son, Artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1667/1670, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art March 6, 2016 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Fr.

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THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at May 22, 2016 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Fr. Alex Dalpiaz, c.s. In Residence Deacons: Woodworth

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The. Most. ost Holy June 7, Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares

The. Most. ost Holy June 7, Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ost Holy June 7, 2015 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares 9600 West Atlantic Avenue,

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Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 19, 2017

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 19, 2017 Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at February 19, 2017 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 19, 2017 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Joseph Durante, c.s. Vicar

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I AM the resurrection and the life..

I AM the resurrection and the life.. Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at April 2, 2017 I AM the resurrection and the life.. John 11:25 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s., Pastor Fr. Luigi Mansi, c.s., Visitor Fr.

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Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at August 14, 2016

Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at  August 14, 2016 Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at August 14, 2016 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33446 Ph: [561]-499-6234 Fax [561] 499-5513 website:

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June 28, Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time. Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar

June 28, Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time. Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar June 28, 2015 - Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray

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Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at July 23, 2017

Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at  July 23, 2017 Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at July 23, 2017 Deacons: Woodworth Draughon, José Antonio Mares Daniel Daza-Jaller Church Office Hours: 9:00am to 1:00pm Saturday Lunch

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First Sunday of Lent March 5, 2017

First Sunday of Lent March 5, 2017 Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at March 5, 2017 First Sunday of Lent March 5, 2017 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s., Pastor Fr. Joseph Durante, c.s., Vicar Fr. Alex Dalpiaz,

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Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares Daniel Daza-Jaller. Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at

Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares Daniel Daza-Jaller. Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at July 2, 2017 Photographer: Omar Ballen Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares Daniel Daza-Jaller Church Office Hours: 9:00am

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Fr. Mark Escobar c.s. Administrator Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. November 23, 2014 SCHEDULE OF MASSES

Fr. Mark Escobar c.s. Administrator Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. November 23, 2014 SCHEDULE OF MASSES November 23, 2014 Fr. Mark Escobar c.s. Administrator Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach,

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Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. Jesus was transfigured before them - Second Sunday of Lent, March 1, 2015

Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. Jesus was transfigured before them - Second Sunday of Lent, March 1, 2015 Jesus was transfigured before them - Second Sunday of Lent, March 1, 2015 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares John Sullivan

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Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 26, 2017

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 26, 2017 Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at February 26, 2017 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 26, 2017 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Joseph Durante, c.s. Vicar

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Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s., Pastor Fr. Luigi Mansi, c.s., Visitor

Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s., Pastor Fr. Luigi Mansi, c.s., Visitor Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at July 30, 2017 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 30, 2017 Blessed are you Father, Lord of heaven and earth; for you have revealed

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December 6, Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares

December 6, Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33446 Ph: [561] 499 6234 Fax [561] 499 5513 website: e mail: December 6, 2015 Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas,

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age 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at June 4, 2017

age 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at  June 4, 2017 Page 1 Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish at June 4, 2017 because Christ On this day, with the descent of the Holy Spirit, Christ s mission is completed, and the New Covenant is

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St. James R.C. Church October 15, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 15, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 15, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 5:30pm Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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St. James R.C. Church October 22, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 22, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 22, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 5:30pm Genevieve Mahon, r/b Maureen Mahon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45

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St. James R.C. Church July 21,

St. James R.C. Church July 21, St. James R.C. Church July 21, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 20 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, JULY 21 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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Annual Parish Picnic Saturday, August 13, 2016 At Tomahawk Lake Water Park Sparta, NJ SAVE THE DAY

Annual Parish Picnic Saturday, August 13, 2016 At Tomahawk Lake Water Park Sparta, NJ SAVE THE DAY St. James R.C. Church July 10, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 09 7:45 Mass still available 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Gerard 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JULY 10 7:30 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church December 30,

St. James R.C. Church December 30, St. James R.C. Church December 30, 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 10,

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 10, St. James R.C. Church March 10, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 09 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b St. James Staff 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 10 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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O grupo de terço Nª Sª das Graças convida a todos para rezarem o terço, todas as terças-feiras às 8:00pm, na sala Nª Sª Aparecida.

