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1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Our Mission: Centered on the Eucharist, we proclaim Christ through prayer, participation in the sacraments, and service to others. Nuestra Misión: Centrados en la Eucaristía, proclamamos a Cristo a través de la oración, la participación en los sacramentos, y el servicio a los demás. Nossa Missão: Centrados na Eucaristia, proclamamos Cristo através da oração, participação nos sacramentos, e serviço aos outros. MASS TIMES HORARIOS DE MISAS HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday/ Sábado / Sabádo 5:00 PM English 7:00 PM Español Sunday/ Domingo / Domingo 7:00 AM English 7:30 AM Español en el Gimnasio 8:30 AM Português 10:00 AM English 11:45 AM Español 1:30 PM English 1:30 PM Español en la Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción 5:00 PM Español Misa Juvenil 6:30 PM English-Youth Mass Monday Thursday Lunes a Jueves/ De Segunda a Quinta 8:00 AM English 6:00 PM Español Friday/Viernes/ Sexta Feira 8:00 AM English Mass 3:00 PM Português 6:00 PM Español 7-8:00 PM Confessions Saturday/Sábado/ Sabádo 8:00 AM English 9:00 AM Português 3-4:30 PM Confessions CLERGY Fr. J. Patrick Walker, Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Marcelino Malana, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Kishor Yerpula, Assoc. Pastor OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO DE OFICINA Monday-Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM CHURCH ADDRESS /DOMICILIO DE LA IGLESIA: 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA OFFICE ADDRESS/DOMICILIO DE LA OFICINA: 1301 Cooper Ave. Turlock, CA Phone: Fax: WEBSITE: SACRED HEART SCHOOL Escuela Del Sagrado Corazón 1225 Cooper Ave. Principal: Mrs. Sara Michelena Office Fax SACRED HEART PRE-SCHOOL Preescolar Sagrado Corazón Director: Mrs. Debra Cannella FAITH FORMATION / FORMACIÓN DE LA FE Director: Mr. Feliciano Tapia Coordinator: Mrs. Becky Beltran ~ English Coordinator: Mrs. Carmen Alvarez ~ Spanish PARISH ASSESSMENT & RENEWAL Mrs. Andria Faust (209) Ext. 110 YOUTH MINISTRY Coordinator: Miss Fiona Braten PASTORAL COUNCIL

2 PARISH DIRECTORY How can we help you? Cómo le podemos ayudar? Como o podemos ajudar? OUR STAFF Ext: Director of Operations: Mrs. Edwina Rocha 115 PAR Coordinator: Mrs. Andria Faust 110 Leticia C. Ocegueda 104 Bulletin/ Acct. Receivables: Mrs. Elizabeth Gonzalez 113 Receptionist/ Records: Mrs. Erma Mendonça 100 Receptionist/Funerals: Miss Maria Salas 101 Bookkeeper/Facilities: Miss Patty Evans 112 Music Ministry: Mr. Tom Oakley 117 Ministry of the Sick: Mrs. Peggy Jenkin Thrift Shop: Mrs. Diana Rodrigues (1388 East Ave., Turlock) S.H. Library/Gifts: Mrs. Laura Montañez Back church entrance on Rose Ave If you have an emergency after office hours or on the weekends please call for a priest. Si tiene alguna emergencia después de horas de oficina o en fin de semana favor de llamar al para contactar a un sacerdote. Se tem uma emergência fora de horas ou no fim de semana. Por favor, ligue para para entrar em contato com um padre. BAPTISMS /BAUTISMOS/ BAUTISMO Please bring the baby s birth certificate from the county to the parish office. English classes are held on the first Monday of each Month 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. Except for holidays. Favor de llevar el certificado de nacimiento del condado del bebe a la oficina parroquial para el registro. Las clases en Español se llevan a cabo los primeros y terceros martes de cada mes, a las 7:00pm en la cafetería. excepto días festivos. CONFESSIONS /CONFESIONES /CONFISSÃO Fridays/Viernes / Sexta-feira 7:00-8:00 PM Saturdays/Sábados / Sabado-3:00-4:30 PM MARRIAGES/MATRIMONIOS / CASAMENTOS Please call the parish office a minimum of six months prior to make arrangements. Favor de llamar por lo menos 6 meses antes para hacer arreglos. Ligar para o escritório pelo menos seis meses antes do casamento. FUNERALS/FUNERALES Funeral services are scheduled between mortuaries and the parish. Los servicios para funerales se hacen directamente entre funeraria e Iglesia. Os serviços funerários são feitos diretamente entre a casa funerária e a Igreja. PRESENTACION DE NIÑOS El primer fin de semana de cada mes en todas las misas en español. QUINCEAÑERAS Comunicarse a la oficina por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha que desea. MONDAY/LUNES June 10th 8:00 AM Les Neumiller John and Frances Martin Bates Gorospe 6:00 PM Antonia Ruezga Larry Avina Guillermina del Rio TUESDAY/MARTES June 11th 8:00 AM For all deceased members of YLI Melida Araquistain 6:00 PM Maria Adela Ramirez Lopez WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES June 12th 8:00 AM Spc l Int. of Odelta Luis 6:00 PM Int. Espc l para la Familia Padilla Garcia Abel Guillen Padre Juan Dias Vilar THURSDAY/JUEVES June 13th 8:00 AM Spc l Int. of Rosario Marquez Tony J. Rodrigues Joseph and Olinda Perera 6:00 PM Ignacio Barbosa Mendez Juan de Dios Gomez Jesus Toscano FRIDAY/VIERNES June 14th 8:00 AM Joe Mendes 3:00 PM Antonio Ferreira Silva, Jr. Jose e Laura Vieira Joe D. Gomes e Liliana Toste Vasco Silva e João Da Ponte 6:00 PM Int. Espc l para Jose Lomeli Juan Martinez Ramiro Mendoza SATURDAY/SABADO June 15th 8:00 AM Karen Bricky 9:00 AM Pelas Intenções dos Membros da Sociedade de Nossa Senhora de Fatima Francisco e Isabel Luis e Familiares John S. Borges Francisco e Delmida Mendonça Feliz día de los Padres 5:00 PM Todas las intenciones de este fin de 7:00 PM semana serán para todos los Padres del Sagrado Corazón vivos y difuntos. SUNDAY/DOMINGO June 16th 7:00 AM Happy Father s Day 7:30 AM All Mass intentions this weekend 8:30 AM English Mass are for our Sacred Heart Fathers Living and Deceased. 10:00 AM Missa em Português 11:45 AM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM (OLA) 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Feliz dia dos Pais Todas as intenç ões de Missas neste fim de semana são para todos os Pais do Sagrado Coração vivos ou falecidos.

3 RECONCILED DIVERSITY A few years ago, during Rome s quiet summer, Pope Francis took a day off to visit privately with some old friends, whose identity took Catholic Italy by surprise: Evangelical Protestants. They welcomed Francis to their Pentecostal Church of Reconciliation, where Francis asked pardon for Catholic persecutions and celebrated the Holy Spirit s pentecostal work. Unlike Satan, declared Francis, who creates division among God s children, the Holy Spirit creates a diversity rich and beautiful. And unity; not uniformity, Francis specified, but unity in diversity. Francis named the Spirit s gift reconciled diversity. Pentecost s rich treasury of scriptural readings, for Saturday s vigil and Sunday s morning liturgy, traces the Holy Spirit s work from creation s beginning, through Jesus resurrection, into the church s earliest days, now into our days. Kindled in our hearts, the Spirit s gentle fire is ours to share generously, even with those most strikingly different from us. All hearts are Spirit-warmed by reconciled diversity. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. DIVERSIDAD RECONCILIADA Hace algunos años, durante un verano tranquilo en Roma, el Papa Francisco tomó un día de descanso para pasar un tiempo en privado con algunos viejos amigos, cuyas identidades tomaron por sorpresa a los católicos italianos: protestantes evangélicos. Ellos dieron la bienvenida a Francisco a su iglesia pentecostal de la reconciliación, donde Francisco pidió perdón por las persecuciones católicas y celebró la obra pentecostal del Espíritu Santo. Francisco declaró que Satanás crea división en medio de los hijos de Dios, pero el Espíritu Santo crea una diversidad rica y hermosa. Y unidad, pero no uniformidad, Francisco especificó, sino unidad en la diversidad. Francisco nombró el don del Espíritu Santo diversidad reconciliada. El rico tesoro de Pentecostés de las lecturas de las Escrituras, para la vigilia del sábado y la liturgia del domingo por la mañana, rastrea la obra del Espíritu Santo desde el comienzo de la creación, mediante la resurrección de Jesús, hacia los primeros días de la Iglesia, ahora en nuestros días. Encerrados en nuestros corazones, el fuego gentil del Espíritu es nuestro para compartir generosamente, incluso con aquellos que son notablemente diferentes a nosotros. Todos los corazones son estimulados por la diversidad reconciliada. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co. DIVERSIDADE RECONCIADA Há alguns anos, durante o verão calmo em Roma, o Papa Francisco tirou um dia de folga para visitor, em particular alguns antigos amigos, cuja identidade surpreendeu a Itália católica: os protestantes evangélicos. Eles acolheram Francisco na sua Igreja Pentecostal da Reconciliação, onde Francisco pediu perdão pelas perseguições católicas e celebrou o trabalho pentecostal do Espírito Santo. Ao contrário de Satanás, que cria divisão entre os filhos de Deus, o Espírito Santo cria a diversidade rica e bela. Unidade, não uniformidade, e Francis especificou, unidade na diversidade. Francisco nomeou o dom do Espírito diversidade reconciliada. O rico tesouro das leituras bíblicas de Pentecostes, para a vigília de sábado e a liturgia matutina de domingo, traçam a obra do Espírito Santo, desde o início da criação, através da ressurreição de Jesus, dos primeiros dias da Igreja, até agora aos nossos dias. Dentro dos nossos corações, o fogo suave do Espírito Santo leva-nos a compartilhar, generosamente, mesmo com aqueles que são os mais diferentes de nós. Todos os corações são aquecidos pelo Espírito pela diversidade reconciliada. Direitos autorais J. S. Paluch Co. Lord, help me to make time today to serve you in those who are most in need of encouragement or assistance. -St Vincent de Paul. St. Vincent de Paul is in need of non perishable food items. Kindly donate can goods, peanut butter, rice, cereal, etc. Hunger knows no season and we struggle to provide. Please be generous. All donations may be brought to the parish office. Thank you! San Vicente de Paul necesita donaciones de alimentos. Por favor, done alimentos, crema de cacahuate, arroz, cereal, etc. El hambre no conoce la temporada y luchamos para proveer. Por favor sea generoso. Todas las donaciones pueden ser entregadas en la oficina parroquial. Gracias!