O grupo de terço Nª Sª das Graças convida a todos para rezarem o terço, todas as terças-feiras às 8:00pm, na sala Nª Sª Aparecida. St. James R.C. Church August 4, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church October 21, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 21, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 21, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church September 3, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church September 3, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church September 3, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 5:30pm Mass still available SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church June 11,

St. James R.C. Church June 11, St. James R.C. Church June 11, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 10 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son SUNDAY, JUNE 11 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Fr. Alex Dalpiaz, c.s. In Residence

Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Fr. Alex Dalpiaz, c.s. In Residence 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33446 Ph: [561] 499 6234 Fax [561] 499 5513 Email: Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano

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St. James R.C. Church June 3,

St. James R.C. Church June 3, St. James R.C. Church June 3, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 2 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, JUNE 3 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church May 1,

St. James R.C. Church May 1, St. James R.C. Church May 1, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 30 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 01 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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INDEPENDENCE DAY Tuesday, JULY 4, 2017 St. James R.C. Church July 2, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 1 5:30 Michael Morano, r/b St. James Staff SUNDAY, JULY 2 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm

Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm St. James R.C. Church July 17, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 16 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JULY 17 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Forth Sunday of Advent

Forth Sunday of Advent St. James R.C. Church December 24, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 4:00pm Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Joseph CHRISTMAS EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:00pm Mass in English 7:00pm Mass in Portuguese

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St. James R.C. Church May 20,

St. James R.C. Church May 20, St. James R.C. Church May 20, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 19 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St. James SUNDAY, MAY 20 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 12:00noon

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Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 31,

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 31, St. James R.C. Church March 31, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 30 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 31 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken

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CALENDÁRIO /01/15 JAN 15/01/15 29/01/15. Aniversario PE Elisandro

CALENDÁRIO /01/15 JAN 15/01/15 29/01/15. Aniversario PE Elisandro CALENDÁRIO - 2015 Mês JAN Mês Dia 01/01/15 02/01/15 03/01/15 04/01/15 11/01/15 15/01/15 24/01/15 25/01/15 28/01/15 29/01/15 Dia 01/02/15 SEMANA quinta-feira Sexta-feira sábado quinta-feira sábado quarta-feira

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St. James R.C. Church June 10,

St. James R.C. Church June 10, St. James R.C. Church June 10, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 9 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, JUNE 10 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church March 27,

St. James R.C. Church March 27, St. James R.C. Church March 27, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 26 HOLY SATURDAY 8:30pm Bilingual There will be no 5:30pm English Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 27 EASTER SUNDAY 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass

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St. James R.C. Church November 19, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 19, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 19, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Michael Stonack & Katherine Felipe SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church December 31,

St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church December 31, St. James R.C. Church December 31, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 7:45am Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St. James NEW YEAR S EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 4:00pm Mass still available 4:00pm Mass in

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St. James R.C. Church December 16,

St. James R.C. Church December 16, St. James R.C. Church December 16, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St. James 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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Please print names clearly! St. James R.C. Church May 31, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Please print names clearly! St. James R.C. Church May 31, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church May 31, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 31 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE PORTUGUESE PARISHES IN THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER The Santo Christo Parish

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Second Collection Catholic Home Missions Appeal, April 09-10, 2016

Second Collection Catholic Home Missions Appeal, April 09-10, 2016 St. James R.C. Church April 3, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 2 5:30 John Mahon, r/b Mahon Family 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, APRIL 3 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church May 27,

St. James R.C. Church May 27, St. James R.C. Church May 27, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 26 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, MAY 27 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church May 15,

St. James R.C. Church May 15, St. James R.C. Church May 15, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 14 5:30 Bernadette Gehart, r/b cousin Theresa & Matti 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 15 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00

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O MISTÉRIO DA PÁSCOA D. ANTÓNIO MARIA BESSA TAIPA ÍNDICE GERAL ÍNDICE GERAL Apresentação... 5 Em louvor do Tríduo pascal, José de Leão Cordeiro... 7 Reflectir e viver o Mistério pascal, D. Júlio Tavares Rebimbas... 9 O MISTÉRIO DA PÁSCOA D. ANTÓNIO MARIA

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St. James R.C. Church November 4, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 4, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 4, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church April 29, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church April 29, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church April 29, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 28 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, APRIL 29 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE. Tonight Hoje à noite. Just Só. Eventually Eventualmente. Probably Provavelmente. Finally Finalmente.

FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE. Tonight Hoje à noite. Just Só. Eventually Eventualmente. Probably Provavelmente. Finally Finalmente. w w w. L a u r E n g l i s h. c o m Laurenglish.official LaurEnglish LaurEnglish (Laurenglish.official) FUTURE SMPLE TENSE Usamos o FUTURE SMPLE (futuro simples) para falar sobre fatos ou certezas que

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ROTA DAS IGREJAS DO CONCELHO DE PENICHE. Promoção e Valorização do Património Histórico-Religioso

ROTA DAS IGREJAS DO CONCELHO DE PENICHE. Promoção e Valorização do Património Histórico-Religioso ROTA DAS IGREJAS DO CONCELHO DE PENICHE Promoção e Valorização do Património Histórico-Religioso Peniche dispõe de um volumoso, diversificado e raro património histórico cultural, tanto móvel como imóvel.