4 BISHOP S MINISTRY APPEAL 2019 As One, Serving the Lord Thank you to all who have participated in the Bishop Ministry Appeal. Those who have paid off their pledges, we especially thank you! Parish Goal: $156, Amount Paid: $84, Difference: $71, Please be faithful to your commitment and make your pledge payments! It s still not too late to make a onetime gift toward the appeal as we are still short of our goal. Thank you for your support! SOLICITUD MINISTERIAL DEL OBISPO 2019 "Como Uno, Sirviendo al Señor" Gracias a todos los que han participado en la apelación de Ministerio del obispo. Les agradecemos especialmente a aquellos que han cumplido con sus promesas! Meta de la Parroquia: $156, Pagado hasta ahora: $84, La diferencia: $71, Por favor, sea fiel a su compromiso y haga sus pagos a tiempo. Todavía no es demasiado tarde para hacer un regalo de solo una vez hacia la apelación porque aún no hemos alcanzado nuestro objetivo. Gracias por su apoyo! SUNDAY COLLECTION /OFRENDA DOMINICAL/ COLECTA DO DOMINGO Collection amount for June 2nd was: $17, Parish Goal was: $19,899 Goal For /Meta para June 16th is: $17,089 Collection amount for May 26th was: $15, Thank you for your generous financial support / Les agradecemos su generoso apoyo financiero / Obrigado por seu generoso apoio APELO PARA O MINISTÉRIO DO BISPO 2019 "Como Um, Servindo o Senhor" Obrigado a todos que participaram, no Recurso do Ministério do Bispo. Agradecemos especialmente aqueles que já pagaram as suas promessas! Meta da Paróquia $156, Valor pago $84, Diferença $71, Por favor, ser fiel ao seu compromisso e fazer sua promessa do seu donativo! Ainda não é tarde demais para fazer um donativo para o Recurso do Ministério do Bispo, como ainda estamos aquém do nosso objetivo. Muito obrigado pelo vosso apoio. PARISH WEEKLY ACTIVITIES MONDAY, JUNE 10TH 7:00 AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) 8:30 AM Cleaning the Church 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) TUESDAY, JUNE 11TH 7:00 AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12TH 7:00 AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) 7-8:30 PM Sacred Heart Youth Group THRUSDAY, JUNE 13TH 7:00 AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH 7:00 AM Morning Prayer (Lauds) 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Chapel) 7:00 PM Confessions SATURDAY, JUNE 15TH 8:30 AM Daily Rosary (Church) 3:00 PM Confessions 4:25 PM Rosary (Church) Sacred Heart Mass Time for Sunday, June 16th MASS TIME CHANGE 8:30 am English Mass 10:00 am Portuguese Mass All other masses stay the same. Thank you! Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Cambio de Horario el domingo, 16 de junio 8:30 am Misa en Ingles 10:00 am Misa en Portugués Todas las otras misas permanecen igual. Gracias! Igreja do Sagrado Coração Domingo, 16 de Junho 8:30 am Missa em Inglês 10:00 am Missa em Portugues Todas as outras missas permanecem as mesmas. Obrigado! EVENTOS PARROQUIALES DE LA SEMANA LUNES, 10 DE JUNIO 8:30 AM Limpieza de la Iglesia MARTES, 11 DE JUNIO 6:00 PM Ensayo de Coro de Angelitos 6:00 PM Legión de María MIÉRCOLES, 12 DE JUNIO 7:00 PM Grupo de oración Jesús Vive JUEVES, 13 DE JUNIO 7:00 PM Apostolado de la Cruz 7:00 PM Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos Ven y Sígueme VIERNES, 14 DE JUNIO 7:00 PM Confesiones SABADO, 15 DE JUNIO 3:00 PM Confesiones Festa do Espírito Santo Turlock Pentecost Association for June 16, 2019 ATIVIDADES SEMANAIS DA PARÓQUIA SEGUNDA-FEIRA, 10 DE JUNHO 8:30 AM Limpieza de Igreja TERÇA-FEIRA, 11 DE JUNHO QUARTA-FEIRA, 12 DE JUNHO QUINTA-FEIRA, 13 DE JUNHO SEXTA-FEIRA, 14 DE JUNHO 7:00 PM Confissões SÁBADO, 15 DE JUNHO 3:00 PM Confissões

5 The Feast of the Sacred Heart The Patron of our Parish The celebration will be on Friday, June 28th starting with a Community Mass at 6:00PM followed by a gathering in the gym. All are invited to participate and celebrate our patron. Come and enjoy this very special celebration! La Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón Patrono de nuestra parroquia La celebración será el Viernes, 28 de junio y comenzará con una Misa Comunitaria a las 6:00PM seguida por una convivencia en el gimnasio. Todos son invitados a participar y celebrar a nuestro patrono. Venga y acompáñenos en esta celebración especial! A Festa do Sagrado Coração O Santo Padroeiro da nossa Paróquia A celebração será na Sexta-feria 28 de Junho começando com Missa às 6 da tarde, seguido com convívio no ginásio. Todos estão convidados para a celebrar o nosso Padroeiro. Venham e divirtam-se nesta celebração especial. Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told - DVD s Join us for this moving experience into the life of St. Pope John Paul II and the Devotion to the Divine Mercy of Our Lord! Sunday, June 23rd thru Thursday, June 27th, in the Cafeteria, at 7PM. In fact, you ll not just learn about the consoling message of Divine Mercy, you ll experience it.

6 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATIONS (CCD) August 20th, 21st and 22nd New students as well as returning 4:00 PM 7:00 PM in the Gym Payment in full is due at time of Registration 1 Child $60 2 Children $90 3 Children $110 4 Children $150 Plus Retreat Fees: 1st Communion $25 1st year Confirmation $25 2nd year Confirmation $95 For First Communion Students: MUST bring a copy of Baptismal Certificate For Confirmation Students: MUST Bring Baptismal and First Communion Certificates NOTE: If you don t have the certificates required or payment in full you will not be able to register that day for Sacrament years. MATRICULACIÓN DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE (CATECISMO) 20, 21 y 22 de agosto- Para todos los estudiantes 4:00 PM 7:00 PM en el Gimnasio El Pago Completo se debe de dar en el momento de la Inscripción 1 Niño $60 2 Niños $90 3 Niños $110 4 Niños $150 Retiro: $25 1era comunión $25 1er año de Confirmación $95 2º de Confirmación Para estudiantes de Primera Comunión DEBEN traer una copia del Certificado de Bautismo Para los estudiantes de Confirmación DEBEN traer Los certificados de Bautismo y Primera Comunión. NOTA: Si usted no trae los certificados correspondientes o el pago completo no podrá registrar a sus hijos en las clases para sacramentos. WEDDING BANNS /AMONESTACIONES List of couples who will unite in matrimony in our parish. Lista de parejas que van a contraer matrimonio en los próximos meses aquí o en México. BENFEITORES DA HORA CATÓLICA Semana de 9 de Junho a 15 de Junho Weddings: July September 2019 Newman FDES Newman Juvencio Estrada & Briza Hernandez Eddie Leyva & Heather King Israel Tiburcio & Mariela Sanchez Felipe Guillen Trujillo & Estephany de Jesus Soto Romo Roberto Suarez & Noelia Ramos Luis Humberto Gutierrez Lopez & Alexandra Monserrat Plascencia Farhoud Samuel Ertefaei & Kaylayn Padlo Omar Valdovinos & Patricia Valladares Francisco Pineda & Lorena Gonzalez Bernabé Mondragón Ortiz & Ma. Guadalupe Vega Parra Joanna Reyes & Antonio Padilla Miguel Romero & Myla Mohssin Miguel Perez Jr & Angelica Maria Velazquez Adrian Ceballo & Ana Gonzalez Ramon Mendoza Jr & Norma Alvarez Juan Flores & Maureena Duran Jesus Robles Hernandez & Abigail Rodriguez Fadi Al-banna & Nicole Gowans Luis e Teresa Luis Los Banos Jose e Natalia Gonçalves Turlock Eduardo e Maria Alexandre Turlock Manuel e Maria Silveira Hilmar Joe e Silveira familia Gustine Silveira Bros Gustine Tony e Nelli Soares Turlock Delfina Azevedo Stevinson P.O. Box 1966 Turlock, CA 95381

7 FATHER S DAY INTENTIONS ENVELOPES Father s Day Envelopes will be placed in the Church Entrances. If you wish, you may pick one up, write the name of your Father living or deceased, and place it around the candle dish near the altar rail. The Candle and dish will remain at the Altar throughout the month of June. SOBRES PARA EL DÍA DE LOS PADRES Habrá sobres en las entradas de la iglesia para los que gusten poner el nombre de sus padres vivos o difuntos, habrá una vela al frente del altar con un traste en el que podrán poner sus sobres con su donación. Estos permanecerán el resto del mes de junio al frente del altar. ENVELOPES DE INTENÇÕES PARA O DIA DE PAI Envelopes vão ser colocado nas entradas da Igreja. Se quer pode escolher um, escrever o nome do seu Pai vivo ou morto e colocá-lo ao redor do prato de vela perto do trilho altar. A vela e prato permanecerá no Altar durante todo o mês de Junho. Belinda Garcia Piña Elvira Freitas Jose Maria Arteaga Ronnie Schendel Oremos por todos los enfermos del hospital y por todos los ancianitos de los asilo. Oremos tambem por todos quantos cuidam dos doentes.

8 Sacred Heart School Congratulations to all the students who received Yohannan Scholarships from our Father McElligott Foundation! Our school is blessed to have a foundation who works hard to support those students and families who have the desire to receive a strong Catholic education!

9 June 24-28, 2019 What: Vocation Bible School 9AM to 12PM Where: Sacred Heart Gymnasium, Turlock, CA Who: Children in 1st grade to upcoming 6th Grade Registration Forms: available at the Parish Office Cost: $25 per child