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St. James R.C. Church April 23,

St. James R.C. Church April 23, St. James R.C. Church April 23, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 22 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike SUNDAY, APRIL 23 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church March 3, 2019 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 02 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church March 3, 2019 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 02 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church March 3, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 02 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Mary Ramos 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 03 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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SEMANA NACIONAL DA FAMÍLIA Paróquia Sagrado Coração de Jesus e Nossa Senhora das Mercês L2 615 SUL Tema: MISERICÓRDIA NA FAMÍLIA: DOM E MISSÃO

SEMANA NACIONAL DA FAMÍLIA Paróquia Sagrado Coração de Jesus e Nossa Senhora das Mercês L2 615 SUL Tema: MISERICÓRDIA NA FAMÍLIA: DOM E MISSÃO Tema Responsáveis Coordenadore s Pregação Domingo 14 de agosto (1) Criados por um Pai Misericordioso. SEMANA NACIONAL DA FAMÍLIA Paróquia Sagrado Coração de Jesus e Nossa Senhora das Mercês L2 615 SUL

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15 de Abril SEGUNDA-FEIRA SANTA PROGRAMAÇÃO: SEMANA SANTA 2019 14 de Abril DOMINGO DE RAMOS: 07:00 - Praça da Academia início da Celebração e bênção dos ramos. ( Encenação da Equipe Teatral Senhor Jesus) Procissão para a Matriz de Nossa

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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January 18, 2016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed

January 18, 2016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed St. James R.C. Church January 17, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 4:00 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00

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St. James R.C. Church May 24,

St. James R.C. Church May 24, St. James R.C. Church May 24, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 23 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 24 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da

Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da REFLEXÃO DO SENHOR BISPO 1 4 O UTUBRO 2 0 1 8 TODOS OS SANTOS 28º Domingo Do Tempo Comum FIEIS DEFUNTOS DIA REGIONAL DAS EQUIPAS Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO Confissões

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ANNUAL FEAST OF OUR LADY OF APARECIDA St. James R.C. Church October 09, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 08 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, OCTOBER 09 OUR LADY OD APARECIDA FEAST 7:30

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Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas

Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas Sacramento da Con issão! Sacrament of Penance! Sacramento do Batismo! Sacrament of Baptism! Sacramento do Matrimónio! Sacrament of Marriage! Mass Schedule & Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church December 23,

St. James R.C. Church December 23, St. James R.C. Church December 23, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 4:00pm Harry Runyon, r/b Dorothea Boerrigter 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am. In Portuguese at the 7:30pm Mass + Novena

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am. In Portuguese at the 7:30pm Mass + Novena St. James R.C. Church January 14, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Denise Kussmar SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45

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CAMPOREAL LISBOA. summer information

CAMPOREAL LISBOA. summer information CAMPOREAL LISBOA Informação de Verão summer information Segunda wellington bar manjapão grande escolha garden terrace eagle pool bar Das 17h30 às 01h00 Das 19h00 às 22h00 Das 9h00 às 22h00 Das 10h30 às

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Third Sunday of Advent. St. James R.C. Church December 17, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Third Sunday of Advent. St. James R.C. Church December 17, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church December 17, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 7:45am Tati Michael, r/b wife, sons & grandkids 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Denise Kussmaul SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 7:30 Intentions

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Batismo 2ª e 4ª quintas -feiras no Prepara mês às 20h pais e padrinhos para sacramento do B. Catequese Infantil

Batismo 2ª e 4ª quintas -feiras no Prepara mês às 20h pais e padrinhos para sacramento do B. Catequese Infantil Batismo 2ª e 4ª quintas -feiras no Prepara mês às 20h pais e padrinhos para sacramento do B Catequese Infantil Domingos, 8:15h. e Quartas Feiras 18:30h Prepara as crianças para receber o sacramento da

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St. James R.C. Church May 28,

St. James R.C. Church May 28, St. James R.C. Church May 28, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 27 5:30 Maria da Silva, r/b Antonio da Silva SUNDAY, MAY 28 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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MEMORIAL DAY A day, May 30, set aside in most States for observances in memory of deceased servicemen and servicewomen of all wars.

MEMORIAL DAY A day, May 30, set aside in most States for observances in memory of deceased servicemen and servicewomen of all wars. St. James R.C. Church May 29, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 28 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 29 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm

Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm St. James R.C. Church August 28, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 7:45 Mass still available 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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SEMANA SANTA TRÍDUO PASCAL PÁSCOA SEMANA SANTA TRÍDUO PASCAL PÁSCOA Senhor, como queres que preparemos a Páscoa? (Cf. Mt 26, 17) PARÓQUIA SCJ INGLESES - 2018 - SEMANA SANTA Começa no Domingo de Ramos, incluindo o Tríduo Pascal, visando

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St. James R.C. Church August 20, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church August 20, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church August 20, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AGUST 19 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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On December 1 & 2, we will have the second collection for Retirement Collection for the Religious. Please be generous as always.