10 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #2557 Come and support our fireworks stands this 4th of July! Purchase a $10 Fireworks Merchandise ticket and a $10 Raffle Ticket today!!through your generous support we will be able to: Give half of the proceeds to benefit Sacred Heart School. Please visit our two stand locations at: 1030 East Ave., Turlock, CA 2655 Geer Rd., Turlock, CA (University Plaza) NEW LOCATION Raffle Prizes: Phantom Backyard Bash Assort. Retail Value $ Phantom Fire Blast Assort. Retail Value $ Raffle will be held July 3rd at 5:00 PM To Purchase Tickets or for any questions please call: Larry F.- (209) Richard F.- (209) Gil E.- (209) Paul L.- (209) Tickets are also available in the parish office. CABALLEROS DE COLON COUNCILIO #2557 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CONSELHO # 2557 Venga y apoye nuestro puesto de fuegos pirotécnicos el 4 de julio. Compre boletos de mercancía de $10 o boletos de Venha apoiar a nossa venda de fogos de artifício, para $10 para una rifa. este 4 de julho! Compre um bilhete de fogos de artifício de $ 10 e um Bilhete de Raffle de $ 10 hoje! Debido a su generoso apoyo nosotros podremos dar la mitad de nuestras ganancias para beneficiar a la Escuela del Através do seu apoio generoso, seremos capazes de: Dar Sagrado Corazón. metade para beneficiar a Escola do Sagrado Coração. Visite nossos dois locais de venda em: Por favor visite nuestras dos localidades: 1030 East Ave., Turlock, CA 1030 East Ave., Turlock 2655 Geer Rd., Turlock, CA 2655 Geer Rd., Turlock, Premios de Rifa: Prêmios Raffle: Un paquete surtido de Fuegos Pirotécnicos. Phantom Backyard Bash Assort. Valor por Varejo Con un Valor de $ $ Un paquete surtido de Fuegos Pirotécnicos. Phantom Fire Blast Assort. Valor por Varejo $ Con un Valor de $ O sorteio será realizado 3 de julho às 5:00 da tarde La rifa se llevara a cabo el 3 de julio a las 5:00pm Para comprar bilhetes ou para qualquer dúvida, ligue para: Para mas información o si gusta comprar boletos por favor comuníquese con: Larry F.- (209) Richard F.- (209) Larry F.- (209) Richard F.- (209) Gil E.- (209) Paul L.- (209) Gil E.- (209) Paul L.- (209) Bilhetes diponiveis no escritorio paroquial. Boletos disponibles en la oficina parroquial.

11 Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For June 2019, we will join the Holy Father in prayer for: EVANGELIZATION: The Mode of Life of Priests That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are most poor. God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, Who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for the prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father this month. Amen Traditional Daily Offering of the Apostleship of Prayer O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. The Apostles of Prayer offer themselves to God each day for the good of the world, the Church, one another, and the Holy Father s intentions. Únete a nosotros en oración por las intenciones que nos son confiadas por el Papa Francisco. En el mes de Junio del 2019, nos uniremos al Santo Padre en la oración por: EVANGELIZACIÓN: Por los sacerdotes para que, con la sobriedad y la humildad de sus vidas, se comprometan en una solidaridad activa hacia los más pobres. Oración de Ofrecimiento diario Dios, Padre nuestro, yo te ofrezco toda mi jornada, mis oraciones, pensamientos, afectos y deseos, palabras, obras, alegrías y sufrimientos en unión con el Corazón de tu Hijo Jesucristo que sigue ofreciéndose a Ti en la Eucaristía para la salvación del mundo. Que el Espíritu Santo, que guio a Jesús, sea mi guía y mi fuerza en este día para que pueda ser testigo de tu amor. Con María, la madre del Señor y de la Iglesia, pido especialmente por las intenciones del Papa y de nuestros obispos para este mes. Amén La Oración de Ofrecimiento diario del Apostolado de la Oración Ven, Espíritu Santo, inflama nuestro Corazón en las ansias redentoras del Corazón de Cristo, para que ofrezcamos de veras nuestras personas y obras, en unión con El, por la redención del mundo, Señor mío, y Dios mío Jesucristo: Por el Corazón Inmaculado de María me consagro a Tu Corazón, y me ofrezco Contigo al Padre en Tu santo sacrificio del altar, con mi oración y mi trabajo, y para que venga a nosotros Tu Reino. Te pido en especial: por el Papa y sus intenciones, por nuestro Obispo y sus intenciones, por nuestro Párroco y sus intenciones. Una-se com nós, em oração pelas intençõs que nos foi confiada pelo Papa Francisco. Para Junho de 2019, junte-se a o Santo Papa em oração para: EVANGELIZAÇÃO:Pelos sacerdotes, para que, com a sobriedade e humildade da sua vida, se empenhem numa solidariedade ativa para com os mais pobres. Oferecendo Oração Diária Deus, nosso Pai, eu te ofereço todo o dia de hoje: minhas orações e obras meus pensamentos e palavras, minhas alegrías e sofrimentos, em, reparação de nossas ofensas, em união como o Coração de teu Filho Jesus, que continua a oferecer-se a Ti, na Eucaristia,pela salvação do mundo. Que o Espírito Santo que guiou a Jesus, seja meu guía e meu amparo neste dia para que eu possa ser testemunha do teu amor. Com Maria, Mãe de Jesus e da Igreja, rezo especialmente pelas inteções do Santo Padre para este mês. Oferta diária tradicional do Apostolado da Oração Ó Jesus, através do Coração Imaculado de Maria, eu Vos ofereço as minhas orações, trabalhos, alegrias e sofrimentos deste dia, em união com o Santo Sacrifício da Missa em todo o mundo. Eu ofereço-lhes por todas as intenções do Vosso Sagrado Coração: a salvação das almas, reparação pelo pecado, ea reunião de todos os Cristãos. Eu oferecê-los para as intenções dos nossos Bispos e de todos os Apóstolos de Oração, e em particular do recomendados pelo Santo Papa, este mês. Os Apóstolos de Oração oferecer-se a Deus todos os dias para o bem do mundo, a Igreja, um ao outro, e as intenções do Santo Papa.

St. James R.C. Church December 30,

St. James R.C. Church December 30, St. James R.C. Church December 30, 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church October 15, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 15, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 15, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 5:30pm Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45

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INDEPENDENCE DAY Tuesday, JULY 4, 2017 St. James R.C. Church July 2, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 1 5:30 Michael Morano, r/b St. James Staff SUNDAY, JULY 2 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 December 25th, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 February 12, 2017 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus

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Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas

Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas Office Schedule + Horário do Escritório - Mon.- Fri. 9am to 12pm and 12:30pm to 4pm Sacramento da Con issão Sacrament of Penance Sacramento do Batismo Sacrament of Baptism

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da

Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da DIA DE AÇÃO DE GRAÇAS 11 NOV EM BRO 2 01 8 32º Domingo Do Tempo Comum SOLENIDADE DE CRISTO REI VELAS DO ADVENTO VENDA DE DOCES Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO ela,

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Feast of the Sacred Heart Friday June 23 Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón viernes 23 de junio Sacred Heart s Mission Statement Sacred Heart Church

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Join us TodaY Sacred Heart Festival del Sagrado Corazón Acompañanos Hoy Festival Do Sagrado Coração Junte-se a nós hoje Great Food * Family

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Annual Parish Picnic Saturday, August 13, 2016 At Tomahawk Lake Water Park Sparta, NJ SAVE THE DAY

Annual Parish Picnic Saturday, August 13, 2016 At Tomahawk Lake Water Park Sparta, NJ SAVE THE DAY St. James R.C. Church July 10, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 09 7:45 Mass still available 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Gerard 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JULY 10 7:30 Intentions

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da

Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da OLA GRAND 2 1 O UTUBRO 2 0 1 8 TODOS OS SANTOS 29º Domingo Do Tempo Comum FIEIS DEFUNTOS DIA REGIONAL DAS EQUIPAS Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO Confissões Sábado

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da

Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da REFLEXÃO DO SENHOR BISPO 1 4 O UTUBRO 2 0 1 8 TODOS OS SANTOS 28º Domingo Do Tempo Comum FIEIS DEFUNTOS DIA REGIONAL DAS EQUIPAS Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO Confissões

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St. James R.C. Church May 20,

St. James R.C. Church May 20, St. James R.C. Church May 20, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 19 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St. James SUNDAY, MAY 20 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 12:00noon

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 April 16, 2017 Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus with unity in diversity to motivate,

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus with unity in diversity to motivate, teach and

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da


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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 May 7, 2017 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr. Marcelino Malana Fr. Efrain Tijerino OFFICE 1301 Cooper Ave.

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Forth Sunday of Advent

Forth Sunday of Advent St. James R.C. Church December 24, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 4:00pm Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Joseph CHRISTMAS EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 4:00pm Mass in English 7:00pm Mass in Portuguese

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Our Lady of Fátima Festival 2015 Festa de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Our Lady of Fátima Festival 2015 Festa de Nossa Senhora de Fátima Our Lady of Fátima Festival 2015 Festa de Nossa Senhora de Fátima Saturday and Sunday June 20 & 21, 2015 Sabado e Domingo PORTUGUESE COMMUNITY OF CHATHAM-KENT COMUNIDADE PORTUGUESA DE CHATHAM-KENT FESTA

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St. James R.C. Church November 5, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 5, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 5, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 5:30pm Mass still available SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 31,

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 31, St. James R.C. Church March 31, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 30 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 31 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken

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St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church December 31,

St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church December 31, St. James R.C. Church December 31, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 7:45am Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St. James NEW YEAR S EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31 4:00pm Mass still available 4:00pm Mass in

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St. James R.C. Church October 21, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 21, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 21, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church June 11,

St. James R.C. Church June 11, St. James R.C. Church June 11, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 10 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son SUNDAY, JUNE 11 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus with unity in diversity to motivate, teach and

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St. James R.C. Church July 21,

St. James R.C. Church July 21, St. James R.C. Church July 21, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 20 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, JULY 21 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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O grupo de terço Nª Sª das Graças convida a todos para rezarem o terço, todas as terças-feiras às 8:00pm, na sala Nª Sª Aparecida.

O grupo de terço Nª Sª das Graças convida a todos para rezarem o terço, todas as terças-feiras às 8:00pm, na sala Nª Sª Aparecida. St. James R.C. Church August 4, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH WELCOME, WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE! September 3, 2017 CLERGY Fr. J. Patrick Walker, Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Marcelino Malana, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Efrain Tijerino,

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Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 10,

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 10, St. James R.C. Church March 10, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 09 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b St. James Staff 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 10 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 24,

Última segunda-feira do mes as 8pm. St. James R.C. Church March 24, St. James R.C. Church March 24, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 23 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 24 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church June 3,

St. James R.C. Church June 3, St. James R.C. Church June 3, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 2 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, JUNE 3 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 February 26, 2017 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus

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Epiphany of the Lord. St. James R.C. Church January 06, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Epiphany of the Lord. St. James R.C. Church January 06, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church January 06, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 05 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 06 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO 1 6 S E TEM BRO


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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 November 27th, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr. Marcelino Malana Mission Statement of Sacred Heart

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St. James R.C. Church September 3, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church September 3, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church September 3, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 5:30pm Mass still available SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church November 4, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 4, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 4, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO

Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO ESCOLA JORGE DE SENA 0 9 S E TEM BRO 2 01 8 RETIRO CARISMÁTICO 23º Domingo Do Tempo Comum ORAÇÃO PELOS DOENTES WE CARE Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO Confissões Sábado

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Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da


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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 November 6th, 2016 Pastor Fr. J. Patrick Walker Associate Pastor Fr. Luis Cordeiro Fr. Marcelino Malana Mission Statement of Sacred Heart

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Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm

Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm St. James R.C. Church August 28, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 7:45 Mass still available 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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St. James R.C. Church April 29, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church April 29, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church April 29, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 28 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, APRIL 29 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church April 23,

St. James R.C. Church April 23, St. James R.C. Church April 23, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 22 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike SUNDAY, APRIL 23 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO

Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO ESCOLA JORGE DE SENA 1 9 AG O S TO 2 0 18 RETIRO CARISMÁTICO 20º Domingo Do Tempo Comum ORAÇÃO PELOS DOENTES Festa de Nossa Senhora da Assunção WE CARE Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO

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Para iniciar seleccione el idioma de su preferencia: To start, select your preferred language: Para iniciar selecione seu idioma preferido:

Para iniciar seleccione el idioma de su preferencia: To start, select your preferred language: Para iniciar selecione seu idioma preferido: 1 Bienvenido al XV Simposio Iberoamericano de Filosofía Política! Welcome to the 15th Ibero-American Symposium on Political Philosophy! Bem-vindo ao 15º Simpósio Ibero-americano em filosofia política!