On December 1 & 2, we will have the second collection for Retirement Collection for the Religious. Please be generous as always. St. James R.C. Church December 02, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 01 4:00pm Regiana Merzel, r/b Miktus Family 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 02 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass

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St. James R.C. Church November 5, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 5, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 5, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 5:30pm Mass still available SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Portuguese Parishes in the Fall River Diocese Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik CHAPLAIN-IN-RESIDENCE Rev. Jason Brilhante

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St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church January 10,

St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church January 10, St. James R.C. Church January 10, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 09 4:00 Anita Bliewise, r/b Mahon Family 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO 1 6 S E TEM BRO


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St. James R.C. Church April 30,

St. James R.C. Church April 30, St. James R.C. Church April 30, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 29 5:30 Russomanno Family, r/b Matty SUNDAY, APRIL 30 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church May 13,

St. James R.C. Church May 13, St. James R.C. Church May 13, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 12 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, MAY 13 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church April 08, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church April 08, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church April 08, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 07 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, APRIL 08 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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St. James R.C. Church November 26, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 26, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 26, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25 4:00pm John & Genevieve Mahon, r/b Maureen Mahon SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken

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DIAS DA SEMANA EM INGLÊS: explicação, exemplos e áudio

DIAS DA SEMANA EM INGLÊS: explicação, exemplos e áudio DIAS DA SEMANA EM INGLÊS: explicação, exemplos e áudio (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push({}); Você muito provavelmente sabe alguma coisa sobre os dias da semana em Inglês. Veja nesse post sobre

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Sunday, February 10, Local: St. James Church 8:30am 1:30pm Appointments are preferred. American Red Cross Blood Drive

Sunday, February 10, Local: St. James Church 8:30am 1:30pm Appointments are preferred. American Red Cross Blood Drive St. James R.C. Church February 03, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 02 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 03 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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AGOSTO 18 PROGRAMAÇÃO. no Museu de Lisboa. AUGUST 18 at the Museum of Lisbon

AGOSTO 18 PROGRAMAÇÃO. no Museu de Lisboa. AUGUST 18 at the Museum of Lisbon AGOSTO 18 no Museu de Lisboa AUGUST 18 at the Museum of Lisbon PROGRAMAÇÃO DIA 4 sábado, 21h, Teatro Romano SUSANA TRAVASSOS Concerto DIAS 14 terça, 21h30 Largo de Santo António O SANTO FAZ ANOS Exibição

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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St. James R.C. Church April 01, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church April 01, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church April 01, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 31 HOLY SATURDAY 8:00pm Bilingual There will be no 4:00pm English Mass SUNDAY, APRIL 01 EASTER SUNDAY 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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St. James R.C. Church September 23, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church September 23, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church September 23, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am

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St. James R.C. Church March 6,

St. James R.C. Church March 6, St. James R.C. Church March 6, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 05 4:00 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Gerard 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 06 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am. In Portuguese at the 7:30pm Mass + Novena

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am. In Portuguese at the 7:30pm Mass + Novena St. James R.C. Church January 21, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St James SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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St. James R.C. Church October 08, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 08, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 08, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 07 5:30pm Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b Theresa Russomano SUNDAY, OCTOBER 08 OUR LADY OD APARECIDA FEAST 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da

Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da DIA DE AÇÃO DE GRAÇAS 11 NOV EM BRO 2 01 8 32º Domingo Do Tempo Comum SOLENIDADE DE CRISTO REI VELAS DO ADVENTO VENDA DE DOCES Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO ela,

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FESTA DE NOSSA SENHORA DE NAZARÉ FESTA DE NOSSA SENHORA DE NAZARÉ DE 31 DE AGOSTO A 09 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018. CACHOEIRA DO CAMPO-MG Em sintonia com o Ano Nacional dos leigos e leigas no Brasil (26/11/2017 a 28/11/2018), que tem como tema:

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PARÓQUIA SÃO JOSÉ DE CALASANZ PADRES ESCOLÁPIOS Feu Rosa, Vila Nova de Colares e Nova Zelândia - SERRA (ES) AGENDA ANUAL 2014 PARÓQUIA SÃO JOSÉ DE CALASANZ PADRES ESCOLÁPIOS Feu Rosa, Vila Nova de Colares e Nova Zelândia - SERRA (ES) AGENDA ANUAL 2014 Organização das pastorais e equipes para uma melhor evangelização Seg Ter Qua

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Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO

Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO ESCOLA JORGE DE SENA 1 9 AG O S TO 2 0 18 RETIRO CARISMÁTICO 20º Domingo Do Tempo Comum ORAÇÃO PELOS DOENTES Festa de Nossa Senhora da Assunção WE CARE Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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