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CAMPOREAL LISBOA. summer information

CAMPOREAL LISBOA. summer information CAMPOREAL LISBOA Informação de Verão summer information Segunda wellington bar manjapão grande escolha garden terrace eagle pool bar Das 17h30 às 01h00 Das 19h00 às 22h00 Das 9h00 às 22h00 Das 10h30 às

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1200 Lyons Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Church inspired by our love of Jesus with unity in diversity to motivate, teach and

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Summer Course C O U R S E S IN PORTUGUESE L A N G U A G E AND C U L T URE. F o r f o r e i g n e r s. 30 of June to 25 of July 2014

Summer Course C O U R S E S IN PORTUGUESE L A N G U A G E AND C U L T URE. F o r f o r e i g n e r s. 30 of June to 25 of July 2014 C O U R S E S IN PORTUGUESE L A N G U A G E AND C U L T URE F o r f o r e i g n e r s Summer Course 30 of June to 25 of July 2014 Courses The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

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Please print names clearly! St. James R.C. Church May 31, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Please print names clearly! St. James R.C. Church May 31, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church May 31, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 31 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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St. James R.C. Church August 27, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church August 27, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church August 27, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AGUST 26 5:30pm Mass still available SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church December 23,

St. James R.C. Church December 23, St. James R.C. Church December 23, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 4:00pm Harry Runyon, r/b Dorothea Boerrigter 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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St. James R.C. Church December 16,

St. James R.C. Church December 16, St. James R.C. Church December 16, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Staff of St. James 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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Erasmus Student Work Placement

Erasmus Student Work Placement Erasmus Student Work Placement EMPLOYER INFORMATION Name of organisation Address Post code Country SPORT LISBOA E BENFICA AV. GENERAL NORTON DE MATOS, 1500-313 LISBOA PORTUGAL Telephone 21 721 95 09 Fax

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St. James R.C. Church October 22, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church October 22, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church October 22, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 5:30pm Genevieve Mahon, r/b Maureen Mahon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45

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Mass. Our Lady. of the. Parish Office WITH MARY, SERVING CHRIST IN THE WORLD. Reconciliation. M AY Solemnity of The Most Holy trinity

Mass. Our Lady. of the. Parish Office WITH MARY, SERVING CHRIST IN THE WORLD. Reconciliation. M AY Solemnity of The Most Holy trinity CATHOLIC CHARITIES M AY 2 0 2 0 18 Solemnity of The Most Holy trinity DAUGHTERS OF MARY SUMMER BOOK CLUB VBS FESTA MEETING Our Lady of the WITH MARY, SERVING CHRIST IN THE WORLD. Reconciliation Saturday

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Colégio Santa Dorotéia

Colégio Santa Dorotéia Colégio Santa Dorotéia Area of Language Subject: English Grade: 6º Ensino Fundamental Teacher: Renata Lamas English Atividades para Estudos Autônomos Date: May, 8 th, 2018 Name: Number: Group: Caro aluno,

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Second Collection Catholic Home Missions Appeal, April 09-10, 2016

Second Collection Catholic Home Missions Appeal, April 09-10, 2016 St. James R.C. Church April 3, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 2 5:30 John Mahon, r/b Mahon Family 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, APRIL 3 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken

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St. James R.C. Church January 3, 2015

St. James R.C. Church January 3, 2015 St. James R.C. Church January 3, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 02 4:00 Maria & Antonia Alves, r/b Maria & Jose Barreiros 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 03 7:30 Intentions Taken

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Introdução A Delphi Com Banco De Dados Firebird (Portuguese Edition)

Introdução A Delphi Com Banco De Dados Firebird (Portuguese Edition) Introdução A Delphi Com Banco De Dados Firebird (Portuguese Edition) Ricardo De Moraes / André Luís De Souza Silva Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Introdução A Delphi Com Banco

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St. James R.C. Church May 27,

St. James R.C. Church May 27, St. James R.C. Church May 27, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 26 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, MAY 27 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church January 10,

St. James Church. We wish you a Very Blessed Holy New Year! St. James R.C. Church January 10, St. James R.C. Church January 10, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 09 4:00 Anita Bliewise, r/b Mahon Family 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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Sunday, February 10, Local: St. James Church 8:30am 1:30pm Appointments are preferred. American Red Cross Blood Drive

Sunday, February 10, Local: St. James Church 8:30am 1:30pm Appointments are preferred. American Red Cross Blood Drive St. James R.C. Church February 03, 2019 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 02 4:00pm Mass still available 7:00pm Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 03 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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1) General information about the child/ Informações gerais sobre a criança. First name Nome Citizenship Nacionalidade Date of birth month / day / year

1) General information about the child/ Informações gerais sobre a criança. First name Nome Citizenship Nacionalidade Date of birth month / day / year APPLICATION FORM Formulário de Inscrição 1) General information about the child/ Informações gerais sobre a criança Surname Apelido Middle name Segundo Nome First name Nome Date of birth month / day /

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June 14, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 14, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach,

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St. James R.C. Church November 19, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

St. James R.C. Church November 19, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church November 19, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Michael Stonack & Katherine Felipe SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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GUIÃO F. Grupo: Minho. 1º Momento. Intervenientes e Tempos. Descrição das actividades

GUIÃO F. Grupo: Minho. 1º Momento. Intervenientes e Tempos. Descrição das actividades GUIÃO F Prova construída pelos formandos e validada pelo GAVE, 1/7 Grupo: Minho Disciplina: Inglês, Nível de Continuação 11.º ano Domínio de Referência: Um Mundo de Muitas Culturas 1º Momento Intervenientes

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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St. James R.C. Church March 27,

St. James R.C. Church March 27, St. James R.C. Church March 27, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 26 HOLY SATURDAY 8:30pm Bilingual There will be no 5:30pm English Mass SUNDAY, MARCH 27 EASTER SUNDAY 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass

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St. James R.C. Church May 1,

St. James R.C. Church May 1, St. James R.C. Church May 1, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, APRIL 30 5:30 Mass still available 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, MAY 01 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass

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January 18, 2016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed

January 18, 2016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed St. James R.C. Church January 17, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 4:00 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 WELCOME TO THE MOTHER CHURCH OF THE LUSO-AMERICAN PARISHES IN THE FALL RIVER DIOCESE The Santo Christo Parish

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Abraçado pelo Espírito (Portuguese Edition)

Abraçado pelo Espírito (Portuguese Edition) Abraçado pelo Espírito (Portuguese Edition) Charles Swindoll Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Abraçado pelo Espírito (Portuguese Edition) Charles Swindoll Abraçado pelo Espírito

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Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent St. James R.C. Church December 20, 2015 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 4:00 Clara Alves, r/b Maria & Jose Barreiros 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass

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A dança do corpo vestido: Um estudo do desenvolvimento do figurino de balé clássico até o século XIX (Portuguese Edition)

A dança do corpo vestido: Um estudo do desenvolvimento do figurino de balé clássico até o século XIX (Portuguese Edition) A dança do corpo vestido: Um estudo do desenvolvimento do figurino de balé clássico até o século XIX (Portuguese Edition) Francisca Dantas Mendes Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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NORMAS DE FUNCIONAMENTO DOS CURSOS DE LÍNGUAS (TURMAS REGULARES E INTENSIVAS) 2015/2016 NORMAS DE FUNCIONAMENTO DOS CURSOS DE LÍNGUAS (TURMAS REGULARES E INTENSIVAS) 2015/2016 1. Tipos de turma e duração: O CLECS oferece dois tipos de turma: regular e intensivo. Além destas turmas, o CLECS

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ANNUAL FEAST OF OUR LADY OF APARECIDA St. James R.C. Church September 11, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Gerard 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 7:30 Intentions Taken at

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Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm

Dia: quinta- feira Hora: 8pm St. James R.C. Church July 17, 2016 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 16 5:30 Mae & Dominick Morano, r/b son Mike 7:00 Intentions Taken at Mass SUNDAY, JULY 17 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions

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St. James R.C. Church May 28,

St. James R.C. Church May 28, St. James R.C. Church May 28, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 27 5:30 Maria da Silva, r/b Antonio da Silva SUNDAY, MAY 28 7:30 Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00 Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45 Intentions

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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

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CALENDARIO 2014/2015

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Comportamento Organizacional: O Comportamento Humano no Trabalho (Portuguese Edition)

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Colégio XIX de Março Educação do jeito que deve ser

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The. Most. ost Holy June 7, Fr. Manuel Galván Vargas, c.s. Pastor Fr. Adriano Tezone, c.s. Vicar. Deacons: Woodworth Draughon José Antonio Mares

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Mass Schedule + Horário de Missas

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St. James R.C. Church June 10,

St. James R.C. Church June 10, St. James R.C. Church June 10, 2018 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 9 4:00pm Mass still available SUNDAY, JUNE 10 7:30am Intentions Taken at Mass 9:00am Intentions Taken at Mass 10:45am Intentions Taken

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Guião N. Descrição das actividades

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Third Sunday of Advent. St. James R.C. Church December 17, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am

Third Sunday of Advent. St. James R.C. Church December 17, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions Every Wednesday Morning Mass: 7:45 am St. James R.C. Church December 17, 2017 1 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 7:45am Tati Michael, r/b wife, sons & grandkids 4:00pm Fred Lambusta, r/b Denise Kussmaul SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 7:30 Intentions

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Missas. Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da. Escritório Paroquial. Confissões COM MARIA, AO SERVIÇO DE CRISTO NO MUNDO


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Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule.

Parents should call the office at For information about the preparation & schedule. Mother Church of the Luso-American Parishes in the Fall River Diocese ~ Established in 1892 PARISH PRIEST Rev. Gastão A. Oliveira PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Thomas M. Kocik PARISH SECRETARY Deborah Cândido-Pavão

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Velad, manteneos firmes en la fe, sed hombres, sed fuertes. Hacedlo todo con amor.

Velad, manteneos firmes en la fe, sed hombres, sed fuertes. Hacedlo todo con amor. Velad, manteneos firmes en la fe, sed hombres, sed fuertes. Hacedlo todo con amor. 1Cor. 16,13-14. Oficina Internacional En este mes queremos presentarles a todos ustedes las Cartas Laudatorias que nuestros

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